Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 15 NO. 3 (1992) 553-562 553 ON DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS ARISING IN PROBLEMS OF BENDING OF ANISOTROPIC PLATES B.O. AGGARWALA and C. NASlM Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 (Received March 6, 1991 and in revised form April 11, 1991) ABSTRACT. In this paper we consider dual integral equations, which arise in boundary value problems of bending of anisotropic plates. The function involved in these equations is a linear combination of elementary function, which turns out to be a particular case of a class of Fourier kernels, [2]. The method used here for solving the equations is some what similar to the method used for solving dual integral equations of Titchmarsh type, KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Dual integral equations, Bessel functions, Erdelyi-Kober operators, Parseval theorem, Mellin transforms. 1991 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE: 45F10. INTRODUCTION In this note we consider dual integral equations where 0 0 (t)h,(xt)dt f(x), 0<x<l (1.1) (t)h,(xt)dt g(x), x>l, is the unknown function and h,(x) h,(x) e’X cosx sinx x"h(x), -_<_. The method we employ for solving the system (1.1) is similar to a method developed by Nasim & Sneddon, [1]. This procedure has been very effective for solving dual integral equations when the functions h, and h involve Bessel functions J,,, Y,, and K,. As in almost all the papers concerned with dual integral equations, here also, the solutions are not derived in a rigorous fashion. But that is not to say that the analysis in this paper cannot be made rigorous by imposing appropriate conditions on the functions involved. It is worth noting that in our case the functions h, are a special case of Fourier kernels defined by us elsewhere, [2]. Also we wish to point out that the functions h,(x) B.D. AGGARWALA and C. NASIM 554 satisfy the differential equation d_.._ h(Ax) h( dx4 and equations (1.1) would therefore arise in many situations where we wanted to solve a A particular such case e.g., is the partial Differential Equation involving the operator .a4 bending of an anisotropic plate where the lateral deflection w satisfies the equation o-4 + 2k ow + 4 O. The case k=0 is of. some importance for such plates, [3]. If we wanted to solve the resulting equation (k=0) in x>0, y>0 with the plate clamped along x=0 and having. discontinuous boundary nditions .along y=0, we would quickly arrive at equations (1.1). For, in such a situation (with k=0), we seek solution w(x,y) in the form - + sin x]d, where f() is to be determined. This form is seen to satisfy the Partial Differential Equation, the condition of clampness along x=0 (i.e. w 0, on x=0, y>0) and the condition that w=-0 on y=0 in x>0. If now, the plate is bent by bending moments of of magnitude In(x) in 0<x<l (on 0) and is clamped along x>l, (on y=0), then f(,) must satisfy ,f(,)(e-x cos ,x 0 f(A)(e-AX- and + cos Ax sin + ,x)dx sin Ax)dx In(x) in 0<x<l 0 in x>l where is an appropriate (material) constant, [3]. These equations are a particular case of equations(1.1). We propose to solve such equations in this note. 2. PRELIMINARIES. We shall need the following known definitions and results. Mellin Transform theory can be found in Titchmarsh [4]. The results from the We define the Mellin Transform and inverse Mellin Transform, under appropriate conditions, respectively as: M[fCx); s] ’[f*(");x] fCx) x-’dx f*(s), where s==+ir, a<a<b, 7i o,-i(R) t*(s)’d f(x). ---<r<(R), and [+i(R) Throughout this note, we shall denote the Mellin Transform of a function f by ft. A function k is said to be a Fourier Kernel when for and 0 0 k(xt) f(t) dt k(xt) g(t)dt f(x), DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS IN PROBLEMS OF BENDING OF PLATES for some suitable functions f & g. k(x), then 555 , Furthermore, if k (s) denotes the Mellin transform of k (s) k (i-s) on some line of the complex s-plane. The Erdelyi-Kober [5] operators are given by, a ’(7+a)I(x,_t,)o/ t(n’t)- 7,aI(0,x;a) f f(t)dt, a>0 and Va xolxCtO-xo)a" ’ TK, a(x’(R):a)f ’-a-1)-’ f(t)dt, a>0. It is an easy matter to see that r(l+,/-s/) f* (s) + = -s/a) M In,=(0,x:a) f(x): M r( + /) f [K7,=(x,(R);a)f(x); s] =r(+ + sly) r(l+n and The inversion form of those equations give us the following two results. M-’ Lemma 1. r(, + r(l + ’7 + -}) .(); x] a-) I (O,x; a)M"[f*(s); x] I (O,x; a)f M" Lemma 2. Note that /I,0 r( + +) f*(s); x r/K,a (x,(R); a)M-’[f*(s); x] K,= (x,(R); )f I, the identity operator. /K, 0 Now an important result from the theory of Mellin Transform. Lemma 3. The Parseval Theorem, [4] jof x)g(.)1T M-’[f*(s)g*(s); x] dt fog, the convolution of f and g. Next we give a formal description of the method we shall employ in solving.dual integral equations (1.1) for azbitrary functions h and h 2. These dual equations (1.1), are equivalent to 0 m,( )dx 0 ((u)ht(ux)du el(t), 0<t<l (2.1) (R) 1 dx m.() (u)h,(ux)du t>l. B.D. AGGARWALA and C. NASIM 556 Here the functions t and 2 are defined in terms of the functions f and g and arbitrary functions m and m2 by the equations. It0 tCt) and fCx) m tl dx mt() g(x)m,()1 dx. (t) Supse now we find functions (as yet) m and (2.3) such that m,(y)h,(y)y dy m,(y)h,() dy (2.4) k(z), say 0 is the solution of the single integrM equation then the unknown function [0 (u)k(ut) du t) J (2.5) where t) (t) H(1-t)+ ,(t) H(t-1), H(t) being the Heaviside function. To determine the arbitrary functions exploit the theory of Mellin Transforms. m and m2, we Now, due to the result of lemma 3, we can write the equation (2.4) as mt(s)ht(s m2(s)h2(s whence , h(s)/(s (s), , m(s) m(s) It is then possible to decompose k in such a way so that m t(s and appropriately determined and eventually the functions mt and m2 and hence then known. Next, to find from (2.5), we have due to lemma 3, *(l--s)k*(s) *(s) i.e., *(1--s) k’(l-s) l m:(s) and are are *(s), #*(1-s)h*(s) say Then the last equation is equivalent to t)h(xt)dt, system (1.1), where (x) giving us the required solution of the h(x)= 3. M-l[l,(1._s); x]. 1 THE DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS I. We consider now (t)h(xt)dt f(x), 0<x<l (3.1) (t)h2(xt)dt where g(x), x>l DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS IN PROBLEMS OF BENDING OF PLATES e-X-cos x ht(x + 557 sin x, and x’(e -x- cos x + h2(x sin x), -1<__I, the functions f and g are known and ( is to be determined. Now, for an appropriate complex s, the Mellin transforms of h and h2 are, respectively, [6, Chapter 6], 2 r(s)sin :-, r(1/2 + )r(3 + ) i 3 )r( r(1 , h l(s+u) Then m,(s) mi(s) 1/4z sin1/4(s+l) 1/41 - r(1 r(1/2 + + r(1/2 + )r( + 1/4)r( 3 ’r(1 r( hi(s h2(s) whence, , m l(s) 2 1/4)r( ) ) r(-- 1/4)r( 1/4)r( + From the equation (2.2), Io ,() 0 f(x)mt(t-)l-’xx 1 d f(x)m where l(x) for -l<v<0, - ) + and m(s) )r( mi(x H(x-1), H being the dx + Heaviside function. 1/4) Due to lemma 3, we have M"[mi(s)f (s); t] -2v I y (0,t:4) 0,- _,_ I by repeated use of lemma 1. But if 0<v<l, then Ct(t) M-l[22vr(1 r( 1/4)r(1 1/4)r( I) I) if(S); t] r(s); (0,t;4)f, t] (3.2) B.D. AGGARWALA and C. NASIM 558 I -,1 -1 v 2 i’’ I 1 1 where Next, F(x) om (0,t;4) 0, 3 (0,t; 4) I 3 -,0,x- [x-f(x)]. equation (2.3) ,(x) (0’t;4)M’i (0,t; 4)F, (3.2a) we have g(x) m g(x) ’i 0 where v m(x)H(1-x). Lr(+1/4ir(+-+1/4) K1 dx, Then by lemmas 2 and 3, for 0<v<l, 3 s r 1 s (+1 r(l-%r) M -,r - x dx v(t,(R); 4)K (t,(R); (3.3) 4)g But if-l<u<0, then KI" +.:..,(,,,,,, [1"() ,,.),.,i:-, *(,,); .,,i K1/2, 1/4+(t,(R); 4)M -,r [r(_+l (2+v+s)g*(s); ,] ,l (3.3a) where G() .+’ (-.- g()). Hence the function i(t)H(1-t) + ll(t)H(t-1) (t) is completely known, with Further, from (2.7), Ct and 1 as defined above by the equations (3.2) and (3.3). DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS IN PROBLEMS OF BENDING OF PLATES 559 (s) k Then, [7 Sec. 20.5], M-[k*(1-s) ;x 1 h(x) -1/22 - 3 G ) :I Finally the solution of the dual equations 0(u) 11i,(1 . (3.1), can now be Nt)h(ut)at, -1 < . written as v 0 Note that the solution is also valid for u (3.4) g,, 0 g,g < -1. Next we list two special cases, which are of some interest. 1, g(x) Let v , f(x) 0 and x a>-2. Then o ,(t) and from where That is, F(x) =1 (3.2a), Io, 1/2 (0,t; 4)F Ct(t) ( + )x (2+a) I0,1/2(0,t; 4)x= 2-1/2(2+a) t’ r(l+) = =4. I (t 0 -x4)-1/2 xS/tdx The solution of the integral equations x= (t)ht(xt)dt 0<x<l (3.5) t0(t h,(xt)dt 0, x>l is then given by )(x) where from 4 I’(I+D i,(+[ 1 IO h(xt)t=dt (3.4), h(x) r Evaluating the above integral, we obtain, 04 [7 Sec. 20.5], for a > -2, B.D. AGGARWALA and C. NASIM 560 as the solution of the system Let v -1, Then and from f(x) 0 and x, g(x) < l(t) -. 1 0 (3.3a), 1/4 K3 l(t,(R); 4)G, 2(t) (-9 ’ (1-)x0 G() where Therefore, 1-) K 3 1(t,(R):4)x3 -1/2(-B)t ( tO -1/2 - d Hence the solution of dual equation 0(t hl(xt)dt 0, 0<x<l (3.6) (xt)-)(t)hCxt)dt l<x<(R) is given by (x) 2 Now from (3.4), o], and on evaluating the above integral, we obtain, 3 (x) 16 x "1/2 as the solution of the system 4. 0 1"( ) ’s 1,,- ]1 (3.6). DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS II. Next we consider the system (1.1) with h(x) ex + cos x-sin x ’I’ DUAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS IN PROBLEMS OF BENDING OF PLATES h.(x) h(x),-1<u_1. x Now, [6], 2V r(s)sin 1/222s-s 1/4 2-l-s)sin 1/4l-s) r( )r( ) and h,(s) h1(s+v). The equation (2.7) is satisfied, if we set , In r( )r(1/2 ) 2v 1(s) m:(s) r( + )r( + + 1/4) and , k (s) /F r()r(1/4 + ) 2 s*"-s Let 0<v< 1, then as before M"[m:z(s)g (s); t] r(1/4 + )r() M-’[ lv K lv(t,(R); 4) K [,[ -I v(t,(R); 0, 1 Jo f(x)m,() dx $,(t) M"[m,(s)f (s); t] M-’ where F(x) 2’-’x I) 2’-’r(1/2 I 3 1 u [, 1 I)r( (0,x; 4)I ,, 1 3 [ I) (1-v-s)f*(s); FI v,0,x:4, --(x"vfCx)). Now let -l<v<0. Then, as above ,(t) M.,[2 s 1 )s r(1 )r(9_1 v s I v_ [) r(--)r(- i’* (S); t] t] 561 562 - - B.D. AGGARWALA and C. NASIM 2tuI 3 4) I 4)f -, v(O,x; -,1 {O,x; and r(1)r(1/4 + l) " [r( + ’(’) + r)r( + + ) (+,).(); ,] Hence the solution of the system is given by t)h(xt)dt, (x) (t) Pt(t)H(1-t)+p2(t)H(t-1), where h(x) and M"[-,(l_s); x] 9 1 r" 1/2 2 Special cases when v ’ G 04 ([) vl ;i’[ v311 ’[’J" 1 can easily be derived from the general solution. We also note that the solution of equations (1.1) where h,(x) (Y0(x), 2 K0(x)) and h,(x) xh,(x), -I_<_1 can also be obtained along similar lines. 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