709 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. VOL. 13 NO. 4 (1990) 709-716 THE DITTERT’S FUNCTION ON A SET OF NONNEGATIVE MATRICES SUK GEUN HWANG and MUN-GU SOHN Department of Mathematics Teachers College Kyungpook Unlvers Ity Taegu 702-701 Republic of Korea SI-JU KIM Department of Mathematics Education Andong Unlverslty Andong, Kyungpook 760-380 Republic of Korea (Received November 6, 1989 and in revised form January 12, 1990) For X l,....,rn), K Let (X) r all X for n nonnegative matrices wlth entry sum n. Let Kn denote the set of all n sum vector (r with row BSTRACT. le + I Dittert’s conjecture asserts that perX. c] wih K vector (c sum column equality Iff X [I/n]nxn. Thls (X) paper n properties of a certain subclass of K n related to the function conjecture. 2 l,...,cn), n n!/n investigates some and the Dittert’s Permanent, Dittert’s function, h-admlssable matrix. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. 15A48. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. INTRODUCT ION n nonnegatlve matrices whose entries have sum n, Let Kn denote the set of all n and let . . denote a real valued function of K n defined by n n ,(X)-- II i=1 j=1 for X [xij] e Kn n xlj + n II j=1 i=1 xlj- perX perX where perX stands for the permanent oES of X; Xno(n)" Xlo (I) Let J n denote the n x n matrix all of whose entries are I/n. Is a conjecture due to Eric Dittert. CONJECTURE (Marcus and Merris [I], Conjecture 28]). (A) < 2 n n n with equality If and only if A Jn" For A For the function # there Kn, SUK GEUN HWANG, MUN-GU SOHN AND SI-JU KIM 710 In this paper, we will calf q the DiLLerL’s function. For [3]). X e K a matt[ n It is proved that the [I], Dittert’s conjecture is true for n 6 3 (Marcus and Merris Sinkhorn [2], and Hwang whose column sum (rl,...,r)and n whose row sum vector is (c l,...,cn) vector is Let i= r c cj (i=l ...,n) r ri+ ri_ cn cj_l Cj+l (J=l ,n) and X(ilj) where denotes the matrix obtained from X by deleting the row i and column - (A) called a -maximizing matrix on Kn if n In [3], the following results are proved. matrix A K E is If A THEOREM A. [aij] lj() = (A) i_f alj (A) if lf, for every @- i,J=l,.**,n, then Jn is the un_lque We see that (A) column then @(A) > sum > n 0 aij maximizing matrix A (Cl,...,Cn), o_n maximizing matrix on For A c K n if Now, for A e K with (A) O. A 0 )0 for all A c K vector K maximizing matrix on Kn, then is a THEOREM B. and J. (X) for all X ) n Kn. with row sum vector (r ,...,r rl..rn[a ,> Let A 0 either > O, @(A) for all ij(A) Kn, or Cl...c n n O, n matrix denote the n i > defined by , lj (A) aij For A K E by A) if function. say we n tr(AA*) Let ) (A) that A ,n). (i,J (A)" E K n with (A) > 0 is A-admlssable (or A denotes the transpose of A and n where tr A is admlssable denotes the trace denotes the set of all A-admlssable matrices. It follows from Theorem A that every @-maximizing matrix A is self-admissable i.. A (A). each @-maximlzing matrix A there exists a positive matrix A c Kn such then the Dittert’s conjecture is true (See section 2). that A (A) for In such a point of view, it would be interesting to study the classes is most likely Such a matrix A should be one which some particular matrices A c K If for E(A), n to posess the property that all -maximlzlng matrices on K n are A-admlssable. - In this paper we find some matrices indiA}for certain properties of the Dittert’s function related to the class 2. THE CLASS (h) AND A’s and investigate some (A). MAXIMIZING MATRICES. From now on let Max(K n denote the set of all O--aximizing matrices on Kn. THE DITTERT’S FUNCTION ON A SET OF NONNEGATIVE MATRICES THEOREM 2.1. Max(Kn then PROOF. A e .(A). Max(Kn each A If in matrix Kn, {Jn }’ I.e. the D[ttert’s contecture holds. Let A e Max(Kn and let A-be a positive matrix such that [Xtj] . Kn . Then n n n (tr(ATA*) > Xi i-I j=l by Theorem A. j . CtA (A) n ----( n Z Xlj (2.1) n i-1 j-1 Therefore the Inequalttltes in (2.1) are all equalities and hence (A) for all ij(A) by__a__ poslt[ve admlssable is 711 1,2,...,n i,j A is since a positive matrix. Now the assertion of the theorem follows from Theorem B. Kn with For A e Let A [aij . poslt I sum vector (rl,...,rn) column sum vector (cl,...,Cn), In particular if A e Max(ln) then A is a and n atrix defined by r Co -t_ alj r i*l iivl matrix (i,j n n n Since row denote the n n2 ic j since r l,...,n). we see that t > 0, cj > E K n 0 for all i,J l,...,n because perA > 0 [2]. We believe that every A e Max(K is A-admtssabIe, which we can not prove yet. n We may ask which matrices A e K are -admisable and which are not. We have an answer n to this question. THEOREM 2.2. l__f A is positive semldefinite symmetric matrix In Kn, then A l__s A- admlssable. PROOF. A(i*I Let & be a p.s.d, symetric matrix in Kn and let r i be the t-th row sum of Then the condition that A is is equivalent to -admlssable ,n). n n Z Z i-l j=l Let rffirl...r n and let r n rlrj @ij (A) >n 2 rl...ri_Iri+l...r n (i=l,...,n). i n Z Z i*l j=l r (2.2) irj eli (l)" . n n i=l n n Z rlrj[r--i+ r--j perA(IlJ) Z Z 2n2r Since n [(r n + i perA by a theorem of Marcus and Merrls [4], we have rj)r n Z Z n I I rlr j perA(ilJ) n 2 Then rIrj rirj perA(ilJ)] perA(iIJ). . 712 SUK GEUN HWANG, MUN-GU SOHN AND SI-JU KIM n n 2n2r- rir j ij(A) i=l i=l 2 n n2(A) perA and the proof is complete. Note that not every atrix A in K < if 0 Ax-admissable 2 is not K x < I/2. For n The Kn and (r 1,...,r n so that T 3. 2 (Tn) n THE CLASS . 0 (I,...,1), (c n) c n n @(T n) iffil j=l tic J ij (Tn) and hence that Tn is not (Jn n matrix. 0 0 0 Then 3, we have an Let T n denote the following n EXAMPLE 2.1. For n=2, the matrix is A-admissable. n 2 n-2 n-2 n_--zT). (2, nl,..., n) (n-l)! > (n_l)n_2 We have 0 Tn-admissable. AND THE MONOTONICITY OF THE DITTERT’S FUNCTION. Another candidate for positive A nonnegatlve square matrix is called a column sums are equal to I. K n (A) wlth "good" doub! is the matrix Jn" A stochastic matrix if all the row sums and It is conjectured that every n n doubly stochastic Here matrix Is Jn-admlssable (Dokovlc [5] and Minc [6]) but this still remains open. )) if and only If we have to notice that A is Jn-admlssable (i.e. A E(Jn n We show can (Jn) that .(Jn n Kn for n 3 (see Example 3.1). However it seems n Identity matrix I n are K in matrices admlssable. We can show that all diagonal n are also THEOREM 3.1. Every diagonal matrix in Kn i__s that lx(K n) ). It is clear that Jn and the n Jn-admlssable. Jn-admfssable. PROOF. Let A diag(al,...,an ai+l...a n (i=l,...,n). @(A)=a and n If a=0, n Kn, a a a n and a n n i al...ai_ Suppose a there is nothing to prove. n > 0. Then Jn- THE DITTERT’S FUNCTION ON A SET OF NONNEGATIVE MATRICES 713 n (2n-l)a i-l Therefore, n (A) < n - t=1 n > n(2n-l)a. a-- eli(A) J=l if n )2, and the proof is complete. The Dittert’s function monotone the on in’(Jn)’r segment lles (X) A(X) has some nice behavior on the set segment line n A=[aij] e Kn have For a real number t, 0 vector ( t ( Letting r(t) c(t) > rl(t c.(t) c O, that d-- r(t) d c(t) [aid(t)] (rl(t),...,rn(t)) and (cl(t),...,Cn(t)) d dt ri_l(t)ri+l(t).., rn(t) cj -I (t)cj +I (t) [ c n(t), (i=l,...,n), (j=l,...,n), Ti(t)} {r(t) i;1 n n {r(t) n i=l j:l {c(t) c](t)} ri(t)}, n perAt n (At n n [ cj(t)}, {c(t) 12 n l,...,cn). and let the row sum n -d and column sum vector (c (t) c (t) - n) r (t) n l(t) ri(t is line n (l-t)J n + tA: I, let A t rl(t) c ’ the X e K and the column sum vector of A t be we compute, for t namely that n row sum vector (r l,...,r respectively. so that Joining [ [ ij(X) i=lj=l n Let Jn (Jn and A e, (J) whenever n function define by To show this, let A be a straight n j=l I_ 2 {perAt n {r(t) + c(t) n n n perA n i- [r (t) + i=I perAt i lj i=l .(t)] perAt(ilj)]} SUK GEUN HWANG, MUN-GU SOHN AND SI-JU KIM 714 - which is d Kn. Let A n n n (At) Thus we have the following THEOREM 3.2. n A(At). __If At C(J n)_ for all t, 0 I, then the Dirrert’s t function is monotone decreasing on the straight llne segment from It is not hard to show that, for any A 2 2 2 2 Jn to A. K2, 3 i-l On the other hand, the validity of Dlttert’s conjecture for n-2 gives us that 3 Therefore th@t Kn it follows (Jn that K ) @(&). 2 -C(J2). However EXAMPLE 3. I. does not hold in Let O n n n+--- -" n_ 0 n n n+l n+1 0 0 n>4 0 n+---" 0 n+1 n n+--- 0 and let o U 3 1/4 - (b(U n) 4 n xn 3 3 0 0 0 0 Then and it C(Jn )" ( )n general THE DITTERT’S FUNCTION ON A SET OF NONNEGATIVE MATRICES n 3... 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 n/l U*n Hence 2 4n n i=1 j=l eli (Un) -. - (sum of entries of U n n 4(---T) (n1) n-1 Thus we have n 2 n+l [2 2 (4n n (U n) (4n 2 + 3(6n-10)] 6n + 8). lj(Un 3 "-T- 4n 2 + 6n 8) n-1 -(2n 2 (n+l) n n 4(n-3) n n i=i j=1 (n_.T)n-1 2n- 8), which is positive for all n 4. 715 3, telling us that Un is not Jn-admissable. CONCLUDING REMARKS. If, for every A E we could find a positive matrix A K such that A is n admlssable by A, it would prove the Dittert’s conjecture by Theorem 2.1. It seem to us that the matrices A or are two of the strongest candidates for such matrices. However we may not expect to have a positive matrix e Z such that all the matrices n in Kn are A-admissable. Max(Kn) Jn ^ We shall close our discussion here by giving some further research problems. PROBLEM 4.1. Determine whether there exists a positive matrix A K admitting n all matrices in KnWe conjecture that such a matrix does not exist. It is admlssable proved [4], increasing on that from every which the straight it line p.s.d, doubly symmetric follows sequment that from the Jn stochastic permanent to matrix function any p.s.d, is is Jn- monotone symmetric doubly stochastic matrix (Hwang [7]). PROBLEM 4.1. admlssable. Determine whether every p.s.d, symmetric matrix in Kn is Jn- 716 SUK GEUN HWANG, MUN-GU SOHN AND SI-JU KIM symmetric matrix in Kn is Jn-admlssable, then it follows from Theorem 3.2 that the Dlttert’s function is monotone decreasing on the straight llne If every p.s.d, segment from Jn to any p.s.d, symmetric matrix in Kn. We conjecture that the Problem 4.1 will have an affirmative answer. Is every -maxlmlzlng matrix A on Kn A-admlssable or PROBLEM 4.3. If 4.3 Problem has an a affirmative answer, it would prove Jn-admlssable? the Dlttert’s conjecture as we stated earlier. Research supported by a grant from the Korean Ministry of Eduatlon ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Inst., 1988. via the Kyungpook University Basic Science Res. REFERENCES I. MINC, H. 2. SINKHORN, R. Theory of permanents 1982-1985, Lin. Multilln. Multilln. AI. 12 (1982). A problem related to the van der Waerden permanent theorem, Lin. 16(1984), 167-173. AI. AI. Appl. 95 (1987), 161-169. 3: HWANG, S.G. 4. MARCUS, M. and MERRIS, R. 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