Dec 14, 2015 EJPS School Council Minutes 2) Attendance

Dec 14, 2015 EJPS School Council Minutes
Commencing Approx. 6:35p – Approx 8:30p
1) November Minutes approved
2) Attendance
a. Becky and Amanda (Co-Chairs), Suzanne (Treasurer), Shirley-Anne and Alana
(Co-Secretaries and Communications), Chrstine, Maureen (PIC), Melanie, Rasha,
Melissa, Sandy (Teacher rep), Katherine (Principal), and Jill
3) Becky (chair)
a. Discussed feedback received from Holiday Market regarding negative feedback
on the council. School Council needs to operate as a unit and opinions need to be
discussed as a group and/or with the chairs if there is an issue rather than
negatively broadcasting to people outside of council. Council needs to become
more united.
4) Treasurer’s Report – Suzanne
a. Currently at $20352.06; approximately $5000-6000 remaining for pizza
purchases; already spent approximately $3800 in pizza; Therefore approx.
$14352-$15352 for balance.
b. Movie Night $145.55 Profit – No receipt received for beverages purchased for the
night; pending receipt or notification of whether drinks are donated or not from
Jill (purchaser of drinks)
c. Holiday Market $3301.75 Holiday Market profit plus a donation $245 to Humane
Society from kids table
5) Principal’s Report – Katherine
a. Life touch – wanted to decide whether we want to switch to the “proof” system or
remain with the “buy” system – Council vote = PROOFS – she will also look into
whether the company can combine children for the orders and possible group
order and deliver to the school.
b. UGDSB – all grade 3 including split grades (2/3 & 3/4 split classes) received
license for “Dream Box” which works on number sense strands of math.
Principal received slight training while teachers are fully and extensively trained
for the program. Kids log in and program tweaks to the child’s needs. Received
10 extra licenses; she’s looking into applying them to the junior division for math
gaps; council suggested applying to grades 1-3.
c. Egale Canada – received training for LGBT vocabulary, accommodations, rights,
how to deal with homophobia, transphobia, increasing strength and comfort
within the school. Maureen will look into additional classes or talks for parents to
receive the same service.
d. Spring Concert will be planned in lieu of Christmas Concert due to Work to Rule
leaving not enough time for the Christmas Concert to be planned.
e. Assembly will be on the last day before the break at 11:30a – approximately for
45 minutes
f. Looked into snow fencing for trees – quoted $800 for service – Council voted
NO; we will encourage students to simply avoid running overtop of the area for
increasing the tree’s survival rate
g. Received 6 Kits RE: Inspiring child to learn math
6) Teacher Input
a. Sandy
i. Would like to see more chrome books – more sets, particularly ones for
the portable
ii. Children would like to receive a water cooler for the portable to avoid
having to go into the school for a drink of water – will look into water
cooler costs
b. Mme Motto – (via Amanda –chair)
i. Would like to bring in a Breakfast Program – Requests $50/month –
noticed a lot of her students were hungry and since implementing
breakfast regularly, her students were more focused in the mornings and
had better days in class. School council vote – YES
ii. Will tentatively see if the other classrooms are having similar needs and
look toward implementing this program in the future for the children.
Will use Mme Motto as pilot project and base numbers off for next year –
to be discussed in JUNE council meeting.
1. Amanda will look for more grants to cover/off set costs for
additional food programs. Waiting to hear back from one she has
already applied to.
2. Will require feedback from teachers if they’d like this
7) Fundraisers – Final Vote approved by Council
a. Family Fun Night, Holiday Market, Christmas Raffle Baskets, Dance a Thon, and
Plant Sale – Cash Donation will be included as an option for each event.
b. International Food Event and Winter Carnival will be considered to; be done as
simply a service. Will finalize dates for upcoming events in January.
c. Will look into Babysitting Night and Farm Fresh Fundraiser for 2016 – Will
tentatively plan in JUNE School Council.
8) What we will fundraise FOR – tallied council preference for #1-9, results are as follows
for fundraising priority (pay as we go) =
1. Busses for Field Trips for children
2. Chromebooks / Ipads plus accessories (possibly a cart to transfer rather than
risking them being dropped, cases, etc – will look into repairing broken ones and
costs for refurbished products for cost efficiency)
3. Maker Labs – various labs to be brought in as a service to the school – to be
determined which specific labs we would like to schedule, but to contact
businesses and bring the works in as well as look into costs for a “maker trolly”
where It has supplies for maker events; will decide specifics at January meeting
4. Musicians – hosted by Nabil & Karim – get children to create their own songs and
produce CDs and Music Videos for the children
5. Le Chef à L’École
6. Rock Climbing or Alternative Sports Activity to be brought in
7. Backyard Honey Bee Workshop to Classes– Will look into costs from UoG
instead as a comparison
8. Give teachers money for classrooms (we already give $100 to each, will look into
increasing total)
9. Photography in Nature
9) Jill - Lotto
a. Discussed buying prizes for Lotto
b. Needs donations for prizes and volunteers to receive letter and actively find
donations for the lotto (monetary or physical donation)
c. Deadline to be aimed for February, will require a week to apply for Lotto License
based off cash value of prizes
10) Movie Night – will be Thursday, Jan 21st; Spring Concert and additional events (agreed
upon above) will be planned more thoroughly at January School Council
11) PIC Update – No update given – ran out of time
12) Conclusion of meeting