Paisley Road Public School Newsletter An dr ew Cr eight on , P ri ncip al Jane B ibby, Vic e Pr incip al Dear Parents/Guardians, It looks like the rain may have finally stopped and we may be in for some warm weather – something we have all been waiting for! Contents Principals Message Petite Blanche Summer Fun Math and Reading News from the Library Talking Mental Health Calendar Insert: Questions about Hearing Upcoming Events June 4th - City Wide Track June 5th - Boat House Library Trip June 6th - ½ PD Day Dismissal @ 12:05 p.m. June 10th Bike Rodeo Gr. 4/5 June 16/17 Kindergarten Graduation June 17 School Council Meeting 6:30-8:00 p.m. June 18 Ultimate Frisbee June 19 - Petite Blanche Art Festival 5:00-8:00 p.m. June 24 - Primary Play Day June 24 – Report Cards go Home June 25 – Gr. 6 Willow Road Visit June 26 – Gr. 6 Graduation June 27 – Celebration Assembly June 27 – Last Day of School As happens every year, June is a very busy month with a widerange of activities. We have our Grade 6 Graduation, Playday, the EQAO test for our grades 3 and 6 students, Petite Blanche, and many other fun events. I look forward to sharing these events with you over the final school month. I want to thank all of the staff and parent/guardian volunteers who have worked hard, not just for the events in June, but throughout the year. Your hard work and enthusiasm makes Paisley Road a very special place. There will be one more school newsletter coming home before the end of the school year, so I will save good-byes for that time. I do, however, want to congratulate Jane Bibby who has been made the principal of FA Hamilton Public School. Jane has been an excellent vice principal here at Paisley and we know she will be an excellent principal. Trisha Drohan-Bordeur, who is currently teaching kindergarten, has been made the vice principal at Ken Danby Public School. Trish has been a vital part of our school team and we know she will be appreciated in her new role at Ken Danby. Congratulations, Jane and Trish! I would like to welcome Marina Harrison as our new vice principal. Marina is currently in a vice principal position at Rickson Ridge. Welcome, Marina! As you may have seen in a letter that went home on Thursday, our school will have some construction work done in preparation for Full Day Kindergarten in the fall. The work will begin on the evening of June 6th and will continue throughout the summer. I wish to thank our staff members who have worked very hard to prepare for these renovations. Please be assured that the safety of our students is our foremost concern and a great deal of work has gone into the preparation for changes resulting from the construction. Enjoy the onset of warmer weather! Mr. Andrew Creighton, Principal Page 2 of 5 School Newsletter Petite Blanche Arts Festival Thursday, June 20th – 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME! Join us under the big white tent for an evening of fun for the entire school! Organized by your school council, the Petite Blanche Arts Festival will certainly be another amazing evening. Please watch for notices going home with more details. There are many ways to get involved, including volunteering on festival night. We need your help to make this festival a success! Here are a few things to look forward to at the Petite Blanche Arts Festival : --Art activities. The Children’s Art Factory has donated their splatter booth and potions table again this year. Or use sidewalk chalk to turn the school yard into your canvas! We will also be making sculptures and adding to the Paisley Peace Bunting. Come and see last year’s finished Peace Bunting! - - Games. More games. More fun! --Face Painting and Juggling! Visit Cleo the Clown under the tent! Enjoy the talents of The Circus Academy! --Student art exhibits and special performances. Come wander the halls to see what our talented students have created, including The Inspiration Garden created during the month of June by our entire school! --Live music! Listen to our special guest buskers, as well as The Royal City Big Band! Or visit the bucket drum tent to make some music of your own! --Live Art Demonstration! Get inspired by watching Guelph artist Ryan Price create a work of art. --Portable Poetry! Write a poem in French or English on the side of a portable using our giant magnetic poetry set. --Delicious Food! This year’s menu will include something for everyone! Hot dogs, veggie dogs, spring rolls, chicken satay, samosas and pizza! --Bake Sale and Cotton Candy! Take home a delicious treat from the bake sale table! Four flavours of cotton candy to enjoy! --Silent Auction! Bid on one of our amazing silent auction items and go home a winner! --The Guelph Water Wagon! There will be no bottled water at the festival this year. Instead, the city will be bringing their wonderful water wagon for filling reusable cups or bottles. Haven’t got a cup or bottle? You can purchase a special Paisley Road reusable cup at the festival for only $1 and take home a souvenir of the night! Please note: All art activities and performances are absolutely free, but face painting, reusable cups, food, and some games, require a $1 ticket that can be purchased at the festival. The proceeds of this event will fund the needs at Paisley Road; a portion will also follow students headed to John McCrae in the fall. Plus, Scotiabank will generously double our total raised funds, up to an additional $5000! Bell Time Change for 2014-15 Please be aware that our bell times will shift by 5 minutes for next year. Our school day will begin at 8:55 and the day will end at 3:25. Please note the attachment in the newsletter that indicates the school day, including our break times. School Newsletter Page 3 of 5 Playing and Having Fun in the Summer Sun Play helps children of all ages build social skills, be more creative, and solve problems. Children who play often are happier and healthier. Children need free time every day to play. It is important for children to choose how they would like to play and what they would like to play with. Younger children may choose to build with blocks, play chasing or tag games, paint, draw, make a puzzle or play with dolls, cars or trucks. Older children might like building a fort, riding a bike, playing ball, building with a construction set, or playing a board game. Encourage your child to play actively more often than they play video games and watch T.V. Children enjoy playing with water or sand, playing games like hide and seek, or with bean bags, balls, skipping ropes or bikes. Many children enjoy putting things together and taking things apart. Children also like to play games in which they can pretend such as dress-up, puppets and role playing. What did you like to do when you were a child? Play is good for adults too. Adults who take time to play and relax are less stressed and happier. Have some fun this summer! For ideas about toys and play at different ages go to: For information on pretend play go to: For ideas for outdoor play go to: Math and Reading This Summer This summer don’t forget about math and reading! On a rainy, cool summer day (I know after the winter we’ve had, hopefully they will be few and far between) check out these websites. Parents of Elementary Students: Find tips on helping your child with reading, writing and math, as well as tips on homework, talking to teachers and more. Tips are available in multiple languages at Paisley Road is Jumpcredible! On April 29th, our school participated in fun skipping activities. Everyone from Kindergarten to Grade 6 worked together to develop jump rope skills and tricks, and altogether we had a great time raising money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The community of Paisley is living proof that although small, together we can make a big difference, and we did. We raised $15,407.07 for Heart and Stroke and as a result of our participation we will be receiving funding for sports equipment for our school. Congratulations to all who worked hard at getting sponsors and those who sponsored so generously. School Newsletter Page 4 of 5 Big Book Round Up It is that time of year again! All books need to be returned to the Library June 6th. It is time to return all your library books so that we can organize the library collection and undergo the inventory. Please search for missing books and send in a note if books have been lost or damaged. We appreciate the support of our families in paying for lost or damaged books so we can purchase replacements. If you have questions or concerns please contact Ms. Richer in the Library so we can come up with a solution together. Classes that have all their books returned (or paid for if lost) by the due date will be entered in the Big Book Round Up Contest. First Prize will be an ice cream party. The Second and Third Prizes will be a bonus outdoor play and Freezies. Good luck classes! Forest of Reading Our annual Boathouse Trip is on June 5th. Students who participated in the Silver Birch and Le Prix Tamarac Reading Clubs and read a minimum of 5 books from one of the clubs will be attending this reading celebration. We will be walking to the Boathouse for Ice Cream and have a celebration at Royal City Park afterwards. We have had a very enthusiastic group of over 75 readers this year! We were also proud of our students Hannah, RJ, Micah, Ruth and Sadie who attended the Festival of Trees in Toronto and represented our school so well. Summer Reading Summer is quickly approaching, and while your school library might not be open during summer break, your student can access our digital collection 24/7! Help your child keep their reading skills strong this summer with eBooks and audio books from Overdrive accessible through UG2GO. Students can login to Overdrive using their Windows network login. Digital books can be enjoyed on a computer, tablet, Smartphone or eReader device. Read right in the internet browser or download using the free over drive app. At the end of the lending period, titles automatically expire so there are never any late fees. Our digital collection can be accessed anywhere in the world, as long as there is an internet connection. Visit our digital collection at and make sure your student starts summer vacation off right! Look for the Overdrive button under the Read section of UG2GO. SchoolNewsletter Newsletter School Page 5 ofPage 5 4 of 5 Talking About Mental Health May 2014 The Importance of Sleep As the days get longer and the light lingers into the night, all of us tend to stay up later. Unfortunately, we still have to get up at the same time to go to school or work, which means we may not be getting enough sleep. For some of us, this lack of sleep is an ongoing concern. Going to bed late, not being able to fall asleep or waking up in the night all disrupt our ability to get a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep is very important for our mental and physical well being. For children and youth, it is extremely important to get enough sleep. Sleep is the foundation on which we build all of our well being. Sleep allows our bodies to rest, re-charge, consolidate learned information and be ready to take on another day’s challenges. Good sleep contributes to feeling well, doing well in school and to positive mood and behavior. Getting enough sleep leads to better concentration, less hyperactivity, less depression or anxiety and less aggression. Each person needs a different amount of sleep, with children and youth needing more sleep than adults. You know you are getting enough sleep when you don’t feel drowsy or tired during the day. Sleep problems are very common. You are more likely to experience sleep problems if you are experiencing significant stress in your life. Simple changes in your child or youth’s daily routine can make a big difference to their ability to sleep well and feel rested. Do: 1. Go to bed at the same time each day. 2. Get up from bed at the same time each day. 3. Get regular exercise each day, preferably in the morning. There is good evidence that regular exercise improves restful sleep. This includes stretching and aerobic exercise. 4. Get regular exposure to outdoor or bright lights, especially in the late afternoon. 5. Keep the temperature in your bedroom comfortable. 6. Keep the bedroom quiet when sleeping. 7. Keep the bedroom dark enough to facilitate sleep. 8. Use your bed only for sleeping. 9. Use a relaxation exercise just before going to sleep such as muscle relaxation, imagery, massage, warm bath, etc. If you lie in bed awake for more than 20-30 minutes, get up, go to a different room (or different part of the bedroom), participate in a quiet activity (e.g. non-excitable reading or television), Don't: 1. Exercise just before going to bed. 2. Engage in stimulating activity just before bed, such as playing a competitive game watching an exciting program on television or movie, or having an important discussion with a loved one. 3. Have caffeine in the evening (coffee, many teas, chocolate, sodas, etc.) . 4. Read or watch television in bed. 5. Use alcohol to help you sleep. 6. Go to bed too hungry or too full. 7. Take daytime naps. 8.. Command yourself to go to sleep. This only makes your mind and body more alert. If you or your child/youth continue to have sleep problems, talk with your doctor or mental health professional. Here are some helpful websites with information and activities to help with good sleep. Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Grade 5 Earthkeepers visit Wednesday 4 City Track & Field Thursday 5 BoatHouse Library Trip Rain date for City Track & Field Grade 3 EQAO 8 9 10 Grade 4 & 5 Bike Rodeo 11 Art Studio trip for Gat/Mano 12 Friday 6 Tribes Saturday 7 Library books due Construction begins ½ PD Day Dismissal 12:05 p.m. 13 Yearbook orders due 14 Popcorn sale 15 16 17 Safety Patrol training 18 Ultimate Frisbee-Paisley to host School Council Mtg. 6:30-8:00 22 23 Kindergarten at Funmazing 24 Primary Play Day Kindergarten at Funmazing School Council Potluck 6:00 Report cards go home 29 30 25 Grade 6 visit to Willow Road PS 19 Petite Blanche Arts Festival 5-8pm 20 Ellis and Lehoux fieldtrip to The Museum Rain date for Ultimate Frisbee Popcorn sale 26 Grade 6 graduation 27 Celebration Assembly Grade 3 Doon Heritage Village trip Last day of classes for students 21 28