Mortar Board Executive Meeting August 29, 2013

Mortar Board Executive Meeting
August 29, 2013
Those present: Craig Toren, Sheri McCormack, Emily Smith, Megan Kelley, Allison
Greene, Michael Atwell, Emily Raetz, Mallory Smith, Catherine Gammon, Sung Il
Hwang, Alexis Sears, Rebecca Budde, Kevin Olson, Alexandra Benson, Melsey
Masserant, Caitlin Ploch, Stephanie Rogers, Hannah McCoy, Emily Dalgleish, Rachel
Butts, Gerardo Ochoa, Rachel Slotman, Kayleigh Forlow, Elizabeth Unterbrink, Danielle
Mila, Sara Sanchez, Ashley Blauwkamp, Lauren Aprill, Bennett Riddering, Colleen
Quick, Miranda Orlando, Kate Bauer, Kelsey Herbert, Mary Kelso, Kimberly Collins,
Prof. Portfleet, Prof. Robert Pocock
Those absent: Emma Sagar (studying abroad)
The President called the meeting to 9:31 pm.
1.) Ice Breaker of some sort name, position, fun thing did this summer
2.) Recap of the National Convention – held in Atlanta (August 2nd)
a. 200 Chapters all there so qualified, got to hear about what was
happening on other campuses saw we had lots guidance and funds
b. 19 Project excellence awards (huge number)
c. Golden Torch Award means that ranked in Top 5 in nation
d. Excellence in advising award – Professor Portfleet; only 2 got
3.) Fall Retreat to Portfleet’s home
a. Scheduled for September 15th, 2:00-7:00ish pm
i. Only one absence
ii. Back in time for The Gathering
b. Carpooling? Figure out about 30-35 minutes away
i. Drivers: Sherry, Allie, Kayleigh, Mallory, Rachel, Kate, Stephanie,
Gerry, Emily
c. Plan to leave from parking lot across from flagpole at 1:10, leave at 1:15
PM on Sunday
d. Directions passed around
e. Start planning events in exec board meeting
4.) Attendance Policy discussed, the following is a part of lat year’s policy:
a. 2 unexcused absences for the year
b. Need to attend 4 required events of 5 big events:
i. Relay for Life
ii. Mortar Board Week
iii. Book Drive
1. Emily Raetz will chair
2. Woodside Elementary will be school this year
a. Gave synopsis of school; high-risk school, poverty
b. They reached out to us; principal very thankful
c. Working with First Books and collect at
homecoming game
d. Letters will be sent to alumni soon; contact alumni
offices for addressesvolunteers for: Kelsey,
Danielle, Emily, Rachel, Alexis, Hannah,
3. Link to donation page and email to be sent out in near
iv. Dance Marathon
1. Co-Chairs: Kayleigh Forlow; Lizzy Unterbrink
v. Wearing of the Blue Breakfast
1. Co-Chairs: Emily Dalgleish, Alexis Sears, Kelsey Herbert
c. Dates for these events will come later
d. Mandatory attendance of Friendship Prom
e. One of the Last Lecture Series events
i. We will go over the attendance policy in meeting and everyone
will sign at the next full meeting after approved and confirmed at
the next executive board meeting
f. Vote on Attendance PolicyYes-38, Opposed- 0;
g. Attendance Policy for this year will passed around at the next general
meeting to be signed
5.) Current Projects and Chairs also provided descriptions of events based on
document of past work that Mallory had and will email out Project Lead Analysis
a. Projects to continue (those in italics do not need a committee chair)
i. Friendship Prom – sometime before Christmas, call friendship
homes, verify date
1. Co-Chairs: Allison Greene, Miranda Orlando, Kate Bauer
ii. Thanksgiving dinner for International Students
1. Co-Chairs: Sara Sanchez, Kelsey Herbert
iii. Cancer Relay for Life – go online, mark yourself as a chair and get
sign-ups, organizing walkers for the
2. Goal of $12,000-$15,000
3. Can find also on relay for life website and search for Hope
Mortar Board to sign up
4. Co-Chairs: Stephanie Rogers, Ashley Blaukamp, Mary
iv. Dance Marathon – same commitment as Relay for Life, would like
have 5 dancers and 5 moralers ; 4 committee members
1. Co-Chairs: Lizzie Unterbrink, Kayleigh Forlow
v. Mortar Board Week and Visibility Projects (MB awareness) – did
a week in November to raise awareness, usually during week of
Last Lecture for the fall semester, have a table, put up posters
vi. Pumpkin Carving with CASA
1. Chair: Rachel Butts
vii. Stocking Stuffing for CASA
1. Co-Chairs: Rebecca Budde, Michael Atwell
viii. Tanzanian Scholarships – don’t need a chair
ix. Compassion Child
1. Chair: Allison Greene
2. Letter to be answered given out
x. Nursing student from El Salvador, correspondence
1. Chair: Caitlin Ploch
xi. Compassion Malaria Nets
xii. Disability Awareness and Cottage Upgrade
1. Co-Chairs: Sung Il Hwang, Bennett Riddering, Craig Toren
xiii. Professor Appreciation Night
1. Around spring break?
2. Co-Chairs: Kevin Olson, Catie Gammon
xiv. Last Lecture Series
1. Need to find at least 3 – vote on 3 faculty members
2. Need a list of top three and get two alternatives
3. Meet and nominate; quick bios were given for second
round nominees
a. Nominees
i. Don Luidens (chosen)
ii. Nancy Cook
iii. Doc Hemenway—second round (chosen)
iv. Susan Cherup
v. Mark Pearson
vi. Doctor Barney—second round (runner-up)
vii. Steven Hoogenworf
viii. Linda Graham
ix. Doctor Abrahantes—second round (runnerup)
x. Virginia Beard—second round (chosen)
xi. Kirk Brummels
4. Send out email to those nominated
5. Need to reserve Maas Auditorium (usually on less busy
6. Co-Chairs: Danielle, Ally
xv. Presidential Swap
1. Second semester because of the basketball game,
advertising and setting a date (confirm with the president?)
2. Chair: Megan Kelley
xvi. Fall retreat at advisor’s farm
xvii. Kiva
1. Do we want to invest more into this?
2. Update on Kiva loans?
3. Chair: Lauren Aprill
xviii. Wearing of the Blue Breakfast
1. Get a date set, invitations out to freshman/sophomores on
Dean’s list, find a speaker, it went well last year (watch
xix. Presentation of H.O.P.E. award at graduation
xx. Ushers at Honors Convocation
6.) Other Business
a. T-shirts and sweatshirts for ALL members
i. Vote on color and style
1. Gildan dry-fit; charcoal grey
2. Passed chart for sign-up with size
b. Discontinued Projects
i. National book drive
ii. Last year funds transferred to Disabilities Project?
7.) Major Fundraisers
a. Letters to MB Alumni
b. Fundraiser – slingshots (marshmallow throwers) and walking sticks
i. Professor Portfleet – marshmallow throwers?
ii. Sell before breaks because not allowed on campus
c. Banners
d. Video and Prezi for MB Awareness
e. Presidential Swap (NEED Chair)
i. Advertisement ideas – Chapel, Anchor
f. Free will offerings at Last Lecture Series
g. Bake Sales
i. Mortar Board Awareness Week
1. Chairs: Rachel Slotman, Emily Smith
ii. Not the main source of funds but good idea
h. Flower sales at graduation
i. $400-500 generally
ii. Will use same company as last year
i. FROLF tournament (end of April) lots materials left over
8.) New Ideas for Projects
a. None suggested so far ask members to take time to think about if there
is another project want to do
9.) Letter from President Emeritus Bultman Portfleet summarized
Meeting Adjourned 10:43 at pm Mallory is open for questions