Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 3 (1989) 473-476 473 ON FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS WITH BOHR-NEUGEBAUER TYPE PROPERTY ARIBINDI SATYANARAYAN RAO Department of Mathenmtics, Conoordia Univ., Montreal, P.Qu, Canada H3G IM8 (Received January I, 1987 and in revised form April 20, 1987) ABSTRACT. We consider a differential equation d u(t)-Bu(t) f (t), where the functions u and f mp the real line into a Banach space X and B: X X is a bounded linear _operator. Assuming that any Stepanov-bounded solution u is Stepanov almost-periodic wb.en f is Bochner almost-periodic, e establish that any Stepanov-bounded solution u is Bochner almost-periodic when f is Stepanov almost-periodic. Some examples are given in d B is shown to satisfy our assumption. which the operator KEY }K)RDS Bounded linear operator, differential operator, Bohr- AND PHRASES. Neuqebauer property, Bochner (Stepanov) almost-periodic function. 1980 AMS SUBJECP CIASSIFICATION CODE. 34Gxx, 34G10, 34C27. INTNODUCPION. < t< Suppose X is a Banach space and J is the interval < (J;X) with 1 p < is said to be Stepanov-bounded or c LPlo our S A function on J < if (1.1) first result is as follows. THBOREM i. on J, and (b) sl-bounded J X is a continuously differentiable function, Then, (a) if p i, f is bounded if p > I, f is bounded and uniformly continuous on J. Suppose f sP-bounded and f’ is an 2. I f(s)II Pds sup tJ p f .sP-bounded function with 1 _-< p < m. POOF OF THEORIM i. (a) i. For an arbitrary but fixed t p t- i, t] such that f (T t) inf t-l=<s<t J, there exists at least one point f(s) (2.1) Consequently, e have f(Tt < t f (s)II ds /t-lll < fll (I.i). S I, by A.S. RAO 474 Hence, from the sl-boundedness of llf(T t) + It --< f(t + <= f f(t)II Tt f’, we obtain I f’ (s)ds It I f’ t (s)II ds I S I + I f’ I S I- (2.3) By H61der’s inequality, the sP-boundedness of f’ implies the Hence, as shown above, f is bounded on J. 1 + 1 < i, we have, again by H61der’s Moreover, for 0 < I 1 and (b) p > i. sl-boundedness of f’. t2-t I f(t2)-f(tl) II =II Itl f’ < < < (s) ds I (t2_tl)i/q[ Itlt2 I i/q [ tl+l (t2_tl) Litl f’ ]I/p Pds ]i/p (s)II Pds f’ (s)II (t2_tl)I/q I f’ll Sp- (2.4) Therefore f is uniformly continuous on J, completing the proof of the theorem. If f J X is a continuously differsntiable sl-almost periodic function, with f’ being sP-bounded on J (i < p < ), then f is (uniformly) almostperiodic from J to X (see pp. 3 and 77, Amerio-Prouse [i] for the definitions of R4ARK. (uniform) almDst-periodicity and sP-almDst periodicity). PROOF. By Theorem i, f is uniformly continuous on J. Hence, by Tneorem 7, p. 78, Amerio-Prouse [i], f is (uniformly) almost-periodic from J to Xo 3. - MAIN RESULT. Let B be a bounded linear operator on a Banach space X into itself. Then the d differential operator B is said to have Bohr-Neugebauer property if, for any (uniformly) almost-periodic X-valued function f, any bounded (on J) solution of the equation d -6 u (t) Bu (t) f (t) on J is (uniformly) almDst-periodic. Our result is as follows. (3.1) - In a Banach space X, let the differential operator d that, for any (uniformly) almost-periodic X-valued function f, any solution of the equation (3.1) is periodic. Then, for any solution u J periodic continuous X-valued function g, any THEO 2. sl-almost sl-bounded equation d u (t) Bu (t) is (uniformly) alnDst-periodic. g (t) on J B be such sl-bounded sl-almost X of the (3.2) FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS WITH BOHR-NEUGEBAUER TYPE PROPERTY PROOF. Sl-almost periodic from J to X, it is sl-bounded on J. sl-tund on J ttomc, by ’neorem 1, u is bound6l on J. Since g is Bu + g is tw consider a sequence Conntly, u’ {n (t)}n=l of non-negative continuous functions on J such that n (t) 0 The convolution of u and (U*n) 475 Itl for n n I -I -n (t) dt i. (3o3) (t-s) ds. (3.4) is defined by f u (t-s) (t) n-I -1, > n J n (s) I ds u (s) J n Then, by (3.2), ws have dt (u*n)_ (t)- B (u*n)_ (t)= (g*-)n (t)on J. (3 5) We note that sup tJ (u*n) (t) I --< suP I u (t) teJ (3.6) - Fvrther, ws can show that g*n is (uniformly) almDst-periodic from J to X (see the proof of Theorem 7, p. 78, Amerio-Prouse [i] ). Therefore, by our assumption on the operator d B, (U*n) (t) is periodic for all n i, 2, By (3.2), % have the representation u (t)= u (0) + If t 2 Hence > tl, t then t 2 Bu (s) ds I ftl It0 It0 Bu (s) ds + I < I B II- sup tJ sl-almost g (s) ds on J. Iu (t) (t2-tl)- (3.7) (3.8) f0 Bu (s) ds is uniformly continuous on J. Also, by Theorem 8, p. 79, Ameriot Prouse [i], I g (s) ds is uniformly continuous on J. Consequently, u is uniformly 0 continuous on J. is uniformly continuous on J. Similarly, from (3.5), it follows that So, by Theorem 7, p. 78, Amerio-Prouse [i], is (uniformly) almost-periodic for all n i, 2, U*n U*n Now, by the uniform continuity of u on J, the sequence of convolutions (U*n) (t) converges to u (t) uniformly on J. Hence u is (uniformly) almost-periodic from J to X, which completes the proof of the theorem. (i) Suppose X is a Hilbert space and B is a self-adjoint bounded linear d B has Bohr-Neugebauer operator on X into itself. Then w know that the operator property (see Zaidman [4]). Given an (uniformly) almost-periodic X-valued function f, solution of the equation (3.1). If w replace g suppose that u is an by f in the proof of our Theorem 2, then, by the Bohr-Neugebauer property of the d operator B, it follows that u is (uniformly) almost-periodic from J to X. d Thus the operator B satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 2. -- sl-bounded A.S. RAO 476 (ii) Now suppose X is a separable Hilbert space and B is a completely continuous Then, by Theorem 1 of Cooke [3], the operator normal operator on X into itself. B has Bohr-Neugebauer property. dt the assumption of Theorem 2. Consequently, the operator B satisfies (iii) Finally, suppose X is a reflexive space and B 0. Then the operator has Bohr-Neugebauer (see property 55 Amerio-Prouse and Authors’ Remark [i], D. dd on p. 82). Hence the operator -{ satisfies the assumption of Theorem 2t d I. ;PIO, L. and PROUSE, G. Almost periodic functions and functional equations, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1971. 2. BOCHNF, S. andNELANN, J.V. 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