Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 3 (1989) 487-492 487 THE UNIFORM BOUNDEDNESS PRINCIPLE FOR ORDER BOUNDED OPERATORS CHARLES SWARTZ Department of Mathematical Sciences New Mexico State University 88003 Las Cruces, NM (Received April 18, 1988) ABSTRACT: of Under appropriate hypotheses on the spaces, it is shown that a sequence order bounded llnear operators which is poJntwJse order bounded is uniformly order bounded on order bounded subsets. This result to used is establish a Banach-Stelnhaus Theorem for order bounded operators. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: order lattice, bounded operator, uniform boundedness principle, Banach-Steinhaus Theorem. 1980 NATHEKATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 1. 48A40. INTRODUCTION In this note we consider the problem of obtaining a version of the classical Uniform Boundedness PrlncJple of functional analysis for linear operators between vector lattices. If X is a Banach space and Y is a normed linear space, the Uniform Boundedness Principle then asserts that any sequence linear operators from X into the sequence of operator norms the condition that the sequence (,Till) is bounded {[1] t4). X is such that It is easy to see that are bounded is equivalent to the condition that the X {see the discussion Thus, a possible version of the Uniform Boundedness Principle for order bounded linear operators (Tj) which is poJntwise bounded on Js uniformly bounded on bounded subsets of (T i) in [1] 14). (llTi.) Y of continuous (Tj) (Ti) between vector lattices is pointwise order bounded on order bounded subsets of X. X, then We will show (Ti} below X and Y might be that if is uniformly order bounded on in Example that such d straightforward analogue of the Uniform Boundedness Principle does not hold even Jf both X and Y are Banach lattices. However, by Imposing additional conditions on 488 C. SWARTZ the spaces and by employing the matrix methods of [1], we will obtain an order Using the Uniform version of the Uniform Boundedness Principle in Theorem 3 below. Boundedness Principle, we also establish a version of the Banach-Stetnhaus Theorem for order bounded operators which generalizes a result of Nakano. RESULTS 2. the conslder First, example following a straightforward that shows which analogue of the Uniform Boundedness Principle does not ho]d for order bounded linear (A linear operator operators between Banach lattices. X or Riesz spaces X T is order bounded If and , into order bounded subsets of between vector lattices T carries order bounded subsets of A where a subset -u such u) X [-u, u] (v (in genera], we conform to the notation and terminology of [5]).) v order bounded if there is an order Interval A c [-u, u] that X of a vector lattice EXAMPLE 1. X Let LI[O,1] and For f e the usual polntwise ordering. Y c O L1[0,1], and assume that these spaces have fk /0 f(t)sin ktdt. set Define J k T X k Y Tkf by where fjej, co is the element of ej with a in the J=l jth coordinate and if Ifl < (Tk) g [Tkf in the other coordinates. pointwise [fjJej e c 0 og If j[ X, then in is 0 order a bounded ([fj[) (note and T Each < ITk f X on e c o by is order bounded since k k AI so aej the f e X, if since the sequence then Lemma). Rlemann-Lebesgue j=l However, (Tk} is not uniformly order bounded on if Vk(t) sin kt, then (Fk) is order (Tl(i)} (el/2) is not order bounded in c O Note that both X and Y order bounded subsets of bounded (IFkl X in X I) since but in this example are Banach lattices and both are Dedekind complete. In order to obtain our version of the Uniform Boundedness Principle for ordered spaces, we first obtain a matrix theorem which is the analogue for ordered spaces of the matrix result given in [I] 2.1. X and Y Is u-convergent to Throughout the remainder of this note we let (vector lattices), there u lim x sequence to x a exists k x. {x k) scalar u in tk40 sequence The element is (x k) h sequence X such IXk that denote Riesz spaces x, where x tku; is called a convergence regulator for reltivel niformly convergent to x for some convergence regulator u O; we write if r (xk) llm x k u O, if we write (Xk). The is u-convergent x. UNIFORM BOUNDEDNESS PRINCIPLE FOR ORDER BOUNDED OPERATORS rows and columns are u-convergent to Let O. an increasing sequence of positive integers PROOF. exists P2 > iS > P2 P3 IXp3pl Put Pl Pl such that 1. X, be such that its (pi) IXpiPj Then there exists such that for iju (xlj) and {Xil) are u-convergent to O, IXlp21 _< 12u and IXp21 < 21u" Similarly, there Since IXplP31 that such [Xlj], xij lJ > O, 6iJ " Let the infinite matrix ([4] 2.1) LEMMA 2. 489 IXp2P31 el3U, IXp3P21 23 u, there 32 u and Now continue. e31u. We now prove our Uniform Boundedness Principle for order bounded operators. g Let THEOREM 3. be Dedekind o-complete and let u. have an order unit T If (Tt([-w, assume that is uniformly order bounded on (T i) X, then e ) w]) I-w, w] and m m Now consider the matrix jth bounded so the (xj/J 2) l 14j-u, u]. in X such there exist For notational convenience, Then i. I TmtX such that i Thus, for each is not order bounded. Tlx 1 sequence be Dedeklnd complete and If the conclusion fails, there is an interval e [-w, w] xi Y g. order bounded subsets of PROOF. is order is a sequence of order bounded linear maps Y X 1 which is pointwise order bounded on that Y is regular ([5] VIII.2.2). T bounded if and only if X T is Dedekind complete, then a linear map Y Recall that if M 14j-u, [(1/t)Tl(xj/J2)]. column of M (2.1) u]. For each J, (Tl(xj/j2)) 1 is order is relatively uniformly convergent to O. 0, and since each T is relatively uniformly convergent to The t is sequentially continuous with respect to relative uniform convergence ([5] VIII .2), th row of M is also relatively uniformly convergent to 0. Thus, the rows the I and columns of M are u-convergent to sequence of positive integers # J. since By Lemma 2 there is an increasing I(1/pi)Tpi(Xpj/pj2) Again for notational convenience, we assume that -complete and element (pi) O. such that x Ix Ixjl w, the series j/j2 Pi i. 2-l-Jr for X is Since is absolutely order convergent to an X ([5] IV. 9); moreover, this series is actually w-convergent in X n T From the continuity of Ixjl/J2 ( 1/J2)w. xj/j21 J=l j=n+l Jfn+l with respect to relative uniform convergence, we have 490 C. SWARTZ +1 < .1=1 j=l . .j=l < l(]/,)T,(x)l 2 j=l _< (]/J)lTi(x)l + 2-iv (2.2) Y where we have used the order completeness of right hand side of (2) are convergent. Hence, there exists order bounded. t. all 1 Putting to insure that the series on the Both terms on the right hand side of (2) are k (1/t)lTl(xi/t2) such that k[-u, u] for contradicts (1) and the result Is established. k Note that the range space c is Dedeklnd complete, but does not in Example O have an order unit. It is perhaps worthwhile noting that if order bounded subsets of property. ITllx For sup(lTizl is uniformly order bounded on (ITII) ITt[0, X, then the sequence of modull 0 if z $ x) 0 (T1) w x u and ([5] VIII.2) so ITil[0, also has this u] w, then u] From Theorem 3 we can also obtain an order analogue of the equicontlnuity conclusion of the classical Uniform Boundedness Principle. Recall that if a sequence of continuous linear operators from a normed space space Y, then (T i) on bounded subsets of llm J Tix 0 is equlcontlnuous if and only if X if and only if uniformly in 1 whenever (TI) X (T 1) is into a normed is uniformly bounded Tix 0 xj ([1] 4.5). It is easy to establish order analogues of these equlcontlnuity conditions for operators which satisfy the conclusion of Theorem 3. We give order analogues of these conditions below and consider the relationship between them. X, we say that a sequence ia tl0 uniformly for is u-convergent to such that a e A. If for each IXla ttu 0 a e A, uniformly for for all a is a sequence in {xia a A A; we write if there exists u ltm Xia 0 UNIFORM BOUNDEDNESS PRINCIPLE FOR ORDER BOUNDED OPERATORS (T1) (i) (11) > v e Y, v some (111) r (I) Always X 1 Y be order bounded. Consider X. is uniformly order bounded on order bounded subsets of r if T Let PROPOSITION 4. 491 llm O, xj v then llm Tlx e uniformly for 0 for J O, 11m 0 Tlx (II) implies Jim x r whenever (ill). implies 0. Y If Archlmedean is the has and boundedness property ([3] 1.5.12), then (iii) implies {I). is relatively uniformly convergent to {tjxj} <_ ITixjl v e Y by (i) there is order bounded, Then To establish {ii), there exists Assume (i) holds. PROOF. Assume {Ill) and that Clearly (li) implies (ill). show r lim that Let u >_ O, u e X. (Tkl) if a is But, since O. tlTklX I ITi{tjxj)l such that (tjxj) Since _( v is I, for all J. Implles (I11. (1/tj)v boundedness property. to ([4] VI.4). 0 such that tj, u Ixi subsequence, lim is Archimedean with the Y By the boundedness property, it suffices <_ u tl0, and then O, this follows from (iii). tix i Theorem 3 gives sufficient conditions for the equlcontlnulty condition (I) and, therefore, (ll) and {lli), to hold. As in the classical case we can apply the Uniform Boundedness Principle given in Theorem 3 to obtain a Banach-Stelnhaus type result for order bounded operators ([1] 5.1). There is an order version of the Banach-Steinhaus Theorem for linear to functlonals due Nakano glven in [5] IX. 1.1, and general a of form Banach-Steinhaus Theorem for operators between vector lattices given in [4]. the The results in [4] treat a different class of operators than that considered below In Corollary 5 and the assumptions on the spaces are not as restrictive. COROLLARY 5. If bounded. 0 Let lim X, Y Tx Tix T be as in Theorem 3 and let T x e X, then exists for each X-, Y I X Y be order Is an order bounded linear operator. For each PROOF. convergent. order interval c (TlX) is order bounded Therefore, from Theorem 3, (T i) X. If I-w, w] in bounded subsets of T{[u, v]) x, I-w, w] and T [u, v] Y T X Y the sequence is order is uniformly order bounded on order is an order interval in such that Ti([u, v])c_ [-w, w] X, then there is an for all i. Hence, is order bounded. The sequence of operators the operator since (T i) given by in Example Tf fjej. is pointwlse order convergent to IIowever, T is not order bounded j=l since (TFj) (ej/2), where Vj(t) sln//Jt. This shows that in general the 492 C. SWARTZ Banach-Stelnhaus result will not hold the if range space is merely Dedektnd complete. The author would like to thank Joe KJst for his kind assistance. REFERENCES I. P. Antoslk and C. Swartz, Matrix Methods Mathematics 1113, Springer-Verlag, 1985. 2. W.A.J. Luxemburg and A.C. Zaanen, Rlesz Spaes I, North Bolland, 1971. A.L. Peressini, Ordered Topological Vector Soace, Harper and Row, 1967. 3. 4. 5. in .nalysls, Lecture Notes in C. Swartz, The Banach-Stelnhaus Theorem for ordered spaces, proceedings of the Conference 6FAC, Dubrovnlk, Yugoslavla, 1987, to appear. B.Z. Vulikh, Introduction to the Wolters-Noordhoff, 1967. Theory of partlallv Ordered Spaces,