Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1996) 67-74 VOL. 19 NO. 67 ON LOCALLY s-CLOSED SPACES C. K. BASU Depa[tmcnt ot Pure MathemdtCs University of Calcutta 35, Bailygunge Circular Odd Calcutta 700 019 (Received October 12, 1992 and in revised form July 23, 1993) ABSTRACT. closed the in spaces have been c{osednss papz, prent seml-rgulat is concepts of the lt[oduced and propetty; s-closed chardCt[Ized. the We concept ot loCd[ly s- sub-spaces, local that seen have s-8-closed s- has been mapping introduced here and the following impo[t=nt ptopertles are establlshed Let X --) s-8-closed it iS completely q -space, then, X g It (b) f is (Malo and s-set WONDS AND Is (Ary and Gupta continuous 8i) Nolrl polnt ad Y locally compact is IGanguly and {5) BdSU and X locally compact T- s a locally s-closed. PHRASES. s-closed subspac, -contlnuous and completely mapping, |i]) locally s-closed. Is -conttnuous space, then, KEY sur3ectlon wlth Then Inve[ses. (d) be an locally s-set, continuous mapplng, s-closed, s-8-closed regular open set, s-0-open set, local compactness. 1991 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 54D99, 54C99. I. S-closed spaces iNTRODUCTION. (Thompson L14J) and s-closed [8J) spaces orlglnated from almost compact spaces by the use of and Nolr (Mayo semi-open sets as Introduced by Levlne [7. Ganster and Reilly [6] had shown, towards the dlstlnction between these concepts, that every nfnte topological space can be embedded as a closed connected subspace of an S-closed space whlch is not an s-closed space. Nolrl [13] further generalzed S-closed spaces to locally S-closed spaces, we generalize subspaces. spaces s-closed mportant Certain have spaces also been to locally s-closed characterzatlons established, and s-0-closed spaces and propertles <,f mapping s in this paper study s-closed locally s-close ntroduced and characterized and we have seen, under certain condltlons on the domain and co-domain spaces, that an contlnuous and s-0-closed mapping would be a continuous mapping. -contlnuous mappings were introduced respectlvely by [I and Ganguly and Basu [5i; by the help of these mappings we Completely Arya and Gupta have been able to establish certain properties which corelate locally compact T -spaces wth s-closed spaces. locally C.K. BASU 68 Throughout topologlcal the paper, present A subset A of space. regular int(A)) denotes the closure (resp. to be [7] semi-open if int(cl(A))=A there if complelnent of a seml-open set collecton all of set such 0 (resp. whole space X these wlll be denoted by SO(X) to be sclU A#. Snce, for a of X said Is [8] s-0-cluster to be O Acl(O). that The s the ntersectlon of called a seml-regular set is seml-open semi-regular, contalnlng a pont x of X wll be denoted by SO(x) sad (resp. cl(A) where (Crossley and Hildebrand [3]). A set A whlch is both semi-open as well as seml-closed The polnt of seml-open set a (Malo and Nolrl regular sets open) (resp. SR(x), RO(x)) and for the (resp. SR(X), RO(X)). A polnt x of X subset A X of If every for U (SO(x), U, sclU is a semi-regular set [8], a polnt x an s-0-cluster pont of A ff R A, for all SR(x). R The collection of all s-0-cluster points of A will be denoted by s-O-clA ([A] A set A is s-0-closed if short). s-O A complement of an s-0-closed set A=[A]s_ 0 called an s-0-open set. For a space (X,T), RO(X,T) is coarser than T and (X,Ts) is called the a base for a topology T semi-regularizatlon topologlcal property P xs said to be semi-regular property space of set), A then X Nearl compact sclU on X (X,T). A A subset A (X,Ts). (resp. S-closed (Nolrl [II])) relatlve to X or slmply an s-set (resp. S-set) if every cover such that S for if whenever a space (X,T) possesses that property P so does its seml-regularzation space of X Is s-closed [8] a called seml-closed (Crossley and Hildebrand 13]). semi-closed sets containlng A [8]). mean shall we of A. A subset A of a space X is sald The semi-closure of a subset A of a space, denoted by sclA, all X by cl(Int(A))=A), open an slmply space s said to be regular open (resp. nterior) exlsts is or (X,T) a topological (resp. closed) by of A by sets of SO(X) (resp. A C is called s-closed (NC-set In case A clU). [8] (resp. admits a finite X and A U 1 n (resp. S- [14]). A subset A is called S-closed (Carnahan [2]), for short) if every cover open sets of X has a finite subfamily U subfamlly an s-set Is of A by means of AU (say) such that intclU. Clearly every s-set (resp. compact) set, is an NC-set, but not conversely. A subset A of a space X is said to be an O-set (Noiri [10]) if Aint(cl(int(A))). 2. s-CLOSED SUBSPACES. At the very outset, an example is glven to assert that, every set, s-closed relative to X, is not necessarily an s-closed subspace of X. EXAMPLE I. Every countable set in an uncountable set X with co-countable topology T s s-closed relative to (X,T), but is not even an S-closed subspace. DE’INITION i. A subset A of X s said to be pre-open (Mashour et al. [9]) A intclA. This collection includes all open sets and, even more, all -open sets. LEMMA i. (See Dorsett [4]) Let (X,T) be a topological space and let A be preopen set in (X,T), then SR(A,TA)=SR(X,T) A, where T is the subspace topology on A. A THEOREM i. A pre-open set A of X is s-closed as a subspace iff it is s-closed relative to X. PROOF. Let A be s-closed relative to X and also let A by semi-regular sets of the subspace A. regular set Um in X, for each A is A s-closed U, to which shows that m%Iub_space as relative X, I, such that there exlsts A (U A) I0 IV m Then by Lemma I, i.e., U A. V a finite A Therefore, subset V I0 m I } be a cover of there exists a semi- I o AU. of Therefore, A I such is Since that s-closed LOCALLY s-CLOSED SPACES let A be s-closed as a subspace. Conversely, o semi-regular sets there exists a U Then A X. flnlte subset I (V of o Let A). 69 Vm U I such that A (Vm A), THEOREM 2. Let B be a pre-open set tzl which shows that I0 ( Va. Therefore A is s-closed relative to X. A be a cover of A by I Since A as s-closed as a subspace, (X,T). Then a subset A of B as s-closed relative to the subspace B iff A as s-closed relatlve to X. PROOF. The proof follows by Lemma I. COROLLARY I. Let A and B be open sets of a space X such that A B. Then A as an s-cloed subspace ot B ff A as an s-closed subspace of X. PROOF. Applyng Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, we get the result. DEFINITION 2. Let for a topology called T (X,T) be a topological space, then SR(X,T} forms a sub-base SR -topology on X. LEMMA 2. A subset A of a space (X,T} is s-closed relative to (X,T) if A is compact n (X,TsR)Let A be s-closed relatlve to (X,T}. Then every cover of A by sets of PROOF. SR(X,T} has a finite subcover. But SR(X,T) sub-basic open cover of base theorem A is forms a sub-base for (X,’ ). So every SR a flnte has subcover. Therefore by Alexander sub- (X,TsR) n (X,TsR)compact in (X,TsR) comDact Coverse[y, if A is then every sub-basic open cover has a finite subcover. So every cover by sets of SR(X,T} has a finite subcover. Therefore A is sclosed relative to (X,T). THEOREM 3. Let B be a T -closed set in X and let A be any subset of X which SR s s-closed relative to (X,T). Then AB is s-closed relative to (X,T}. {U TsR-Open PROOF. Let {X-B) so, as a there exists imples that A a 6I TsR-Open be a AnB. cover of Then clearly cover of A. By Lemma 2, A as compact relative to flnlte ABC subset Ua I o Therefore of 1 AB such that s compact A in I0 s s-closed relative to (X,T). e Ua} U { Ua I} (X,TsR}; and (X--B) which o (X,T }. Then by Lemma 2, SR COROLLARY 2. If B is regular open or regular closed and A as any subset of X which s s-closed relative to X, then A5 as s-closed relative to X. Since every regular closed or regular open set is sem-reular, PROOf. the corollary follows from Theorem 2. COROLLARY 3. If X is an s-closed space and A is a regular open set of X, then A is an s-closed subspce of X. PROOF. The proof follows from Theorem 1 and Theorem 3. COROLLARY 4. If A is s-closed open subspace of X and of X, hen AO PROOf. is a regular open set is an s-closed subspace of X and (hence of A and B). The proof follows from Corollary 2 and Theorem 1 and second prt follows from Corollary 1. THORFq n then i 1,2,...,n are s-sets i.e., i A. is s-closed relative to X. 4. If A s-closed relative to X. i=l PROOF. Straightforward. THEOREM 5. Let X be an s-closed spce and let A be a closed set of X and let frontier of A, relative to X. denoted by Fr(A), be s-closed relative to X. Then A is s-closed 70 C.K. BASU PROOF. Since X intA is s-closed by Corollary 3 and Theorem I, s-closed, is closed set. Sance A=intA UFr(A), by Theorem 4, A as s- relatave to X whenever A as closed relative to X. LOCALLY s-CLOSED SPACES 3. DEFINITION 3. A space X as saad to be locally s-closed aff each polnt belongs to a regular open neaghbourhood (nbd. for short) which is an s-closed subspace of X. locally s-closed space. However, REMARK I. Clearly every s-closed space is the converse is because ingeneral, true, not any uncountable set with discrete topology is locally s-closed but not s-closed. A topologacal space THEOREM 6. is locally s-closed iff for each point (S,T) x { X, there exists a regular open set U containing x such that U is locally s-closed. At farst we prove that if A is a regular-open set in (X,T) PROOF. Sufficaency then every regular-open set in the subspace Let VCA be regular-open an the subspace intx(AClxV) ant cl V Cint cl A X X X X of X. Then, antAClAV intA(AClxV) ant cl V X X X Therefore V is regular open an (X,T). A). poant (A,TA). Then V Aint cl V intxA_intxcl XV by X hypothesis, there exists (X,T). is also regular-open in A) (A,T a VA (as implies Now let x be any (X,T) of U set regular-open containlng x such that U as locally s-closed. Then there exists a regular open set V in U such that x EV and V is an s-closed subspace of U. Therefore V as a regular- open set in (X,T) and by Corollary I, V is s-closed subspace of X. Therefore (X,T) Is locally s-closed. The proof as straightforward. Necessity THEOREM 7. Let (X,T) be a topological space. The following are equivalent (i) X is locally s-closed; (ii) every polnt has a regular-open set whach is s-closed relative to X; (iii) every point x of X has an open nbd U such that int cl U is s-closed X X relative to X; (iv) every x point of X has an open nbd U such that sclU is s-closed relative to X; (v) for every point x of X, there exists an -open set V contaanang x such -open set V containing x such that sclV is s-closed relatave to X; (vi) for every point x of X, there exists an that int cl V is s-closed relative to X; X (vii) X for each x X, there exists a pre-open set V containing x such that sclV is s-closed relative to X; (viii) for every x of X, there exists a pre-open set V containing x such that (ix) int cl V is s-closed relative to X; X X for every x X, there exists a pre-open set V containing x such that -- intxclxV PROOF. (i) is an s-closed subspace of X. (ii) Follows regular-open set is pre-open set. (Maio and Noiri [8]). forward (iv) (vi) --> (v) is evident, since every open set is (vii), fact that every sclU intclU -open. (vii) --) (viii) and (viii) --) (ix) are straight- because of the facts that every open iff sclV and from the Follows from the fact that for an open set U, (iii) ---) (iv) (v) ---) (vi), from Theorem 1 (ii) --) (iii) is obvious. intclV (Dorsett [4]). (ix) -open set is pre-open and a set V is pre(i) follows from Theorem I. LOCALLY s-CLOSED SPACES THEOREM topological A 8. regularlzation space (X,T S) space (X,T) 71 locally s-closed if, is Its semi- locally s-closed. is PROOF. Let (X,T) be locally s-closed. Dorsett [4] proved that SR(X,T)=SR(X,T and hence a subset A of X (X,Ts). to cl U and We know that if U Is IntTV Using V. int T S S regular-open set U of (X T) T s-closed relatlve to (X,T) is intTs ClTsU. IntTclTU can we (X,T), then ClTU prove that foz easily Therefore every regular-open set and vice-versa. So (X,T) and (X,T S) a have the S) sdme regular-open sets. Therefore by deflniton, (X,T) s locally s-closed collection of S) results these S) s-closed relative Is an open and V a closed subset of n (X,T) is regular open in (X,T Iff (X,T iff A is locally s-closed. REMARK 2. Local s-closedness is a seml-regular property. DEFINITION 4. A function s-8-c[osed set In X is closed X in THEOREM 9. A functlon f ---> Y is sad to be s-8-closed if image of each Y. for any X --) Y is s-8-closed lff cl(f(A))Cf([A] subset A of X. PROOF [A] (slnce Y In .cl(f(A))f([A] any subset of X. Then f([A] be s-8-closed and A be Let s-8-closed is s- f(A)f([A Clearly set). is closed . s-0 ). s-8 henc and Conversely let A be an arbitrary s-8-closed set in X. By hypothesls f(A)cl(f(A)) f([A] - f(A). Therefore f(A) cl(f(A)) and hence f(A) is closed In s-8 THEOREM I0. A sur3ectlve function f Y is s-8-closed iff for each subset X A in Y and each s-8-open set U in X containing f -I (V)U. Y containing A such that set containing f that f -i (V )C Y -I f -I (V)C X-f This Y-) (X-U) -I V Y C Y-f(A). an open set V in -I f(X--U). Snce f Y and closed Y--f(A) open Is i V Y Y. (A)U, It shows V hence in contalning y such Y Therefore an open set l.e., f(A) is closed Is s y that shows Let V Necessity s-8-closed, (y); by hypothesis, there exists an open set v X-A. Hence yY-f(A) exists Let y be an arbitrary point n Y--f(A); then X--A s an s-8-open X. in (A), there Suppose that the glven hypothesis holds. Let A be any s- PROOF. Sufficiency 8-closed set -I AV. As f is Therefore that in Y. f(X-U) |C U. LEMMA 3. A subset A of a space X is an s-set iff every cover of A by s--open sets has a flnite subfamlly which covers A. PROOF. Sufflciency part is straightforward. A and also let xeA. Then there exlsts 8-open set the family there exists a semi-open { polnts say x V { Let A be an s-set. Let Necessity x I % setXvX be an s-8-open cover of I Um such that x Um such that x V belng an s- But U sclVX X U x Therefore x A is a cover of A by semi-open sets of X. HenceXthere exlst n n has a Therefore sclV x such that A Hence n x - ACU J i=l i=l finite subfamily which covers A. THEOREM inverses; if A Ii. Is Let PROOF. Let For ach f X Y be an s-8-closed surjectlon with s-set point -I (A) is an s-set in X. any compact set in Y then f point yA, {U f-l(y) mI U } f-l(A) f-l(y) be any cover of By hypothesis by s-8-open sets of X. is an s-set, by Lemma 3, C.K. BASU 72 f-l(y)CU{ u there exists a finite subfamily I of 1 such that o of collectlon s-8-open sets is s-@-open and any know that Union there exists an open set V closed function, by Theorem 10, that f-l(v C Y exist polnts { Vy meIo ’Yn yE A COROLLARY Let 5. - X f and Y 2 is -i of Y containing y such f-l(A) Is an s-set. Y be an s--closed surjection with s-set point in continuous. is Y. Therefore A also compact; by Theorem iI, is f (A) is an s-set n X. Since every s-set is an NC-set and X is -I (A) is closed and hence f is continuous. of T. Noirl [12], f X ---) Y DEFINITION 5. A function f Let f X ---Y with s-set point inverses. If Y PROOF. Since closed compact nbd. Y by Theorem 2.1 T2, said to be completely continuous (Arya is image of each open set in Y is regular-open in X. inverse THEOREM 12. an s-8- Yl and hence compact then f PROOF. Let A be a closed set and Gupta [I]) if Is is by a finlte number of s-8-open sets from inverses; If X is T Y Since we o a cover of a compact set A and hence there n -I which shows that f of A such that A C )V (A) is covered i=l U Yl } El since is be a completely-continuous s-8-closed surjection locally compact locally compact is U of f(x). T2, is there exists a X, is completely continuous, Since regular open set containing x. But it X is locally s-closed. T2, for each point x f -I (int U) is a easy to see that every regular-open set semi-regular and hence an s-8-closed set (see Noiri and Malo [8]). Slnce U is is -I compact and f is an s-@-closed function, by Theorem Ii, f (U) Is an s-set in X and -I -i -I (nt U)Cf (U). Hence, by Corollary 2, f (int U) is an s-set in X. Therefore xf X is locally s-closed. DEFINITION 6. A function f X - Y is said to be -continuous (Ganguly and Basu [5]) if for each xX and each W SO(f(x)), there is an open set V containlng x such that f(V) sclW. Equivalently f is -continuous iff the inverse image of each semi-regular set is clopen. X --) Y is LEMMA 4. If f -continuous and KX is compact; then f(K) is an s-set in Y. { U m I } be a cover of EI } is a cover of K by open { f-l(u exists a finite subset I So f(K) is an s-set in o of I such that K Y. - LEMMA 5. (See [12]) Let X be a by semi-regular sets of Y. Then f(K) PROOF. Let sets of X. Since K is compact, there C IO T2-space. f -I (U m i.e. f(K) I0 Um Then for any disjoint NC-sets A and B, there exist dlsjoint regular open sets U and V such that AU and BV. THEOREM 13. If f X Y is an s-8-closed, set point inverses and if X is locally compact PROOF. We shall first prove that Y is T of Y. Then f -1 (yl) and f (y2) T2, 2. -continuous surjection with s- then Y is locally s-closed. Let Yl and Y2 be two distinct points are disjoint s-sets and hence disjoint NC-sets. By -I U and Lemma 5, there exist disjoint regular-open sets U and U such that f 1 2 1 -i f But every regular-open set is an s-8-open set and so, by Theorem I0, (y2)U 2. (yl) -I there exist open sets V., 1,2 containing yj in Y such that f (V.)U. where 3 T Let for each point x of f (y), there be X locally compact j=l,2. Thus Y is T 2. 2 exists a compact closed nbd. U x of x in X. Since interior of a closed nbd. is a intU regular-open set, it is semi-regular as well. Therefore the family Ii { x f -I (y)} is a cover of an s-set f -I x (y) by semi-regular sets. By Proposition 4.1 LOCALLY s-CLOSED SPACES of f (Y) C 0 [8], Noirl and Ma].o Let intU there n U U Then x Xl i=l i=I clearly an s-8-open set contalnng y6 (intU)Cf(U). Y Y y T is v f(U) 2 ntclV Y 2, ntclV f(U). Y Y of is closed the The Is I n l=l Y since, by Y Xn tUx IS Theorem (U) 2.I -i In (y) such that an s-@-closed tunctlon by conta[nlng y such that f -contlnuous, Clearly intcl9 an s-set. Hence Y is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Ganguiy But f bng 73 -I (y) and there xists an open set 9 Theorem I0, x polnts exist -I (9 )xntU i.e., Y xs an s-set by Le,a 4. Since of Nolrx [12. Therefore is a regular-open set and hence by Corollary locally s-closed. author gratefully acknowtedges the kind guidance of Prof. Department of Pure Mathematics, Calcutta Unuerslty, and is S. also thankful to the referee for certain constructlve suggestion towards the Improvement of the paper. 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