Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 14 NO. 2 (1991) 261-268 261 INVERSES OF MEASURES ON A CLASS OF DISCRETE GROUPS C. KARANIKAS Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Aristotle University oF Thessaloniki 54006 Thessalonlkl, Greece (Received February 12, 1990) ABSTRACF. We exam[he a class of groups G, having a certain growth condition. given an estimate for the norm of the inverse of an element in l(G) We in terms of the spectral tad[us and the card[nal[ty of the support. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Discrete groups, spectral radius and measure algebra. |980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 43A05, 43AI0, 22D05. INTRODUCTION. Throughout this work G is a discrete group and M(G) is the usual measure algebra we write for the unit of M(G), *v for the (convolution) product of two measures v m M(G). on G: , B E The purpose of this paper is to investigate the following problems: Let M(G) have nite support and the (convolution) inverse of (-) exist in M(G). Is it One can easily realize that this problem becomes more interesting in the "limit" case, where the support of is infinite. One also can realize the connection of this with the general problem of the invertlbillty in M(G); namely the characterization of the class of Hermltlan groups G (see [I]) or the equality of different norms and spectrums in M(G) (see [2], [3] and [4]). Our work here can be separated into two parts. class of groups A and we glve an estimate of the spectral radius In the first part we consider the I(-)-III and of r() and of the cardinallty of the support of lexpll . in terms of In the second part we examine the relation of the class A, with the class of nilpotent groups and [FC] groups (groups having finite conjugacy class) (see [I]). We show that nilpotent groups are A-groups and that the class A is closed under finite extentlon. We should note that be Gromov’s well known result, any finitely generated group G with polynomial growth is a finite extentlon of a nilpotent group, and so it is an A-group. It is remarkable to note that all known Hermitlan groups, as they are 262 C. KARANIKAS referred to [1], are A-groups. in We shall complete this introduction with s3me deflnLt[ons and lotatfons. We say that G is an A_-group if there is a map all fln[te subsets of G, and a #(F n) where tFn) Fn_- F F F)+n-I)X, J N, where 3 n e is the set of E N F (n-tlmes) and #F is the candinality of E. An n-word in the etements of F is any (reduced) word of ength n. We denote by a collection of n-words in the elements of F which as a subset of G consists of al[ distinct elements of F 2. K: N such that for any F e n. n Finally we shall, denote by the convolution product NORMS OF CERTAIN INVERTIBLE MEASURES. - We are going to show the following: THEOREM 2.1. Let G be an A-group and let < support F and r() where K(F) and if exp PROOF. n I. Then be an element in M(G), with finite is invertible such that are constants determined from the A-group structure. Furthermore we have First we observe that for any n e N x EG # (F n)112p( )n representation, i.e. the norm of the operator : 12(G) 12(G):f p*f. Since p(U) (r() we have II:II Now by (2.3) #(Fn)l/2 r(p)n" (2.3) 263 INVERSES OF MEASURES ON A CLASS OF DISCRETE GROUPS + # (F < n--O Now let K (F) we see that 2)1/2 rk) 2+ ((F)+n-1)), r)n n (K+n-I)X < tKX+n-l). In fact Thus n=O and since r() < n I, by the blnomlal formula, (6-) To see (2.2) we observe that since n (K(F)+n-1), n H J=l < g > and -I exists and we obtain (2.1). J > I, (- + I) and K(F)-I + I) J z:(F) (2.4) Thus by (2.3) and (2.4) exp(K(F) Xr(u) ). 3. THE CLASS OF GROUPS A. In this section, we show that [FC] groups and nilpotent groups are A-groups. also show that the class A is closed under finite extention. First we examine the growth of [FC] groups. We C. KARAN IKAS 264 Let G be an [FC] group and F be a finite subset of G. PROPOSiTiON 3.[. // # where k PROOF. (k+r-l) r F r) f eF[f]), if] is the conjugacy class of f. J We show that if iF] F, f fgf-l=gl, that g, there if] F (k+l2 #k[F]2) #kF 2) f, g N) r f Given Then is element an (say) gl iF] [g] in such gl f. and so fg Hence any 2-word in the elements of iF] consisting of two different letters is equal to another 2-word in the elements of iF]. Thus iF] F, f f, g # 2 has no k than more # k(k-l)/2 elements fg where < n, we show that it is also true for no We of and k+ ). 2 < k + k_(_k_-2 2 (F2) We suppose that the Theorem is true for any r r f2 elements It is clear that g. denote by (g) the number of appearances all of a g e iF] in the words iF] n) ’. If each g elements of iF] n n (iF]). IF], (g) the had all g same chance to appear in (iF n])’ then for Thus we may consider a g e IF] such that # (iF] n) k (3.1) (g) g, there is some Since for any f c iF] fl (say) such that fg gfl" Hence (iF]n) ’, either there is without loss of generality we may assume that in any word of no g or all g’s keep the left place of the elements of iF] n-I word. Now from each word of (iF]n) ’, The resulting (n-l)-words form a subset of dlstlnt where g appears, cancel one g. we denote this set by g -I (iF] n). Hence from our hypothesis it is clear that ,k+n-2 #(g) where l(g) + n-l (3.2) l(g is the number of all appearances of g in g ,l(g) 4 I_ -I (iF] n) ’. k+n-2) n-I 43.3) then by (.I) and (B.2) we obtain # (iF] n) _k (I + n Suppose that )( k+n-2 n-I (k+n-I n and so in this case there is nothing to show. If the inequality (3.3) does not occur, from (3.1) and (3.2) we ha, INVERSES OF MEASURES ON A CLASS OF DISCRETE GROUPS k ([Fin) (_k_ n-1 ff In a similar way we define g In the collection g As -i + 1))l(g) i(g) n [hfl) )l (g) (l n-l) i.e. the number of appearances of n (3.2) i (g) t=2,3,...,n-t) n-I and if for some n___i #t (g) is k,k+n-I (iF] )’. + it 265 k+n-i-I t3.4) n-i If the inequality (3.4) does not occur for any i nothing to show. n-i we observe that k bn_l(g) (1) In this case we write (k+l) k(k+n-l) n.(n-l) (iF]n) # (k+n-l)! (k-l)!n! and this completes the proof. COROLLARY 3.1. If G is abelian and F is a finite subset of G then, (F r) PROOF. (# F+r-l), r r e N Clear LEMMA 3.1. Let G be a discrete group with a normal subgroup K such that G/K is be the canonical map :G abellan, and let # (F), G/K. If FCG is such that #F then the number of all r-words in the elements of F(r g N), in a given class of G modulo K can not be greater than (#F +r r-l). PROOF. Let x E G/K fixed and J -I () f F r r and F in this proof mean collections of r-words, which as elements of G r may not be distinct. Note that I We shall denote by # # Let x,y ([F]n) F and xy Jr the cardinallty of (#F Jr’ and we shall show that + (3.5) 2 then yx 32, fl2; in fact since G/K is abelian (x)(y) (yx). Now suppose that there is a z F such that x,z (or z,x) is in i.e. (x,y) and (x,z) so (y) (z) and # (F) < # F-contradictlon. J2’ Hence it is clear that 2 < # F and (3.5) follows. (xy) We suppose that Lemma 3.1 is true for any r > n-1 and we show this for rfn. For C. KARAN IKAS 266 G/K, Let for some g -I J F n. F had the same chance to appear in If all elements of appearances (), (g) x in the words of F, of x #(x) We consider a x = n # Jn J n’ then the number of all should be (/n F such that #j #_.F (x) n (3.6) n From the set of all words In J n where x has at least one entry we cancel one We denote by x Jn the collection of all the resultlng (n-l)-words. We show thatx . Jn is in a class of G modulo K. Let Wl, be words in the elements of F such that w w2,w’ I, w’2, w,x w Jn Since (w w 2) w2, (WlW 2’) w ’), we have (w lW2 2 (w and x 3 n is as we claimed. Now, the set x Jn #F+n-2 by our inductive hypothesis has cardinallty no greater than and so n-I l(X) where - #F+n-2 (x) + n-1 is the number of 1 (x) Jn. appearances of x in x As in Proposition (3.1), (3.7) in the case where 1 (x) it is nothing to show. obtain #j n # F+n- 2 n-1 If the inequality above is not true by (3.6) and (3.7) we #F #F+n-1 n-1 n 1 (x) We complete the proof in the same arguments as in Proposition 3.1. #F and PROPOSITION 3.2. Any nilpotent group G is an A-group with (F) % 2q-l, where q is the Index of G and F Is a finite set. PROOF. Let G o ntlpotent group G of index q. (1 i Aq A D A ...’DA q-I) and we denote by q-1 We note that i We denote by Frll Af_l/l i #(l(Fr)max {# E the normal is the center of the canonical map G It is obvious that for any FC G and r #(F r) be {e} series of G/A t G/A i. N -I (’)3 F r : G/AI}. the RHS of (3.8). We shall show that there are q positive integers ml,m2,...,mq such that (3.8) INVERSES OF MEASURES ON A CLASS OF DISCRETE GROUPS #(F) ml+m2+...+m q and Ir 6 2 m2+r-[ m +r-[ 2 iFrll m r true for each hi[potent group of inde q Let G be nilpotent of index p. 7 I(F). (.I(F)) # < m {x F where m +r-I 3.9) r We suppose that (3.9) I. p G/A Since q is abetlan by Lemma 3.1 if iFrll k# F +r r-I)2 We have, Let # +r-I 2 q-lr Corollary k3.1) Implies (3.9). If q=|, i.e. G is abet[an. #F g # 267 l(Xj) # (F), then F can be written as (t 6 m 1, ej: i # j, j #(F)-ml} j and all ml, a.’s3 are in A By (3.8) we obtain, ml+r-I Jl where where -I (g) Fr’ Any element of for some g can be written as (3.11) xlia’31 xi2 a32 xlraJ (XilXi_..... X,,r c each [_ (I 1,2,...,F-m t g’ one of J1 r) Is one of 1,2,...,m I. and each ]t is m +r-I By Lemma (3. t) the cardinality of all x i in g is x r r and so m +r-1 where Jl x lXi2 g i xi F IXI2 F xa F "r is fixed suitably choosen from (3.11) and belongs to g; r F Corollary (3.1), J {aj: Note that if q F rj # F-m I} 2, then A is the center of G, all commute with and by # F +r-1 ); thus by (3.10) and (3.12), (3.9) follows. As in (3.8), for some ]’s -rml xt’s G/A 2 we have (3.13) Since obtain AI/A 2 is the center of G/A 2 and FIC AI, by (3.10), (3.12) and (3.13) we C. KARANIKAS 268 [,Flrll where is defined as [Frll. is a nilpotent of index p-l we apply our inductive hypothesis in (3.14) Since A p we obtain (3.9). and for q Now if we replace m|,...,mq in (3.9) by #F we see that G is an A group with and k =2q-l. constants k PROPOSITION 3.3. The class of A-groups is closed under extensions by finite group s. We PROOF. may write {dlA, d2A, ..., dsA} G/A representatives of all the different classes of where each d(i,j) is one of (1,t Let <x i> (I a(i,J) d(i,J) dldj {d i dl,d2,...,d s are s We may also write e the unit of G. Let F where G/A" without loss of generality let d s {dIxidj J s) and each a(i,J) is in A. dl,...,d s Xl,...,d i mXm} i, #F=m, each 1,2,..,s} (I d i is one of t i dl,...,d s and x t e A m) and (3.15) djlXildj2 xi2"’" djr Xir be a typical r-word in the elements of F. <Xil> a(Jl ’j2 d(Jl ’j2)xi2 <xi> a(jl,J2) <x i > a(.,j3 2 <x i > <x i > 2 where a e A and d e {d dj r x i r Each word in (3.15) is in the set or in dj r x i r <x i > or finally in a.d. (3.16) r l,d 2,...,ds }" It is clear that the cardlnality of the r-words in the elements of F, as in (3.15) is less than the candinality of the words in (3.16) in the elements which is a subset of the A-group, A. Thus G inherits the growth of {<Xl>, <Xm>}, of A. REFERENCES I. PALMER, T. 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