,NCL”D,NG ISOTOPE GEOSCIENCE ELSEVIER Chemical Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 Extreme Nd-isotope heterogeneity in the early Archaean - fact or fiction? Case histories from northern Canada and West Greenland S. Moorbath *, M.J. Whitehouse ‘, B.S. Kamber Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford Uniuersiry, Parks Road, Oxford, OXI 3PR, UK Received 30 June 1996; accepted 22 July 1996 Abstract Sm-Nd data on rock suites from early Archaean provinces in northern Canada and West Greenland clearly demonstrate that tectonothermal (i.e. igneous, metamorphic, tectonic) processes which affected the rocks long after their formation produced open-system behaviour leading to effective resetting of the Sm-Nd system accompanied by complete, or near-complete, Nd-isotope homogenisation. This means that extreme caution is required in interpreting highly variable initial eNd values of ancient rocks in terms of long-standing regional mantle heterogeneity or of complex mantle-crust interaction processes. In particular, calculated initial ?? Nd values based on high-precision zircon U-Pb dates may be of little or no significance in terms of geochemical evolution of early mantle and crust source regions. A striking example is provided by the Acasta gneisses of northern Canada, with published SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dates in the range 3.6-4.0 Cia and apparent, initial eNd values in the range -4.8 to f3.6 (Bowring and Housh, 1995). A combination of 34 published and new Sm-Nd whole-rock analyses for a wide range of rock types yields a regression (error&on) age of 3371 f 59 Ma (MSWD = 9.21, with initial ?? Nd = -5.6 k 0.7. Whilst the very negative initial Ed,, provides strong, independent support for the extreme age of the Acasta gneiss protolith, resetting of the Sm-Nd system at - 3.4 Ga renders calculation of initial Ed,, based on the zircon U-Pb dates geologically meaningless. Analogous considl:rations for early Archaean Akilia enclaves and host Amitsoq gneisses of West Greenland suggest that their published range of initial Ed,, values of - -4.5 to + 4.5 at - 3.73-3.87 Ga (Bennett et al., 1993) may be unrealistically wide and, therefore, inappropriate for modelling upper-mantle heterogeneity. In an attempt to determine a realistic initial eNd value, we have regressed 58 published and new Sm-Nd data for two major rock units of the Isua supracrustal belt (felsites and mica-schists), regarded as having a short-term crustal history combined with minimal Sm-Nd disturbance. The Sm-Nd regression yields an age of 3776 &-52 Ma (MSWD = 8.2), with initial eNd = + 2.0 k 0.6. This value is much closer to conventional depleted-mantle models (e.g., DePaolo et al., 1991) than to the value of - +4.5 proposed by Bennett et al. (1993) for this age range. Our observations suggest that there may have been no major change in processes between early Archaean and more recent styles of depleted-mantle evolution. Keywords: Archaean; Mantle: Crust; Nd isotopes; Geochronology * Corresponding author. ’Present address: Laboratory 0009-2541/97/$17.00 Copyright PI1 SOOO9-2541(96)00117-9 for Isotope Geology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. 214 S. Moorbath et al. / Chemiwl 1. Introduction Sm-Nd characteristics of precisely dated early Precambrian rocks show a wide range of initial ?? Nd values, variously interpreted as evidence for transient, highly depleted mantle reservoirs during early Earth history (e.g., Bennett et al., 19931, or as rock genesis from mixtures between mantle-derived and crustal melts derived from extremely old ( N 4.3 Ga), heterogeneous, depleted (high Sm/Nd) and enriched (low Sm/Nd) reservoirs (e.g., Bowring and Housh, 1995). Such models are of great potential importance for studying the geochemical evolution of the earliest crust and mantle and could mean, for example, that the isotopic evolution of the Earth’s mantle reflects progressive eradication of primordial heterogeneities related to early differentiation. In addition, Bennett et al. (1993) proposed a major change in processes between early Archaean (> 3.7 Ga) and later styles of depleted-mantle evolution, based on a Nd-isotope evolution curve with a pronounced eNd peak of f4.5 at 3.7 Ga. This contrasts sharply with the conventional, smooth depleted-mantle Nd-isotope evolution curve of DePaolo et al. (19911, which reflects removal of a light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched component through time, resulting in a LREE-depleted reservoir (see also Galer and Goldstein, 199 1). All these initial e,,-based models assume that the analysed rocks remained closed to disturbance of the Sm-Nd system since the measured age of the rock, most commonly obtained from SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircons. Here we question this assumption, because published Sm-Nd data clearly suggest that some critical sample suites from early Archaean terrains have been open systems to Sm and/or Nd during much later tectonothermal events, sometimes accompanied by nearly complete Nd-isotope homogenisation. Such open-system behaviour would negate the validity of using initial en,, values for tracing early mantle/crust evolution, even when based on precise and valid age data for the metamorphic precursor, because the calculated initial ?? Nd values would be apparent rather than real. Numerous recent studies have documented open-system behaviour in the Sm-Nd system during subsequent metamorphism and metasomatism (e.g., McCulloch and Black, 1984; Windrim et al., 1984; Black and Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 McCulloch, 1987; Whitehouse, 1988; Bridgwater et al., 1989; Li et al., 1990; Tourpin et al., 1991; Gruau et al., 1992; Frost and Frost, 1995; Lahaye et al., 1995; Poitrasson et al., 1995; Gruau et al., 1996). Another line of evidence suggesting that the published range of initial eNd values for the early Archaean is much too wide comes from a comparison of Hf- and Nd-isotope systematics in zircons from ten early Archaean gneisses and supracrustal rocks from West Greenland (Vervoort et al., 1996). These authors conclude that . . the range of Nd compositions measured in these ancient gneisses do not faithfully represent primary isotopic variations in their source regions but rather have been produced, at least in part, by whole-rock geochemical disturbance. Until these Nd data are examined more critically, they should not be used to constrain the details of early earth history. Here we review published, and report new, SmNd data on a wide range of early Archaean rocks from northern Canada and West Greenland. Close analysis of their whole-rock Sm-Nd isotopic systematics demonstrates that, in some cases, open-system disturbance of the Sm-Nd system has affected these rock units long after their presumed age of rock formation. We attach particular significance to wellcorrelated Sm-Nd regression lines (isochrons and errorchrons), interpreting them as resulting from nearly complete resetting of the Sm-Nd system during much later tectonothermal events. In contrast, some previous workers (e.g., Bennett et al., 1993; Bowring and Housh, 1995) do not present their Sm-Nd data on isotopic evolution diagrams because they appear to assume, a priori, that petrologically heterogeneous rock suites (with the same or different zircon U-Pb ages) cannot possibly have homogeneous initial Nd-isotope ratios and that a linear array on a Sm-Nd isotopic evolution diagram significantly post-dating rock formation automatically represents a mixing line with no age significance, rather than defining the age of a resetting event (e.g., Bowring and Housh, 1995). We are very sceptical about this highly constrained approach to the interpretation of well-correlated Sm-Nd regressions and, particularly, to the suggestion that minor statistical scatter about well-correlated regression lines (but with MSWD > 1) necessarily results from initial end heterogeneity S. Moorbath et al. / Chemical Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 of a rock unit, rather than from subsequent minor open-system behaviour to Sm and Nd long after the age of rock formation. Our overall philosophy to the interpretation of wihole-rock isochrons broadly follows that of Camleron et al. (1981) who clearly distinguish between analytical and geological scatter and demonstrate (what many geochronologists intuitively realise and practise) that a realistic, though variably precise, assessment of the primary igneous or metamorphic age, as well as the initial isotope ratio, of a given rock suite is quite possible despite a small degree of statistical, geological scatter in excess of analytical error on an isochron diagram. In other words, it is not necessary to obtain perfect isochrons (MSW:D = 1) to yield meaningful geochronological information. Whilst Cameron et al. (1981) dealt entirely with the Rb-Sr method, we believe that their general approach applies to the Sm-Nd method with equal validity. Applying these general principles to published and new Sm-Nd data for rock units from northern Canada and West Greenland leads us to general agreement with the recent Hf-isotope work of Vervoort et al. (1996), suggesting that the range of initial eNd values for the early Archaean may be considerably narrower than has been claimed in some of the recent work already quoted above. 2. Acasta Canada gneisses, Slave Province, N.W.T., 2.1. Previous work The most detailed geological description so far of the Acasta gneisses has been given by Bowring et al. (1990). They describe these rocks as a heterogeneous assemblage composed mainly of strongly foliated biotite-hornblende tonalitic-to-granitic orthogneisses commonly interlayered on a small scale with amphibolitic and chlorifc schlieren, boudins and layers. Large areas of amphibolites also occur, together with less abundant litheologies of talc-silicate gneisses, quartzites, biotite schists and ultramafic schists, some of which presumably represent metamorphosed supracrustal rocks I(paragneisses). Metamorphic temperatures are regarded as somewhere between 400” and 650°C. The above rocks are furthermore intruded by weakly foliated gabbroic-to-dioritic dykes and 215 pods, as well as weakly-to-strongly foliated biotitebearing granitic rocks. In general, the post-formational tectonic and metamorphic history of the Acasta gneisses is not well understood. Zircon U-Pb dates for the Acasta gneisses have been reported by Bowring et al. (1989a,b,1990) and by Bowring and Housh (1995). Zircons from two samples indicated that the tonalitic-to-granitic gneisses crystallised at 3962 & 3 Ma (Bowring et al., 1989a). Subsequently, Bowring and Housh (1995) reported further SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages ranging from 4.0 to 3.6 Ga for ten Acasta gneiss samples, ranging in composition from amphibolitic to granitic. Importance was also attached to a significantly later event at 3.48 Ga (Bowring et al., 1990): . . . consistent with periods of intrusion, and metamorphism at ca. 3.4-3.6 Ga deformation A total of 13 Sm-Nd analyses has been reported by Bowring et al. (1990) and Bowring and Housh (1995). For reasons stated in these papers, zircon U-W dates ranging from 3.6 to 4.0 Ga were used as the basis for calculating initial ?? Nd values. Bowring and Housh (1995) report that the Acasta gneisses . . . exhibit a wide range of initial Ed,, ( + 3.5 to - 4 at 4.0 Ga, and + 4 to - 7 at 3.6 Ga). This wide range was then used as the basis of Bowring and Housh’s (1995) complex model of heterogeneous mantle and crust evolution and interaction in the early Earth. Our scepticism of the validity of the above approach was first aroused by plotting a Sm-Nd evolution diagram (143Nd/ IaNd vs. 14’Sm/ ‘44Nd) for 7 Acasta gneiss samples based on Bowring et al.‘s (1990) original Sm-Nd analyses, combined with preliminary work on a small suite of compositionally varied samples collected by M.J. Bickle and by S. Maruyama, and analysed for Sm-Nd at Oxford. The pooled 7-point regression age (unpublished) of 3464 _t 97 Ma (MSWD = 4.9) suggested that the Sm-Nd system might have been reset at this time by an igneous or metamorphic event. Furthermore, the negative initial eNd value of -4.8 + 1.0 obtained from the Sm-Nd regression suggested that the Acasta gneisses had a low-Sm/Nd (enriched) crustal protolith, probably as old as the age obtained from zircon U-Pb analysis. (This is discussed in much greater detail below.) Nevertheless, the apparent re- 216 S. Moorbnth et al./Chemical setting of the Sm-Nd system at - 3.46 Ga precluded the use of samples with individually determined zircon U-Pb ages in the range of 4.0-3.6 Ga for calculating valid initial ?? Nd values. 2.2. Samples and results In order to test and extend the above preliminary findings, one of us (S.M.) made a collection of 20 samples of Acasta gneisses in summer 1995 (under the general guidance of W. Padgham and S. Bowring) from several of the type localities described previously (e.g., Bowring et al., 1990; Bowring and Housh, 1995). Sm-Nd analyses on these 20 samples, together with the previous 5 Oxford Sm-Nd analyses Table 1 Sm-Nd analytical Sample SM/Acl SM/Ac2 SM/Ac3 SM/Ac4 SM/AcS SM/Ac6 SM/Ac7 SM/Ac8 SM/Ac9 SM/AclO SM/Acll SM/Acl2 SM/Acl3 SM/Acl4 SM/AclS SM/Acl6 SM/Acl7 Geology 135 (19971 213-231 mentioned in the previous section, are reported in Table 1. All 25 samples plot on a well-correlated Sm-Nd regression (Fig. 11, yielding an age of 3348 k 65 Ma (MSWD = 8.8) with an initial eNd of - 5.6 f 0.7. All regressions in this paper were calculated by the method of Ludwig (19911, with errors quoted at 2 u. The Acasta sample suite comprises a very wide range of rock types from granitic, through intermediate, to amphibolitic gneisses, with ranges of SiO, from 74 to 43 wt%, K,O from 5.3 to 0.9 wt%, CaO from 0.9 to 10.7 wt%, MgO from 0.6 to 15.6 wt%, and total Fe (as Fe,O,) from 0.6 to 19.6 wt%. The range of mineralogical compositions varies accordingly. The rock samples were collected from several data for Acasta gneisses Mineralogy PI, Hbl, Qtz, Chl Pl, Hbl, Bt, Spn, Qtz PI, Qtz, Ep, Chl, Grt, Bt Hbl, PI, Bt, Qtz Hbl, PI, Ilm, Spn, Bt, Qtz Hbl, Pl, Ilm, Spn, Ep, Chl Pl, Qtz, Kfs, Ep Hbl, Chl, Pl, Ilm, Stp Hbl, PI, Fe-ore, Chl, Qtz Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Ep, Chl Kfs, Qtz, Pl, Bt PI, Qtz, Bt, Hbl, Grt PI, Qtz, Hbl, Bt, Grt Hbl, Pl, Bt, Qtz, Ilm PI, Hbl, Qtz, Bt, Spn Qtz, Kfs, Pl, Bt, Ep PI, Qtz, Bt, Hhl, Kfs, Ep, Spn SM/Ac18 Bt, Grt, Hbl, Ilm, Qtz, Pl SM/Acl9 Qtz, Kfs, PI, Bt SM/Ac20 Hbl, Pl, Bt, Fe-ore Maruyama Kfs, Qtz, PI, Bt Bickle-A2 Qtz, Pl, Kfs, Bt Bickle-A3a Kfs, Qtz, PI Bickle-A3bP1, Hbl, Qtz, Bt, Chl, Spn Bickle-A4 Qtz, PI, Kfs, Bt ‘43Nd/ ‘44Nd 14’Sm/ l”Nd SiO, (wt%) Sm (ppm) Nd @pm) 63.9 49.4 73.7 59.2 45.5 45.7 66.5 48.7 43.4 61.3 69.8 69.1 69.6 53.3 55.4 71.5 63.2 3.535 2.495 4.353 2.463 0.998 1.308 0.492 1.679 0.927 4.402 7.125 10.100 2.009 3.564 3.937 4.237 4.111 16.93 12.09 19.10 7.159 3.510 4.953 4.099 9.949 3.668 37.03 59.95 44.05 7.373 15.52 19.45 31.83 32.81 0.5 10842 0.510691 0.511090 0.512597 0.511809 0.511581 0.509634 0.510331 0.511406 0.509577 0.509557 0.511026 0.511608 0.511047 0.510649 0.509789 0.50972 1 0.1262 0.1248 0.1378 0.2080 0.1719 0.1596 0.0725 0.1020 0.1527 0.07 18 0.0718 0.1386 0.1647 0.1388 0.1223 0.0804 0.0757 43.3 70.8 43.3 _ 2.582 2.426 1.397 5.365 8.808 1.150 7.579 1.582 12.87 17.61 5.417 35.03 36.10 7.124 32.49 5.914 0.510721 0.509807 0.511446 0.510016 0.511280 0.510139 0.511125 0.511582 0.1212 - 0.1559 0.0925 0.1475 0.0976 0.1410 0.1617 fSm,Nd ENd <Nd (present) (I = 3.96 Gal - 0.358 - 0.365 - 0.299 0.058 -0.126 -0.189 -0.631 -0.481 -0.223 - 0.635 - 0.635 - 0.295 -0.163 - 0.294 - 0.378 -0.591 -0.615 -35.0 -38.0 -31.2 -0.8 - 16.2 - 20.6 - 58.6 - 45.0 - 24.0 - 59.7 -60.1 -31.4 -20.1 -31.0 -38.8 -55.6 - 56.9 + 1.03 - 1.23 -0.10 - 6.72 - 3.58 - 1.68 +4.98 + 3.45 - 1.60 +4.20 + 3.80 - 1.79 -3.77 - 1.45 - 0.79 +3.93 + 5.02 - 0.383 - 0.577 - 0.207 - 0.530 - 0.250 -0.504 - 0.283 -0.178 - 37.4 -55.2 - 23.3 -51.1 - 26.5 -48.7 - 29.5 - 20.6 + 1.19 +2.81 - 2.45 +2.15 - 1.38 + 1.94 - 1.07 - 2.77 Analytical details refer only to previously unpublished data. Sm and Nd were separated from whole-rock powders by dissolution using HF-HNO, at 170°C in pressurised containers, followed by standard ion-exchange techniques. Sm and Nd concentrations determined by isotope dilution; error on 14’Sm/ ‘44Nd ratios is _ *O.l%. Nd isotopic ratios were determined on a VG 54E mass spectrometer and corrected for within-run mass fractionation by normalization to a ‘46Nd/ ‘44Nd ratio of 0.7219; replicate analyses of La Jolla standard yield 14’Nd/ ‘44Nd 0.511839 f 0.000023 (0.0044%, 2 cr; n = 20). Data from other sources have been normalised to this value. Decay constant Nd parameters calculated relative to CHUR (‘43Nd/ l”Nd = 0.512638; 14’Sm/ ‘44Nd = 0.1966; (A) for 14’Sm = 6.54 X lo- I2 a- ‘. ?? Hamilton et al., 1983); enrichment expressed as fsm,Nd relative to CHUR. S. Moorbath et al./ Chemical Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 211 cogenetic or not in terms of ?? Nd heterogeneities. In our model, significant geological scatter (MSWD > 1) about the regression line could imply that either pre-3.37-Ga eNd heterogeneities were not totally eradicated, or that post-metamorphic disturbance (e.g., at N 1.9 Ga, see Hodges et al., 1995) caused limited open-system behaviour in the Sm-Nd system, or both. In contrast, Bowring and Housh (1995) assume that each of their analysed samples remained a closed Sm-Nd system since time of rock formation, as estimated from the individually associated zircon U-Pb ages. They state (Bowring and Housh, 1995, footnote 4) that 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 Fig. 1. Sm-Nd regression for Acasta gneiss samples from this paper (filled circles), and Bowring et al. (1990) and Bowring and Housh (1995) (open circles). . . . the Acasta gneisses are compositionally and temporally heterogeneous and thus were not all derived from a single homogeneous reservoir at the same time and further claim that of the same localities for which Bowring and Housh (1995) quote SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dates ranging from 3.6 to 4.0 Ga. Most of the Acasta gneiss Sm-Nd analyses of Bowring et al. (1990) and Bowring and Housh (1995) fall on the same regression line defined by the Oxford analyses, with no significant change in parameters. Thus a combined regression line based on 34 analyses (Fig. 1) yields an age of 3371 k 59 Ma (MSWD = 9.21, with initial ?? Nd= - 5.6 f 0.7. Three of the 3.6-Ga samples (granite 91-5, tonalitic gneiss 89-18, amphibolitic gneiss 91-38) of Bowring and Housh (1995) and one sample (amphibolitic gneiss BGXM) of Bowring et al. (1990) have been omitted because of poor fit to the combined regression. Their inclusion in the regression produces an age of 3329 f 110 Ma (MSWD = 1491, with initial ?? Nd= - 6.0 + 1.7. However, i-n what follows, we rest our case on the well-correlated regression of 34 (out of 37) published and new Sm-Nd data points. 2.3. Interpretation of the Sm-Nd regression Our main thesis is that the Acasta gneisses suffered a tectonothermal event at N 3.37 Ga (see above) which caused open-system behaviour for Sm-Nd and resulted in close approximation to Ndisotope homogenisation on the scale of sampling, regardless of whether the samples were originally . . . therefore, any linear array on an isochron diagram for these samples is a mixing line, and calculated ages and initial isotopic ratios have no geological significance Their view reflects a general scepticism towards whole-rock isochron dating. Indeed, several studies have shown that linear arrays in isochron plots may reflect mixing relationships and have no direct geochronological significance. With respect to SmNd whole-rock dating, several attempts to date mafic-ultramafic rock units have produced false isochron ages (e.g., Cattell et al., 1984; Hegner et al., 1984; Chauvel et al., 1985; Gruau et al., 1990) and were shown to result from two-component mixing (e.g., contamination of a mantle-derived melt by continental crust). If the inverse of Nd concentration, l/Nd, is plotted vs. 143Nd/ 144Nd ratio (either present-day, or corrected for 14’Sm decay since the assumed geological age), simple two-component mixing produces a straight line, usually with a positive slope since the radiogenic end-member tends to have a lower Nd concentration. Although straight lines in this diagram may also be obtained for true isochrons, a lack of correlation reasonably argues against mixing. In Fig. 2a, we plot data for matic-ultramafic whole-rock analyses by Cattell et al. (19841, which define a provably false regression age. A broad 218 S. Moorbath et al. /Chemical Geology 135 (19971213-231 0.5130 0.5125 0.5120 0.5115 0.5110 _ : 0.5105 0.5100 0.5120 ~~,.~1~~~~1~~,~1~~~~1~~~~'~~~~ 0.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.5095 0.40 0.50 0.60 . . * ‘. . - ??. . . . 0.050 . ,, 0.10 , .., . .._. C , , ,, 0.20 , ,. , ,, ,I0.25 0.30 VW ,. 1.9 Ge 0.5096 , 0.15 VW 0.5100 . . _ : -_. ‘; . ,.,., , I ,a,, , , 0.0 . . . . . . ?? ,. , I . . .* . ?? . . 0. . . . . . ?? 0.5078 "', 0.0 _._... 0.0 0.050 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 '3"". 0.050 0.10 "".""""I 0.15 ” 0.20 0.25 ” 0.30 Wdl 0.5077 0.5076 G. ?? * . . . . ' . ?? .- 0.5075 t f 4.0 Ge . .*. 0.5074 - * : .a'*' . .* 0.5073 1 .- . . 0.5072 : 0.5071 L 0.5070 . . . * 1” I”““““““” ""'3" 0.0 0.050 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 l/IW Fig. 2. Plots of inverse Nd concentration vs. 14’Nd/ ‘44Nd: (a) present-day data from Cattell et al. (1984) for late Archaean lavas from the Abitibi Belt, Ontario, define a positive, linear slope, illustrating binary mixing, (b) present-day values from Acasta gneisses from this study, Bowring et al. (1990), and Bowring and Housh (1995); same data back-corrected to (c) 1.9 Ga, (d) 3.37 Ga, (e) 4.0 Ga. The data scatter widely in (b), (c), and (e), indicating that binary mixing does not explain the tight correlation in the isochron plot (Fig. 1). With the exception of three aberrant samples (squares), values back-corrected to 3.37 Ga define a linear, horizontal array, supporting the interpretation of a homogenisation event. linear array is defined by these data, which supports the view that the regression is a mixing line, so that the resulting age and initial Nd isotope information is meaningless. (This plot of 143Nd/ ‘44Nd versus l/Nd is not actually given in Cattell et al., 1984.) In contrast, when the Acasta gneiss samples are plotted in similar fashion (Fig. 2b) they scatter randomly so that the tight linear regression plot is clearly not the S. Moorbath et al. /Chemical 219 Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 supports our thesis of a 3.37-Ga event which severely affected the Sm-Nd systematics of the Acasta gneisses. A similar plot for ‘43Nd/ ‘44Nd ratios calculated back to 4.0 Ga shows significantly greater scatter and a negative slope (Fig. 2e). It should be noted that Bowring and Housh’s (1995) suggestion that the well-correlated linear array in the isochron plot represents two-component mixing actually conflicts with their postulate of a range of preserved Nd-isotopic heterogeneities in the Acasta gneisses. In other words, the wide range in Nd ( - 4.8 to + 3.6) obtained by Bowring and initial ?? Housh (1995) precludes binary mixing, if these val- result of binary mixing, thus refuting Bowring and Housh’s (1995) explanation. If 143Nd/ 144Nd ratios are calculated for various times in the past, such as the N 1.9-Ga metamorphic overprint (Hodges et al., 1995) the postulated 3.37-Ga homogenisation event, the protolitb formation age of 4.0 Ga, and plotted against l/Nd (Fig. 2c-e) the best-correlated linear fit is obtained at 3..37 Ga. With few exceptions, the Acasta gneiss 143Nd,/ 144Nd ratios calculated back to 3.37 Ga broadly define a straight horizontal line (Fig. 2d), showing that most analysed Acasta gneisses had approximately the same Nd isotopic composition regardless of their Nd concentration. This further i 5 - MSWD=478 0.5110 B : i P 1 I age = 3661flW) : Ma 0.507818 Nd MaI= - . . 0.5105 : . . 0.5100 - I 8 . I o&ir~ 33~;lien: 3 age = 37‘uMsu hia LM !..;li-l _ mll*r. : : . : ! - MsWD= 915 age = 3543%?50 Ma Nd initial = .507583 ___ _____ ..Nd initial = 507908 . age i: 363W60 Ma Nd initial = SO7618 . : . . . . . I . gH?l~D~~3gliilX: . age = 37E4%kz?OMa Nd initial = .507683 . 147Sm/144NC’ 0.5090 ’ ’ ’ ’’ i ’ ’’ ’ ’ -J 0.060 . 0.080 0.10 0.12 ’’ ’ I ’ ’ ’ 0.14 0.16 0.5090 t 0.060 * I ’ 0.060 1 0 10 1 0.12 ‘4’Sml’4’Nd ’ 1 1 0.14 0.15 0.18 Fig. 3. Model Sm-Nd isochron regressions for (a) data of Bowring and Housh (1995), assuming that each sample represents an entire rock suite with 14’Sm/ ‘44Nd values ranging from 0.07 to 0.16, calculated for corresponding zircon U-Pb age; (b), (c), Cd) isochron plots for three randomly selected data sets of 40 points from (a). Individual regressions were calculated firstly for all points, and secondly with the omission of the three most aberrant samples (see text). 220 S. Moorbath et al./ Chemical Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 ues are interpreted as reflecting undisturbed primary Nd-isotope systematics. Nevertheless, because of the slow decay of 14’Sm, 4.0- and 3.6-Ga-old protoliths with variable initial 143Nd/ ‘44Nd compositions will tend to define a broadly linear array in an isochron diagram. In order to explore the possible scatter associated with such an array, we have performed a simple numerical simulation. Following the model of Bowring and Housh (1995) we have interpreted each of their data points to represent one sample of a cogenetic suite of rocks. For each rock suite we have arbitrarily assumed a range of 14’Sm/ ‘44Nd ratios from 0.07 to 0.16 (note that the true range is not crucial to our calculations). Fig. 3a shows isochrons for these suites, calculated for the appropriate U-Pb zircon age, starting with an initial 143Nd/ 144Nd ratio based on Bowring and Housh’s (1995) initial eNd value. Here we treat this data array as a random sampling pool, assuming that the Sm-Nd system remained undisturbed by any later overprint, as argued by Bowring and Housh (1995). We have randomly selected 40 data points from this array and calculated closeness of fit (indicated by MSWD), age and initial 143Nd/ 144Nd ratio in isochron plots for three simulations, displayed in Fig. 3b-d. Whilst computed ages and initial ‘43Nd/ 144Nd ratios do depend on the true 14’Sm/ 144Nd ratios of individual rock suites and should therefore not be regarded as predictive, the respective MSWD values of 478, 915 and 763 are much less sensitive to choice of 14’Sm/ ‘44Nd values and can be regarded as the expected closeness of fit of a linear data array. If we regress all 37 measured Acasta gneiss Sm-Nd points (see previous section), we obtain an MSWD of 149. Even this is far better than predicted by the simulation. More importantly, omitting the three worst samples from the simulation regression only improves the fit partially (i.e. 369 instead of 478, 682 instead of 915, 480 instead of 763) whilst omitting 3 out of 37 real samples lowers the MSWD to 9.2 (Fig. l), almost two orders of magnitude smaller than predicted. We regard this as strong evidence that our regression does not reflect random sampling from an inherently linear data pool, and we conclude that the obtained age and Nd-isotope information are of geological significance. Whilst the slow decay of 14’Sm precludes using a whole-rock approach to resolve Nd-isotope heterogeneities resulting from age differ- ences of even several 100 Ma, the range of initial Nd-isotope ratios postulated by Bowring and Housh (1995) would, if genuine, provide sufficient dispersion to be easily detectable by whole-rock analysis. In summary, inspection of the Acasta gneiss Sm-Nd regression shows that the obtained errorchron is neither the result of binary mixing nor of random sampling of an inherently linear original data pool. The fact that the best correlation between l/Nd vs. 143Nd/ 144Nd is obtained for a horizontal line at N 3.37 Ga further supports our model of a geological event which nearly eradicated any pre-existing Nd-isotope heterogeneities. There are several circumstantial lines of evidence for limited open-system disturbance of the Sm-Nd system in the Acasta gneisses post-dating the 3.37-Ga resetting event. Hodges et al. (1995) report U-Pb evidence for a Pb-loss event at 1.88 Ga, based on fine-grained titanites and metamorphic overgrowths on coarse titanite. Support for this metamorphic event is provided by a 1.86-Ga 4o Ar/ 39Ar hornblende age. Hodges et al. (1995) further state that . . . Nd isotopic data for garnets from the same rocks reveal complex systematics, probably in part related to multiple episodes of garnet growth, and provide no useful information regarding the age of either metamorphic event. Turning again to the preservation of the pre-3.37Ga record (other than zircon U-W ages) there is, of course, no a priori requirement that all the different Acasta gneiss rock types had an identical initial eNd value at time(s) of rock formation. However, as explained later, if the observed Sm-Nd regression indeed represents a time of near-complete Nd-isotope homogenisation, then the record of any previous isotopic heterogeneities in initial E’.,,, may have been largely eliminated. Interpretation of the regression age as resetting of the Sm-Nd system is strongly supported by the very negative initial end (3.37 Ga) value of -5.6 + 0.7 (Fig. l), pointing to the existence of an enriched (low Sm/Nd) crustal protolith with an age greatly exceeding 3.37 Ga. Indeed, assuming an average continental crust Sm/Nd ratio of 0.17 (Taylor and McLennan, 1985) for the Acasta gneiss precursor, the observed initial eNd value of -5.6 at 3.37 Ga (Fig. 1) extrapolates back to + 1.0 at 3.96 Ga, i.e. the oldest zircon U-Pb age obtained S. Moorbath et al./Chemical -12; I 3.2 3.4 3.6 , 3.6 t(W , 4.0 Fig. 4. Nd-isotope evolution diagram for all Acasta gneiss samples plotted in Fig. 1. Individual evolution lines arc not shown, but all fall within the shaded jield. The 2 u error polygon represents the parameters shown in the inset of Fig. 1. The open squares represent the initial ?? Nd values based on individual zircon U-Pb dates of Bowring et al. (1990) and Bowring and Housh (1995). for the Acasta gnei:sses (Bowring et al., 1990). This is much closer to uniformitarian models of early Archaean Nd-isotope evolution in both the chondritic uniform reservoir (CHUR) and depleted-mantle models (e.g., DePaolo et al., 1991). 2.4. Interpretation of individual, apparent initial eNd values If, as argued earlier, the Sm-Nd system in the Acasta gneisses was largely reset at N 3.37 Ga, then this would have destroyed all or most of the pre-3.37 Nd heterogeneities, so that calculation Ga record of ?? of initial ?? Nd values based on individual zircon U-W ages would be geologically meaningless. This is illustrated in Fig. 4 in a Nd-isotope evolution diagram. The 34 individual Nd-isotope evolution lines are not plotted separately, but all fall within the shaded field, focusing on the 2u error polygon which represents the age and initial eNd value obtained from the Sm-Nd regression (Fig. 1). Also shown (squares) are the zircon U-W ages of Bowring et al. (1990) and IBowring and Housh (1995). Although there are no zircon U-Pb age measurements on the samples analysed for Sm-Nd at Oxford, they were collected frorn some of the same localities as those of Bowring and coworkers and therefore presumably occupy the same age range. The corresponding values of apparent initial Ed,, can be read off from the vertical1axis. The greater the age differ- Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 221 ence between the measured zircon U-Pb age and the Sm-Nd resetting age, the greater will be the range of apparent initial ?? Nd values. For example, at the maximum age of 4.0 Ga, the apparent range extends from _ -5 to +7, but at 3.6 Ga only from u - 6.5 to - 1. It is clear that the individual eNd values based on associated zircon U-Pb ages have no geological significance whatever. The plot in Fig. 4 rather simplistically assumes only Nd-isotope homogenisation in individual samples, so that individual whole-rock Nd-isotopic evolution lines pass straight through the 2cr error polygon region. It is probable, given their similar chemistry, that both Sm and Nd would be mobile during a resetting event at 3.37 Ga, resulting in a change of Sm/Nd ratio for individual samples in addition to Nd-isotope homogenisation. In that case, the overall field of Ndisotope evolution would be correspondingly less well constrained and could yield an even wider range of . .. apparent pre-3.37 Ga mmal eNd values. 2.5. Interpretation of the geological nature of the resetting event Earlier we saw that the observed MSWD of N 9 for the 34-point Sm-Nd regression (Fig. 1) was very much smaller than can be accounted for by independent, undisturbed Nd-isotope evolution from different samples with different ages and initial ?? Nd values. The problem therefore is to propose a plausible geological process that could cause near-complete Nd-isotope homogenisation at 3.37 Ga in a petrologitally and geochemically wide variety of lithologies over an area of w 15-20 km2 (for overall geological and locality map, see Bowring and Housh, 1995). It is unlikely that metamorphism and tectonism alone were responsible for near-complete Nd-isotope homogenisation (e.g., Barovich and Patchett, 1992). Over the past decade, attention has been drawn to the fact that hydrothermal overprint, both at low metasom atic tern perature and at high metamorphic/anatectic temperature may severely disturb the REE distribution of adjacent rocks (e.g., Windrim et al., 1984; Whitehouse, 1988; Frost and Frost, 1995; Poitrasson et al., 1995; Bau, 1996). Bowring and Housh (1995, footnote 4) state that . . . the Acasta gneisses . . . are a sequence of layered me&igneous rocks that have been subjected to 222 S. Moorbath et al. /Chemical deformation. This geological history resulted in a series of layered rocks in which the layers reflect differences in primary igneous compositions. From our own field and microscopic observations we interpret this layering to be the result of a powerful tectonometamorphic overprint accompanied by anatexis. In addition, the rocks suffered a much younger low-grade metamorphic overprint at N 1.9 Ga (Hodges et al., 1995) which was clearly not responsible for the observed layering, but which may have caused some of the scatter around the 3.37 Ga regression line (Fig. l), as pointed out earlier. Thus the geological history of the Acasta gneisses requires a high-grade event involving melting, metamorphism, migmatisation and deformation which occurred between formation of the protolith (4.0 and 3.6 Ga) and the low-grade overprint at 1.9 Ga. Here we postulate that this event may itself be recorded by the 3.37 Ga Nd-isotope homogenisation and that the anatectic nature of the Acasta gneiss layering provides a framework for possible REE redistribution. Under these circumstances, preservation of initial ?? Nd heterogeneity corresponding to rock type, as postulated by Bowring and Housh (19951, would be most improbable. In our interpretation, therefore, it is probable that the age of the Acasta gneisses is only N 3.37 Ga, although both the zircon U-Pb ages (4.0 to 3.6 Ga) and the initial eNd value of N -5.6 obtained from the Sm-Nd regression (Fig. 1) provide incontrovertible evidence for the existence of a substantially older precursor. Such a precursor - which is well worth searching for in the field - may resemble the kind of stored mafic/ultramafic crust envisaged by Chase and Patchett (1988) to account for early Archaean mantle depletion. Such mafic/ultramafic rocks alone, however, may be compositionally inappropriate as the source of ancient, inherited zircons in the Acasta gneisses. The protolith would also have to comprise compositionally evolved rocks as a source for the zircons. The only early Archaean terrain (_ 3.8 Ga) known to us which contains a major, essentially bimodal assemblage of ultramaficto-mafic/felsic volcanogenic rocks is that of the Isua supracrustal belt of West Greenland (e.g., Nutman et al., 1984), which is discussed later. Supracrustal and infracrustal assemblages with this compositional polarity may have been common during the early Ar- Geology I35 (1997) 213-231 chaean and could have formed an appropriate protolith for the Acasta gneisses. Finally we have to ask whether there is any evidence for contemporaneous rock-forming or tectonothermal events in the northern part of the Slave Province. According to W. Padgham (pers. commun.): . . 3.4 Ga dates in the Slave Province are rare, and none may have been published in refereed publications. However, Yamashita et al. (1995) have reported the existence of a N 3.4 Ga old tonalitic and gabbroic basement in the Hanikahimajuk Lake area at the northwestern margin of the Slave Province, N 425 km north of Yellowknife, N.W.T. This is N 200 km northeast of the Acasta region, and we hope that further age and isotope work in this region may delineate the extent and intensity of the “3.4 Ga” event, which we argue is so convincingly recorded in the Acasta gneisses. 3. Early Archaean rocks of West Greenland 3.1. Previous age work An immense amount of geological, geochronological and related isotopic work has been published on the early Archaean rocks of West Greenland over the past 25 years and only the briefest summary is given here. Most of the voluminous Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb whole-rock isochron work, together with conventional zircon U-Pb work, give ages in the range N 3.65-3.75 Ga for both the earlier Isua supracrustal rocks and later Amitsoq gneisses (Moorbath et al., 1986, and references therein). Occasional “excursions” from this range can extend down to N 3.6 Ga (especially for the Amitsoq gneisses) and up to 3.8 Ga (especially for the Isua supracrustals). A great deal of additional Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb whole-rock data on both rock units (Oxford, unpublished data) gives essentially the same results. In view of the close similarity, within limits of error, in Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb ages for both rock units, it is probable that the regional metamorphic heating event associated with the emplacement of the main bulk of the magmatic precursors of the Amitsoq gneisses partially or com- S. Moorbath et al./ Chemical Geology 135 (19971213-231 pletely reset the Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb ages of the older Isua supracrustals to values characteristic of the Amitsoq gneisses, supposing that a significant age difference actually exists between the two rock units. Almost all whole-rock regressions exhibit a degree of geological scatter exceeding analytical scatter (MSWD > 1) and this may be interpreted in the normal way as either incomplete eradication of primary Sr and Pb isotope heterogeneities or as opensystem isotopic disturbance superimposed by late Archaean or Proterozoic metamorphic events which have been documented in the region (e.g., Pankhurst et al., 1973; Kalsbeek, 1981; Baadsgaard et al., 1986a; Gruau et al., 1996). The regressions therefore represent an “averaging” of data points, in the sense of Cameron et al. (1981). Nonetheless, much useful information is provided by initial Sr- and Pb-isotope ratios obtained from Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb regressions, concerning the ultimate source region of the Isua supracrustals and the Amitsoq gneisses (Moorbath et al., 1986, and references therein). In particular, it appears that the immediate protolith of each of these rock units was itself derived from mantle-like source regions not more than N 0.1-0.2 Ga before the age recorded by Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb whole-rock isochrons (e.g., Moorbath and Taylor, 1981). The same general principles hold for the much smaller published Sm-Nd data base on these rocks. The first Sm-Nd age determinations (Hamilton et al., 1978) on a combined suite of ten felsic and mafic Isua supracrustal rocks yielded a whole-rock regresNd value sion age of 3770 + 42 Ma, with an initial ?? of _ +2. A mixed suite of 11 Isua supracrustal rocks subsequently (Moorbath et al., 1986) yielded a Sm-Nd whole-rock regression age of 37 16 + 73 Ma, with an initial ?? Nd of + 2.0 f 0.8, whilst a suite of 7 Amitsoq gneiss sam,ples gave 3720 k 84 Ma, with an initial ?? Nd of + 2.3 + 1.2. Some subsequent attempts to date the Isua supracrustals were not very successful, leading Jacobsen and Dymek (1988) to conclude that . . . the stratigraphic age for the Isua rocks must lie in the rather large a.ge range 3.64-3.83 Ga, which is discomforting. They further conclude that show complex . . . the Isua elastic metasediments Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systematics. While much of the 223 complexities in the Rb-Sr systematics can be attributed to disturbance(s) during post-3.6 Ga metamorphic events (i.e. at 2.8 and 1.8 Ga), the heterogeneities observed in initial eNd values appear to reflect real variability due to mixing of isotopically diverse source materials at the time of deposition. This is relevant to what follows later. In order to resolve finer details of the geochronological record in West Greenland, much recent work has been based on SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages (e.g., Nutman et al., 1996 and references therein). These workers obtain a spectrum of numerous precise dates, extending from N 3870 to N 3600 Ma for the Amitsoq gneisses and their enclaves (collectively renamed the Itsaq Gneiss Complex), although most of the ages appear to fall towards the lower end of the range. For the Isua supracrustal belt, zircon U-Pb ages of 3807 f 2/3806 + 4 and 3708 + 3 Ma reported for two units of felsic are volcanic/volcanoclastic rocks, suggesting that the belt contains similar components differing in age by N 100 Ma. No evidence was found for zircon derived from crust older than 3807 Ma. Nd values 3.2. Initial ?? Bennett et al. (1993) report a wide range of initial eNd values from -4.6 to f4.5 in samples of Am?tsoq gneiss with zircon U-Pb dates in the range 3872 to 3729 Ma, as well as initial ?? Nd values from I + 1.8 to 2 + 3.7 for mafic inclusions within the Amitsoq gneisses (the so-called Akilia gabbros and leucogabbros) with ages constrained to the range 2 3872 to 2 3784 Ma by zircon U-Pb dates from the enveloping Amitsoq gneisses. This wide range of initial eNd values was then used as a basis for complex models of early mantle and crust evolution. In fact, Bennett et al. (1993) postulate a LREE-depleted mantle reservoir with an initial eNd value of * +4 prior to 3.8 Ga. They state that . . if the source region for the oldest Greenland gneisses was the prevalent upper mantle composition, it must have been an ephemeral feature later modified either by mixing with less-depleted mantle, or with recycled LREE-enriched, negative-e,, crust. The generation of highly positive ?? Nd values by 3.8 Ga requires differentiation of an extremely LREE S. Moorbath 224 et al./ Chemical Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 fractionated reservoir very early in Earth’s history. The Archaean Nd isotope data may record the isolation, depletion by crustal extraction and subsequent partial rehomogenisation of Eimited portions of the upper mantle, or alternatively may reflect transient large-scale differentiation processes unrelated to crustal extraction such as might occur in a terrestrial magma ocean. Intrigued by the difference between initial eNd values of around +2 for the Isua supracrustal rocks and for the Am?tsoq gneisses obtained by Moorbath et al. (1986) from Sm-Nd regressions, and the wide overall range from -4.6 to +4.5 reported by Bennett et al. (19931, we decided to examine their Sm-Nd data more closely in an analogous manner to that discussed earlier for the Acasta gneisses of northern Canada. We have plotted the seven Akilia enclave data points of Bennett et al. (1993), which yield zircon U-Pb dates in the range 2 3872 f 10 to 2 3784 f . .. 22 Ma and mlhal Ed,, values in the range I + 1.8 to 2 +3.7, on a Sm-Nd diagram (Fig. 5). This yields an almost perfect isochron with a regression age of 3675 f 48 Ma and an initial eNd value of +2.6 + 0.4 (MSWD = 2.1). We regard this as a 0.514 / 0.513 0.512 0.511 0.510 0.06 I 0.10 0.14 r47Sm/‘44Nd I 1 0.16 0.22 Fig. 5. Sm-Nd regression for the Akilia suite of West Greenland from Bennett et al. (1993). The inset shows Nd-isotope evolution lines for representative samples extrapolated back to the overall range of individual zircon U-Pb dates (shaded area). DM here (and in Fig. 7) refers to the depleted-mantle model of DePaolo et al. (1991). CHUR refers to the chondritic uniform reservoir (see Table 1). 0.5106 - ‘47Sm/‘44Nd 0.5094 0.06 I I I I 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 Fig. 6. Combined Sm-Nd regression (jilled circles) for Amitsoq gneiss samples from Baadsgaard et al. (1986b), Moorbath et al. (19861, and Shin-&u et al. (1988). The Amitsoq gneiss data of Bennett et al. (1993) are shown for comparison (open squares), and omitted from the regression calculation. straightforward Nd-isotope homogenisation age, probably reflecting the age of the tectonothermal event associated with the emplacement of the magmatic precursors of the youngest of the nearby regional Amitsoq gneisses (e.g., Nutman et al., 1996). The inset of Fig. 5 is a Nd-isotope evolution diagram which shows a range of apparent initial eNd values within the constraining age bracket imposed by the Amitsoq gneiss zircon U-Pb dates, but without any specific geological significance. Because of indeterminate complexities of the geochemical processes affecting the Sm-Nd system before and during the N 3.675 Ga Nd-isotope homogenisation event, it is not possible at this stage to give a specific interpretation for the initial eNd value of + 2.6 f 0.4 obtained from the Sm-Nd regression (Fig. 5). However, it may not have evolved far in terms of time and Sm/Nd ratio from its starting value(s). This needs much more work. Turning now to the Amitsoq gneisses, in Fig. 6 we plot the Sm-Nd data of Bennett et al. (1993) for nine Amitsoq gneiss samples, which have U-Pb zircon ages ranging from 3872 f 10 to 3729 f 3 Ma, . .. and initial ?? Nd values ranging from -4.6 to +4.5. These data are far too scattered to fall on a meaningful Sm-Nd regression line, whilst most of them also scatter widely about a regression line (Fig. 6) based S. Moorbarh et al. / Chemical Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 on published Sm-Nd data for varied suites of Amitsoq gneisses without individual zircon U-W age control (Baadsgaard et al., 1986b; Moorbath et al., 1986; Shimizu et al., 1988). This 26-point regression yields an age of 3640 + 120 Ma (MSWD = lo>, with an initial en,, value of + 0.9 * 1.4. Clearly, from this evidence alone, we cannot counter the claims of Bennett et al. (1993) for gross heterogeneities in initial eNd values in their rocks. However, it is at least possible that some of their samples were even more subject to later Sm-Nd open-system behaviour than the regressed samples in Fig. 6, which themselves show significant geological scatter about the regression line. The comparatively low initial ?? nd value of _ +0.9 for the combined Amitsoq gneiss regression (even allowing for the large error of + 1.4.) suggests the possibility of limited participation of a significantly older, enriched (i.e. low Sm/Ncl) crustal precursor, such as supracrustal or infracrustal rocks of the Isua/Akilia type, in the genesis of the magmatic precursors of the Amitsoq gneisses. This problem is currently under investigation. Whilst the Sm-Nd regression age of - 3640 Ma for the Amitsoq gneisses is considered to be a reasonable estimate for the age of rock formation of the bulk of the younger Amitsoq gneisses (in broad agreement with the numerous published whole-rock Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb and zircon U-Pb dates, e.g., Moorbath et al., 1986; Nutman et al., 1993, 19961, the scatter about the Sm-Nd regression line (Fig. 6) is, in our view, most likely due to limited open-system behaviour during late Archaean and mid-Proterozoic tectonothermal events, which are well documented in this region (for references, see later). In view of the above uncertainties, is it possible to Nd value for mantledetermine a plausible initial ?? like source region:3 of crustal rocks at N 3.7-3.8 Ga? In principle, this can be done only by using rock suites which have a short-term crustal history and which have remained a closed Sm-Nd system since time of deposition, We consider that some members of the Isua supracrustal belt offer this possibility. Our interest was stimulated by finding that many published Sm-Nd data for the Isua supracrustal rocks (e.g., Hamilton et al., 1978, 1983; Miller and O’Nions, 1985; Moorbath et al., 1986; Jacobsen and Dymek, 1988; this paper) fell on a combined, well- 225 correlated Sm-Nd regression line (not presented in full here) yielding an age of N 3.7-3.8 Ga, and an initial ?? Nd value of N -I-1.5 to + 2.0. The best-correlated regressions were given by felsic, volcanogenic metasediments, and by mica-schists possible derived from (Nutman et al., 1984): . . . either weathered basic rocks or from basic tuffs that interacted with water at the time of deposition . .. These comprise two of the major rock units within tbe Isua supracrustals. The worst-con-elated regression points were given by mafic and ultramafic metavolcanic rocks and by chemical sediments such as carbonates and banded iron-formation, many of which have very low Sm and Nd contents and are thus particularly sensitive to post-depositional chemical alteration and metasomatic processes, which are well documented in this area (e.g., Rosing, 1990; Gruau et al., 1996). In this context, we disagree with the recent re-interpretation (Rosing et al., 1996) of the Isua supracrustal sequence, which regards the felsic rock units of Nutman et al. (1984) as totally metasomatised, discordant Amitsoq gneisses, and the mica( + garnet)-schists as metasomatised amphibolites, which could, at face value, raise doubts about the validity of our approach. We have seen no field or petrographic evidence as yet for such thorough and pervasive regional metasomatism, although both rock types sometimes exhibit secondary calcite infiltration, which is stronger in some areas than in others. We regard metasomatism in the Isua supracrustal rocks as a localised, variably intense phenomenon which has not obliterated the integrity of the individual rock types, nor the original lithological and petrographic record of the provenance of any of the major rock units described by Nutman et al. (1984). All Isua supracrustal rocks show medium-grade metamorphism (Boak and Dymek, 1982; Dymek and Klein, 19881, as well as locally highly variable degrees of deformation, frequently leading to local preservation of primary sedimentary and volcanic structures (e.g., graded bedding, slump structures, true conglomerates, pillow-lava& without evidence for pervasive metasomatism. In the Isua supracrustal rocks analysed for Sm-Nd at Oxford, we have concentrated on felsic vol- S. Moorbrrth et al. / Chemicul Geology 135 C19971 213-231 226 canogenic metasediments and on the mica ($gamet)-schists because they have the highest Sm and Nd contents and generally appear to be least affected by later alteration and metasomatism. This is also evident from their relatively coherent wholerock Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb isotope systematics (see previous section) which mostly give regression ages Ga. We have avoided in the range N 3.65-3.75 analysing any samples with significant amounts of Table 2 Sm-Nd data for lsua supracrustal Sample secondary calcite infiltration. Not unexpectedly, we have not been able to obtain any easily interpretable whole-rock Sm-Nd systematics from low-Sm, lowNd mafic/ultramafic meta-igneous rocks or from chemical metasediments, such as carbonates or banded iron-formation. A suite of 32 samples (collected by S.M. in 1978 and 1993) from along 12 km of strike in the eastern sector of the Isua supracrustal belt was analysed for rocks Sm Nd @pm) (wm) 6.345 5.142 6.448 5.102 4.438 5.343 6.473 5.760 3.666 4.030 4.659 3.750 2.794 2.175 3.963 2.290 2.179 33.91 28.48 34.89 27.36 23.89 28.20 35.37 30.77 24.57 26.54 29.06 22.92 17.51 13.46 25.61 14.18 13.72 0.510663 0.510581 0.5 10663 0.5 10643 0.510657 0.510678 0.510605 0.5 10662 0.5 10073 0.5 10086 0.5 10234 0.510255 0.510189 0.5 10206 0.510186 0.510215 0.5 10220 0.1131 0.1091 0.1131 0.1127 0.1123 0.1145 0.1106 0.1131 0.0902 0.0917 0.0969 0.0989 0.0964 0.0977 0.0935 0.0976 0.0964 2.939 2.769 1.136 3.05 1 4.333 4.607 5.181 5.169 5.554 8.025 7.593 4.57 1 9.726 20.45 20.26 27.05 26.41 25.27 0.5 13376 0.513338 0.511592 0.512550 0.511034 0.51 1284 0.5 10789 0.510815 0.511148 10.92 18.63 10.72 31.33 4.717 27.83 0.510717 0.510407 0.5 10652 0.5 10654 0.510918 0.5 10577 ‘43Nd/ 14jNd ‘“‘Sm/ ‘44Nd fsm,Nd ENd ENd (present) (t = 3.776 Ca) - 0.425 - 0.445 - 0.425 - 0.427 - 0.429 -0.418 - 0.437 - 0.425 - 0.541 - 0.534 - 0.507 - 0.497 -0.510 - 0.503 - 0.524 -0.504 -0.510 - 38.5 -40.1 - 38.5 - 38.9 -38.6 - 38.2 - 39.7 - 38.5 - 50.0 -49.8 -46.9 -46.5 -47.8 -47.4 -47.8 -47.3 - 47.2 2.22 2.57 2.22 2.02 2.50 1.83 2.31 2.20 1.88 1.39 1.75 1.18 1.11 0.80 2.48 1.03 1.72 0.2227 0.2217 0.1502 0.1897 0.1280 0.1374 0.1163 0.1188 0.1335 0.133 0.128 - 0.236 - 0.035 - 0.349 - 0.301 - 0.408 - 0.396 -0.321 + 14.4 + 13.7 - 20.4 - 1.70 -31.3 - 26.4 -36.1 - 35.6 -29.1 1.68 1.43 2.25 1.66 2.19 2.48 3.13 2.40 1.73 0.1128 0.1056 0.1127 0.1122 0.1250 0.1086 - - 37.5 -43.5 - 38.7 - 38.7 - 33.6 - 40.2 3.43 0.87 2.20 2.49 1.38 2.74 Felsic unit: 24848 la 248481b 24848 le 24848 lg 24848 Ij 24848 1k 24848 11 24848 1m 2484 14 248416 248418 248419 248422 248429 24843 1 248433 248430 Schist unit: 248443(i) 248443Cii) SM/GR/13 SM/GR/33 SM/GR/57 SM/GR/75 248484A 248484F 248484L Touwwline 248483E- 1 248483E-2 248483F 248483J- 1 2484833-2 248483X boulder unit 2.028 3.240 1.988 5.791 ,971 4.979 See Table 1 for analytical details. 0.427 0.463 0.427 0.430 0.365 0.448 221 S. Moorbath et al./ Chemical Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 Sm-Nd (Table 2). Data for nine of the samples were previously reported by Moorbath et al. (1986), but are included here for convenience. Seventeen of these samples are from the two felsic formations A6 and Bl described by Nutman et al. (19841, and consist of a fine-grained assemblage of plagioclase + quartz + muscovite + alkali-feldspar + biotite. Nine samples are from the mica-schist formation B2 of Nutman et al. (1!984), and consist predominantly of biotite + plagioclase + quartz + garnet + chlorite f hornblende. We also include six samples from a single, large tourmaline-rich conglomerate inclusion found in a sequence of finely-layered garnet-mica schists of formation B2 (see above) in the northeastem part of the belt. This unique rock and its locality have been fully described by Appel(1984). The rock is medium-grained and consists of alternating darkand light-coloured layers which contain w 60% black tourmaline + quartz + Ca-poor plagioclase + muscovite + biotite (dark layers), and quartz + Capoor plagioclase + muscovite + biotite + apatite, allanite, garnet (light layers). Whilst the tourmalinerich boulder clearly predates the host garnet-mica schist, there is no (evidence as yet that it is measurably older. On a Sm-Nd diagram, these 32 samples yield a well-correlated regression which gives an age of 3771 * 54 Ma (MSWD = 6.41, with an initial eNd value of 2.1 f 0.8. When this regression is combined with a further 26 samples of similar rock types (except for the tourmaline-rich rock) taken from the literature (Hamilton et al., 1978, 1983; Jacobsen and Dymek, 19881, the results change only very slightly to 3776 ? 52 Ma (MSWD = 8.2) and +2.0 & 0.6 (Fig. 7). In the absence cd any geological or geochronological evidence for a significantly older crustal source region for the Isua supracrustal rocks (e.g., Nutman et al., 1996) we mterpret the regression age as a close approximation to the average age of deposition. This does not negate the evidence for significantly different zircon U-Pb ages of N 3700 and 3800 Ma from different stratigraphic horizons within the belt (Nutman et al., 1996). The geological scatter about the regression line (MSWD = 8.2) is best interpreted as minor open-system behaviour resulting from one or more later regional tectonothermal events, such as emplacement of -the magmatic precursors of the Amitsoq gneisses at N 3.6-3.7 Ga (Moorbath et al., 1972; Baadsgaard et al., 1986b; Nutman et al., 1993, 19961, as well as late Archaean and mid-Proterozoic events, which are known to have partly or wholly reset mineral dates in several decay schemes (e.g., Pankhurst et al., 1973; Kalsbeek, 1981; Baadsgaard et al., 1986a; Gruau et al., 1996). Individually computed initial ?? Nd values at 3.776 Ga for each sample range from +0.80 to + 3.43 (Table 2). We regard this as statistical geological scatter induced by one or more of the post-depositional events already mentioned, and we do not attribute any part of this variation to initial, pre-3.776 Ga, isotopic heterogeneities, as was done by Jacobsen and Dymek (1988). Consequently, the initial eNd value of + 2.0 f 0.6 is regarded as a reliable approximation to the mantle(?) source region of the Isua supracrustal belt, implying a short-term, crustal multistage history. The initial eNd value of N +2.0 obtained for the Isua supracrustals is very different from the value of * t-4.5 proposed by Bennett et al. (1993) for mantle source regions in this region at N 3.7 Ga, and implies a much smaller degree of LREE depletion. It is much closer to a value of N + 1.5 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.26 Fig. 7. Combined Sm-Nd regression for Isua supracmstal rocks from this paper, Hamilton et al. (1978, 19831, and Jacobsen and Dymek (1988). The inset shows a comparison of the initial c~,, value of +2.0 from the regression with the proposed depletedmantle evolution curve of Bennett et al. (1993). 228 S. Moorbath et al./Chemical obtained from the latest depleted-mantle model of DePaolo et al. (199 1). The difference between the two models is shown in the inset to Fig. 7. However, we are well aware that this may not be the last word on the initial eNd value of mantle source regions at Isua in early Archaean times. It is relevant to note that, in their Hf-isotope study of zircons from nine samples of Amitsoq gneisses and one Isua supracrustal rock, Vervoort et al. (1996) point out that . . . if the general relationship of cur = 2~~~ approximates Hf-Nd isotope compositions of the early Archaean mantle, then initial cur values of + 2 to +5 would appear to be consistent with initial ?? Nd values in the + 1 to + 1.5 (misprint for +2.5?) range but not with ?? Nd values greater than + 3. This followed on from a much earlier study (Pettingill and Patchett, 1981) in which a Lu-Hf regression on a suite of Amitsoq gneisses yielded a nearchondritic initial 176Hf/ 177Hf value of 0.280482 k 33 at 3.55 f 0.22 Ga. 4. Conclusions The principal recommendation of this paper is that in order to use initial Nd-isotope ratios for modelling the evolution of early Archaean mantle and crust, as well as the interaction between them, it is essential that the Sm-Nd system in the analysed rock suites has not been subject to open-system behaviour or Nd-isotope homogenisation (resetting) at a time significantly post-dating rock formation. Partial or complete disturbance of this sort may partly or completely destroy the record of initial Nd-isotope heterogeneities. Here we propose that well-correlated regressions (i.e. isochrons or smallMSWD errorchrons) in a Sm-Nd diagram provide an effective way of demonstrating resetting in rock units with significantly older protoliths. In those cases where Sm-Nd regressions are demonstrably not mixing lines, the regressions may yield a geologically meaningful age related to regional igneous and/or metamorphic events. Statistical scatter about well-correlated regressions in excess of analytical error (i.e. MSWD > 1) may reflect either incomplete eradication of initial Nd-isotopic heterogeneities or, Geology 135 (1997) 213-231 probably more often, minor disturbance of Sm-Nd systematics resulting from open-system behaviour during subsequent tectonothermal events, for which independent evidence may be available from Sm-Nd and other mineral dates. Numerous attempts have been made to define the shape of the Nd-isotope evolution curve through geological time from Sm-Nd measurements on precisely dated rock units. The best known summaries of the available data resulted in the so-called depleted-mantle model (e.g., DePaolo, 1988; DePaolo et al., 1991) which postulated that even the oldest terrestrial rocks evolved from a mantle source with small, but significant, LREE depletion compared to CHUR. The Nd-isotope evolution curve is least well defined in the early Archaean and we suggest that more precise definition can only be achieved if the geochemical behaviour of the Sm-Nd system during and after igneous and metamorphic events is better understood and potential pitfalls in interpretation avoided. Nevertheless, the majority of initial eNd values from a variety of terrains of different ages indicate no significant deviation from uniformitarian models of Nd-isotope evolution. Our specific conclusions from the present work are as follows: (a) Resetting of the Sm-Nd system long after time of formation of the protolith means that precise U-PI> dates (e.g., smuMP-zircon) cannot be used to infer existence of either extremely heterogeneous, transient, REE-fractionated mantle reservoirs or of complex crust-mantle interactions during earliest Earth history (> 3.8 Ga), because calculated initial ?? Nd values will be spurious. (b) The Acasta gneisses of northern Canada carry a definitive U-W and Sm-Nd “memory” of a w 3.9-4.0-Ga protolith. However, alignment of all analysed rock types on a well-correlated Sm-Nd regression line (error&on) suggests that the igneous and/or metamorphic and/or tectonic event that produced the Acasta gneisses as we now see them is as young as N 3.4 Ga. This is our preferred interpretation, because we regard complete (or near-complete) Nd-isotope homogenisation of a large body of heterogeneous rocks by a much younger regional metamorphism as highly implausible. (c) The N 3.9-4.0 Ga protolith of the N 3.4 Ga old Acasta gneisses may be a mafic-ultramafic S. Moorbath et al./Chemical proto-crustal complex (e.g., Chase and Patchett, 19881, with a bimodal felsic component which was the source of inherit~ed zircons in the Acasta gneisses. Whether physical remnants of this ancient protolith still survive remains to be established. (d) Re-examinat:ion of whole-rock Sm-Nd systematics of the early Archaean Akilia enclaves and their host Amitsoq gneisses of West Greenland also suggests that post-formational tectonothermal disturbance of the rocks has produced open-system behaviour leading to a gross overestimate of the range of initial ?? Nd values at the time estimated from associated, precise zircon U-Pb dates (Bennett et al., 1993). (e) An initial ?? Nt, value of + 2.0 f 0.6 for an age of 3776 + 52 Ma obtained from a 58-point Sm-Nd regression of published and new data for two major in the Isua rock types (felsites and mica-schists) supracrustal belt of West Greenland, is regarded as a close approximation to a depleted-mantle eNd value for the early Archaean. (f) In our view, unambiguous evidence for major heterogeneity of initial Ed,, values within and between early Archaean, short-term mantle-derived rock units still remains to be reliably established, especially in light of the recent Hf-isotope studies of Vervoort et al. (1996) which strongly support our viewpoint. (g) The cautions expressed in this paper regarding application of the Sm-Nd system to the study of mantle and crust evolution during the early Archaean apply equally well to rocks of any geological age, as well as to other radioactive decay schemes. Acknowledgements Field work at Acasta in 1995 was made possible by the interest, help and generosity of Bill Padgham, whilst Sam Bowring kindly guided us to some critical localities. Fieldwork at Isua in 1993 was made possible by logistic and general help from Shigenori Maruyama and Peter Appel. We are particularly grateful to Mike Bickle and Shigenori Maruyama for supplying some preliminary reconnaissance samples from Acasta. 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