Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 14 NO. 3 (1991) 435-438 435 A REMARK ON THE WEIGHTED AVERAGES FOR SUPERADDITIVE PROCESSES DOGAN COMEZ Department of Mathematics 300 Minard Hall, P.O. BOX 5075 North Dakota State Unlverslty Fargo, ND 58105 (Received November 24, 1987 and in revised form August 22, 1988) ABSTRACT. A decompostion of a superadditlve process into a difference of an additive This result Is used to prove and a pos[tlve purely superaddltlve process is obtained. an ergodic theorem for weighted averages of superaddltlve processes. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Ergod[c theorem, bounded sequences, superaddltlve process, additive process. |980 I. AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. INTRODUCTION. Let (X, Primary 47A35, Secondary 28D99, 60GlO. ) be a probablllty space and let ,), L (X, P l’p" be P Let T:L p L be a linear operator. A family of L p functions p F {F n n>l <. is called a T-superaddltlve process if Fn+m > F n + TnFm for all n, m " (1.1) 1, and F is called a T-additlve process if equality holds in (I.I). let fl Fi+l-Fi’ a sequence A- for i>O we have F [an}n>O of n-I v n i0= f i’ where F o Notice that if we m O, for all n 1. complex nnbers and a T-(super) additive process F. Consider We n-! define a family of Lp-fUnctlons (F,A)={anfn}nO, and set Sn(F,A) i-O anin" If A is 436 C6EZ D. the constant sequence I=(I,I,....), then Sn (F,A) F n In the following, we observe that the weighted and subsequential ergodic theorems for T-superaddit ire processes are consequences direct of their T-additive counterparts. THE DECOMPOSITION OF F. 2. In this section a decomposition of a T-superadditive process F into a difference of a T-additive process G and a positive, purely T-superadditive process H (that is, H is a positive T-superadditive process that does not dominate any non-zero positive T- process) is obtained. additive CASE p=l. Let T be a positive Dunford-Schwartz operator i.e., T is an Ll-Contraction is S Sf Tf d ITII with In di. I. We will also assume that T is Markovian, that case, this -I if sup n nl result is all n M.A. by obtained Akcoglu [I]. Sucheston < , Namely, then they the decomposition obtained that for 1, F n-1 where L. and IIFnll Gn Ti6 }" i=O n G n n-1 n/ the same result that lira n < p < . (2.1) n for some 6eL I, and result they showed that lira CASE H ! --" n --" H n n F H =i --0 hl n with hi fi -Ti6" Using this exists a.e., and moreover it is a consequence of n 0 a.e. In this case we let T be a positive L -contraction and F a TP n < conditions B. Hachem [2] showed that llm I__ n F n oo. Under these exists a.e. by reducing the problem to a problem in an appropriate p=l above. Ll-space and employing Akcoglu-Sucheston’s result in case Here we observe that the same technique can be applied to yield to a decomposition result similar to (2.1). Using a result of M.A. Akcoglu and L. Sucheston [3] one can decompose X uniquely c where: into disjoint union of sets E and E +,P (i) E is the support of a T-invarlant function heL invariant geL + P L (E) and L (E c) are invariant subspaces for T. P P Then the following results are obtained [2,3]: (i i) and supp g c E for all T- WEIGHTED AVERAGES FOR SUPERADDITIVE PROCESS 437 F IEC I) 0 a.e., so one can The operator P:L (m) L (m) defined as Pf P P positive L (m)-contraction and p In particular, operator on Ll(m). PI--I fdm for all Pfdm assize Consequently where fL+(m). P F’={h-IFn that (2.2) , T(fh) fgL P (m) is a (2.3) m--hP.. So P can be etended to a Markovlan is a bounded P-superaddltlve process [2] Ll(m). Now by applying the kcoglu-Sucheston’s result [1] we can decompose F’ into a difference of a P-addltive process and a positive, purely P-superadditlve -I process as h F =G -H n a I. Also we see that: in n lira n/ n --In n (h-IFn) exists -a.e. and lira _I n H n hG-hH and that Off{hG and H={hH are T-addltlve n n n n n processes respectlvely by (2.3). Consequently (2.4) gives that so F lira ! F exlsts n n (2.4) 0 m-a.e., and T-superaddltlve -a.e. X and (2.5) lira ! n H 0 -a.e. X n by (2.2) and (2.3) 3. WE IGHTED AVE RAGE S Given a linear operator T on L numbers if ", and a sequence A-{a of complex n nO p p n-I n /n k-O for all feL then we say that A is a good weight for T [4], or (A,T) is Sirkhoff [5]. P R. Sato [6] showed that the uniform sequences are good for lp< C. RyllNardzewski [7] proved that the bounded Beslcovltch sequences are good for T induced by a measure . preserving transformation :X X by Tf(x)-f((x)) for any fcL I. This result combined with the remarkable theorem of J. 2.19] imply that bounded Besicovltch Baxter and J. Olsen [5, Theorem sequences are good for Dunford-Schwartz operators. Now we observe the following: superaddltlve process. If F mG -H n n n S (F,A) n so $ n (G,A) Let T be an operator on L P and F be a T- then for any sequence A S (H,A) n (3.1) D. COMEZ 438 Also 0 where M sup n ) a n I" sup lira n --In H lira sup 0 a.e., lira n n H _I n n S (A,H)=0 a.e. for n We summarize this discussion as T is Markovian and inf II In sup REMARK 3.4 Fnlll < (Fi-TFi- l)l{ p < i I__ n S n < , and when p=l, (A,T) (F 20) when l<p<. o is Birkhoff, then (3.3) (F,A) exists a.e. The limit in (3.3) exists a.e. when A is a uniform sequence or a bounded Besicovitch sequence of AW [5]. 4 4] is valid for superadditive processes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. p n If A is a bounded sequence such that llm P Assume also that F be a T-superaddltive process. lira M Let T be a positive Dunford-Schwartz operator on L THEOREM 3.2. (ll) A,H) Therefore if llm any bounded sequence A. (i) In ISn The author would like In particular the subsequence theorem [5, to thank Professsor J.H. Olsen of North Dakota State University for his valuable comments on the subject. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AKCOGLU, M.A. and SUCHESTON, L., A Ratio Ergodic Theorem for Superadditive Processes, Z, Wahr., 44, (1978), 269-278. l<p< C.R. Acad. Scl HACHEM, B., Un Theorem, Ergod.ique Sur-additif dans Lp Paris, Serie. I, 292, 531-534, (1981). AKCOGLU, M.A. and SUCHESTON, __On_Convergence of Iterates of Positive J. Approx. Theory, 13, (1975), 348-362. Contractions inLp-spaces BELLOW, A. and LOSERT, V., ..__._e Weighte.d Ergodic Theorem and the Individual Ergodic Theorem Along_Subsequences, Trans. A.M.S., 288, (1985), 307-3435. BAXTER, J. and OLSEN, J., Wei.ghted and Subsequential Ergodic, Can. J. Math., 3__5, (1983), 145-166. R., _Operator Averages for Subsequences, Math. J. Okayama Univ. 22, (1980), 161-168. 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