Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 18 NO. 4 (1995) 749-756 749 A NEW ANALOGUE OF GAUSS’ FUNCTIONAL EQUATION HIROSHI HARUKI Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 and THEMISTOCLES M. RASSlAS Department of Mathematics, University of La Verne, P.O. Box 51105, Kifissia, Athens, Greece 14510 (Received April 5, 1994 and in revised form September 29, 1994) ABSTRACT. Gauss established a theory on the functional equation (Gauss’ functional equa- tion) f where f R + R+ In this paper R is (a + v/-) an unknown function of the above equation. we treat the functional equation 2 where f(a,b) (a,b>0), f R + R+ R is an ’a+b) =f(a’b) (a,b>O), unknown function of this equation. The purpose of this paper is to prove new results on this functional equation by following the theory of Gauss’ functional equation. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Gauss’ functional equation, the arithmetic-geometric mean of Gauss, the arithmetic-harmonic mean. 1992 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 39B22. 1. INTRODUCTION. Gauss established where a f: R + R+ theory on the functional equation R is an unknown function of the above equation. (Cf. [21, [31, [41, [5]) 750 H. HARUKI AND T. M. RASSIAS In this paper we treat the functional equation .(.+ ’db] 2o 2 f(a,b) (a,b> 0), (1.2) f R + x R+ R is an unknown function of the above equation. The purpose of this paper is to obtain new results for the solution of (1.2) by following the theory on Gauss’ functional equation. The main result is to solve (1.2) under suitable natural condition of f. In the last section we conclude with an open problem for the functional equation where (.). REMARK 1. For the arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean cf. [1, pp. 287-297]. 2. A RELATION Construct BETWEEN (1.2) AND THE ARITHMETIC-HARMONIC MEAN. a sequence of arithmetic means and a sequence of geometric means as follows: an+l with ao a(> 0) and bo (.. + ), .+, /..(. 0, ,2,...) b(> 0). Then the following theorem holds: THEOREM A. (i) The two sequences {a,}=0 and {b,}=0 equal. (ii) y(a, b) G(a, b) is a solution are convergent and the limits are of the functional equation (1.1). For G(a, b) see below. PROOF. See [4], [51 REMARK 2. The limit in Theorem A is said to be the arithmetic-geometric mean of Gauss of a, b denoted by G(a, b) in this paper. Next construct a sequence of arithmetic means and a sequence of harmonic means as follows: a.+, with ao a(> 0) and b0 -(a. + .), b.+, . 2a,b, + (. , O, 2 b(> 0). Then the following theorem holds: THEOREM B. The two sequences {a,}=o and (b,.,}=o converge to the same limit vZ’. NEW ANALOGUE OF GAUSS’ FUNCTIONAL EQUATION 751 PROOF. See for example (3I. REMARK 8. The limit in Theorem B is said to be the arithmetic-harmonic mean of a,b, denoted by M(a,b)in this paper. Hence, by Theorem B we obtain M(a,b)= v/. THEOREM 1. f(a, b) M(a, b) is a solution PROOF. The proof goes along the M(a, b) of the functional equation (1.2). same lines as that of Theorem A (ii), or by the fact that x/ (see Remark 3) the proof is clear. 3. INTEGRAL REPRESENTATIONS FOR THE ARITHMETIC-HARMONIC MEAN M(a, b). Gauss (cf. [2], [3], [4], [5]) considered the following definite integral l(a, b) which is closely related to the arithmetic-geometric mean of Gauss of a, b(a, b > O) l(a, b) fo "r fo dO 2" x/a sin O+bcos zO 2" x/a dO 0 cos + M sin o(a,b > 0). Gauss (see [51) proved the following theorem: THEOREM C. Using the same notation as before, (i) (l(ao, bo)=)l(a,b)= l(a,,b,), ( a, (ii) G(a, b)= (I(a,b)) -1 for all positive real numbers a,b. Now we consider the following definite integral J(a,b) which is closely related to the arithmetic-harmonic mean of a, b(a, b > 0) (cf. J(a, b) -r fo" a sinZ O + bcos2 0 dO [2,, (a,b > 0). 2’so acos 2o+bsin 20 [6, p.318]): dO Then the following theorem holds: (3.2) H. HARUKI AND T. M. RASSIAS 752 THEOREM 2. (i) (J(obo)=)J(,b)= J(a,b) (ii) M(a,b)= (J(a,b)) -1 for all positive real numbers a,b, (iii) J(a, b) :7 for all positive real numbers a, b. PROOF OF (i). By (3.2)we obtain dO dO liD2" asin20+bcos20 +liD2" acos20+bsin20 + 2J(a,b) fo 2. b a (a sin 0 + bcos 20)(a cos 0 + bsin By elementary computations (3.3) 0)d0" we obtain (a sin 20 + bcos O)(a cos 20 + bsin 20) (a+b) sin 20 + abcos (3.4) 20. Substituting (3.4) into (3.3) yields dO 2" J(a, b) Since a] *+ b r fo +b2 Sin2 20 + Zgg ’’ cs2 20 2ab by (3.5) we have -, fo J(a, b) If we set Therefore, (3.5) dO (3.6) aa sin 20 + ba cos 20" 20 in (3.6), we obtain a, sin + ba cos a sin + b cos we obtain J(a, b) PROOF OF (ii). By (i) J(a,b) J(a,b) J(aa, b, ). J(a,,b,) and by iteration we obtain J(a,,b,) (n =0,1,2,...). ) ) NEW ANALOGUE OF GAUSS’ FUNCTIONAL EQUATION 753 Hence we have J(a,b) By (3.2) l.i_mJ(a,.,,b.). we obtain lim g(a. a,, sin 0 2r,,-o (3.8) + b. cos O" By Remark 3 {a,}= 0, {b,}=0 converge to M(a, b). Furthermore, since for 0<0<2r a, sin 20+b.cos 0 by (3.7), (3.8) we get the desired result. converges uniformly to PROOF OF (iii). By (ii) and by Remark 3 we get the desired result. Q.E.D. 4. MAIN THEOREM. In [7], the following converse of Theorem THEOREM D. Let f R + R+ R be a function. If f v/a cos 0 +b then the only solution sin O,p R + of (1.1) can be represented by p()dO (,, > 0), f(,,) where r C(i) is proved. (Cf.[8]) R is a function such that p"(x) is continuous in R+, is given by Al(a, b)+ B f(a, b) A G(a, b) + B, where A, B are arbitrary real constants. The following provides the converse of Theorem 2(i). This is the main theorem of the paper. THEOREM 3. Let f R+ x R + R be a function. If f f(a, b) where s asin: O+ bcos O,q R + the only solution of (1.2) --, "r R can be represented by q(s)dO (a, b > 0), is a function such that q"(x) is given by f (a, b) AJ(a, b)+ B where A, B are arbitrary real constants. mX___ B, ,/ + is continuous in R +, then H. HARUKI AND T. M. RASSIAS 754 Before the proof of Theorem 3 we mention a lemma for it in the next section. 5. LEMMA. We shall apply the following lemma to the proof of the main theorem. LEMMA. Let f :R + x R + f(a, b) R be a function. If f fo" q(s)dO (a, can be represented by (5.1) b > 0) is continuous in R +, then PROOF. The proof follows from elementary calculations applying a basic theorem on differ- where s a sin 0 +bcos (i) f.(c, c) A(c, c) O, q R + is a function such that q"(x) q (c), (ii) Aa(c, c) Ab(C, c) a (c), q (iii) .f.b(C, c) .fba(C, C) q (C), where c is an R arbitvaw positive real constant. entiation under the integral sign in 6. PROOF OF (5.1). THE MAIN THEOREM (THEOREM 3). Our aim of this section is to solve the functional equation 2 Applying ’a+b =f(a’b) (a,b>O). to both sides of the above equation, using the Chain Rule for differentiation for two real variables, observing that f,b(a, b) fb,(a, b) and setting a b c in the resulting equality where c is an arbitrary fixed positive real number yields 3 La(C, C) "Jr" 4 fb(C, C) "Lb(C, C) "Jl" "fbb(C, ) - O. (6.1) Subsitituting f,,(c, c), fab(C, c), fbb(C, C), fb(C, C) in Lemma in Section 5 into (6.1) and simpli- fying the resulting equality yields q"(c) + 2ql (c) O. Since c was an arbitrary fixed positive real number, we can replace c by a positive real variable z in the above equality. So we obtain in R + NEW ANALOGUE OF GAUSS’ FUNCTIONAL EQUATION (x)=0. (x)+ q 755 Solving the above differential equation in R+ yields A q(z) 1 =+B and thus q(s) I- A +B s where A, B are real constants. Substituting (6.2) into (5.1) and using (3.2) yields f(a, b) Hence, by Theorem 2 (iii) we obtain f(a, b)Direct substitution of equation Ad(a, b) + B. (ft.3) A-- + B. into (6.3) (1.2) shows that (6.3) is a solution of our original functional (1.2). Q.E.D. 7. OPEN PROBLEM. In this last section we shall give an open problem for the functional equation (1.2). OPEN PROBLEM: Let f" R + x R + - R be a continuous function in R+ x R +. Is the only continuous solution of the functional equation f(a, b) where F" R + R is an arbitrary (1.2) given by F(ab), continuous function of a real variable ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The authors with to thank Professor J. Aczdl for suggesting the paper [3] in References. 756 H. HARUKI AND T. M. RASSIAS REFERENCES 1. ACZIL, J. and DHOMBRES, J., "Functional Equations in Several Variables." Cam- bridge Univ. Press, Cambridge/New York, 1989. Gauss, Landen, Ramanujan, the arithmetic-geometric mean, ellipses, r, and the Ladies Diary. Amer. Math. 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