WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY Wayland Baptist University Mission Statement Wayland Baptist University exists to education students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. RLGN1301 OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY Fall 2015 Instructor: Mr. Victor Berrelez Instructor Information Phone: 623-451-3294 (texts are accepted) Email: victor.berrelez@wayland.wbu.edu Church Office Hours: 10am-2pm Monday-Friday Office Location: Phoenix, Arizona Class Time and Location: Tuesdays, 5:30am-9:40pm, CPF (Downtown) Catalog Description A study of the background, theological content and application of the Old Testament Prerequisite: None Required Textbooks and Resources New International Version (NIV) Study Bible, Zondervan / 2011 / Hardcover 978-0-310-43732-1 Course Outcome Competencies: Demonstrate knowledge of the historical, religious, and social context of the Old Testament world. Demonstrate knowledge of some of the critical methods used in Old Testament studies. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic content of the Old Testament and its main teaching (theological content). Demonstrate knowledge of the canonical process producing a more complete understanding of the Old Testament. Attendance Requirements Students enrolled in the University should make every effort to participate fully in the class. In order to make up incomplete work, the student must explain the reason for the deficiency to the instructor, who will then determine whether the omitted 1 work may be made up. When a student shows a lack of participation considered by the instructor to be excessive, the instructor will so advise the student. Any student who misses 25 percent or more of the class assignments will receive a grade of F in the course. Additional participation policies for each course, as defined by the instructor in the course syllabus, are considered a part of the University’s attendance policy. Disability Statement In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any education program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 2913765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations. Course Requirements: A. Reading Assignments: Reading assignments in the NIV Study Bible will be in conjunction with each weeks lectures and other notes. The biblical text is divided by book, chapters and verses (i.e. John 3:16). This method is used for easy accessibility in finding a specify area of the bible. Reading must be done weekly in perpetration for each quiz and exams. Quizzes, Exams and participation points 1. There will be 10 quizzes throughout the term that will be timed at 35 minutes. Each quiz will consist of 10 questions that are worth 1 point per question. All quizzes will be over the reading only. Expect true and false, multiple choice and matching. 2. There will be 5 exams worth 60 points each. When the first exam is taken there will be no need to remember the contexts for other exams, this means that the exams are not comprehensive. The exams will be timed at 90 minutes and will be open notes and book. Expect true and false, multiple choice, matching or more. 3. If necessary, due to instructor’s scheduling for the semester students will receive 20 points each week for participation on discussion boards. Discussion boards must be a minimum of 250 words for your first response then 100 words when responding to other students. You must respond a minimum of two other students. Also, scripture quoting will not count toward the minimum word count. So if you quote John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” You don’t get credit for 26 words. 2 B. Participation Policies: Participation in the class will be the result of responding to other students in the class. It is also very important that students take the time to long into Blackboard at least three to four times a week. This is to check for updates and announcements that are vital for the course. All test and quizzes will use the Blackboard system. On the exams only the instructor will post the final grade as the essays are carefully read. The instructor will value each student’s point of view and encourage sharing that view with the class. However, attacks on other student’s perspective will not be tolerated. V. Course Outline and Calendar Due to my Navy Annual Training we will not be meeting in the classroom for August 18th and 25th. A discussion board will be assigned on Blackboard. Date August 18, 2015 (Week 1) Reading Assignment: Topics for Discussion: Date August 25, 2015 (Week 2) Quiz over Reading Assignment Reading Assignment: Topics for Discussion: Blackboard Assignment NSB (NIV Study Bible) Old Testament Chronology (xxvxxix); Introduction to the NIV Study Bible (xv-xviii); The Five Books Of Moses (pp. 3); Introduction to Genesis (pp. 4-7) The First Five books of Moses; Genesis, The Nature of Biblical History and the Creation account in Genesis, The order of Creation (Approaches to Origins of the Universe), The fall of humanity, the fall to Abraham and commercial and cultural life in ancient times. (Quiz 1) Blackboard Assignment Intro- Exodus (pp. 92-95); Intro- Leviticus (pp. 156-158) IntroNumbers (pp. 197-200); Intro- Deuteronomy (pp. 256-259) The First Five Books of Moses; Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy Introduction, The oppression of the Hebrews, the birth of Moses to his death (Quiz 2) 3 First Exam over Readings and Class Notes The First Five Books of Moses due by September 1, 11:59pm (90 minutes) Date September 1, 2015 (Week 3) Quiz over Reading Assignment Reading Assignment: Topics for Discussion The Historical Books of the Old Testament (pp. 307-308); Intro- Joshua (pp. 309-313); Intro- Judges (pp.350-355); IntroRuth (391-394); Intro- I Samuel (pp. 402406) The Historical Books of the Old Testament; Introduction, cultural conflict, Baalism, characteristics of the period, the function of the judges, the judges, Gideon, Samson and the book of Ruth; The United Monarchy: Introduction, transition period-Samuel, Saul, David and the reign of Solomon Ai and Achan and Continuing the Conquest (Quiz 3) Date September 8, 2015 (Week 4) Reading Assignment Topics for Discussion Date September 15, 2015 (Week 5) Quiz over Reading Assignment Reading Assignment: Topics for Discussion: Intro- II Samuel (pp. 457-258); Intro- I Kings and II Kings (pp. 502-508); Intro I Chronicles (pp. 622-628) The Historical Books of the Old Testament; The United Monarchy: Introduction, transition period-Samuel, Saul, David and the reign of Solomon Ai and Achan and Continuing the Conquest (Quiz 4) Intro- II Chronicles (pp. 671-672); IntroEzra and Nehemiah (pp. 719-722); IntroEsther (pp. 767-771) The Historical Books of the Old Testament; The Restoration of the Nation; Edict of Liberation, Ezra, Nehemiah, the significance of Ezra-Nehemiah, (Quiz 5) Second Exam over Readings and Class Notes The Historical Books of the Old Testament due by September 22, 11:59pm (90 minutes) 4 Date September 22, 2014 (Week 6) Quiz over Reading Assignment Reading Assignment: The Books of Poetry- (pp. 785-786); IntroJob (pp. 787-791); Intro- Psalms (pp. 839856) Intro- Proverbs (pp. 1024-1030); IntroEcclesiastes (pp. 1079-1082); Intro- Song of Songs (pp. 1096-1099) Topics for Discussion: The Books of Poetry: Categories, Nature of Hebrew poetry, the book of Psalms, Wisdom literature, the book of Proverbs, The Song of Songs (the Song of Solomon), the book of Ecclesiastes (Quiz 6) Third Exam over Readings and Class Notes The Books of Poetry due by September 29 11:59pm (90 minutes) Date September 29, 2015 (Week 7) Reading Assignment: Topics for Discussion: Date October 6, 2015 (Week 8) Quiz over Reading Assignment Reading Assignment: Topics for Discussion The Prophets (Major) (pp. 1109); IntroIsaiah (pp. 1110-1114); Intro- Jeremiah (pp. 1216-12210) The Prophets (Major); Isaiah and the expansion of the Assyrian empire; Captivity of the Babylonia’s; Gods Judgment and Salvation Israel (Quiz 7) Intro- Lamentations (pp. 1320-1323); IntroEzekiel (pp. 1334-1338); Intro- Daniel (pp. 1414-1415) The Prophets (Major); The book of Daniel, Ezekiel, the book of Lamentations and the end of the exile (Quiz 8) Fourth Exam over Readings and Class The Prophets (Major) due by October 13, 11:59pm (90 minutes) 5 Date October 13, 2015 (Week 9) Quiz over Reading Assignment Reading Assignment: Topics for Discussion Date October 20, 2015 (Week 10) Quiz over Reading Assignment Reading Assignment Topics for Discussion; The Book of the Twelve or The Minor Prophets (pp. 1439-1440); Intro- Hosea (pp. 1441-1443); Intro- Joel (pp. 1460-1461) Intro- Amos (pp. 1469-1471); IntroObadiah (pp. 1486-1487); Intro- Jonah (pp. 1490-1493); Intro- Micah (pp. 1498-1501); The Book of the Twelve or The Minor Prophets; The prophet’s major contributions and family background (Quiz 9) Intro- Nahum (pp. 1511-1512); IntroHabakkuk (pp. 1518-1520); IntroZephaniah (pp. 1526-1527); Intro- Haggai (pp. 1534-1536); Intro- Zechariah (pp. 15411544); Intro- Malachi (pp. 1561-1563) The Book of the Twelve or The Minor Prophets; (Quiz 10) Date October 27 (Week 11) All quizzes must be completed by October 27 by 11:59pm (MST), fifth exam is due by October 31 by 11:59pm (MST) COURSE OUTLINE AND CALENDAR (check the Discussion Board 2-3 times per week and read the announcements!) Date (week of) Week 1 Quiz # 1 Subject The First Five books of Moses; Genesis Assignment Reading and Lecture notes Week 2 Quiz # 2 Exam 1 The First Five books of Moses; Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy Reading and Lecture notes 6 The Historical Books of the Old Testament; Introduction, cultural conflict, The United Monarchy The Historical Books of the Old Testament; The United Monarchy The Historical Books of the Old Testament; The Restoration of the Nation; Edict of Liberation, The Books of Poetry: Categories, Nature of Hebrew poetry Reading and Lecture notes, Blackboard assignment. The Prophets (Major); Isaiah and the expansion of the Assyrian empire; Captivity of the Babylonia’s; Gods Judgment and Salvation Israel Reading and Lecture notes Week 8 Quiz #8 Exam 4 Week 9 Quiz #9 The Prophets (Major); The book of Daniel, Ezekiel, the book of Lamentations and the end of the exile The Book of the Twelve or The Minor Prophets; The prophet’s major contributions and family background Reading and Lecture notes Week 10 Quiz #10 The Book of the Twelve or The Minor Prophets; The prophet’s major contributions and family background Reading and Lecture notes Week 11 Exam 5 YOU MADE IT! All quizzes are due May 12 by 11:59pm Exam 5 must be completed by May 16 at 11:59pm. Week 3 Quiz # 3 Week 4 Quiz #4 Week 5 Quiz #5 Exam 2 Week 6 Quiz #6 Exam 3 Week 7 Quiz #7 Reading and Lecture notes Reading and Lecture notes Reading and Lecture notes Reading and Lecture notes Course Evaluation (Method of Determining Grade) University Grading System Symbol Percentage A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F Below 60 Other symbols used for grading include: 7 CR Credit NCR No Credit I** Incomplete IP In progress X No grade W Withdrawal WP Withdraw passing WF Withdraw failing Satisfactory, but without qualitative grading. Unsatisfactory, but without qualitative grading. May be given to a student who is passing, but has not completed a term paper, examination, or other required for work reasons beyond the student’s control. Assigned to a course indicating that at the conclusion of a term the course will still be in progress. No grade has been submitted by the instructor. The course grade which will replace the X must be submitted within 30 days from the beginning of the next full term. Course dropped or withdrawal from the University. Course dropped or withdrawal from the University after deadline to withdraw with a W and prior deadline to withdraw with a WP or WF. Course dropped or withdrawal from the University after deadline to withdraw with a W and prior to deadline to withdraw with a WP or WF. **A grade of incomplete is changed if the deficiency is made up by midterm of the next regular semester; otherwise, it becomes "F". This grade is given only if circumstances beyond the student's control prevented completion of work during the semester enrolled and attendance requirements have been met. Class Grading Scale: A = 320-288 B = 287-256 C = 255-224 D = 223-192 F = 191-0 TOTAL POINTS = 320 POINTS Academic Honesty (Plagiarism): 8 University students are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic misconduct for which a student is subject to penalty includes all forms of cheating, such as illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, forgery, or plagiarism. (Plagiarism is the presentation of the work of another as one’s own work.) It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with penalties associates with plagiarism stated in the catalog on page 88. Syllabus The syllabus is not a contract. It can be changed or altered at any time by the instructor. The instructor will notify students of any changes. 9