Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 4 (1989) 641-644 641 SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR SPIRAL-LIKENESS H. SILVERMAN Department of Mathematics College of Charleston 29424 Charleston, SC (Received December 13, 1988) ABSTRACT. Coefflcient conditions for sufficient are splral-likenss found by The order of starlikeness for such functions is also determined. convolution methods. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Splral-llke, starlike, convolution. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 30C45, 30C55. INTRODUCTION. A function f(z) z + analytic in the unit disk A J2 anZ < z I} is said to starlike of order a, 0 < a < I, if Re {zf’/f} > a, z A, and is said to We these denote .spiral-like, -/2 < > O, z A. < /2, if classes, respectively, by S*(a)and Sp(). Note that Sp(0) S*(0), the family of starlike functions. Functions in Sp(%)were shown by Spacek [4] to be univalent in A and were later studied extensively by Llbera [I]. be Re{eizf’/f} be A function f is in S*(a) if its coefficients are sufficiently small. THEOREM A [2]. If the coefficients of f(z) thenl(zf’/f) 11 < l-a, z z +n,Z2 anZ satisfy, the inequality A, and hence f It is our purpose here to find coefficient conditions guaranteeing that f is in Sp(l). Our methods will involve convolution properties and will also furnish us with an alternate proof that (I) is a sufficient condition for f to be in S*(a). The convolution or Hadamard product of two power series f(z) and g(z) =n=ZO bnZ shown that f n is defined as the power series S*(a) if and only if ; (re z / and f e Sp(X) if and only if Now (z + cz2) /(l-z) 2 - (_,>2 i El, Z (l-z) z - (jCx+2-l)l (2:2a)z +2 (n + z (n-1)c)z 2 n (f*g)(z) ,o ) ,o (z ( =n=ZO anZ =n=EO anbnZ n In [3] it is , , Ix)- > , I1" . so e may restate these results as H. SILVERMAN 642 The function f(z) -z THEOREM B +nr.2. (n + x and A 0 for all z (n-l)c)an n a z E S* () (Sp(%)) if and only if +nE2 A straightforward computation shows that for the appropriate choice of c. and we can conclude from Theorem B that condition (I) is sufficient for f to be in The corresponding result for Sp(A) is computatlonally more involved. S*(s). 2. THE MAIN CLASS. THEOREM I. The result is e n z + fn(z) sharp wlth__ anz in Sp() if and only. if (x-e c + ic 2, n+- (n-1)((n-l)(. c Thu s (n_l) (c 2 which is maximized when 8" %, + 2 c2) g(8) 80 tan + 2 that real, we hav + -- sin 2 n Setting (I + cos 2X)_ cos(2t + 6) + cos 2(I + cos 2) cos(2l + 8) + n cos 8 is maximized. (- I/Bn(). (I + n cos 2) cos(2 + 8) + n cos 2(1 + cos 2) 2ncl -I lanl c22) + 2ncl] maximum when (n-l)(c21 + c2)2 + 2ncl does. cos(2t + B) and c + cos 2 2 2 Cl + c2 this choice of for -2i)/(1+e-211) and c a computation shows that its maximum when an 2 n Writing c will attain its + (n-l)c Bn() co s A From Theorem B, it suffices to show for c In + (n-l)c Bn(X). (2) In + (n-1)cl x mlf n_Z2 2cos max Hence Sp(A) +nE2ffi anZ (n-l.), + (n ,!)2+ 4n B (A) n PROOF. f(z) -z The function + Co 2-), with g() But g(8) attains (n-l) 2 + 6n co s2 t we have (n-l)(c21 + c2)2 + 2ncl -17 2 + 4n cos2 + 2 cos 2 (n-l) 2n cos t n (). For SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR SPIRAL-LIKENESS 643 It now follows from (2) that In + max (n2 (n-1)c 2 (n- I)_ + 2n co s 2 + ))L/2, 2 )_ (nY)_) + 4n cos2 + (n-l)t On- /2 2 2 co s which may be expressed as B (). n that according to Theorem B f (z) fn(Z) if lanl + Sp() if I/Bn( )" z + a [anl > I/Bn(). + in Sp() if z In particular, n-I + (n-l)c[ fn(Z) n n B (), we see that n z + an gn Sp(%) if and only n This is a consequence of B PROOF. zn n n Choosing c so that has a solution for z e A. To show sharpness, note [(n + (n-l)c)a n] This completes the proof. n (1) being an increasing function of -. will for In fact, any function that satisfies the conditions of Theorem a sharp contrast to the inclusion properties for the also be in Sp(A)for general class Sp(A). The function IAI IA01, fl(z) z(l-z) other hand, -2e cos A is in Sp(A) but it is not in Sp(t) for any y 0 On the Sp(A) the upper bound on the modulus of the coefficients for f decreasing is a n f e Sp(A) to be n-I lanl H Though Theorem /(k-l) 2 + 4k co s2 (n-l)!, with f(z) being extremal. gives a sharp result, it is not aesthetically pleasing because of the complicated nature of B (). A consequence of the inequality n + (n-1)sec B () is more palatable sufficient condition. n COROLLARY 2. If n_E2 (I + (n-l)sec X)tta n I, then f(z) z + n.Z2 a z n Sp(l). Using a different method, Corollary 2 will also be shown to follow from Theorem 3. 3. ORDER OF STARLIKENESS. Since B (A) n, we see from Theorem A that a function satisfying the conditions n must be starlike. We can actually do better. of Theorem THEOREM 2. a 0 + 8 (3 f2(z) z PROOF. every n. + If f satisfies the conditions of Theorem cos2A)/2(l S*(a0) for The result is sharp, with extremal function z2/B2(A). In view of Theorem A Since B2(1) x-I + Setting /(Xi 1-2 + 4x cos2v I x-a 0 (n-a0)/(l-so) for (l-aD)Bn(l)/(n-O) is we need only show that B () n it suffices to prove that (2-a0)/(I-0), an increasing function of n. G(x) + cosA). then f will show that O’(x) 0 for x 2. H. SILVERMAN 644 A d[fferentlatlon of G leads to (l-a0-2cos (X-ao)2G,(x) l-ao + 2 )x- (l-a0+ + 4x co s (x-l) 2a0cos2) 2 H(x), say. 2 4sl n Xco s 2 Since H’(x) ((x-l) 2 X(x-a0) ) cos2)3/2 4 cos 1 + 4x H(x) > H(2) 0, it follows for x cos x-! ) 2 that > 0. 41 + 8cos 2 Therefore G(x), and consequently (1-o)Bn()/(n-a0), is an increasing function. This completes the proof. _ _ We have actually shown move according to Theorem A. If f satisfies the conditions of Theorem I, then < l-a0, z A. COROLLARY. lf’/f) 11 , Functions in S (a) need not be in Sp() for 0. The function 2(l-a) z/(1-z) the half e S (a) since zf’/f maps & onto plane Re w > a. Sp(),XO. We next look at a subclass of S (a) whose functions are However f f (z) splral-llke. OR. then f f(z) Sp() for cos (l-a). We may write (zf’/f)-I Re{eizf’/f} cos % l(--f’/O- tth I < -f z , The result is sharp, with extremal function ze(l-a)z. PROOF. Thus f( -+... -cos + (l-a) (l-a)) 0 for COROLLARY. PROOF. Set a cos I(z’/ (l-a)m(z), where Re{eim(z)} cos lo(z) < A. for z -(1-a)leim(z)l > (l-a), and the proof is complete. < = ’r f S(. -cos ), in Theorem 3. Finally an application of Theorem A, with a cos A, to Theorem 3 provides us with an alternate proof to Corollary 2 of Theorem I. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. LIBERA, R.J., Univalent a-spiral functions, Canad. J. Math. 19 (1967), 449-456. SILVERMAN, H., Univalent functions with negative coefficients, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 51 (1975), 109-116. 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