Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 17 NO. (1994) 113-118 113 ON A CLASS OF THIRD ORDER NEUTRAL DELAY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH PIECEWlSE CONSTANT ARGUMENT GARYFALOS PAPASCHINOPOULOS Democritus University of Thrace School of Engineering 67100 >anthi, Greece (Received October 26, 1990 and in revised form May 15, 1991) ABSTRACT. In this paper we study existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability the solutions of a class of third order neutral delay differential equations of with piecewise constant argument. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Neutral delay dfferential equations with piecewise constant argument, difference equation, existence and uniqueness of solutions, asymptotic stability. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 34K05, 34K15. I. INTRODUCTION Recently there has been an increase in interest in the study of equations with piecewise constant argument. See Aftabizadeh, Wiener Cooke and Wiener [2], [3], Huang [.4], Lamas, Partheniadis and differential Xu [i], [5],eartheni- and Schinas In this paper we study the third order neutral delay differential equations with piecewise constant argument of the form d 3 dt where te[0,), 3 (y(t) + py(t I)) l) --qy([t p,q are real constants and E.] func- denotes the greatest-integer tion. It is worthwile to study equations of the form (I) because they include both constant and piecewise constant delays. A function y;[-l,oo)/R is a solution of (I) if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) (ii) y is continuous on the set d [-I,), 2 dt d3 2 (y(t) + py(t I)) + py(t I)) (iii) -----(y(t) 3 g(t) exists on exists on [0,o) [0,) and g is continuous on except possibly at the points [0,oo), t=n dt n 6{0,I,...} (iv) y where one-sided third derivatives exist, satisfies (I) on each interval In Proposition Yo: [-I’0]-R [n,n+l), ne{0,1 of this paper we prove that continuous on [-I,0] and for every }. for every al,a2eR initial function there exists a unique solu- G. PAPASCHINOPOULOS 114 Yo(t), te[-l,O], y(t) of (I) such that y(t) tion prove also that equation (i) is y(1) asymptotically not y(2) and a a 2. (see Proposition stable We 2 below). and the second order differential We note that similar results for the first [6]. equations of the form (I) are included in 2. MAIN RESULTS. We prove now our main results. PROPOSITION I. Equation (I) has a unique solution y(t) such that y(t) Yo(t) t6E-I,0] for p # 0 a_l t -I for p 0 a t 0 for p 0 o t= a a (2) t--2 2 Yo:[-I’O+R is a continuous function on [-I,0], constants and ao Yo (0)’ a-I Yo (-I) if p # O. where are a_l,a o, al,a 2 real The solution y(t) is defined by (_p)n+l yo( y(t) l) p) 2)_ + 0(4 2 + where a 2 (.6 ak+l + 2-0) ak+2 + 2p + I) + 0(2p-I-2- ) + a k satisfies the difference equation n an+4 + +k--O (0 (_p)n-k (P- 3)an+3 (q6 + 3p + 3)an+ 2 (I) PROOF. Consider a solution y(t) of t[-l, ) n-l,O there exists a y(n) Then from (I) for t > d O, (2-3 + 3p + l)an+l satisf.ies which such that (6 + n < t < n+l. p)a (2). n For O. (4) each We set n(-I 0,...}. an, t[n,n+l), n{O,l it holds 3 dt 3 (y(t) + py(t (6) -qan_ I. I)) If d 2 (y(t) 2 Bn-dt / py(t at t n to t[n,n+l), then by integrating (6) from d (7) ne{O,l ...} I)) n, ne(O,l we take 2 dt 2 (y(t) + py(t Bn I)) n)an_ I. q(t (8) Moreover if c d n= (y(t) + PY (t I)) at t n ne{0, (9) NEUTRAL DELAY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH PEICEWISE CONSTANT ARGUMENT by integrating (8) from (y(t) + py(t n I)) to c te[n,n+l), ne{0,1 t, + (t n Finally by integrating (I0) from n)B n n to we have n,2 a (t (10) n-I te[n,n+1), n@{0,1 t, 115 (5) and using we obtain y(t) + py(t an+ Pan-1+ 1) [6,p.96] Applying now Lemma 3 (_p)n+l yo(0- y(t) where t n Since + 8, + py(t Bn - a n 02 eCk+ n6(O,l,...}. I, [-1,o0 ) + (p t+n+l n)3 an_ (11) k- 6 83 ak-l) (12) 6 (t by taking the limit as } an-1 + c tn+l in (11) n" + n d2 g(t) dt i)) Obviously the functlon h(t) if we take the limit as n- qan-l" c By eliminating b bn+l, Cn+ (13) by setting n+l I)) is continuous on [0,oo). (9) we obtain for n{0,1 Then (15) an-I an+ Using (13) and (17) for (2- l)a + n (R6 P)an_ I. from (14), (16) and the instead of 2) %+2 + + (P an+ If we eliminate (p J3n + R2 -n+l n (14) from (13), (14), (15) we can easily get c n+l Cn+ -+ art+2 + (y(t) + py(t in (I0) and using t/n+l (y(t) + 2 n{0,1 is continuous, using (7) we have for d + n, relatlo which is derived Obviously if a_l, ao, p al, 6 a n6{0,1 } ) 2 (2p I) a + (p + n 5-6 an_ I. (17) we can easily take 3 q ) 12 an (3_2 + )4 an_ I. 2 , there exists a unique solution and if p from then it holds (6- 2p + an+ 1 + (16) (18) Therefore from (12), (17) and (18) we can easily show that y(t) satlsfles (3). Now from relatlons (14) and (17) it is easy to prove that a satlsfles the n ference equatlon (4). values and (13) (8) and since the functlon in Bn+l n n)2 (_p)n-k (ak+ Pak-I + k=0 n6{0,1 If we take the llmlt as -2 (II) we get to y(t) is continuous in an+ 1 + pan + (t n I) + 0 < 8 < using (5) we get for n)Cn (t p q 6 a n , of (4) with (resp. p there exists a unique solution of (4) with initial values a a a (resp. 0 2 Therefore we proved that if y(t) is a solution of (i) which satisfies then is defined by (3) and (4) and is uniquely determined by if a2). Yo’ al’ a2 dlf- initial q 6 a (2) p # 0 G. PAPASCHINOPOULOS 116 ao, a_l al, a 2 if p- 0. Conversely we can easily show that the function and is a solution of y(t) (I) which satisfies (2). Thus the proof defined by (3) and (4) the proposition is of completed. Using (3) and the [6,pl10-111] the Corollary 4 be the solution of (I) which satisfies (2). Then it same argument as in proof the of we can easily prove the following corollary. COROLLARY I. Let y(t) holds an+ 2 + where n t + 8, 0 <_ 8 <_ I, ne{0,1 }. In Proposition 2 of this paper we prove that (I) is not asymptotically stable. We need the following lemma. LEMMA I. Consider the difference equation arr+4 + Nlan+3 + N2an+2 + N3arrbl + N4 an n{-l,0,1,...} where and i Ni, 1,2,3,4 (19) 0 are real constants. (19) Then is asymptotically stable if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: A2 0, A3 0, A5 0, A A where AI + 3 6 NI + N2 + N3 + N4’ A2 4 + 2N 2N 3 2N2 + 6N4’ 4-4-2N + 2t/3 4N4’ A5 4N 4, (21) I + + N2 N3 N4" PROOF. It is known that (19) is asymptotically stable if and only if root v of the characteristic equation v satisfies every Ivl < I. 4 +I v3 + /2v2 + 3v + 4 Then it is clear that transformation v= z+l z_ (22) 0 I # 0. Therefore using the Mobius NEUTRAL DELAY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH PIECEWISE CONSTANT ARGUMENT to 117 (22) we can take the equation E2 3 3 where the constants ., 2 i 1 4 %5 1,2,3,4,5 (23) are defined in (21). Ivl It is easy to show that every root v of (22) satisfies < if and only Rez < 0, where Rez is the real part of z and z is the root of (23). Using if Routh-Hurwitz criteria [7,p.158] we have Rez < 0 if and only if all the condi- (20) are satisfied. This completes the proof of the lemma. tions PROPOSITION 2. Equation (i) is not asymptotically stable. PROOF. Suppose that (I) is asymptotically stable. Then the difference equation (4) is also asymptotically stable. We apply Lemma i 2 q and 2 -2 < 0 which contradicts the second 1asymptotically stable. Then to (4). It is easy to show that -2q. condition of (20). Therefore (I) is not ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I would like to thank the referee for his valuable suggestions which led to the presentation of this paper. REFERENCES I. AFTABIZADEH, A.R., WIENER, J. and XU, .JM. 2. COOKE, K.L. and WIENER, J. 3. advanced COOKE, K.L. and WIENER, J. An equation alternately of retarded and type, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 99 (1987), 726-732. HUANG, Y.K. 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