Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 14 NO. 4 (1991) 757-762 757 ON THE STEPANOV ALMOST PERIODIC SOLUTION OF A SECOND-ORDER INFINITESIMAL GENERATOR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION ARIBINDI SATYANARAYAN RAO Department of Mathematics, Concordia University Montreal, P. Quebec, Canada, H3G IM8 (Received April 5, 1990 and in revised form January 14, 1991) The Stepanov almost periodic solution of a certain second-order ABSTRACT. differential equation in a reflexive Banach space is shown to be almost periodic. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: bounded (Stepanov) almost periodic function, infinitesimal strongly continuous group, Bochner operator, linear generator. 1980 AMS PRIMARY 34Gxx, SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 34GI0, 34C27 SECONDARY 47DI0. 1. INTRODUCTION. Let X be a Banach space and J the interval < t < A continuous function f:J- X is said to be (Bochner or strongly) almost there exists a positive real number r periodic if, given e > 0 such that any interval of the real line of length r contains at least one point % for which sup f(t + %) e f(t) (i.I) t6J f A function bounded or S p- 6 LPoc (J;X) with p < 1 is said to be Stepanov- bounded on J if sP-t6J f e LPoc (J;X) f A function f(s) with 1 < F p < (1.2) is said to be Stepanov S p- almost periodic or almost periodic if, given e > 0 there is a such that any interval of the real line positive real number r r(6) of length r contains at least one point % for which sup t6J We denote by [f+ L(X,X) f(s + %)- f(s) ds] / < (1.3) the set of all bounded linear operators on X into itself, with the uniform operator topology. An operator-valued function T:J L(X,X) is called a strongly continuous group if A.S. RAO 758 T(t +. tm) T(t) T(t_) T(0) the identity operator on I x 6 X, T( t) x, t6J for each (1.4) t, for all X X (1.5) is continuous. (1.6) A of a strongly continuous group infinitesimal generator dense in T:J A(X,X) is a closed linear operator, with domain D(A) defined by X The lim T(t) x-x t Ax for xeD(A) i. 7 t-0 (see Dunford and Schwartz [3]). T(t)x, t6J- X is said to be almost periodic if T The group almost periodic for each is x6X NOTE i. Suppose A and B are two densely-defined closed linear and a operators, having their domains and ranges in a Banach space X function f:J-X Then a solution of the differential is continuous. equation ul/(t) Au/(t) + Bu(t) + f(t) a.e. on J (1.8) for is a twice differentiable function u(t) with u/(t) 6D(A), u(t) 6D(B) a.e. (almost everywhere) on t6J and satisfying the equation (1.8) all J Our result i as follows. X Suppose THEOREM. f’.J is a reflexive Banach space, X is an S I- almost periodic continuous function, and A is the infinitesimal Further, suppose that generator of an almost periodic group T: J-A (X, X) is a strong t6J for ali u:J-X, with its derivative uI(t) 6D(A) solution of the differential equation u//(t) L(X,X). then 2. A(X,X) B:J where u Au/(t) If and u is + B(t) u(t) + f(t) a.e. on J, S I- almost periodic and u are both almost periodic from u is J S to LEMMAS. The LEMMA 1. representation u/(t) PROOF. derivative T(t) u/(O) + of any [r(t-s) u’(s)] solution T(t-s) [B(s) u(s) For an arbitrary but fixed ds - is almost periodic with respect r(t-s) [u #(s) t6J + (1.9) to the norm of bounded on J X of 1.9 f(s)] ds on J. has the (2.1) we have Au’(s)] =r(t-S) [B(s) u(s) + f(s)] a.e. on J,by (1.9). (2.2) PERIODIC SOLUTION OF A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION Integrating (2.2) from to 0 t 759 we obtain the representation (2.1). g:J X is an almost periodic function, and if LEMMA 2. If G:J- L(X,X) is an almost periodic group, then G(t)g(t), t6J- X is an almost periodic function X a Banach space). See Zaidman [5]. PROOF. LEMMA S 1- Let 3. X reflexive a be space, Banach h:J X an almost periodic continuous function, and =h(s) H(t) H Then ds J on (2.3) S I- bounded on is almost periodic if it is J See Notes (ii) of Rao [4]. PROOF OF THEOREM. PROOF. 3. From (2.1), we obtain T(-t) u’(t) u’(O) T(-s) [B(s) u(s) + f(s)] ds + on J (3.1) We write v(t) Since B B(t) u(t) + f(t) =< teJ since u S I- bounded on J e Now, given 0 m( + ) t/l +] So B(t) u(t) S I- almost is -| uI1 + /v - J Consider the function on Since v is I- , on to X it is e- almost period of u( ds u()! (3.4) a ) + a by (1.2) and (3.3). S I- almost periodic from periodic from vh(t) () to J (see pp. I0, 77 and 78, Amerio B(s) u(s) u(+) |() u from to be an z we may choose B(s + z)u(s + ) 1 we have (3.3) B and also an e-S I- almost period of and Prouse [i]). Then we have =/1| L(X,X), S I- almost periodic is > . (3.2) to J is almost periodic from suIB(t) Further, on J. to J Hence v is X X J v(t + s) ds for any h > (3.5) 0 S I- almost periodic, it follows easily that vh(t) is almost As shown for scalar-valued functions in periodic for each fixed h > 0 Besicovitch [2], pp. 80-81, we can prove that vh -v as h- 0+ in the A.S. RAO 760 S I- sense, that is, sup[ v(s) t6Jl bounded on ds 0 as h (3.6) 0+. T(-s), seJ-L(X,X) is an almost periodic group. So, T(-s)x is almost periodic, and hence is Thus, by the uniform boundedness principle, Obviously, for each vh(s) the function x6X J s6J Now we have r(-s) v(s) r(-s) Iv(s) vh(s)] + r(-s) vh(s) (3.8) and, by (3.7), sup t6J [ r( -s) v( s) K sup t6J fc+1 fly(s) By LEMMA 2, the functions X to vh s) j ds v(s) ds T(-t) Therefore it follows that vh(t) 0 (3.9) as h -- 0+. are almost periodic from T(-t) v(t) X is S J to almost periodic from J bounded on J Furthermore, by (3.7), T(-t) u/(t) is S Hence, is almost periodic from J to X by LEMMA 3, T(-t) u/(t) Therefore, uI(t) is almost periodic from J to X by LEMMA 2, T(t) [T(-t) u/(t)] is bounded on J u and hence u is uniformly continuous on J Consequently, by Theorem VII, p. 78, Amerio and Prouse [i], u is almost periodic from J to X completing the proof of the theorem. So NOTE 2. consider In a reflexive space X infinitesimal generator differential equations u’(t) u’(t) [A + B(t)] u(t) + f(t) Au(t) + f(t) the first-order a.e. on J, a.e. on J, (3.10) (3.11) f:J- X is an S I- almost periodic continuous function, A is the and infinitesimal generator of an almost periodic group T:J- L(X,X) B:J L(X,X) is almost periodic with respect to the norm of L (X,X) Then, from (3.10) and (3.11), we have the representations where u(t) T(t) u(O) + T(t-s) [B(s) u(s) + f(s)]ds on J (3.12) T(t-s) f(s) ds on J, (3.13) and u(t) T(t) u(O) + respectively. - From the proof of our THEOREM, it follows that, S u:J- D(A) is an then equation (3.10) almost ft is (a) if periodic solution of the differential J to X and periodic from almost S I- bounded solution of the differential fs an D (A) equation (3.11), then it is almost periodic from J to X (b) if u:J PERIODIC SOLUTION OF A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 761 REFERENCES i. 2. 3. 4. 5. AMERIO, L. and PROUSE, G. 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