Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 2 (1989) 341-348 341 EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION FOR A REGULAR FOURTH ORDER EIGENVALUE PROBLEM WITH EIGENVALUE PARAMETER IN THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS E.M.E. ZAYED Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Zagazlg University Zagazlg, Egyp and S.F.M. IBRAHIM Department of Mathematics Faculty of Education /kin Shams Unlversicy Hellpolls, Cairo, Egypt (Received October 15, 1987) INTRODUCTION problems regular rlght-deflnlte elgenvalue The for second order differential equations with elgenvalue parameter in the boundary conditions, have been studied in Walter [I], Fulton [2] and Hlnton [3]. The object of this paper is o prove the expansion theorem for the following regular fourth order elgenvalue problem: (Pu’)’ + qu (Ku")" u: u(a) (Pu’) (a) (Ku"’)(b) (Ku") (a) (Pu’)(b) x[a,b] Au 0 ),u(b) where P,q and K are continuous real-valued functions on [a,b]. P(x) K(x) > 0, q(x) > 0, and K(x) > We assume that 0 while I is a complex number. Recently, Zayed [4] has studled the special case of the problem (I.I) wherein 2 2 0. is a constan and q(x) = = Further, problem (I.I), in general, describes the transverse motion of a rotating beam with tip mass, such as a helicopter blade (Ahn [5]) or a bob pendulum suspended from a wire (Ahn [6]). 342 E.M.E. ZAYED AND S.F.M. IBRAHIM Ahn [7] has shown that the set of elgenvalues of problem (l.l) is not empty, has no finite accumulation points and is bounded from below. He used an Integral-equation a pproach. In thls paper, our approach ts to glve a Hi lbert space formulation to the problem (I.I) and self-adJolnt operator defined In it such that (I.I) can be considered as the efgenvalue problem of thls operator. 2. HILBERT SPACE FORMULATION. We define a Hilbert space H of two-component vectors by L2(a,b) ( C; H with Inner product b flldx + f2g-"2 <f,g> a and norm b 2 ,f,g 2 (2.) 2 (2.2) whe re f (fl’ f2 (fl (x), fl(b)) g (gl’ (gl (x), H and g2 gl (b) We can define a linear operator A:D(A) (Tfl,- (Kf")(b) Af where the D(A) domain of A is a g H H by (Pf;)(b)) V + set of all f f (fl,f2) (fl’f2) D(A) H which (2.3) satisfy the following: fl’ f and fl are absolutely conClnuous with b "r1L2(a,b) and (Klfj 2 / a fl(a) (ill) (Pfi)(a) (Kf)(a) Pjflj 2 + qjfll2)dx < .. 0 f2 fl(b) REMARK 2.1. The parameter Is an elgenvalue of (1.1) and f is a corresponding eigenfunctlon of (I.I) If and only if f (fl,fl(b)) D(A) and Af Af Therefore, the eigenvalues and the elgenfunctions of problem (I.I) are equivalent to the elgenvalues and the etgenfunctions of operator A. EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION FOR A FOURTH ORDER EIGENVALUE PROBLEM 343 We consider the followlng assumptions: (1) x/li [K’(x)f l(x) K(x)f|’(x)] O, (ll) x+ll [K’ (x)g i(x) K(x)gi’ (x) 0 LEMMA 2.1. PROOF. The linear operator A in H is symmetric. On using the boundary conditions of (I.I) we get, b f <Af,g> T )idx + [-(Kf{") f a (b) + b b (Pf)(b)]I (b) b f (Kf;’)"idx- af (Pf)’idx + af qf1dx- (Kf")(b)l (b) a + (Pf) (b)g l(b) (2.6) Integrating the first term of (2.6) by parts four clmes and Integraclng the second (2.6) by parts twice, we gec term of b (P-)’ f f [(’)’’ <’g> + + q-l ]dx + fl(b) t-(K-")(b)+(’)(b)l K(b)g(b)] f’(b) [K’(b)gl(b) gl(b) [K’(b)fl(b)-K(b)f(b)] Applying the conditions (2.5) and uslng the boundary conditions of (l.l))we obtain b <Af f fl(--gl )dx g> + a REMARK. 2.2. (fl ’f2 For all f fl (b) [--gl’")(b) in D(A) and + <f Ag>. (Pg)(b)] f2 fl (b) #: 0, the domain D(A) is dense in H. Since the operator A in H is symmetric and dense In 3. H, A is self-adJolnt. THE BOUNDEDNESS. We shall show bounded from below. that the self-adjolnt operator A is unbounded from above and We also show that A is strlctly positive. LEMMA 3.1. (i) If f,f’ are [a,b], then conclnuous absolutely P(x) we have ) c with f(a) for some constant c 0 > and P(x) 0 such that b a (ll) For fC2[a,b], there exlscs a positive constant c 2 such chac b b 2 fa If(x)l dx, c 2 f a > 0 in E.M.E. ZAYED AND S.F.M. IBRAHIM 344 PROOF. (i) Since > P(x) 0 tn [a,b], we have P(x) for some c )c >0. Consequently, on using Schwarcz’s inequality, we get b I a b <I’<I 2 b I’<I I a f a I’<I b O. Since f(a) f(b) f(a) f(b) ’(x)dx where a (if) By using Theorem 2 in [8, p.67], we have for f(x) f If(x) a Since the n 2 ’ 4(b-a) dx ’41 dx dx’ 4(b-a) I ldl()l 2 a If’(x) t, Applying (3.1) again for b f If’(x) a 2 dx dx a 12dx dx- b f I<)l a d f(._. 2 ecl[a,b], b 2 dx dx < 16(b-a )2 f a If’ (x) j2dx (3.1) we get , 16(b-a) 2 bf f"(x) 2dx (3.2) a from (3.1) and (3.2) we get b b f If(x)l 2 a 2 fa If"(x)l 2 dx where the constant c2=256(b-a) 4. The linear operator A is bounded from below. LEMMA 3.2. PROOF. dx’ c On using the boundary conditions of (I.I) we get b f a (T fl)ldx + [-(Kf")(b) + b b b (Pfl)(b)]-l(b) f (Kf’)"l dx- af (Pf’l)-’fl dx + af qfl’l dx-(Kf{") (b)[l (b) a + (Pf)(b)T l(b). (3.3) In=egractng (3.3) by parts twice and using she boundary conditions of (1.1), we obtain b <Af f> f;(b) tK’(b)l(b) b b a a K(b)l(b)] + af Klfli2d X On using (2.5) (ll) and lemma (3.1), we gec <Af,f> dx EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION FOR A FOURTH ORDER EIGENVALUE PROBLEM 345 b a where c follows, Since" c > from O, K(x) positive (c > + q(x) xs[a,b] where he constan c It [K(x) inf 3 Therefore > cl). rain (c 3, (3.4), 0, q(x) thac > the > O, c A operator 2 O) and hence A Is strictly positive. I) from bounded is mln (c 3,c 0 and c the then below. c constant is REMARK 3. I. (i) Since A is a symmetric operator (from lemma 2.1) then A has only real e ige nva lue s. (ll) By Lemma 3.2, we deduce chat the set of all elgenvalues of A is also bounded from below. (ill)Since A is strictly poslclve, then the zero is not an elgenvalue of A. By using theorem 3 in [8, p.60] we can state that: Since A in H is smmetrlc and bounded from below, then for every elgenvalue p c where the constant c is the same as in (3.4). A in H, This means that 0 < c %1 %1 %2 %i according to the slze and as I %1 %1 of (R). This implies that the set of all elgenvalues of A Is unbounded from above. REMARK 3.2. the Since A operator self-adJolnc, chert A has only real By using theorem 3 in [8, is elgenvalues and the elgenfuncclons of A are orthonormal. p.30], the density of the 4. D(A) in H gives QI’Q2’Q3’ of A. domain orthonormal system of elgenfunctlons us the completeness of the THE EIGENFUNCTIONS OF THE OPERATOR A. We suppose %(x), %(x), X%(x) and y%(x), where % 6 C is noc an elgenvalue of A, are the fundamental set of solutions of the fourth order differenclal equation of (I.I) with the initial conditions: (4oi) ,(a) O, (P’)(a) 0, ’(a) l, (K,%)(a) x%{’a). O, -(P")(a) 0, -A-’"(a) 0, (Kb’")(a)..k (4.2) x%(b) 0, (Px’,)(b) l, x%(b) O, (Kx")(b) (4.3) y%(b) I, (Py’)(b) I+%, ’(b) O, (Ky’’)(b) (4.4) -k- Therefore the Wronsklan is w --tim x/b x,(x) (t:’.)(.) (t:’x)(x)..) -x ,o 0 346 E.M.E. ZAYED AND S.F.M. IBRAHIM Thus the solutions Putting x Ck(x),@k(x),xk(x) and yk(x) are linearly independent of Tu ku. b, we obtain the Wronsklan in the form: W Now, OA(b) [XCA(b) (P)(b) + 0xCb) [XA(b) (P,’Q(b) + (K*’")Cb)] (fl’f2) for f of (xi- A) H, we (KCA’")(b) (01,02) define 0 # (4.5) 0 D(A) as the unique solution f. Application of variation of parameter method yields the unique solution D(A) of (AI A)@ T) XI H with: f, f 01 f (4.6) A01Cb) (P01)Cb) + (K01")Cb) f2 The re f o re f a + fl (t)dt w b + + 0ACx) al (t) b @1 (x) xxCx)3(t) + fl (t)dt W dlCx(x) + d20x(x) + d3xx(x) + d4x(x), (4.7) whe r e -p(c) 1 (t) K(t) 2 (t) ,x(t) ,’x(t) xx(c) xx(c) l(t:) -P(C) ct3(t)-’- t-----K( and P(t) K(C) t4(t) while d I, d2, d 3 and d 4 are constants Of(b) O(b) Calculation of and ’"(b) from (4 7) and substitution into (4 6) with -1 the initial conditions (4.3) and (4.4), we can get the constants dl, d2, d and d as 4 3 follows: EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION FOR A FOURTH ORDER EIGENVALUE PROBLEM 347 b + f2’(b) [- d l(t)f l(t)d], o a b + d2 --g if2 ,x(b O. d and d - f a 4 3 Consequently, we deduce thac and 0 2 b f2 01(x) h(x)@’(b)] [@A(x)(b) + f G(x,c,h)fl(t)dc (4.8) a 01 (b) where G(x,c,h) is the Green’s function defined by: (4.9) G(x,t,h) + XhCX)a3(t "Yh(X)a4(t) < a t:: b x The form of equaclons (4.8) and (4.9) shows that the inverse operator (hi is actually compact; for details of argument of theorem 5 in 5. x A) -I [8, p.120] can be used. EXPANSION THEOREM. H for We now arrive ac the problem of expanding an arbitrary function f(x) our ivestlgatlons of results The (I.I). [a,b] in terms of the elgenfunctlons of are summarized in the following theorem: THEOREM 5.1. multlpllclty, in The operator A in H has unbounded set of real elgenvalues of finite (they have at most multiplicity four), (-, ) and they can be ordered according with X . as I I If to the size, 0 corresponding the X < f, 0 i > 0 < E points < hi c 4 01 ,02 ,03 elgenfunctlons complete orthonormal system, then for any function f(x) f(x) accumulation wlthouc form H, we have the expansion: (4.10) i which is a uniformly convergent series. The above theorem has some interesting corollaries for particular choices of f. COROLLARY 4.1. If fl eL2(a’b) and f b (1) fl= i--1 (ll) o (f flOildX)Otl(X) a b 7. (f flOtldX)Ot2 t=l a (f1’0) e H, then we have a 348 E.M.E. ZAYED AND S.F.M. IBRAHIM COROLLARY 4.2. If D(A) and f i-- (il (x)’ 12 (0,I) H, we have: (x) i=l i=l ;. 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