Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 14 NO. 2 (1991) 245-252 245 BEST APPROXIMATION IN ORLICZ SPACES H. AL-MINAWI and S. AYESH Department of Mathematics Kuwait University P.O. BOX 5969, I]0 Saf_t Kuwa t (Received April 17, 1989 and in revised form December 23, 1989) ABSTRACT. be a Let X be a real Banach space and (,) be a finite measure space and 0. The space [0,) with (0) strictly i1creasing convex continuous function on L(,X) is the set of all measurable functions f with values in X such that is: "For a closed subspace Y of X, L(,Y) is proximinal in LL(,Y) is proxlmina[ in LI(,X) ’’. then L(,Y)is proximinal in L(,X). of L(,X) L(u,X) if and only if As a result if Y is reflexive subspace of X, Other results on proximinality of subspaces are proved. INTRODUCTION Let i.e. $ is a continuous, be a convex Orllcz function, convex function defined on [0, =) with strictly increasing 0 and let (,) be a [inlte measure. (0) For a real Banach space X, let L(,X) for some c X: {measurable function f: > 0. llfll$ Define a norm on inf {c > O: L(v,X) f (llc -I by (llc-lf(t)ll)d(t) I}. A subspace Y in a Banach space X is called proximlnal if for each x e X there is In this paper we prove that for a closed subspace Y of a Banach space X, is proximinal in if and only if is proximinal in I] space Deeb L(,X) and Khalil, have LI(,X). LI(,Y) L(,X) L#(,Y) shown the same result or with # modulus function and some Banach space X. the linear In metric As a consequence, if Y 246 H. AL-MINAWI AND S. AYESH is a reflexive subspace of a Banach space X then L$(u,Y) is proximinal in The prox|mina[Ity of so,e closed subspaces in X are discussed. paper fl wi[[ be the unit interval O, (I) $(0) [0,I], L(u,X). Throughout this convex, strictly increasing with See Deeb and Khalil [1,2,3], Light and and X is a Banach space. Cheney [4], and Khal[l [5] for more details about proximinal[ty and related topics. 2. PROXIMINAL[TY LEMMA 2.1. q Is convex, If Let f PROOF. L(,X). IN g L(,X), then - L(,X) LI(,X). then 0 By Jansen’s Inequality, [6] 0 0 or Hence 0 erefore 0 Hence f LI(I,X). LEMHA 2.2. dist(f, PROOF. Let Y be a subspace of X, then for each f c h0(,W) inf{c For any g > L(,Y) O: f0 L(p,X) 1 c-ldist(f(t)’Y)l d(t) I}. we have, 0 tnf {c > O: f0 (]c-ldist(f(t),Y)l)d.(t)’" By taking the infimum over g e dist(f,L(v,Y)) )inf {c L(v,Y) > O: 1}. we get f0 (Ic-ldist(f(t),Y)i)dO(t) I}. 247 BEST APPROXIMATION IN ORLICZ SPACES > Conversely, let < . ’ 0 and let be a simple funcrion in L(p,X),such tllat n Write f’ i=l XlXi, where x. e X and functions on A i which are disjoint measurable sets in Select h Y such that f’ e Xi are the characteristic [0, I]. It is clear that L(,X). . n Let g i=! then xh i n I ,<11 0 Hence g e hl I>.<A> i=l L(g,Y), < =. then n i=1 Since e is arbitrary, we have dtst(f,L(p,Y)) REMARK 2.1. For f e (, tnf{c f 0 f (c-ldtst(f(t),Y))dp(t) L@(u,X), (---lf(t)-)dg(t) C o O: 0 0 such that > c o I}. 248 H. AL-MINAWI AND So AYESH COROLLARY 2.1. of L(,) Is a Let Y be a closed subspace of X. best approxlmant of in L(,Y) To an elemen f of and only if g(t) if L(B,X), is a approxlmait of f(t) in Y. Let g(t) be a best appoximant of f(t) in Y. PROOF. It follows that for any h e: This means that L(B,Y) is increasing, we have Since -I Then 0 0 Therefore 0 0 -h{t) or Conversely, be a best approximant of let,,,,g dlst(f,L(,Y)) llf-gll. By Lemma 2.2 and "’’....Ilf-gll f }(- inf{c > Co 0 0: f0 (c-ldlst(f(t),Y)}d(t) dla(t) f in L(v,Y), then the previous remark, we have I} c o such that f }((dtse(f(tI,YI) Co 0 0 since , t, strictly tnerea,tng and g best -1 No e prove the tn theorem of ehts paper. TEO 2.1. Let be a elood ubepaeo o[ X, then the [ollotng are equivalent: BEST APPROXIMATION IN ORLICZ SPACES (1) L(,Y) is proxtm[na! in L(U,X) ([i) LI(,Y) is proimina[ in LI(,X). PROOF (1). (it) Let f LO( p,X), 249 then by Lemma 2.I f e L (,X). By the assumption, there exists g e L (B,Y) such that for every h : LI(v,Y). By lemma 2.10 [3], we have Hence by Corollary 2.1 it follows that g is a best approxlmant of f in Conversely: (i) (il). J:LI(p,X) if f(t) Lo(p,X by J(f) O, and zero otherwise L (,X). for all f if g(t) . where .(t) f(t) Then for c Since ,X). Hence J(f) e To show that J is onto, let g L#( follows that J is (I-I). L#(,Y). Define a map 0 and zero otherwise. Clearly f e LI(u,X) is E strictly increasing, L#(B,X), it then take and (I (t)l l) j(f) II )ll g(t). Thus J^ is exists g e onto L(,Y) Now such that let f e L (v,X), then L(B,X). By assumption there 250 H. AL-MINAWI AND S. AYESH for all L+(B,Y), then by Corollary 2.1 we have LI(,Y) Now take any h then for al t. Hence As a corollary. If Y is a reflexive subspace of X, COROLLARY 2.2. then L(p,Y)is prlxlmlnal in It follows from the main theorem and Theorem 1.2 in Kahalll [5]. THEOREM 2.2. Let Y be a proxlminal subspace of X. Then for every simple function PROOF. f e L(,X), PROOF. P(f, Let f . L(,Y)) XAiXi is not empty. be a simple function in L(,X), where A I are disjoint n measurable sets in [0,I]. Set g 2 i=l XlYi, where Yi P(Xl’ Y)" Let h be any BEST APPROXIMATION IN ORLICZ SPACES L(p,Y), element in then [nf{c Hence g E P(f, THEOREM in L(p,X), 251 > O: , f0 <(llc (t<t)-h(t))l[)d(t) I} L(,Y)). 2.3. Let Y be a closed of subspace X. If L0(p,Y) Is proxlminal then Y is proxlmlnal in X. L(,X) LI(,Y) From Theorem 2.1, proximal In is implies that X). By Theorem I.I [2] this also Implies that L( ,y) is proxlmlnal in L (,X). For x X by fx(t) It X, define fl x for all t ft. is clear that f L ,X) for every x X, so there exists h L (,Y) such that x PROOF. proximinal L(,Y) LI( in fx: p,Y). w In particular take w f Y so llfx hll llfx fyll for every y s Y for every y Hence every t E [0,I] Y. gives a best approxlmant of x in Y. inX. The next theorem needs the following definitions: Therefore Y is proximinal 252 H. AL-MINAWI AND S. AYESH The subspace Y is called DEFINITION 2.1. x projection Q: there is a bounded -summand of x Y stJch rllat on K. DEFINITION 2.2. Z subspace [n X The subspace Y is called 1-complemented in X if. there is a closed that projection. THEOREM 2.4. PROOF. pof. Let Let X . X Y Z and the projection P: X If Y is l-complemented in X, the Y : L(,,X)+ L(,Y) Z [s a is proximinal in contractive L(,X). Z be a contractive projection from X onto Z. Z, P: X Hence L(,Z)an p(f) f2 for all fL(It, X) pof L(,Z) and L(u,X) L(,Y) L(,Z). L(,X). By Lemma 1.6 [2] L(,Y) is proximlnal Is a contractive projection onto fheta L,Y) L(,X). Hence In + is l-complemented In REFERENCES LP(,X), 0 < p < I. To appear I. DEEB, W. and KHALIL, R. Best Approximation in in Journal of Approximation Theory. 2. DEE8, W. and KAHLIL, R. Camb. Phil. Soc. Best Approximation In L(X,Y). 3. KHALIL, R. and DEEB, W. LP(,X) 4. 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