Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. (1990) 115-120 115 SOME SPECTRAL INCLUSIONS ON D-COMMUTING SYSTEMS R.U. VERMA Duke University Department of Mathematics Durham, NC 27706, U.S.A. and S.S. JOU Salem State Unlver[ty Winston Department of Matllemat[cs and Winston-Salem, NC Computer Science U.S.A. 27|10, (Received January 4, 1989) Some ABSTRACT. spectral for inc]uslons commuting systems are establshed. the Taylor joint Browder spectra of D- The obtained results are applied in generalizing the spectra] mapping theorems. KEY WORDS AND PIIRASES. complex, densely 1. Taylor joint Browder spectrum, D-Commuting systems, Fredholm defined operators. INTRODUCTION. For two complex IIilbert spaces X and Y, let L(X,Y) denote the set of all closed linear operators, denote hence defined on For L(X,X) continuous. respectively. X, linear subspaces of the subset of those operators from C(X,X), and L(X,Y) we with values Let C(X,Y) in Y. which are defined everywhere, shall simply write and L(X) and C(X), For any operator A e L(X,Y), D(A), N(A), and R(A) denote, respectively, the domain, null space, and range of A. Let let a p. (p) e _ (where Z is the ring of integers) be a family of L(xP,Y p) be a family of operators such that R(a (p) Hi[bert cN(a (p+) spaces, and ), for all Let the following sequence represent the complex of Hilbert spaces: Let p, [XP}peZ (p-l) {HP(X’a)}peZ denote that > Xp a (p) __> xP+l a (p+l) the cohomology oF the complex s, HP(x,a)=N(a (p) )/R(a(P-1)). (X,a)=(XP,a (p) ), for all .U. VRHA AND S.-S. JOU If6 (XP,a (p) A complex (X,a) is sald to be Fredllolm If inf{r(a r(a (p)) is the reduced minimum modulus of HP(X,a) # a(P)), (p))} > dim(HP(X,a)) < 0 (where for each pZ, and 0 only for a finite number of indices. Note that for a Fredholm complex (X,a), the quotient space IIP(X,a) is isomorphic to the subspace N(a (p)) 0 for all pZ, and hence HP(x,a) will carry this le also assume without loss of generality that D(a meaaing i.n the sequel. is p dense in X for each pEZ so that this emphasis is attached to the complex R(a(P-I)), (p)) (XP,a(P)). (X,a) We recall indeterminates, some definitions E(s) let and be [I]. the Let s--(Sl,...,s n algebra exterior over be a the complex of n field C, system EP(s) generated by the indeterminates Sl,...,s n Then, for any Integer p, 0 < p < n, is the eector subspace of E(s) coutatning all homogeneous oxter[or forms of degree p (p=O,l,. ,n) in s] donote the tensor s product For any Hilbert space X, E(X,s) (resp. EP(X,s)) shall (resp. xEP(s)). An element EP(X,s) wll] be XE(s) . written E l<Jl<... jp<n where x. e 31’’’Jp EP(x,s) space xj X, and x. Jl’’’Jp 5j A...A . jp I Jp stands for x. d Jl’" "Jp Jl 3p (n) is identified with a direct sum of P copies of can be endowed with a natural structure of Hilbert space. A...A X, therefore, 6j p The EP(x,s) For two Htlbert spaces X Y, there is a natural identification of the space E(X,s) E(y,t) with space E(X @ Y,(s,t)), where (tl,...,t) is another system of indeterminates. and n Let H.:E(s)2 > E(s) be defined by Hjrt=sj n, nE(s). It is obvious that HjHk+HkHj=O, DEFINITION l.l. system if there for j,k A n-tuple a=(a exists a dense 1,...,n. a n subspace n e L (X) is said to be a D-commutlng n D of X in with the following D(aj) properties [2]: (I) )IE(D,s) =(a DH +..+a H is closable. a n n If is the canonical closure of a a’ th.n R(fl )cN(.-.3. ). DEFINITION 1.2. A D-commutlng system a=(a Ln(x) is said to be singular ,a n (resp. non-slngular) if R( N(d R(6 )=N( )). (resp. a a a a REMARK 1.3. Note that to each D-commuting system we can associate a complex of Hilbert spaces (EP(x s) a p=O where The restriction ([i) d(p))n (P) a a EP(x s)flD(6 ), SOME SPECTRAL INCLUSIONS ON D-COMMUTING SYSTEMS DEFINITION 1.4. Let a=(a a complex of n L (X) be a D-commuting system associated wth ...,a spaces H[bert 117 (EP(:K,s), (p))n p=O" a Then a=(al, ..,a n is said to be Fredholm if the corresponding complex is Fredholm. DEFINITION 1.5. (a a denoted ...,a The joint spectrum of a D-commuting system n C such that a-hi is slngular, n L (X) is the set of those points h n T(a, X). DEFINITION 1.6. a=(al,. .,a The Fredholm spectrum of a D-commuting system Ln(X) n t the set of those points such that a -hi is not Fredholm, denoted DEFINITION 1.7. a=(a The joint Browder spectrum of a D-commuting system n an) L (X) is defined i(a) U{accumulation points of denote the spectrum. commutant bv the relation }, for spectrum, iB(a) Dash =(a) I,D,P and T, where i=I,D,P,T, spectrum, respectively, and spectrum, polynomial Taylor For detail, see [3], [I] and [4]. The prime aim of this paper Is to establish some inclusions for the Taylor joint Browder spectra of The obtained results are also applied In D-commuting systems. generalizing the spectral mapping theorems on tensor products. Unlike the case of the bounded linear operator systems, the situation is quite different in the case of the closed densely-defined operator systems [3]. 2. SOME LEMMAS. We state and prove (in certain case) some results for our main theorems. LEMMA 2.1. (Grosu and Vasilescu [211. system, and b=(b Lm(y) l,...,bm T o (a @ b,X I} Hilbert n system. a Then o-(b,Y). Let (X,a) and (Y,b) be two complexes of Then their tensor product (X Y,a b) is Fredholm and exact spaces. _ is Fredholm and exact. n L (X) be D -commuting system and let b=(b ,...,b .,a n a be a Db-COmmuting system. Then Let a=a Y) o (a } b,X e PROOF. (a X) J(b Y)I o (T(a X) (b Y)]. (2.2) In order to prove the [nclusion, let us take a point (h, IJ) 0 Y)=o’(a,X) (X,a) or (Y,b) LEMMA 2.3. Lm(Y) Db-COmmuting n L (X) be D -commuting ,a (Grosu and Vasilescu [211. LEMMA 2.2. either be a Let a=(a ’l: [Tea e X) JOb Y)] u ((a x) ](b,Y)]. e We may assume without loss of generality that h=O, and =0. If 0 (a,X), thon from Lemma 2.2, t follows that a b ts Fredholm. happens when 0 :(b,Y). Therefore, o:(a,X) and The same thing R.U. VRMA AND S.-S. ll8 LEMIA 2.4. (Fa[qshtein [5]). Let Let a=(a c ..,a Lq(X) a I) -commuting system. be be a family of functions, which are ho!,),nocphie in a neighbolrhood of o(a l) x...x o(a ). Then n gc[f(a 1’ LEMMA 2.5. a )l ’-[ or(a o_ )]. l(a I’ " n )l (2.3) rl Lemna 2.4, e have [Jnder the assumptions of o[(a 3. n a q )1. SPECTRAL INCLUSIONS. We are about to establish tle Let a=(a THEOREM 3.1. b=(bl, a Ob c ,bin l.(?) (alr be a al,lb results. ,nain Ln(x) be a D -com,mttng ..,a and let Db-COmmuting system, n (XY) be a D c L ...,lb a system, let Db-COmmuting system. Then the Taylor joint Browder spectrum oB(aOb,XOY) c_[ COROLLARY 3.2. (a,X) x (al@ For a@b r _ If (,U) c by Lemma isolated then ), I) e: (a X) point either k or And, of T [o(a,X) if (%,)c oT(aOb,XY). o(b 1,Y)I .b,Y). LI O [o(a T [oB(a,X) or.a(X) in turn, (3. t) we find oB(b 1,Y)]. I,X) (ab,XY) 2 (3.2) (alb,XtY). (b,Y)], oT(ab,XY)\ oT(ab,X e Thus, (b,Y)]. ) .b e oT(b,Y)] U[oT(a,X) is not an isolated point. (,,U) c c L Let us assume that (),la) c (a b,X ttY), 2.3. 2(x @Y), l) [, I@b oB(allb,XlltY) c__[oB(a I,X) PROOF OF THEOREM 3.1. oT(b,Y)] U[gr(a,X) it Y), then (%,I)is implies, not by Lemma 2.1, an that This further implies that oT(b,Y)! O[or(a,X) T OB(b,Y)l, and this completes the proof. REMARK 3.3. The question whether the inclusion (3.1) is true for the cases of the Commutant, Dash, and Polynomial spectra is still open. 119 SOME SPECTRAL INCLUSIONS ON D-COMMUTING SYSTEMS Let THEOREM 3.4. XI’’’’’Xn XIO...O L(X.) be the S. (S l,...,Sn a(’,’) n [2 c U 0 [j-I 0 ’i O’j+l 0...0 L(X]), for j--l,...,n, In. [OB(SI,XI) o($2,X2).., [o(SI,XI) OB(S2,X) l,Xl)x...x o S3 o(S n I) O...O (Sn_l,Xn_l) D(Sn )’ and ,Xn)] X3)...x o( S n ,X We prove the Theorem by [nductlon. PROOF. E closure of tho operator Ls a D-commuting system, for D=D(S U [o (S Sj be tle completion of the algebraic n with respect to the canonical ttilbert norm, and let canonical, II Then S X spaces and let lli|bert Let X=X O ..,O X be densely-defined operators. tensor product be )] U...U B(Sn,Xn )]" x o For n=2, it reduces to a special case of Corollary 3.2. Let us assume that the theorem holds for any n-I operators, for n>3. Then, if B denotes the canonical closure of the operator I (R)...O S (BIO Sj O...O (j=l,...,n-l), In_l, we obtain (B If S B I ,Bn_ n D(B) n-I In, [iO... ln_lO Sn) O D(S I) O. 0 D(S and n-I n-I =X Theorem 3.1, Lemma 2.1 and the Induction hypothesis imply that T oB(B(R)$ n,’) T _c [0 B(B,Xn_I) O c_ [oT(B,n_l) {OB(S[,X I) o (Sn,Xn)] OB(Sn,Xn) o(S2,X2)x...x O(Sn_l, Xn_ l)} U {(Sl’Xl)X OB(S2’X2 )x (S3’X3)x"’x(Sn-l’Xn-I )} u{o(sL,x)... O[ o(s n-2’Xn-2 ) B Sn-l ’Xn-1 )}ix {o(SI,XI)X... O(Sn_ ,Xn_l) Thls completes the proof. x os(Sn,Xn)]. o(s o...o n’ xn )1 0 . then X n-l’ R.U. VERMA AND S.-S. JOU 120 THEOREM 3.5. Let ff(fl’’’" f be a family of functions which are holomorphtc in a netghbourhood of the Taylor spectrum of the operator family a @ b (al@ I,...,an [, I @ T o if(a@ b X@Y)] c e bl,...,I {f[oT(a e X) O b ). Then m oT(b,Y)] U{f[oT(a X) r e (b Y)]}. (3.4) Apply Lemma 2.4 to Lemma 2.3. PROOF. THEOREM 3.6. Under the assumptions of the Theorem 3,5., we find the following spectral result: T oB[f(ab, PROOF. XSY)] c- T {f[oB(a,X), oT(b,Y)]}U {f[oT(a,X), oBT(b,Y)]}. The proof follows from an application of the Lemma 2.5 to the Theorem 3.1. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TAYLOR, J.L., A Joint spectrum for several commuting operators, J. Funct. Anal. 6 (1970), 172-191. GROSU, C. and VASILESCU, F.-II., The Kunneth formula for Hilbert complexes, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 5 (1982), 1-17. DASH, A.T., Joint Browder spectra and tensor products, preprtnt. 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