799 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 18 NO. 4 (1995) 799-812 CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLLING CIRCLE CRITERION V. SRINIVAS, O.P. JUNEJA and G.P. KAPOOR Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur-208016 India (Received May 31, 1991 and in revised form September 7, 1993) ABSTRACT. Given 0 s R 1 s R 2 s =, CVG(RI,R2) denotes the class of normalized convex functions f in the unit disc U, for which af(U) satisfies a Blaschke Rolling Circles Criterion with radii R 1 and R 2. Necessary and sufficient conditions for R R2, growth and 1 distortion theorems for CVG(RI,R2) rotation theorem for the and class of convex functions of bounded type, are found. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. univalent functions, Convex functions, Curvature, Subordination, Distortion theorems, Growth theorems. 1991 uMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 30C45, 30C55. 1, INTRODUCTION. Let S be the class of functions f(z) which are analytic and and have the univalent in the unit disc U < 1 z: z 0 S normalization f(O) and r (O,l),the f’ (0)-I. For f radius of curvature, p(z) of the curve f(Izl r) at the point f(z), is given by [6], z’ (z) zf" Re(l + 7 (z) p(z) (z)) of re i8 Goodman [2] introduced the class CV(R I,R2) z functions f(z) having p(z) restricted as Izl tends to i. Thus, let where p,(r) min R, lim r 1 , p(z), max p (r) p(z) and (I) p,(r) R , lim r-- 1 DEFINITION I. p (r) - Let R] and R be fixed in [0,=}. A function f S_ 2 be in the class if R and R R where R, 1 2 R, and R are as in (i). For 0 < R I a function f is called a convex _function of bounde_d_type. is said to, CV(R1,R2) R2< A function, and R f(z) is said to be in where R, are as in (1). For functions f(z) in the class , -Q(RI,R2) CV(RI,R2) , CV(RI,R2 if, RI= R, and R2=R , Goodman [2] obtained V. SRINIVAS, O. P. JUNEJA AND G. P. KAPOOR 800 (i) first the approximation moduli the for of the Taylor coefficients, (ii) covering theorem and (iii) bounds for d, where d is the distance of af(U) from the origin, in terms of R and R 2. 1 Goodman [3], Wirths [8] and Mejia and Minda [4] extended this study by finding certain other interesting properties of functions in the class CV(RI,R2). Styer and Wright [7] introduced the following class of functions based on Blaschke’s Rolling Circles Criterion: DEFINITION 2for each R2, 0 s R n 1 and 2 R 2 z i, let with the property that and D2(n of radius R 1 in af(U) there are open discs D l(n) respectively, such that, n e aDl(n N aD2(n) and D I() If R R 1 be the class of functions f(z) CVG(RI,R2) and Given 0 or R 2 , DI(W) f(U) _ and D2(n - D 2(D). are to be interpreted as the empty set and an open half-plane, respectively. It follows that [7] CV(RI,R 2) K CV CVG(RI,R 2) where, CV is the subclass of functions f(z) in the class S, f(U) is convex. for which Mejia and Minda [4] showed that, in fact, CVG(0,R2) CV(O,R2). for R 1 > 0, whether CVG(RI,R2) CV(RI,R2) still holds, remains an open problem. The difficulty to settle this problem lies in the fact that, for f CVG(RI,R2), R 1 > 0, the radius of curvature p(z) of the curve f(Izl r) at the point f(z) may not be a continuous function on U z Izl 1 ), (see [7]). Let g(z) be analytic and univalent in U. A function f(z) g(z)) analytic in U, is said to be subordinate to g(z) in U (f(z) if f(O) g(O) and f(U) g(U). For a function f(z) in S, the unit exterior normal to the curve where n(z) r) at the point f(z) is zf’(z)/Izf’ (z) f(Izl univalent normalized a that r (0,i). Styer and Wright [7] found U function f CVG(RI,R2), if and only if, f CV, and for every However, - for which f() is finite, (2) and, in the case (3) where f(U) D(f() R2n(),R2) R 1 > 0, D(f() Rln(< ,RI) f(U). D(a,R) is the open disc of radius R cenetred at a. For a function f(z) in the class CV(RI, R2) Goodman [2] obtained bounds for d and d* where d and d * are respectively the distances of the nearmost and the farthermost points on af(U) from the origin. Thus he proved that CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLLING CIRCLE CRITERION R2 _] R2 R 2 and (5) R1 d s R 2 - 1 801 RI2_R1 2 2d 1 -< R2 where the right hand side inequality in (4) -+ f" .v,.-’’-’2-,- (5/’ ,2f, f rurther’ and the left hand side i d* (6) - R2 + J 2 R2 R2 Styer and Wright [7] observed that inequalities (4) and (6) continue to hold for the class CVG(RI,R2). The method of proof of inequality (5) in [2] shows that this inequality also holds for the class CVG(RI,R2) and is sharp. These inequalities are necessary conditions and R in terms of d d(f) for a function f(z) to be in the 1 2 class CVG(RI,R2). However an analogue of these conditions in terms of d is not known. distortion lower bound on Further, If( z on R , , properties involving d or bound on larg f’ (z) for functions f(z) in the class CVG(RI,R2) have not been investigated so far. Section 2 is aimed at the determination of necessary and sufficient conditions for R to be equal to R2, if the function f(z) 1 is in the class CVG(RI,R2). In this section analogues of conditions (4) and (5) involving d , in place of d, for the functions in the are also found. Section 3 consists of theorems on CVG(RI,R2) growth of If(z) for functions f(z) in the class CVG(RI,R2). class the Finally, Section 4 consists of a distortion theorem for the class CVG(R1,R2) and a rotation theorem for the class 2. CVG(RI,R2). PRELIMINARIES. we first find some relations f e CVG(R 1 ,R2) the largest distances of the image curve f(U) from the origin. We first prove the following lemma function For a between the [[44A I. smallest Let fe and CVG(R1,R2). (ii) f(U) D((R2-R) e iu, (iii) f(z) e iu (iv) d* FR(Z e-iU), sup eOf(U) II R + If RI R2 R < m, then R), for some real where FR(Z z e U R2-R PROOF. (i) (ii) Follows by (4) By the definition of CVG(RI,R2) if R 1 R2 R "< m, f(U) is a 802 V. SRINIVAS, O. P. JUNEJA AND G. P. KAPOOR disc of radius R real, then If the center of the disc is at ro R ro e i o R2-R d Or, equivalently, D((R2-R) f(U) (iii) i R) ei Since f(U) is a disc, d+d d* [4AK. The function , FR(Ze -i 2R. Consequently, by (i), R + R2-R R 2 (denoted as [2] as an extremal of Lemma 1 with R FR(Z function for a number of problems concerning PROPOSITION 1. zf f (7) CVG (R1, R 2) 1 inequalities are - Thus, R). ). in the sequel) was first used by Goodman FR2(Z The D(R2-R, maps U conformally onto the disc FR(Z f(z) (iv) e CV(RI,R2). then * 2 (d) R2 2d -i sharp for the function FR2(Z), R 2 z I, of Lemma l(iii). PROOF. Let is increasing in x if Thus inequality (7) d =-, inequality (7) The function , with , d 1 s x < follows 41 It is clear that (x) and is decreasing in x if 1/2 s x <i. from inequalities ,If (6) and (5). follows from Definition 2. FR2(Z i/(i x2/(2x-l). @(x) of Lemma l(iii) I/R 2 is in the class CVG(RI,R2) and gives sharpness for inequality (7). REMARK. For f CVG(RI,R2), inequality (7) sometimes gives a better lower bound on R than that of inequality (5). In fact, 2 (d*) 2/ (2d*-l) > if and only if d(2d-l) < d* There does exist a function in the class CVG(R R satisfying d/(2d-l) < d* 1 2) consider for example, f(z) 21og(l-z/2) -I CV(I, 2/-3) d2/(2d-l), PROPOSITION 2. zf f CVG(RI,R 2) (d, * 2 2d -i z with R 1 R1 - I, then CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLLING CIRCLE CRITERION 803 and z R The inequalities are sharp when for some real 8 R -R R1 R 2. I i8 and f(e o) f(e 0f(U) be such that By making a suitable rotation of f(z}, we d* < Let R00 I o d*= i8 i8) I, may -d* assume that f(e o) Then the unit exterior normal to af(U) at ie ie f(e o) is n(e o)= -i. And, by the containment relation (3), we have D(RI-d , f(U) RI) equivalently, z where implies B B - (2Rl-d*)d*/R 1 f(z) Az 1 and * * /R (Rl-d)d 1 A i, or, for R 1 > 0. This , 2d -i which is inequality (8). The case inequality (8) follows directly. R1 0 is trivial When d* Inequality (9) follows from inequality (8) and Definition 2. The sharpness of inequalities (8) and (9) follows by considering the function of Lemma l(iii). FR2(Z) COROLLARY. If f (i0) CVG (RI, R 2), then - R1 PROOF. (d)2 s 2d -i R2 Proposition 1 and inequality (8), corollary. together, give the RE4ARKS, (i) For f CVG(RI,R2) with R 1 z I, it is easily seen inequality (8) sometimes gives better upper bound for R than 1 that given by inequality (5). In fact, (d* 2/ (2d * -i) < d2/(2d-l), if and only if, d < d/(2d-l). There does exist a function in the class CVG(R R 2), with R 1 a i, satisfying 1 d* < d/(2d-l) consider, for example, f(z) eZ-I (ii) For the function f C(RI,R 2) with R 1 < i, inequality that (8) is not sharp . and R 1 (d* 2/ (24 < 1 -i) GROWTH OF IF(Z) I. For () because f CV(RI,R2), Goodman ([2],[3]) found that If(z) - 2R 2 d 804 V. SRINIVAS, O. P. JUNEJA AND G. P. KAPOOR (12) zl in the disc are sharp. the for - R 2 (l-r) + rd where 1 II- inf d f(u) Both the inequalities His proof shows that inequality (ii) continues to hold CVG(R I,R2) also. However, analogues of inequalities d sup I<I, are not known. In this involving (12) class and (II) r rd (2R2-d) If(z) af(u) section these analogues are derived. Goodman [3] also showed that, if f then CV(RI,R2) R 2 2 rR 2 R2 R 2 Izl r [r ,I) where r + d and the inequality is sharp. In this section an analogous inequality for the functions in the class CVG(RI,R2) is found wherein the number r is for 2) 2R2(R2-d)/(2R2(R2-d) independent of d. In the following proposition, an analogue of inequality (ii) , involving d in place of d is found. In Theorem i, an improvement of this proposition will be obtained. P0POSII0N 4. If (13) f CVG(RI,R 2) - f(z in the disc P00F. z r s i. with then d* IR2 r(R 2 + -, R2 < The inequality is sharp for From the definition of d - If(z) R 1 R 2. we have that d , in the disc zl r s i. The triangle inequality and Schwarz lemma together with the above inequality completes the proof of (13). For the function of Lamina l(iii), and R 2, R1 FR2(Z) IFR2(1) 41-1/R 2 i/(i R 2+IR2-d*l. inequality (13) follows. C00LLARY. If f CVG(RI,R2) If(z) in the disc zl r- i. - wi.th d , , r (2R2-d) Thus, the sharpness of - then R2, PROOF. The inequality in the corollary is straightforward in view of inequality (13). RARKS. (i) The corollary improves Goodman’s result [2] given by inequality (ii). (ii) The functions f(z) in the class CVG(RI,R2) satisfying , d < d < R2< integer k a 2 and 0 do exist as can be seen from the following example. For < a < I/k the binomial pk(z)= CVG(R I, R2) 2, z+azk CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLLING CIRCLE CRITERION with R 2 so that for , d (l-ka)2/(l-k2a). , k Further, for < R d 2, 1/8 < a < 1/4 for 2 d* l-a < d pk(z), 805 and for l+a, k z 3, for 0 < a < I/k 2. 2 An analogue of inequality (13) involving R can also be (iii) 1 found. Thus, if f then CVG(R1,R2) with R 2 < < R , s f(z) Rl-d*l) r(R 1 + rd* s r(R 2 + IR2-d * I) in the disc zl r s i. The above inequality is sharp for R R 2. 1 Next, a growth theorem is derived for the class CVG(RI,R2) with the help of the following lemma: LEMMA 2 [5]. univalent in U, then F (z) If f(z) is in CV and f (z) F(z) in U implies that - Iz:l in the disc I.I < R, where _R IF(z) 0.543 If rd (14) R1 f with CVG(RI,R2) - and is the least positive root of arc sin x + 2 arc tan x THEOREM I. convex is 0 < R , 12Rl-d , (l-r) +rd 2 rd R 2- 1 s R 2 < -, then 12R2-d R2-dl r r, hand side inequality holds in the disc Izl < _R, B is as in Lemma 2 and the right hand side inequality holds in the disc zl s i. Both the inequalities are sharp. where the left zl P00[. ie f(e o) By making a suitable rotation of -d* sup af(u) II, for some 8 f(z) we may obtain that o real. We have n(e o)= -i. Now, the by containment relation (2), we get f(U) = D , (R2-d ,R2) or I-Az where d*(2R2-d* (R2-d*)/R2. B )/R 2 and A The inverse of the function g(z) and the function n(z) (hof) (z) Schwarz lemma. So, l(z) in the disc zl r s I. Bz/(l-Az) is h(z) z/(Az +B) satisfies the conditions of r(IAf(z) + B) This implies that rlA By substituting the values of A and B in this, the right hand side inequality of (14) is obtained. V. SRINIVAS, O. P. JUNEJA AND G. P. KAPOOR 806 Now, to prove the left hand side inequality in (14), we apply the containment relation (3) and obtain , where B A z 1 . d (2R A and d )/R 1 1 d )/R 1. (R 1 Further, , A z I Rl+(d * -Rl)r in the disc zl r < i. Hence, by Lemma 2, we have that . ’2Rl-d . Rl(l-r)+rd B Z I=(z) A*z 1 in the disc zl < R where _R is as in Lemma 2. hand side inequality of (14). of Lemma l(iii) The function FR2(Z For CVG(R2,R2). , rd this (2R2-d)/(R2-1R2-d r/(l+ar) =IFR2(-r) , d function, i This gives the left in is a) / (i the z R 2 class so that and rd I/(R l(1-r)+rd r/(l-ar) is attained equality now and 41-1/R 2 12RI-d r) where a in inequality (14). i the r and (i) For f CVG(RI,R2) with R 2 < by given that than is larger upper bound of l.f(z) in inequality (14) the both of Lemma l(iii), inequality (13). For the function R[MARKS. FR2(Z r < i, the upper bound given by inequality bounds are equal. (14) is better than that given by inequality (13). (ii) From the proof of Theorem l,it can be observed that replaced by d everywhere, continues to remain inequality (14) with true and sharp; i.e., if f CVG(RI,R2) with 0 R 1 R 2 < m, then For -- d* (16) Rl+iRl_dlr If(z) R2(l_r)+rd r, the left-hand side inequality holds in the disc Izl as in Lemma i, and the right hand side inequality holds is R < R, Izl of Lemma l(iii) The same function i. in the disc where Izl - FR2(Z) gives the sharpness in this inequality also. (iii) Let Q(r,R2,x) x(2R2-x)/(R2-1R2-xlr) - r It can be seen that for R2 decreasing in x for x function Q(r,R2,x) and hence the upper bound of If(z) [r ,i), the is in CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLLING CIRCLE CRITERION inequality (14) is better than that in inequality r where 2 807 (16) for R 2 z d , R2-R2/(2R 2-I) It can be seen Let p(r,Rl,X function the that for r [0,R), R is as in Lemma 2, P(r,Rl,X) is decreasing in x for x [RI,2RI] and hence the lower bound of If(z) in inequality (16) is better than that in inequality (14) for d -* d R1 2RI; the last inequality does hold for the function 3 where 0 s a s 1/15. z+az p3(z) For f (v) C--Q(RI,R2) with R 1 < R2, strict inequality holds (14), because, when in the right hand side of the inequality Cz/(l-Dz) where f(z) equality holds, inequality (15) gives that i# i# e # real, so that and D e C xl2Rl-Xl/(Rl+IRl-Xlr). (iv) - , CVG((I+3a)2/(I+9a),R2), d*(R2-d*)/R 2 d*(2R2-d*)/R 2 R 2. f(z) has R 1 For f in inequality CVG(RI,R2), the upper bound of If(z) (14) (or (16)) is dependent on d* (or d). The following theorem gives an upper bound of If(z) that is independent of both d and d*. TH[0[4 2. If f CVG(R,R2) R where Izl [r * ,I] and r r* 2 R <., with JR2-R then 2 2 2 2 The inequality IR2-R2/(2R2-1)" is sharp. PROOF. Set Q(r,R2,d d(2R2-d)/(R 2 (l-r)+rd) is the upper bound of in inequality (16) f(z) r* 2JR 22-R2/(2R2-1 ). decreasing in d. For r , (4), Hence, for r [r ,i], we may replace d by R 2 and obtain the assertion from inequality (16). The function z of Lemma 1 iii inequality (17) for REARKS. d we have rQ(r,R2,d rQ(r,R2,d [r ,i], the function By inequality FR2 z Then, Let z R2 is R22 _R2 rQ(r,R2,d) R in gives sharpness in r. inequality (17) in the upper bound of f (z) f e CVG (R2,R2) is better than that in inequality (13). Indeed, for the function (r,R2) Q * (r,R 2) (i) For Q .- rR2/(R 2 R 2-R2)= 2 r rR2/(R 2 r(R2+ J R2-R 2) 2-R2) R2 we have for r e [2J R2-R2/(2R2-1),I]2 If f (ii) C--q(RI,R2) and equality holds in (17), then as in R 2. Remark (v) following the proof of Theorem I, we obtain that Hence strict inequality holds in (17) when R 1 < R 2. involving both In the following result an upper bound on If(z) R 1 and R 2 is obtained. RI= 808 V. SRINIVAS, O. P. JUNEJA AND G. P. KAPOOR THEOREM 3. If f CVG(RI,R2) a I R1 RI-R 2 PROOF. is r ** r the 2R set Q(r,R2,d upper bound of inequality (4), we have that RI-R 2 R1 by 1 inequality (16). For RI= R2, The function (18) for in 21) + where d s R and R 2. 1 increasing d. By I. Thus, we may replace d obtain and in For rQ(r,R2,l) the equals assertion from rR2/(R2-r R2-R2). l(iii) gives sharpness in inequality of Lemma (i) The number r RI-R I R12-RI R1 i is 2 rQ(r,R2,d) r. RMARK$. r ** defined in (ii) For holds in (18) R1 21) + rd). Then, rQ(r,R2,d) Let inequality (16) rQ(r,R2,d) the upper bound FR2(Z z in f(z) function the < m, then 2 d(2R2-d)/(R2(l-r 2(R2-I)/(2R 2(R2-I) [O,r ** ], -< R 2R 2(R2-I)/(2R 2(R2-I) + The inequality is sharp for 1 1 2R2-I r -< r ** zl in the disc 1 -< R r i R 2 (l-r) +r 1 l(z) (s) with , defined in Theorem 2 is larger than if and only if, R R 2. 1 -< f with 1 R 1 < R 2 < m, strict inequality for, when equality holds, it can be seen as in Remark (v) following the proof of Theorem i, that R R2, a contradiction. 1 4. Theorem 3. Both are equal, C-V(RI,R2) DISTORTION AND ROTATION THEOREMS. For CV(R I,R 2), Goodman [3] found that f I’(z) () -" R2 l-r in the disc Izl r < i. The function 2) FR2(Z), of Lemma l(iii), for R2 shows that inequality (19) is sharp for each r e (0,i). I/(l-r From the proof of inequality (19), we observe that inequality (19) continues to hold for the class CVG(RI,R2). However, an analogue of , inequality (19) in terms of d is not known. In this sup 8f (U) section a result in this direction is found for the class CVG(RI,R2). Finally, in this section, a rotation theorem is derived for the class CV(RI,R2). Its validity for the class CVG(RI,R2) remains open for investigation. in the sequel: The following lemma is needed z O, f(z) in U and g’ (0) g(z) LEMMA 3 [7]. If f S with 4-8 m 0.171. in the disc Izl -< 3 then Ig’ (z) <- f’ (z) II e < CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLLING CIRCLE CRITERION THEOREM 4. zf f , (20) 12 + rd (Rl(l-r) zl in the disc d r , 4-8. R < m, then 2 d ( If’(z) 3 - with 0 < R 1 CVG(RI,R2) 809 d , -IR2-d * (R 2 The inequalities are sharp for R 1 R 2. As in the proof of Theorem i, we obtain P00F. , d B together give where (2R2-d)/R 2 Bz < (z) -z A and , This and Lemma 3 (R2-d)/R 2. B I’ (z) - 4-8. By substituting the values of A and B 3 r in the disc zl in this inequality, the right hand side inequality of (20) is obtained. To prove the left-hand side of the inequality (20), we have, as in the proof of Theorem I, , B z , f(z) I-A z B where , , d (2Rl-d)/R 1 A and Therefore, by Lemma 3, (Rl-d)/R I. , (I-A z) , in the disc zl inequality (20) r For the function so that Rld (2R 1 a 41 R2d d* 1/It 2 (2R 2 - Rld (Rl(l-r) 3 FR2(Z) * d )/(R 2 I/(R I(I + rd 2 48, which is the left-hand side of the of Lemma l(iii), R I R2 2 r) + rd * d* Ir) 2 R 2 and d ar) i/(i 2 i/(i + ar) so that equality is attained in 2 FR2 inequality , I/(l-a) (r) FR2 (-r) and where (20). CVG(RI,R2), the upper bound of If’ (z) in The sharp that in inequality (19). than is better inequality (20) function given in the proof of Theorem 4 is independent of the point under consideration whereas the sharp function used for inequality 4AKRS. (i) For f (19) is dependent on the point. From the proof of Theorem 4, it can be seen that ii , replaced by d inequality (20) continues to remain true with d everywhere, i.e., for f CVG(RI,R2) with 0 R 1 R 2 < m, we have -- 810 V. SRINIVAS, O. P. JUNEJA AND G. P. KAPOOR that (RI+ IRl-dl r zl r For f in the disc (iii) R2-R - E (R 2 (l-r) +rd) - 4-8. 3 R CVG(R d* R If’ (z) with s i/(12-2 16) and r s 3 4-8, the upper bound of in inequality (20) is better than that of the inequality (21). For (iv) f E CVG(RI,R2) R 2 < m, the lower bounds of with s /R If’ (z) in inequalities (21) are equal by Proposition 3. Similarly, the upper bounds of If’ (z) are also equal. , For f (v) CVG(RI,R2) with R 1 s d s d s 2RI, the lower bound of If’ (z) in inequality (21) is better than that in inequality (zo). Finally, we prove a rotation theorem for the class CV(RI,R2). Its validity for the class f remains open for CVG(R I,R2) investigation. TH[0R[h 5. larg f’ (z) in the disc R00[. Izl If 2 in f (20) cv and R 2(l+r) + -r - (RI,R2) C(r,R2) + r < 1 where C(r,R) + __2 , then (4R2_I R(l+r) C(r,R 2 l+r (l-r). For each fixed A in U, the function f[z+l g(z) l+Xzlz + is R2 < with f(A) c2(A)z2+... - If’ (I) (1-1112). It is known CV(RI/A(A ),Rz/A(A)) where A(A) then Therefore, g Ig"(O)/2! CV(R[,R) 41-1/R [8] that if R2 2f’ (A) which, by using the distortion property for the function f(z) in CV, gives 2f’ (A) R (i+ 2 CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND THE ROLLING CIRCLE CRITERION 21ll/(l-Ill 2, Multiplying the above inequality by x Replacing 2112 f ,f((x) () ll _ll I_IX 811 we obtain i- 2 by p in the above inequality, we get 1_p2 "- (X R (l+p) 2 1_p2 -< 1_p2 1 l-p, R 2 (l+p) Thus, 2 (22) 1-p 2 1 .., Im (X f"(X) since, ca arg f’ (X) ap 1-p R2 (l+p) 2p (X) 2 l_p2 p a _< 2 l-p 1-p R 2 (l+p) arg f’ (X) Now, integrating the terms in inequality (22) along the straight linepath from X 0 to X re the required inequality follows. i8, REFERENCES I. BIERNACKI, M. (1936) 2. 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