Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1996) 57-66 VOL. 19 NO. 57 ON A FAMILY OF WIENER TYPE SPACES R. H. FISCHER, A. T. GORKANU and T. S. LIU University of Massachusetts Ondokuz Mayls University Department of Mathematics Faculty of Art and Sciences and Statistic Department of Mathematics Amherst, MA.01003, U.S.A Samsun, Turkey (Received June 16, 1993 and in revised form June 20, 1994) ABSTRACT. Research on Wiener type spaces was initiated by N.Wiener in [15]. A number of authors worked on these spaces or some special cases of these spaces. A kind of generalization of the Wiener’s definition was given by H.Feichtinger in [2] as a Banach spaces of functions (or measures, distributions) on locally compact groups that are defined by means of the global behaviour of certain local properties of their elements. In the present paper we discussed Wiener type spaces using the spaces AP’q(G) and FP’q(G) (c.f [8]) as a local component, and Lr(G)as w, w, a global component, where w and v are Beurling weights on G and m is a Beurling weight on G(c.f. [13]). KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Weighted LP-spaces, Beurling Algebra, type space, BF-space. 1991 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 43. Wiener . NOTATIONS. Troughout this paper G denotes a locally compact abelian group (non-compact, non-discrete) with the dual group Certain well known terms and their definitions may be found, e.g., in [2], [3], [7], [13], [14], [9], [8]. In the present paper we have used two kinds of Fourier Transforms.. The classical Fourier transfor ^) (c.f.e.g[13])and a generalized Fourier transform F (c.f. [4]) discussed below. Let Q be a fixed open and relatively compact subset of G. We define SO (G)--{ f lf=ELynfn,YneG,fneAQ,n>_l and Ell fnllA<=}. (l) where AQ-={ heA (G) supp (h) of f y denotes the translation operator. Any Representation the form (1) is called an admissible representation. Endowed with and L norm I fllSo ----inf{llf n I A’ f--z,Yn f n admissible in the R. H. FISCHER, A. T. 58 GDRKANLI AND T. S. LIU S (G) is the smallest strongly character invariant Segal algebra on G O It is well-known that the Fourier transforms induce isomorphisms betwean the spaces S o(G) and S The generalized Fourier transform then o () is defined by <o,f>---<o,> for feS O() oeS’ (G) 0 It is easy to see that above mentioned qeneralized Fourier transform coincides with the Fourier transform in the sense of tempered distributions for the special case of G=IR m. Throughout this work, we also will use Beurling weights, i.e.real valued, measurable and locally bounded functions w on a locally compact abelian group G which satisfy l<_w(x), w(x+y)<_w(x)w(y) for x,yeG. For l<p<, we set LW p(G)={flf weL p(G) Under the norm LI(G)w llfllp,w-If.wll p, this is a Banach space. When p--l, becomes an algebra under convolution, called Beurling algebra, c.f. [13]. In this paper another two imDortant tools are the spaces AP’q(G) p,’q II’II P’qm Fw (G) with the norms and w, spaces and the norms are defined as follows: and AP’q (G) ={ f W,0 feLwP (G) w, ll’llFrespectively [8]. and p w,60 These eLq0 {;) q, and FP’q()-w, (A p’q(G)), w, {{{{ F={{f{{P’ q where F is the generalized Fourier transform, w and m are weights on G and respectively. Beurling The main parts of this work deal with certain Wiener-type spaces [2]: the definition is the following: Let B be a Banach space. Assume that there exists a homogeneous Banach space continuously embedded into which is a Banach algebra in the sense (Cb(G),ll.ll.), under pointwise multiplication and is stable under complex conjugation, such that (B is continuously embedded into A’ (G)=(A(G)nC (S))’ c B c and also is a Banach module under pointwise multiplication. Here C (G) c is the space of continuous functions with compact support, Ac(G)=A(G) NCc(G) is given the (locally convex) inductive limit topology of its subspaces ,II A) KcmG compact, and (G) is the topological dual ll’II (AK(G) "II A’c Ac(G). Let now Bio c be the space of all feA(G) such that hfeB heAc(G) this is a locally convex vector space whose topology is of fined by the seminorms fllhfllB,heAc(G). Fix am open, relatively and define, for fEB and xeG, the "restriction pact set of f over x/Q" to be for de- com- 59 FAMILY OF WIENER TYPE SPACES [11111 For fEBloc, set hf-" hg for IcA Ff(x):llfllB(x.O If now c xQ (t;) is a solid, translation tn... variant BFspace on G, one defines the Wiener-type space W(B,C)--{fEBIoclFfEC} (B 1 W(B,C) by IlfllwB,C)--tlll )- and Lastly recall that a Banach convolution triple (BCT) is a triple 3 of BF-spaces such that convolution, given by ,B B2 fl x f2 (x)= ff i (x-y) f2 (y)dy G for fieBiNC c (G) (i:=i,2), extends to a continuous bilinear nap BIxB2/ B3 (of norm I). I. THE WIENER-TYPE SPACES W(AwP’q(G) ,L r) The construction of the Wiener-type spaces mentioned in the section title requires some preliminary considerations, notably Theorem 1.5 below. First of all we introduce the Banach spaces. u 1 A (G)= F (Lu ()) where u is an arbitrary weight function on G with the norm !llluIglll, u and F is the classical Fourier transform We set A cu(G)=A u(G)NC of the subspaces equip it with the inductive limit topology T u Since it is KeG compact, equipped with their c(G) AK(G)= and =AU(G),CK(G), ll.llu-nOrms. Ac(G), it is obvious that T u then is finer than the norm-topology of the u(G) u(G) pseparates ’----(A c ,T Hausdorff and hence the dual space A c u are closed in A (G) Note also that the subspaces A U(G) ints of AU(G) K c to hEAU(G) with respect to converges Indeed, if u, the resame sequence also converges uniformly to h and so supp(h)cK. The u u Consequently, in A (G) asoning shows that for F:L, AK(G) is L u -closed also is complete since then it is a if G is o-compact, then (AU(G) u) II’II (hn)CA(G) II-II ,Tu) c strict inductive limit of Banach spaces w satisfies Beurling Domar condition and w2 logw 2 (tn[ w2 <, taG), then A c (G)cA (G) and Ac (G) (shortly (BD) i.e E n n>l wl is everywhere dense in Ac (G). 1 1 (G) c Lw 1 (G) is methen the inclusion PROOF. Since 2 w2 w (G) is everywhere dense in A 1 with respect to the tlsfied and A LEMMA I.I. If wl<w 2 Cc(G)CLw2 Wl<W norm II wl identity any Also since w 2 satisfies (BD) then there is an approximate K (ee)eiCAw 2 (G), eAcW I(G) where 1 (G),supp compact}. wK2={flfLw 2(G) function and e>0. There exists a w feA such that Take 60 and ges . R. H. FISCHER, A. T. w 2 eeAc A(G)wl (G). to g in AND T. S. LIU for all se[. It is easily seen that c conver- I and w 2 be satisfied the hypothesis in lem- ma I.I. We endow the space Wl (G). (.es) me I This proves our lemma. COROLLARY 1.2. Let w pology by A 0RKANLI AW2(G)is c AWl(G) c with the induced inductive limit fo- also everywhere dense in to induced inductive limit topologv bcause it s l (G) with res,ect strictiv finer than w1 Wl (G) which is induced the original topo]ogv on A topology bv A (G) c COROLLARY 1.3. Again let w.,w be satisfied the hypothesis in lem.w2,. z.Wl (G) and the Corollary 1.2. one ma i.I. Using the inclusion A u;c;% c c wI w2 Specially (G )’ is continuously embedded into A c (G) obtains that A c w2 =(A (G)) if Wl~W 2 then (A c c WI(G)) on G satisPROPOSITION 1.4. If l_<p<_ and the weight function AP’q(G) is continuously embedded into fies (BD) condition then o(A(G)’,-- w,{ A c (S)). PROOF. It is known that O(A(G) ,Ac(G)) [8]. AP’g(G) w is continuously embedded into If one uses the above embedding and the Corollary 1.3., easily proves the Proposition. In order to obtain all the properties of AU(G), etc., required for the construction of Wiener-type spaces in the sense e.g. of Feichtinger, cf. [2], we assume henceforth that the weight function u on G is the second weight func- satisfies (BD) and symmetric ands<u, where AP’(G) w (For example one can take. u=m(x) /(-x)) First of all, AU(G) now satisfies the requirements of [2]: It is in fact, the emclear that AU(G) is continuously embedded into C b(G) is bedding map has norm<l. Moreover, since u satisfies (BD), Au(G) Banach a is It is reqular. known to be a Wiener space, cf. [13], hence tion in algebra under pointwise multiplication and also is translation-invariis character-invariant and that the maps M x are Isometries; ant: L u / moreover, for Mxg is continuous [8]. By taking Fourier transforms, we now conclude that AU(G) is translation-invariant, transis continuous from G into lation maps are isometries and that x I(6) geLl(G),x AU(G) for each beAU(G). Lxh Banach under is closed In other words: AU(G) is homogeneous space. Lastly, the symmetry of u implies that AU(G) complex conjugation. p’q (G) is a pointwise Banach module over A(G), [8]. Since <_u Secondly A w then AP’q(G) is also a Banach module over Au(G). Consequently one shws w ) by the Proposiis continuously embedded into (AU(G) that c AwP’q(G) tlon I. 4. With this, Feichtinger’s general hypotheses are satisfied and the construction of the Wiener-type spaces w(AP’q(G),C), C a solid BF-space w} proceeds in the standard manner. Using the arguments in Theorem I. modification, t|’e in [2] and doing some proof of the following theorem is completed. small FAMILY OF WIENER TYPE SPACES THEOREM 1.5. (i) The Wiener type space 61 W(A’q(G),,o Lur((;)) is a Ba- nach space under the norm few(AP’q(G),L r(G)) v w, where and F(z)---Fflz)---(]IfllP’q[z/Q), W G is any open subset of z:(; a,d G with compact closure. It is also continu- (A ’q(G)) loc ously embedded into (ii) The set Ao={ feA (G) Is continuously embedded into [suppf is compact r w(AP’q(G) ,Lv (G)) w, r q (iii) W (AP’ (G) ,L u(G)) is left (right) invariant, and w, . ’" where AP’q(G) w W p’ q [[L x][I<Lxl[[ W0" " P’qw, and []]Lx[]]r r,9 are operator norms on and L r(G) respectively. (iv) The translation is sly r (G) ,L (G)). (A’q , (V) r W(A’q(G),L , u(G)) n Wiem W(A’q(G)w, ,l%r(G)), t s is a Banach module over :(A (G) ,L (G)) with respect to the pointwise multiplication. PROPOSITION 1 6 le over W(AI’q(G) W W Let p>l LI(G)) Then w(AP’q(G) We L(G)) is a Banach modu- with respect to convolution. It is easy to show that every locally compact lian grip is a group (i.e. a group having a compact neighbourhood of identity s a It is known that AP’q(G) is Invariant under inner automorphisms) W) left(rlght) convolutlon module over Al’q() 8]. Hence since W PROOF. (A’q(GI,AP’q(G) ,A’q(G)) W (L(G) ,LP(G) ,LP(G)) and W W are a Banach convolution triples on G. Then (W(A’q(G),LI(G)),W(A’q(G),LP(G)),W(A:q(G) , W W LP(G)>) W is a Banach convolution triples on G and the inequality < IIflW(A’q(G) LP(G))11 W l,q) (G) and the Theorem 3. in [2] for el]. 4,.P,q(G), (G)). One can easily show the algebraic conditions which Is Satisfied "[ are needed to be a module. feW(Aw, ,L(G) R. H. FISCHER, A. T. 62 PROPOSITION 1 7 GDRKANLI AND W(AwP,|(G) ,i) r L V(G)) is a BF-space on G. W(AwP’(G) r(G)) is continuously (i), (thus a seminorm That means given any heA c such there exists a constant number OC By the Theorem 1 5 PROOF ’q e,edded into Ph(f)=h.fP’ W,U (A ,u(G))loc" (A,).. on T. S. LIU Dh>0 that {{hf{P’Dh{{f{W(h’q(G) L r(G)) for all f W(AP’q(G),LP(G)) w, (I) Hence one can write {{h.f{{p<D h_ "{{f{w(AP’q(G)w, LrV(G)){{" lso (G) *s a regular Banach algebra with respect to pointwise ul- tiplicat*on, then one may choice a function and h(x)=l 0h<l hence (x) lf(x)l<(x)lf(x)l DKo>0 h((G)=-((G)[ICc(G) fo all xK. We let suph fyin exists (2) fo ; Since L xG Eo" L Then K(x)h(x), o’ then there such that o {h{x)f(x)IdxD K o .llh.fllp. (3) Also one has K o The proof is completed combining the formHlas (2), (3) and (4). W(AwP’q(G), ,Lu(G)r is a BaPROPOSITION 1.8. The Wiener type space nach convolution module (left and right because G is an Abelian grou 1 over some Beurllng algebra LW (G). o W(A.P.’(G),L,r.(G)) is a PROOF. We proved in Proposition 1.7 that 1 Lr(G)) + By the Theorem 1.5., this BF-space, thus space is left invarlant and translation operator in W(AP’q(G),Lr(G)is W continuous. NOW a simple application of vector valued inteqral shows 1 that W(AP’q(G),L r(G)) is a Banach module over LW (G), where % W O W(AwP’q(G) , Lloc(G). o(x)=max(l IIILxlW(AwP’q(G) W L r ,L r(G)) is a left (right) Banach module COROLLARY 1 9 ( 1 satisfying v(x)>Wo(X) for all xSG,where a is weight v(x) if Lv(G) w o (x) is defined as in Proposition 1.8. W(AwP’q(G) over REMARK. By the Theorem 1.5 (iii), one writes p’ q" IlLx III r,u’ IlLx III < III Lx III w, where p’q III-III III. III W) AP’q(G) and Lr(G) W and" IIILxlIIP’q<w(x) III .III., are operator norms on is also known that It respectively. [8]. Then we have and (l) W(AwP:q(G),L(G)), <v(x) 63 FAMILY OF WIENER TYPE SPACES W,v are weight functions, then the function w.9 bounded. Using the inequality(2) it is easily seen that for all xeG. Since is locally x- IIILIII i so .oo oune. LP(G) W Given a weighted space is denoted by r_{ w Pw (a) i the associated weighted sequence space and defined ie %eq r (aiW(i) iele r} where the discrete weioht W given by W(i)--W(x i) for iel r known that is a Banach space with respect to the norm w I[zll r w---( where z----(a i) It is 1 laiw(i)Ir) il E ieI" Zwr, LEMMA I.i0. For any llLpZllr, z0 the function z-+ w is equivalent to the weight function w, i.e there is a constant c>0 such that one has c -Iw (P) <ll LpZll r, w-<c. W (p) PROOF. Result can be obtained by a slight modifications of the proof of Lemma 2.2. in [7]. It is also easy to prove the followi Imam using the closed graph theonaa. r LEMMA I.II. If I c r2 wI w then there is some constant c>0such that 2 I II r2 ,w2<_C-II zll r I W l for all r1 z=lai)ieieWl if we use the Lemma I.I0 and Lemma I.II easily prove the following lemma LEMMA 1.12. w w r r c 1 if and only if 2 w2<w I. THEOREM 1.13. Let U U be the weight functions in construc1 and 2 rI r tion of Wiener type spaces and ,L%) ,L%) weights on respectively. Also assume that Wl,W2,91,u i,2 weights 2 < u u on G and l_<p,q,rl,r2 <. If r and 1 2 4_r I 2 2 W(AwP?I(G) I(G)) W(AwP’?m ; 2(G) 22(G)) UI~U A p’q w2, 2 then r - (G) p’q (O) = AWlm I r W(AwPq’t2 (C) ,Lv2(G)) W(AwP[?tal (G) ,Lo 1I(G)) 2 (I) GORKANLI R. H. FISCHER, Ao T. 64 PROOF. Since AI ’q 2 ’2 ((;) A C I rll wp’ q,m I feAw2q for all AcUllG)-Auc 21G) f’ u and (A 1 (G))’ c (G) tllen tl,ere exists c>0 such that ’ml p’ q <c.ll ell w2, (2) I- Wl<W 2, u ml<,2 [8]. (G) and 2 ’q 1 AND T. S. LIU (A 2 (G)) c 2 Also since UI-.U 2 by the Lemma l.l then llence a simple calculation shows that (A p’q (APw2’q’"2 (G)) oc (G)) Wl Now using the definition of Wiener-type space, r W(A r p’qw2,,n2 (G) ,Lv 2 (G)) c_ r c_ (2) and (3) we have 2 w(AP,qwl’ml (G) ,L92 (G)) Also because tile Proposition 3.7. W(A 1’q’I (G) ,I,v 22 (G)) (3) oc" in [6] we write r w(AP,q Wl ’ml (G) ,Lvl1 (G)) (4) if and only if rl r c (gu2(G))d (LullS))d’ 2 r where (L u r and r 2 o2 Lu r 2 r G)) 2 (G) 1 I d and 151 r 1 (gl(G))d are the discretes of the spaces respectively. Since r 2 r1 and Ul< u 2 2 Lu2(G) then This completes the proof. p’g and (G) cA P’q m (G) if and only f Wl<W 2 It is known that Aw Wl, 2 ,n 2 proves the ml<,,2 [8]. If one uses Theorem 1.13 and Lemm 1.12 easily following corollary. COROLLARY 1.14. Let Ul~U 2, Wl<W 2 r W(A p’q (G) ,L (G)) u2 W2’u12 if and c., W(A p,q Wl’l ml<m 2. Then r (G) ,LullS)) and only if u l<u 2 COROLLARY 1.15. If W(A q ’2 Wl~W 2, ml~m2 Ul~U 2 Ul~U 2 r (G),L u (G)):-W(A 2 1 ’ml (G) ,L u (G)) 1 and rlr 2 then 65 FAMILY OF WIENER TYPE SPACES 2. ] D,qtG) ,L r(,)) FW, THE WIENER-TYPE SPACES W Let u be a weight function on G. Proceedin(! as we did in Section Au(,)-AU(G)I|C (G) euuipl,ed with their nawe set Ac(G)--A(G)C c (,) c c AU(,) rural inductive limit topologies, thus the topology e.q of is the c u inductive limit of subspaces u Kc(; =A compact, and their Recall that T is (strictly) finer than the toA pology T c induced by the usual inductive limit topology of AK(G TA ll.llA-tOpologies. (G)flKK(G), Cc(,). We assume that the weight function u satisfies(Bl)) and symmetric and the first weight w in AP’q(G) satisfies the condition w<u. Since W is symmetric then FP’q()=Aq’P(,), w,( ,w (,) , (see 18]) Now all conditions are satisfied required for the construction of Wiener-type space W( F P’(’’ L r (G)=-W( Aq’P(, ),L ()) I f one uses the wb} 0),w ^v , properties of the space type space Aq’P(G) W(FP’q(G) ,Lr(6)) 9 w, obtains all properties of the like to that of W(AP’g(G),L(G)) Wiener- in Sec- tion I. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The authors want to thank It.G. 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