PHY6426/Fall 2007: CLASSICAL MECHANICS HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #9 due by 9:35 a.m. Wed 10/31 Instructor: D. L. Maslov 392-0513 Rm. 2114 Please help your instructor by doing your work neatly. 1. A charged bob (mass m, charge q > 0) is suspended in a uniform and static electric field E, as shown in Fig. 1 (left). The ratio of the electric force to gravity is arbitrary. a) Find the frequency of small oscillations about the equilibrium position.[13 points] T = 1 2 2 m` φ̇ 2 Electric field produces a force on the bob FE = qE Corresponding potential energy UE = − Z dxFE = −qEx = −qE` sin φ Gravitational potential energy Ug = −mg` cos φ Alltogether, L = T − U E − Ug = 1 2 2 m` φ̇ + mg` cos φ + qE` sin φ 2 d ∂L ∂L = m`2 φ̈ = = −mg` sin φ + qE` cos φ dt ∂ φ̇ ∂φ The eqilibrium position of the bob is found from φ̈ = 0 → mg` sin φ0 = qE` cos φ0 tan φ0 = qE/mg φ0 = arctan (qE/mg) . Using (1), we can re-write the RHS of the Euler’s equation as cos φ0 ∂L = −mg` sin φ + qE` cos φ = −qE` sin φ + qE` cos φ ∂φ sin φ0 qE` cos φ0 = −qE` sin φ − cos φ = − [sin φ cos φ0 − cos φ sin φ0 ] sin φ0 sin φ0 qE` = − sin (φ − φ0 ) sin φ0 Expanding the right-hand side of the equation of motion about in θ = φ − φ0 (|θ| 1),we obtain m`2 θ̈ = − qE` θ. sin φ0 (1) 2 Therefore, ω02 = qE m` sin φ0 A little bit of trigonometry and algebra leads to 1 + tan2 φ0 = 1/ cos2 φ0 p tan φ0 1 − cos2 φ0 = p sin φ0 = 1 + tan2 φ0 q g 2 ω02 = 1 + (qE/mg) ` ! g 2 qE 2 1/4 . + ω0 = ` m` e) Suppose that the pendulum is also driven by a periodic force F = F0 cos ωt parallel to the electric field. What are the conditions for a resonance, if the non-linearity is taken into account? [20 points] Expanding ∂L/∂φ further, we obtain ∂L qE` qE` θ3 =− sin θ ≈ − θ− ∂φ sin φ0 sin φ0 6 The θ3 term generates a fractional resonance at ω = ω0 /3. 2. The support point of a simple pendulum (mass m, length `) oscillates horizontally according to x 0 (t) = a cos ωt. a) Construct the Lagrangian (remember to discard the total time derivatives, if needed). [15 points] x = a cos ωt + ` sin φ y = ` cos φ ẋ2 + ẏ 2 = a2 ω 2 sin2 ωt + `2 φ̇2 − 2`φ̇ cos φ sin ωt. The first term is the total time derivative (t.d.t) and hence can be discarded. The third term can be re-written using the identity φ̇ cos φ sin ωt = d (sin φ cos ωt) + ω sin φ cos ωt. dt Discarding the t.t.d and subtracting the potential energy, we obtain the Lagrangian m 2 2 1 ` φ̇ + ma`ω 2 sin φ cos ωt + mg` cos φ. 2 2 p b) Which values of ω, apart from ω = ω0 = g/`, lead to a resonance in this system? [18 points] L= The eq-n of motion is 1 m`2 φ̈ = − ma`ω 2 cos φ cos ωt − mg` sin φ 2 1. Assume that a and φ are small. Expand the RHS to order 2 1 m`2 φ̈ = − ma`ω 2 1 − φ2 /2 cos ωt − mg`φ. 2 3 To order a0 (no external force), we have a free motion with frequency ω0 : φ0 = α cos ω0 t. The the first-order correcton (order a1 ) satisfies 1 m`2 φ̈1 = − ma`ω 2 1 − φ20 /2 cos ωt − mg`φ1 . 2 The new ”force” in the RHS of this equation ∝ a φ20 cos ωt ∝ a cos2 ω0 t cos ωt ∝ a cos ωt + a cos (2ω0 − ω) t + a cos (2ω0 + ω) t. All of them lead only to the resonance at ω = ω0 . To order a2 , one needs to retain the cross term φ0 φ1 obtained by expanding the square of φ0 + φ1 . This terms oscillates at combination frequencies ω0 ± ω. The parametric resonance occurs for ω = 2ω0 . 2. A positive charge q is fixed at the end of a vertical rod. A positively charged bead (charge Q, mass m) can slide along the rod without friction (see Fig. 1, right). The acceleration of gravity is g. Show that a periodic force of frequency ω, applied along the rod, leads to a resonance if ω = ω0 , 2ω0 , 3ω0 , where ω0 is the frequency of small oscilations about the equlibrium position of the bead. [34 points] [Hint: to get the resonance at 2ω 0 , think of a parametric resonance.] The potential energy of the bead U= qQ + mgx 4πε0 x Equation of motion mẍ = F (x) = − qQ ∂U = − mg ∂x 4πε0 x2 The equlibirium position of the bead x0 = qQ 4πε0 mg 1/2 3 Expanding the force to order (x − x0 ) , we obtain mẍ = (x − x0 ) F 0 (x0 ) + 1 1 2 3 (x − x0 ) F 00 (x0 ) + (x − x0 ) F 000 (x0 ) + . . . 2 6 or ÿ + ω02 y = 1 1 2 00 y F (x0 ) + y 3 F 000 (x0 ) 2 6 where ω0 = r −F 0 (x0 ) m By the equilibrium condition F 0 (x0 ) < 0. The y 2 term produces a ”force” y0 y1 ∝ cos ωt cos ω0 t which leads to a resonance at ω = 2ω0 . 4 g E Q q FIG. 1: