Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 13 NO. 4 (1990) 807-810 807 ON THE JOINT NUMERICAL STATUS AND TENSOR PRODUCTS RAM VERMA and LOKENATH DEBNATH Department of Mathemat University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida 32816 (Received September I0, 1989 and in revised form December 20, 1989) ABSTRACT. We prove a result on the joint numerical status of the bounded H11bert space operators on the tensor products. The result seems to have nice appllcattons in the multlparameter spectral theory. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Joint numerical status, Hilbert tensor product, Multlparameter spectral theory, Joint Numerical range, Maximal numerical range. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 47A. 1. INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS. In a recent paper Buonl and Wadhwa [I] introduced the concept of the joint numerical status, and have shown that the joint numerical status of commuting normal operators equals the closure of their joint numerical range. Based upon the elegant work of Stampfll [2] on the norm of the inner derivation acting on the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space, Fong [3] introduced the concept of essential maximum numerical range to derive the norm of an inner derivation on the Calkin algebra, and proved several interesting results. The results of Fong seem to hold for the case of the joint maximum numerical status as well. On the other hand, Dash [4] has proved that the joint numerical range of the product tensor ranges. Joint of operators is equal to the Cartesian product of their numerical Motivated by the work of Dash, we shall prove an analogous result for the numerical status of the tensor product of operators. It seems that results obtained in this paper have nice applications in the multlparameter spectral theory [5]. Let H be a complex Hilbert space, and let L(H) denote the algebra of all bounded The algebra L(H) is a Banach space with respect to an operator norm (See Debnath and Mikuslnskl [6]). In the sequel, we need the following linear operators on H. definitions: DEFINITION I.I. For A (A ..A n L(H) n the joint numerical range of A is denoted by W(A) and defined by (1.1) RAM VERMAAND LOKENATH DEBNATH 808 For the detaits about the joint numerical ranges, see references [1], [7] and [81. DEFINITION AI,...,An. Let 2 denote (AI,...,An) for A Then, C*(L(H) the C*(L(tl)), C*-algebra generated I by and the joint numerical status of A is denoted by S(A) and defined by (1.2) is a state on C*(L(H). where We note that S(A l,...,An) Let DEFINITION 1.3. <, >i,...,<,>n H 18 ...SHn lj J H I H denote >I <, > the space Hilbert which is defined by <Xn’Yn >n’ (1.4) For the operators e Aj L(Hj), the tensor product operators, Ile ...e Ij_l e AjI Ij+ le ...8 In, is the identity operator on Clearly, A @ffi 2. complex Hilbert spaces with inner products Let H n) is defined Aje where .. (1.3) HI ...H DEFINITION 1.4. (1 S(An )" ...x n with respect to Inner product <x I, Yl <x,y> E S(A1) HI"’’’Hn be respectively. completion of H for every x,y _c (AI ..... An Hi. is a commuting system of operators on (1.5) . A MAIN RESULT ON THE JOINT NUMERICAL STATUS. We now prove the following result on the Joint numerical status: e S(A PROOF. .... ne S(AI) (2.1) S(). x...x In order to prove the inclusion s(A e first prove that the case of n ..... c_S(A I) S(A)__ S(Aj) (J x...x l,..,n). 2, we first show that S(A (2.2) S(An) 112 Since this follows by induction from S(AI). ON THE JOINT NUMERICAL STATUS AND TENSOR PRODUCTS If f(A1)= , then there exists a state f for A S(A1) Let g be any state on ),. (AIO 12) (fO g) C*(L(H2)). C*(L(HI)) on (2.3) f(Al). AIO 12 on C*(L(HIIt2)) This implies that fog [s a state for such that Thee Og(I2) f(A I) 809 S(AIO I2). and Thus S(A1) c-- S(A . 12) (2.4) I2). S(AIO 12) Conversely, I h(A O O then there exists a state h for C*(L(HI)) We next define a functional f for each A h(AO f(A) Then f(I 12). I) , h(A This implies that f(A l) 1OI 2) S(A l). S(A! O12)S(AI). Similarly, we can prove that S(l such that ]h(AO !2) a.u.p Hence such that I, O12) h(l AIO 12 3OAf) This completes the proof of this part. S(AI). This result combined with inclusion Theorem, let (1.3) establishes the theorem one way. To of S(A prove converse I) x...xS(An). for all J, J n. part of the Then there exists soe state Now, if we ._ fj (h I,... for A._ ,n such that be an j -fj(Aj) set fO rio ...Ofj_lO fj O fj+l O...Ofn, is a state on C*(L(H then 1 : j , n. This ..OH )) implies that k : SCA t) x... SCAn) n S(A?. S(A o ),j f A:), and and A: fj (A for all J, ..... An). This completes the proof. REMARK. For AI,...,An element commuting normal operators, we find the connection RAM VERMA AND LOKENATH DEBNATH 810 where the bar denotes the closure, and co(o (.)) denotes the convex hull of the joint aproximate point spectrum Ill. REFERENCES I. BUONI, J. and WADHWA, B., On joint numerical ranges, Pacific J. Math. 77 (1978), 303-306. 2. STAMPFLI, J., The norm of a derivation, Pacific J. Math 33 (1970), 737-747. 3. FONG, C., On the essential maximal numerical range, Acta Sci. Math. 41 (1979), 307-315. 4. 5. DASH, A.T., Tensor products and joint numerical range, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 40 (1973), 521-526. VERMA, Alied R., Multlparameter spectral theory Math. Letters 2(4) (1989) 391-394. of a separating operator system, 6. DEBNATH, L., and MIKUSINSKI, P., Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications, Academic Press, Boston 1990. 7. DASH, A.T., Joint numerical range, Glasnlk Mat. 7 (1972), 75-81. 8. HALMOS, P., A Hilbert Space Problem Book, second edition, Springer -Verlag, New York, 1982.