149 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1991) 149-154 VOI. 14 NO. ON GALOIS PROJECTIVE GROUP RINGS LINJUN MA and GEORGE SZETO Mathematics Departmezt DePartment Mathematics Zhongshe n University Guangzhou, P.R. China Bradley University Peoria, Illinois 61625 U.S.A. (Received September 19, 1989 and in revised form December 10, 1989) ABSTRACT. Let A be a ring with inner automorphism group of A I, C induced by A the center of [U A G’ in A / and G’ an O in a finite be the fixed subring of Let group G whose order is invertible. G’ with If A is a Galcis extension of A A under the action of G’ then Galois group G’ and C is the center of the subring G’ is also C. G’ if Moreover, A U and the center of A is Azumaya over C, then A is a projective group ring. AG’u =A @AG’U KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Central Galois extensions, projective group rings, Azumaya algebrss. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. INTRODUCTION. 16A74, 16A16, 13B02. Galois extensions for rings and Azumaya algebras have been inten- F.R. DeMeyer ([I]) characterizes a central Galois algebra with an inner Galois group in terms of an Azumasively investigated (see References). That is, if A is a central Galois algeya projective group algebra. {U bra over C with an inner Galois group G’ induced by the units algebra group a is projective then A in a finite group / Conversely, in G. for 4, where f is a factor set f(,) if is Azumaya over C, then it is Galois over C with an inner Ga- CGf G}, CGf UUU In the pre(I, Theorems 2 and 3). G’ induced by G’ (not a ring A sent paper, we shall study a Galois extension A over It will be shown that if A is Galois with necessarily its center C). G’ Galois group G’ and if the subring U has center C, then A G’ G’ is also C. G’ In addition, if A U such that the center of A is separable over C, then A becomes a projective group ring over A A (that is, the coefficient ring C in a projective group C-algeG’ as defined in I). In this case, A is an bra is replaced by a ring A G’ Azumaya C-algebra Conversely, if U is an C-Azumaya C-algebra A G’ Gf and is Galois over such that U} are free over C, then A G’ has Our results generalize the characterizacenter C. such that A lois group U A A G’, AG’Gf A tion for a central Galois algebra as given by F.Ro DeMeyer AG’ ([I], Theorems 150 G. SZETO AND L. MA 2 and 3). This paper was doric under the support from the Advanced Re- search Institute of Zhongshan University, P.R. China, and revised under We would like to thank the referee for the suggestions of the referee. his valuable comments to relate our paper to the work of T. Kanzaki. BASIC DFFINITI ONS Throughout, we assume that 2. A, Ucz c A / / agroup in G A is a ring with the inner automorphism group of G’ ring in a finite group ’(a) over a ring RGf UU such that r in sion T over S ai, aaib i aibia ’ where in b bi} UU#U- f(,) and . G in T in T, i i for each a in T Such a set invertible, G’. I, and U / c r rU and A G’ The projective is a ring with an R-basis is a ring extension there exist elements over S. G in the center of C induced by the set of units for each R Uf(,) , R, each Ua a A whose order is G I, in for A separable exten- over its subring S such that m for some integer m / .... and I aib where is i is called a separable set for T. The ai, T is a separable extension T over S which is contained in the center of T, and T is an Azumaya S-algebra if T is a separable algebra over its center S. T is a Galois extension over T G with Galois group G if G is a finite automorphism group of T and there exist elements Yi in T, i 1,...,k for some integer k / and 0 for each in Such a set xia(y i) i is called a Galois set for T. A Galois extension T over T G Yi) with Galois group G is called a centralized Galois extension if T G has the same center as T. GALCIS PROJECTIVE GROUP RINGS. 3. Throughout, we assume that A is a ring with I, C the center of A, G’ an inner automorphism group of A induced by in A / c in a finite group G whose order is invertible. We denote the set in A / a for each oC’ in ’(a) by A G’ and the projective G’ G’ group ring over A by A Gf where f(c%,) for in G. We shall generalize the characterization of a central Galois algebra as given by F.R. DeMeyer to a non-commutative case We begin with some properseparable S-algebra xi’ xiY Xl’ G. U a ties of G’ UU U- c, G’. LEMMA 3I. (I) Let (or A G’) and U3 morphic with C, then G’ PROOF. G’ CU restricted to AG’U, c’ A AG’ restricted to Since .AG’u (or respectively--Then ’ on G’ Ua. be the subring generated by G’ restricted to G’ (2) If A is isomorphic with A G’ U/- Io-. is U/- I. center of and since o’ on A if and only if C similarly, part (2) holds Part (I) is clear. LEMMA 3.2 If A is Galois over A G’ with Galois group G’ G’ G. Uo G m a in the is in then PROOF. We first show that / cz in are free cver fact, let 0 for in C and let {’xi, Yi in A, i for some integer be a Galois set for A. Then aU is iso- has center G’. if and only if ’ C C C. In ,m xi(2a)-1(yi) GALOIS PROJECTIVE GROUP RINGS a(xi{1(yi))U O= be in G’ is in C. ’(a) Thus there is an cU. Ui Moreover, c the map G’ phism, so THEOREM 3.3. If roup G’ - U] But G. Let for any aU6 ’(a) such that A c C are free over @’ Go a in G’ C, so U to is G w AG’u has center U. clearly C, then A f(g,) U@UI$ (I/n)UU der of Now, let o in G. in G, so AG’U is a separable element for which is {U} are CGf of A free over G CGf Ut U, A where G is invertiis the or- n where C. is a separable projective group algebra over t A G’ in Hence rt tr is in the center of (for G tUck. A r r rU Then CGf. On the other hand, for any A CG f Since with Galois Since the order of be an element in the center of r each each Hence G. G. in G’ A U {U}. , . a group homomor- G’ A G’ and A As given in the proof of Lemma 3.2, PROOF. C, so there exists a projective group subalgebra for UIu UIU such that be a Galois extension over generated by ble, Eext, let @’, /’ Then A. c; and so Thus cz in for all in from / 151 utuj :t U. o CGf)o is in r for By hypothesis, center is Thus the center of C, so r is in C. C. Clearly, C is contained in the center of CGf, so has center C. is an Azumaya algebra over C. Therefore, has CGf contained in CGf CGf But then restricted to G’ to by Theorem 3 in [I] CGf AG’ Uc restricted to Lemma 3 I, G’ A U AG’u A G’ is Galois over Moreover, G’ let {xi, Yi in CG with Galois group C Since is isomorphic with (for the Galois set for AG’u) _ is a central Galcis algebra over CGf CGf G’ G’ -A U restricted to with Galois group G’ 6’ such that CGf by restricted is also a Galois set for fG’ U A / ,k} i be a Galois By hypothesis, A is Galois over A G’ with U Galois group G’ so G’ G’ restricted to Thus A G’ U by Lemma 3.2 is also a Galois set for A over A Therefore, A is finitely generated and projective over A G’ with a dual basis (tr)Yi__} where tr (the trace of G) ([2], see the proof of Theorem I, P. 119) G’ Hence, for any a in A, a Thus xitr(Yia) which is in U G’ A U. We recall that a Galois extension T over T G with Galois group G is called a centralized Galois extension if A G has the same center as A. COROLLARY 3.4. By keeping the hypotheses of Theorem 3.3, A is a centraset for @A over A G’ G’. xi’ Yi} xi, A A lized Galois extension. PROOF. for any r Theorem 3 3, also C. Clearly, C is contained in the center of A G’ in the center of A G’ #A U, so r r is in C. G’. A G’ Next is a condition under which A is a projective group ring. By keeping the hypotheses and notations of Theorem 3 .9 if G’ G’ such that A is an AzuU is separable over C, then A A G’ THEOREM 3 5 A A Conversely, U. By G’ is Thus the center of A is in the center of Gf 152 G. SZETO AND L. MA maya C-algebra. y PROOF bra ing an Azumaya subalgebra CGf, G’ A so containing an Azumaya alge- U is an Azumaya C-algebra contain- A By hypothesis, C. over CGf A A 3.3, heorem ZA(CGf)cCG f ZA(CG f) is where ZA(CG f) is C-subal6.eCGf 4.3, Pc 57). Theorem algebras Azumaya (3, commutant for theorem bra by the the commutant of in A such that A G’ we conclude that Noting that G is an Azumaya’C-algebra. that A A G’ A ZA(CGf) an Azumaya A CGf G’ such Gf The following is a property of a Galois projective group ring. (not necessarily commutative). Let R be a ring with THEOREM 3.6. G’ G’ then with Galois group G’ is Galois over (RGf) If (RGf) (RGf) G’. RGf Since C C Hence are free over C by the proof of Lemma 3.2. is Galois, Next, let D of there exists a projective group subalgebra In fact, for any x D. We claim that C be the center of R. Let PROOF. be the center of C Then RGf. {Ua} RGf RGf. CGf in C C t and in DGf. xt R, ix, so r Since rU But then are in the center of R. are free over C and D res- U} Hence D. Thus the center of Clearly, D C, so C pectively, C C D. is C. Noting that the order of G is invertible we conclude that CG f is a central Galois C-algebra with is an Azumaya C-algebra; and so such Moreover, since Galois group G’ ([13, Theorem 3). f d in an element exists there that C is a C-direct summand of CGf, CGf DGf. CGf CGf RcCG RGf HOmAG,(A,AG’) by using the fact that tr(d) such that [2], P. 119 @’O@ Then, for any and the introduction to Section 2 in [51). G’ and in in G, (RGf) rE(U)tr(d) r(R)tr(Uwd) Thus (RGf) G’ R. CGf (see (tr)A (r(R)U)= (U) R (for tr(Ud) which is in is in C). We now generalize the theorem of F.R. DeMeyer that if KGf is Azumaya over a commutative ring K, then KGf is Galois over K with Galois group G’ (I], THECF24 Theorem 3). 3.7. AG’u G If is an Azumaya C-algebra with G’ U} a free set and is a centralized Galois extension over @A U over C, then A Gf A G’ with Galois group G’. G’ contains a projecare free over C Since PROOF. tive group algebra of G is invertible, CGf is CGf. Since the order is in the center of separable over C. Since the center of is a it is equal to C. Thus is an Azumaya C-algebra. Hence central Galois C-algebra with Galois group G’ (g1, Theorem 3, and Lemma G’ we conclude that Noting that 3 I) U@ is Galois G’ G’ over A with Galois group G’. Moreover, since Uo is Azumaya G G theorem for Azucommutant the over C by hypothesis, by U A maya algebras as given in the proof of Theorem 3.5. Thus the proof is corn- U A U AG’u, CGf CGf CGf CGf_,AG’u,_. A A A Gf plete. COROLLARY 3.8. Let R be a ring with and C the center of the pro- GALOIS PROJECTIVE GROUP RINGS 153 If RGf is an Azumaya algebra such E. C, then RGf is a centralized Galois extension over R with Galois group G’. Then there exists a projecLet the center of R be D. PROOF. Since tive group algebra DGf in RG. Clearly, RGf D by a similar are free over C by hypothesis, we can show that C for each a in R proof of Theorem 3.6. Moreover, since jective group ring U that over RGf are free over RDDG. aU C in Ua G, the center of DGf is contained in C. he center of contained in the center of DGf, so C and the center of fore is RGf DGf. Thus is Galois over R DGf Clearly, DGf. C Hence is a central Galois D-algebra. by Theorem 3.6 such that the center of is D There- R C. We conclude the paper with two more properties of a Ga!ois projec- rive group ring RGf. Let RGf be a Galois projective group ring with Galois THEOREM 3.9. the centraliThen (I) group G’ over a ring R and with center C. zer of the projective group algebra CGf in RGf is R, and (2) the center of R is equal to C (and hence RGf is a centralized Galois extension over R). G’ is an inner Since G’ PROOF. (I) By Theorem 3.6, R (RGf) induced by U), part (I) is immediate. automorphism group of RGf Then it is easy to verify that DG f (2) Let D be the center of R. the centralizer of R in RGf. By part (I), DGf CGf. 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