Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. IV NO. 4 (1994) 667-670 667 ON RINGS WITH PRIME CENTERS HAZAR ABU-KHUZAM Department of Mathematics American University of Beirut Beirut, Lebanon and ADIL YAQUB Department of Mathematics University of California at Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. (Received December 4, 1992 and in revised form June 26, 1993) ABSTRACT. Let R be a ring, and let C denote the center of R. R is said to have a prime center if whenever ab belongs to C then a belongs to C or b belongs to C. The structure of certain classes of these rings is studied, along with the relation of the notion of prime centers to commutativity. An example of a non-commutative ring with a prime center is given. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Commutativity, prime center, periodic ring, prime ring. 1991 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 16U80. INTRODUCTION. Throughout, R is an associative ring, N denotes the set of nilpotent elements of R, C denotes the center of R, and J denotes the Jacobson radical of R. We introduce the notions of "prime centers" and "semiprime centers" as follows" DEFINITIONS: A ring R is said to have a prime center if whenever ab E C then a E C or b C. R is said to have a seraiprime center if whenever x" C then x C. A ring R is called periodic if for each x in R, there exist distinct positive integers m and n for which x" x". The following lemma is known [1] and we omit its proof. LEMMA 1. Let R be a periodic ring. Then for each x in R, there exists a positive integer 1. k k(x) such that x k is idempotent. Clearly, every commutative ring has a prime center and a prime center is a semiprime center. Our objective is to study the structure of certain classes of rings with prime centers, and the relation of this notion to commutativity. We also give an example of a noncommutative ring having a prime center. 2. MAIN RESULTS. The following gives some basic properties of rings with prime or semiprime center. BASIC LEMMA 2. (a) Let R be a ring having a semiprime center. Then N C_ C and the idempotent elements of R also belong to the center. 668 H. ABU-ZHUZAM AND A. YAQUB Let R be a ring with identity and having a prime center. Then the units of R are central and hence J C C. (c) Let R be a prime ring having a semiprime center. If e is an idempotent of R, then e 0 or e (if R has 1). (d) Let {R,,i E F} be a family of rings. If the direct sum E "R, has a prime center, then R, has a prime center for each E F. Moreover, at most one R, is noncommutative. PROOF. (a) Let a be any nilpotent element in N. Then a k 0 for some positive integer k, and hence a k C. This implies that a C since R has a semiprime center. So N _C C. Let e be any idempotent element and z any element of R. Then, (ez- eze) N and hence (b) ( ) ( ). This implies that ez eze. Similarly me eze, and hence e belongs to the center of R. (b) Let u be any unit in R. Thenuu-l=l_C. This implies thatuECoru-lC, and hence u C. If a J then a + is a unit, and hence central. So J C C. (c) Let e be an idempotent element of R. By Lemma 2(a), e is a central idempotent and hence eR(ex- x) _ _ _ 0 for all x R. x for all x E R. This implies, since R is a prime ring, that e 0 or ex x for all x R. Since e C, therefore xe x for all x R also. Hence e 1. Let C be the center of E "R, and C, be the center of R, for each F. Let aj and bj be two elements of Rj(j F) such that ajb C. Let {a,} and {b,} be two elements in the direct sum E "R, such that If e # 0, then ex (d) EF a, Then 0 if j a if i= j, {a,}-{b,} _ {0b b, if Tj ifi=j" 7j 0 if a,b, if/= j" This implies that {a,}{b,} e C since a,b C, (the center of R). Hence {a,} C or {b,} e C since or b E SO has a prime center for "Ri has a prime center. Therefore, aj iF each j E F. To complete the proof, suppose Ri and Rj are both noncommutative, # j. Let a, R\C,,a Rj\C (where C, C denote the centers of R,R, respectively). Let C 0 a Then {a}{b} 0 ifk#i and ifk=i b, C. R 0 ifk#j aj ifk=j e C while {a} C, {bk} C, contradiction. We now proceed to prove the main theorems. THEOREM 1. Let R be a periodic ring. Then R is commutative if and only if R has semiprime center. PROOF. If R is commutative, then R clearly has a semiprime center. Suppose that R has a semiprime center and let x be any element of R. Since R is periodic, Lemma 1 implies that RINGS WITH PRIME CENTERS 669 is idempotent for some positive integer k. Hence by Lemma 2(a), x’E C. This implies that x E C, since R has a semiprime center. THEOREM 2. Let R be a prime ring with a semiprime center. Then R is a domain. PROOF. By Lemma 2(a), N C C. But the center of a prime ring has no nonzero zero {0}. It is well known that a prime ring with g {0} is a domain. THEOREM 3. Let R be an Artinian ring with prime center, and N the set of nilpotent eIements. Then N is an ideal and is a direct sum of fields. PROOF. By Lemma 2(a), N C_ C; and this implies that N is an ideal. Now is Artinian is a (finite) direct sum of division and reduced, so by the Wedderburn-Artin structure theory, u + N be rings. let R1 be a division ring which is an internal direct summand of and let the identity element of R 1. Since idempotents may be lifted, there exists an idempotent e 6- R such that e + N. By Lemma 2(a), e C. Let =x+N and =y+N be inverses in R1. Then =-e-, so xy=e+v for some vN. Thusxy6-C, andhencexECoryC. Soy ory is central in R1. But if one is, so is the other. Hence Ra is commutative, and thus R is a field. This proves the theorem. COROLLARY 1. Let R be a prime Artinian ring with identity 1. If R has a prime center, then R is a field. PROOF. Let I be a nonzero ideal of R. Then I is non-nilpotent, since R is a prime ring. This implies that I contains a nonzero idempotent element, since R is Artinian ([2], Theorem I and hence I R. This implies that R is a simple ring. Hence, 1.3.2). So, by Lemma 2(c), by Theorem 3, R is a field. COROLLARY 2. Let R be a semisimple Artinian ring. If R is a prime center, then R is divisors, and hence N - R R - isomorphic to a direct sum of fields. PROOF. This follows at once from Theorem 3, since N {0}. THEOREM 4. Let R be a ring with identity and having a prime center. If for each x R, there is a monic polynomial f fx with integer coefficients such that f(x)6.C, then R is commutative. PROOF. We will prove that if x R with fx(x) 6. C, then x E C. We proceed by induction degree n of the polynomial fx. If n 1, then x 6. R with fx(x) x + ao 6. C. This implies that x 6. C. Suppose that the above statement is true for all x 6. R having a polynomial f of degree n with f(x) 6. C. Let y R with on the f (y) y’+ + a,y" + where ao,- .,a, are integers. Thus y, + 1.3f. a,y" + and hence y(y" + a,y"- . ._ _ + ay + ao6.C + aly 6. C, a2y + a) C. If y it C, then y"+ a,y"- + + a 6. C since R has a prime center. So, y has a polynomial g of degree n with g(y) C. Hence y C by the induction hypothesis. This completes the proof of Theorem 4. 3. EXAMPLE OF A NONCOMMUTATIVE RING WITH A PRIME CENTER. Choose F to be an infinite field admitting an automorphism a of infinite order. Let Fix, a] 670 H. )d3U-KHUZAH, AND A. YAQUB be the skew polynomial ring of all polynomials p(x) over F such that x"a r"(a)z for every a E F d every positive integer n. It is esy to verify that F[, ] is domain. Let F[,]. We will show that R is noncommuttive ring hving prime center. Let C denote the center of nd let () a az a be ny nonzero elenent in it being ssumed that a O. Now, the center of , + xanx () + () +... + () + P(x)x al x2 + a2x3 + + a,,x + xP(x) d xalx + xa2x + . But xP(x)= P(x)x, since P(x) C. This implies that ,a(a,) a,. a(a,) a,,a(a) a, Since a h an infinite order, there exists an element a (3.1) F such that (3.2) NOW, axP(x) Also, But axP(x) axalx + axa2x + + axa,x" ,(,1), + (,,) + + .o(.)- /, 3 by (3.1) + aa,x" + aalx / aa2x + P(x)ax a,xax + a2x2ax + + a,x"ax ,() + ,() + + () +,. P(x)ax, since P(x) C. This implies that aa a,a(a),aa aa(a), .,aa, a,a"(a) (3.3) Since F is a field d a, # 0, the lt of these equations contradicts (3.2). Hence P(z) 0, d the center C {0}. Thus, R F[z,]z is a domMn with center {0}. This implies that R h a prime center. For, if P(z)q(z)6 C {0}, then P(z). q(z)= 0. This implies that P(z)= 0 6 C or q(z) 0 C, since R is a domMn. R is clely a noncommutative ring (za ,(a)z # az). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. We would like to express our gratitude and indebtedness to the referee for the helpful suggestions made, which resulted in improving the results of this paper. ,,.REFEREN(ES 1. 2. BELL, H.E., Some commutative results for periodic rings, Acta. Math. Acad. Sci. 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