Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 2 (1989) 209-233 209 PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS HARRY COHN Department of Statistics The University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 Au s t ral ia (Received November 20, 1987) This paper deals with aspects of the limit behaviour of products ABSTRACT. of nonidentical finite or countable stochastic matrices (P). Applications n are given to nonhomogeneous Markov models as positive chains, some classes of finite chains considered by Doeblin and weakly ergodic chains. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Stochastic matrix, nonhomogeneity, Markov chains, weak ergodicity, tail o-field, atomic set. 15A51, 60JI0. 1980 AMS SUBJECTS CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. INTRODUCTION. Let p(n) lJ be a sequence of finite or countable stochastic matrices, P0,PI,..., the (i j) entry of P In the ’homogeneous’ p(m,n) p P n m,n case, when P m P n 0 theory provides a detailed analysis of n-,=o, whereas otherwise r converges as n-oo for some d > pn converges as and (Pn) are i,j {pm,n)i,j’’/p,j(m,n)} +/- for ergodic chains (m’n) > 0 and (m,n) > 0 lira infn_oP imply that converges as whereas otherwise Both pn: It turns out that in the ’nonhomogeneous’ case, when l,...,d-1. nonidentical pnd+r the (i,j) entry of P m,n the classical Markov chains (m,n) /P {Pi,j (m,n) ]P Imn-ri, J (re:n) -a n/oo (n) >. m} assume a finite numberoflimit points. and the limit points of will be identified in terms of for some sequence of sets in a case that may be thought of as aperiodic :n (m) i {E(k)}. n (k)/a m) (m,n)(m,n) :n {ri, j /P,j (k) where (m) (k) u lim m+l n-O i E p(m,n) (k) u,j n Our results may be understood without reference to Markov chains, but the proofs will consider a Markov chain {X :n >. m} with finite or countable state spaces assuming a strictly positive n initial probability vector and the one-step transition probability (m) matrices (Pn) n >. m as the starting point. It will turn out that the structure of the tail o-field of {X :n >. m} is crucial for the asymptotic behaviour of n (m) and that u) where Tk is an atomic set of the tail (k) u m,n o-field of {X :n >. m}. We first consider the countable case where a number of n (m,n) > 0. results are obtained under the assumption that lim j {P p(m)(TklXm infn_oPi, p(m,n) will be where lim n l,J lJ Then we look at the case of finite S where more powerful results A particular case is that of convergent identified. {p(m,n)} are obtained without any assumption on (P). Further we specialize our H. COHN 210 results to some classes of finite and countable nonhomogeneous chains and explore some connections with the notion of weak ergodicity. We do not include in this paper specific applications of products of stochastic matrices which seem to be numerous, ranging from demography as shown by Seneta [21], to recent developments in the theory of Markovian random fields assuming phase transitions (see Kemeny et al [12] and Winkler [22]). Our paper is a streamlined survey of the literature of nonhomogeneous . Markov models from the viewpoint of tail o-fields. TAIL -FIELDS 2. We shall say that Let (,,P) be a probability space and A a set in if P(A) > 0 and A does not contain any subset A’ with A’g and 0 < P(A’) < P(A). A nonatomic set A in is said to be a A is a P-atom/c set of . P-oompetey nonatomio P-atomic subsets of . C. are P-atomic sets of sets of A0 0 is finite. {A.}I If A may be absent whereas if A n (I is said to be Finally, x... S x S Take now n(m) 0 is present, we . (Pn)n m with such that {Xn:n p(m)(Xm=i) (m)i > > m} and trivial if A (m) m (i p(m,n) p(m)(Xn__JlXm__i IXn=i) Pi,j(n) i.o. 00n for makes sense in view of n=iUm=nAm for > n}. and p(O) (Xm=i) {An (, A ult. for p(m) m,P (m)) for i,j g S and n arguments on all (o) {An we shall say {Xk:k is a nonhomogeneous Markov chain on p(m) (Xn+l =j If ;i g S) and a sequence of S x S The usual model {X :n > 0} may not always lead to n take to be strictly positive. We shall write {A.} uniquely determine a probability measure This model will allow us to use probabilistic the equality oio. Xn() for the -field generated by and write stochastic matrices AI,A 2 is called is absent where S is finite or countable, strictly positive distribution on may be is P-completely nonatomic and This representation is unique modulo null probability nonaoo is not contain any 0 is absent and there is only a finite number of atomic sets that 0-- where A Of course, some of shall say that P(A) > 0 and A does if It is easy to see that, in general, Un=OAn represented as C set of > m. p(m,n) since l,J P(m)(Xm=i) > 0 > 0 even if we Here Un=lm__nAm" ’i.o.’ stands for ’infinitely often’ and ’ult.’ stands for ’ultimately’. A a.s. will mean that llmn_ol Further, limn_oA a.s. where stands n A A n We shall say that A for the indicator function of a set. a.s. The -field generated by Xm,...,Xnwillbe denoted B a.s. if _...(n) 1B A by A key tool for out study will be provided by the tail o-field of {X :n defined as (m) n 0 n--m--n PROPOSITION 2.1. Suppose that A is a set in sequence {L p(m) PROOF. that of L n limn_oP {Xn:n {i:P of subsets of S such that n Since (m) > m} A belongs to m’ (AI .(n))= IAa.s. we > m} getmp (m) (A (m)(AIXn =i) completing the proof. m Then there exists a A limn_o{XnELn a.s. with respect to the martingale convergence theorem implies with (n)) m). respect to p(m)(AIXn) > %} with 0 < % < yields p(m). By the Markov property Thus taking limn_o{Xn g Ln A p(m) a.s. PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS 211 The argument used above goes back, essentially, to Blackwell [1]. POSITIVE STATES. 3. {X :n >.m} with a strictly positive initial Consider the Markov chain (m) probability vector is positive if lim j(n)-p(x_=j) and write infn_o(n) for n >.m. We shall say that j > 0. j PROPOSITION 3.1. A state j is positive if and only if for any subsequence (nk) with there exists a state limn_>oonk (m,nk) such that lim PROOF. !n) 3 (m)p(m,n) ieS i (nk) to notice that (m) i and i,j 0 if and only if limk_oj > 0 for i g S (m,nk) > If d d are P k=l PROOF. depends only is positive then j {X =j i.o.} n Tk, j m, i E S}. THEOREM 3.1. where it suffices 0 for all i g S. limk_oPi, j Proposition 3.1 shows that the definition of positivity for (m,n) on {P ;n (nk)) > O. suPk_oPi, j Since (possibly depending on i (m) -atomic sets of {X =j i.o.} n Notice first that p(m) a.s. f(m) with d < U T k k=l e (m) . Assume by way of contradiction that {X =j i.o.} does not equal a finite union of atomic sets n and therefore we may find some infinite sequence of disjoint sets e TI,T 2 (m) with P(m)(T i) {Xn=j Take 6 with lim p(m)(Tk) j i.o.} (n) Let {E < 6. n-o which is absurd. P(m)a.s. k n a.s. as ensured by Proposition 3.1. (n) k m} be some subsets of S such that :n ’3 {Xn= j Thus (3.1) > lim P (k) E n (m) E (k) (m) P n n-o }" In view This entails (Tk) < 6 (m) -atomic i.oo} consists of a finite number of P (m). sets of THEOREM 3.2. Suppose that j is positive. {Fk}where F k {n that ,d Um=IFk {re+l, sequencesof integers E T must belong to an infinity of sets lira inf sets such that i If (3.1) were true, there would exist a set T (k) p(m) Tk U k=l infn_ow. limn_{Xn eE(k) n of (3.1) > 0 for all (k) n such k) Then there exist :t=l,2 and d d disjoint sequences of and for i,e S n’-olimeF p(m,n’)i,j/pm:n’),] i(m)(k)/am)(k) n (3.2) k _(m,n’) > 0 where provided that (m)(k) u lim n-j e E[(k n p(m,n) u,3 for u S H. COHN 212 Let PROOF. P (m) .tE.k.#n " limn_o{Xn eE’k’#n be some sequences of sets with Tk a.s. for k=l,2,...,d whose existence is ensured by Proposition 2.1. d (k) for We first show that j E n sufficiently large. eUk= n Indeed, if we assume the contrary, i.e. that j with lim n t contradicts oo, the positivity of t {Xn gk=Id E(k)n leads to j {Xn i o (k) d Uk=iEnt p(m)(X U d (k) ult.} E k=l n {n for a sequence n U =j i.o.) > 0 and t p (m) a.s. =iTk Thus, we may assume, if necessary by modifying a finite number of sets {E d (k) that j g U E for n k= n n p(m,n) ,u (k) n }, m+l Define now the random variable c0g{X =u} if k} (m,n) (m,n) ri,Xn /P ,Xn > 0 and 0 otherwise. to equal (m,n) pm,n,/p ,u for z,u Since p(m) (Xm=ilXn=U) (m) p(n) (Xm=Z Xn=U) (m) p(m,n)/p(m,n) ,u i,u (3.3) i the Markov property of the reversed chain yields lim n p(m,n) i,X n P(m)(Xm=im(n)) __(m) p(m) (Xm=m(n)) (m) z _(m,n) /,Xn (3.4) Using the martingale convergence theorem and Theorem 2.1 in (3.4) leads to p(m) (Xm=ilTk) (m,n)/p(m,n) lim Pi,Xn "-,Xn n-o P e(m) (TklXm=U) Let (k) -nt lim limn_ n be the set of values of :t=l,2 n n Then there exists > 0. Notice (m) (k). u ! (k)e(m:n) j E u,3 n with j e E (k) :t=l,...} and n t runs through Indeed, suppose the contrary. (k) n Xn We show is replaced by (k) {nt}-l t with such that n t+oo t (m’nt) Pi,j /P,j -lim t (m,n) d}. for some ke {I P(m)({Xnt= P(m)(Xm=1Tk)’ g n (3.5) m limn_oe(m) (X E(k)iXm=U) now that (3.5) holds if j (m) (Xm= Tk) wi 2, provided that for almost all gT k, k=l that (m) p(m) (TklXm=i) p(m) (Tel X =) (m) j i.o.}) >. lira t infn_o_(,n)-j (Tkl Xm=i (3.6) p(m) (Tkl x =1 m =j i.o.} But {X n p (m) # _c_ T k a.s. > 0 makes (3.6) contradict (3.5) and completes the proof. REMARK3.1. Themrem 3.2 as stated as a result about products of stochastic matrices without reference to Markov chains theory. in the proof that (m) (k) u We have seen may be expressed in terms of the tail -field PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS (m) as p(m)(T kIX =u). We shall further consider some characteristic {E (k)} which n properties of the sets 213 actual identification of {a for some special cases, may lead to the (m)(k) }. u THEOREM 3.3. Suppose that k} are P (m) -atomic sets limn-{Xn gE(k)}n Tk p(m) a.s a.s. where {T that n E(k) n such that k=l,...,d. E Let F P (m) and let {E in k (An,n sFk p(m) be some sets such be the set of values k Pi,j (3.7) i.o.) for n >, m. It is clear that (3.8) 0 the o-field generated by Xm, is (t)} (k) n k Then An {Xn =j’xn+l (k)},.n+l Define Recalln) /(m), of U=IT i.o.} (n) < (k) neFk i n+l PROOF {Xn =j is positive and j X with m < n. n According to the Borel-Cantelli-Levy lemma p(m)(An,ngF k i.o.) =0 if and only if (m) nF k p(m) (Anlmn)) ) n m(n) (k) p (m) (Xn+ n+l Xn=3 {Xn=j} Thus, it will suffice to show that P (m) (3.7). 0 {X :n m} yields n Notice now that the Markov property of p (m) (A (3.9) (ner kp(m) (An l(n)) --m (3 I0) oo) 0 implies Assume, by way of contradiction, that I ngF _(n) [ k (k) [ Pj,i neF 1En+ P (m) (k) (Xn+ mn+1 Xn=3") (3.11) k and write p (m) (X [ n’eF k N {i Y n ’+I n} n’F k I {1 Y n necessary that E of Y (Yn) therefore tends to proof. IXn’ lira inf E n-o > O) > O. p(m) p(m)(ngFkP(m)(Anl vine(n)) =j) to converge in probability to 0 as n+o, it is (m) (m) (Yn) denotes the expectation (Y) n > lira inf (n). n-o 3 Since the denominator of as n/, it follows that the numerator of Y on a set of positive yields n n} p(m) (Xn,+l (k)n,+l 0 as n+, where E p(m). However, p(m)(lim SUPn_oYn under n n/, ,< I, for {Y (m) n’ =j} (3.12) n Since 0 % "(k) mn’+llXn’=J)l{x probability. n > 0 and Yn in (3.12) will tend to as Taking account of (3.9) and (3.10) o) > O, a contradiction that completes the 214 H. COHN REMARK3.2. For homogeneous Markov chains with period become n i.e. the cyclically moving subclasses of the recurrent {Cu+n(mo d d)}, class to which p(m) ({Xn g Cu+n In this case belongs. j (k) the sets {E d }IXn-I Cu+n-I (mod d) }) d, and limn_o{XngCu+n(mod d)} T u, u=l (n) of Pj,i 0 for iCu+n+l(mod d)" I, g (rood d) (3.7) holds trivially in view The results and proofs of this Section rely on Cohn [5], [6] and [8]. 4. A CLASS OF COUNTABLE CHAINS. We shall next consider a class of stochastic matrices (Pn) satisfying the following condition (A) T U C where j T if S admits the decomposition S for all and m and j C if there exists i m such that (m,n) +/-lmn_ori, j 0 is positive j for {X :n >. m}. n A partition T, any j g C k and CI,C 2,... of S will be said to be a basis for {Xn= j large enough, m THEOREM 4.1. a.s. is a P k (m) Suppose that (P) satisfies condition (A). -atomic set of 0 and j g C with for i,gS, m if for Then the n /P imn-ri(m,n)n) J existence of i.o.} =T (Pn) (m,n) > 0 P,j is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a basis T, CI,C 2 We know from Proposition 3.1 PROOF. P(m)-atomic finite union of Suppose otherwise prove that d=l. m), sets of A= {Xn =j i.o.} that i.e. i.e. d>.2. A Uk=ITk. is a We shall first {X =j i.o.}TIUT 2 n {nk} and such Since {n} Theorem 3.1 implies that there must exist two sequences that lira k-o (m,nk) Pi,j (m,nk) i,j /e /P .t.mn_ p(m,n) i,j However, P(TI IXm=i)/P(TI IXm=) (4.1) lira P k_o (m,nk) /P,j (m,nk) E,j (m,n) P(T 2 IXm=i)/P(T 2 IXm=) was supposed to exist. pCm)(TIlXm=i)Ip(m)(TIIXm=) Further, for any set A in (m) with Thus (4.1) entails P(m) CT21Xm=i)Ip(m)(T21Xm=) p(m)(A) (4.2) > 0, the martingale convergence theorem in conjunction with the time reversibility of the Markov property p(m) (AIXn) large enough. may be made as close as desired to It is easy to see that if j will stay positive for any {X :n>.m’} with n p(m) (AIXn=J) choose i p(m’) (AIXn=J) and m if is positive for m’ >m, n {X :n m} n it and p(m) (Xn=J)p(m’) (Xn=J) such that for g<1/2 1A for > 0. p(m)(T llXm=i) > I- Thus, one may and J (m) PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS p(m)(T 21Xm=) > I-g; since T p(m)(T21Xm=i < e and T are disjoint we also get 2 p(m)(T llXm=) and < e. It is easy to see that these four inequalities are in contradiction with (4.2). A that proves that {X =j i.o.} n is a Conversely, if we assume that A We have reached a contradiction P(m)-atomic set of {X =j i.o.} n is a (re’n)/p(m,n) limn_oP i,j ,j then Theorem 3 2 yields that 215 P (m) m). P(m)-atomic (AlXm=i)/P set (m) of (m) (AlXm=) completing the proof THEOREM 4.2. (i) g for any i,Z Ck, g (ii) if for any C JgCk, with k’ # k and (k) 1 p(m,n)u, (m) (k)/ with lira n " Then C1,C 2 large enough (k) SUPn_olj gCkP (m’n)u .<CZu(m) (k). (m) such that o gC k (k) < 1-% for implies (n) < oo. i.C k U T Pj ,i Part (i) follows from Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 3.2 if we notice PROOF. SUPn_o[JeCkP(m’n) u,3 lin_>oo.m p(m)(xn gCk true in general, that P (m) a" large enough, then i m [ (m) jgE (re, n) /Pz.j there exists % with 0 < % < k n=l that lira n Z,j (re,n) a(m)u (k) limn+oo assumes a basis T, (m,n) > 0 and S with lira P i,j n_+c where (Pn) Suppose that JeE (k) p(m,n) k although it is not p(m)(T k), {Xn EF i.o.) a.s. obtains for any finite set F cC the states of C Indeed u,j limn_o JgUkp-(m:n) u,j T k k This being true for any k. being positive necessarily imply that FeE enough and therefore i.o.} (m)(k) u (k) n for and large n which proves (i). For part (ii) we may invoke Theorem 3.3 provided that we show that C (k) The latter follows from taking E kUTE n noticing that, as shown before, (k) n p(m)(Tkl Xn=i) {j:p(m)(TklXn=j) limn_oP (m)(xn gEn(k)}IXn=i) and arguing as in the proof of Proposition 1.1. all u g S we get that limn_oP (m) I gT P(m’n) u,j It is easy to see that in case that lira n-o RE,lARK4 (X n gT) (m) u 0. (k) limn-ojgCkp(m,n) u,j 0 for This happens when In particular, the finite chains always satisfy this condition. The results in this Section were derived in Cohn [8]. 5. CONVERGENT CHAINS. A chain {X m, i and n will be said to be ope$ if limn+oop(m’n). exists for all l,j (see Maksimov [15], losifescu [ii], and Mukherjea [17]) course, this definition depends only on (Pn) Of and does not need to involve a H. COHN 216 {X }. chain As before our results may be read off without reference to a n Mar kov chain structure The class of matrices which (P)for n converge{P.(m:n)} is a subclass of that considered in Section4 and, naturally, will lead to For convergence chains we shall identify the limits of stronger properties {p(m,n)} i,J rather than those of their ratios as was done in the previous sections Suppose that {X THEOREM 5. I. (i) {T,CI,C 2 there exists a basis (ii) for any m, igS and j gC (re,n) lira P i ] n-o (m) !m) (k) where with (n) j ji > n i,j {p!m,n)}. (m) > 0, we notice that (n) and j (n) .3 lim j n m. j/k ol PROOF. limn- jeE (k) k do not depend on the choice of l,J that (k) lak jgE(k)ri,j n (m)p(m’n) ie S i REMARK5.1. Since k (m,n) limn_o i Then is a convergent chain (m) provided (m) is also indepedent of }. {T,CI,C 2 Theorem 4.1 ensures the existence of a basis Further, the martingale convergence theorem yields p (m) p (m) (Xm=il Xn (Xm=il m(n_p (m) (Xm=il (m)) as n But p (m) i, j i(m)/(n) j _(m,n) (Xm=il Xn=J) and taking into account that (m) {Xn=j i.o.} T a.s. is a k P(m)-atomic set of we get (m) (re,n). (n) lira n for almost all g T k. P Pi,Xn /Xn i (m) (5.1) (Xm=ilTk) Further we can argue as in the proof of Theorem 4.2(i) to conclude (ii) on using (5.1). COROLLARY 5. i. Suppose that {Xn is a countable convergent chain assuming {T,CI,C2,...} a basis and denote (m) p(m,n) lira qi,j n-o i,j (m) and qi,j limm_oq i,j" Then jlk for ieC k, j EC k qi,j 0 PROOF. im . According to Theorem 5.1, (m) > 0 and {X =i i.o.} n i p(m) (Tk]Xm=i) that j ;C k. T k (m) (m) jai (k)/ak qi,j p(m) k’ #k, in which case ptm)(Tk, iXn=i). k a.s. we easily conclude that as m/oo, and the case i e C Then either jeT which yields and since i g C k qij and j g C k follows. Assume now 0 for ieC k, or j C k, 0 as n- is a consequence of with PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS p(m)(TklXm=i (ii) yields as qij m+ and T and k Tk, being disjoint. 217 Using now Theorem 5.1 0 and completes the proof. REMARK5.2. Theorem 4.2(ii) holds, of course, for convergent chains as wello The additional condition imposed on convergent chains does not seem to make this result any stronger. The convergent chain concept goes back to Maksimov [15], who considered the case of bistochastic matrices (P). Extensions to finite and countable n convergent chains were given by Mukherjea [16-18], etc. The methods used in these papers are matricial and the sets of the basis are characterized by means {Qk of some limit points of matrices with Qk However, such limn-oPk,n" matricial methods yielded much weaker results and do not seem to permit the identification of {Qk}O The results of this section were derived in Cohn [8]. 6. FINITE MARKOV CHAINS: THE GENERAL CASE. We shall now consider the case when (P }. restrictive or no assumptions on considering the structure of THEOREM 6.1. number of (m) (m) sets of Let T of {X :n m} n does not exceed is finite and the s in m) T E(k)n {J:P(m)(TklXn=J)>0.5} yields p(m)(Tk) s > O, {E (k) n (k), n k=l,...,d} must be non-empty for states in S which requires d LEMk 6.1. Let {X :n n m} and {X’:n n and E ’+ n m’ for m, m’} be two finite Markov chains (m) PROOF. Suppose that m’ > m and let j (m). 1 g ,(n) 3 ,(m’)p(m’,n) ,J E+ "Pn’nm’ E+n =i)’ (n) > 0} {i:i > 0. g E ’+ n . . p(m,n). Then n > O, it follows that Chapman-Kolmogorov formula there must exist Thus and n max(m,m’). for some itS and since ,(m) and Then there exists a number N > 0 such that E+ i N and n However large. n (n)i e(m)(Xn=i) (n)m P(m’)(X {i: (n) > 0}. a.s. for are disjoint for any sequences of transition probability matrices (P) and n nm Write > 0 for s and completes the proof. with strictly positive initial probability vectors respectively. p(m)(Tk) p(m) limn_mo{XngE(k)}n Tk It is easy to check that {E k=l,...,d. there are (m) be some disjoint sets with d As shown in the proof of Proposition I.I, letting k=l,...,d. Since As before we need start off by n The tail -field Pm)-atomic PROOF. n S the number of elements of s For such chains we shall derive stronger results under less is finite. 1,3 (n) (m)(m,n) > 0 ri,j i J > O. By the (m,m’)_(m’.n) > 0. ,j S such that We have shown that E + n Pi, E ’+ n Notice that the finiteness of S makes it impossible that E + cE ’+ with strict inclusion for n n all m,n and m’ > m. Thus there must exist m and N such that for m’ > m E + N E+ Choose now n > N and j gE’+n" Then there is a state + igE such H. COHN 218 ,(n) >. ,(N)p(N,n) > 0 i j i,j z(n) >. z(N,n) > 0 and E+ that to m J J gE(k)n i,j > 0 for i n Suppose that S is finite. {E(k)}, n of subsets of S, d k=l g E ’+ N But E+ E + leads N completing the proof Then there exist some sequences S, such that for m--0,1,... k--I p(m,n). /pm,in) lim p(N,n) E ’+ obtains for n > N n THEOREM 6.2. for Thus (k). (m) /(k) (m) (6.1) (k)=u limn-jgE (k) Pu(,m n) where provided that n > 0, and p(m,n) lie for j gE REMARK. upon n d Uk=l E(k) n S n (6.2) 0 Throughout the paper we will drop the explicit dependence of and so is not kept fixed, but in general varying with E j same convention will be valid for all the sets dependent on n (k). n j The to be further considered. PROOF. maximal. such that the sets {E +} n attached to {X :n n Such a choice is always possible in view of Lemma 6.1. Choose m m} are According to (3.5) lie no (m,n) in (m,n) e (m) (TklXm=i)/e (m) (TklXm=%) Pi,Xn .,Xn (6.3) for almost all mgT k, k=l, Write now E (r) n,k :P(TklXn=J) > 0.5} {j {J:l N i, gS,m=0,1,... ,r-1 p(m)(TklXm__i)/P(m)(TklXm_ )i < p(m) (Tk[Xm=i)/p(m) (Tk Xm__) < n)/p%,j But (6.3) implies lim{X for any r g n and k Take r=2 V, --1,2,... re(v) such that p(m)(T kA n>.m() p(m)(T kA n>m() Define now E "k’l n U (r) }) 2 {X e E(r) }) n 2 {X n g E n,k n,k E "r’l for m() n,k }_ Tk For each -, - a.s. one can find a number k=l d k=l d n < m(+l) and consider the elementary set properties A A (B C) (A A B) D (A A C) A A (B U C) (6.4) PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS 219 Using (6.4) yields p(m)(T kA U {x E(2 u) }) E(k)}) U n u= m(u)n<m(u+l) n n,k p(m)(T kA U {X n n>.m() u= p(m)(r kA p(m)(T kA {X U n>.m(u) n .< .< u= 2 U n (u) n<m(u+l) gE (2u)}) {X E n + n,k P (2u)}) n,k (m) (T A k u= N {X n>.m(u) g n u) }) E(2 n,k -(-2) Similarly one can show p(m)(T kA {X O n>.m() .< 2 -(v-l) E(k)}) n n which boils down to (t,n) lim n_= for j e E i,j (t,n) /P,j +. (k) and i,j e E t n (k) u (m) p (m) (m) P (re lEt=i)/P (TklXm=u) for n UgEn’ (m’ ,n) u’ is a state in E p(n’,n)/po u,3 {Xn:n n). ,3 + n’ with P where j g E (k). n lim P constructed above for a u,j m E + u(m, ’n) ,j > 0. E ,+ ,n)/pu(,nl j,n) (6.6) (n’) Since u u(n ’) > 0 the ratio makes sense on the probability space attached to the chain m} and (6.5) implies ’,n) lira n->o that m (m’,n’)p(n’. n)/e u(n,,,j,n) P,u u, 3 + uE n’ where which depend on the {E_(k) (m’n’) p (n’ ei,u + (m’ t Then with our choice of m i,j ,n)/p E,j + We shall nest show that (6.1) with the same sequences Indeed assume m’ #m. > max(re,re’), and particular (6.5) p(m)({Xn E(k)}Ixm =u)n lim was chosen at the beginning of the proof. t (rklX t =) If we notice now that we get that (6 1) holds for states i, j in E holds for every (m) p(n’,m)/Pu,j u(n, P ,j (m) (T (m klXn,=u)/P (TklXn,=u’) Using this in (6.6) yields (m’ ,n)/p (m’ ,n) i,j ,j u m+n p(m’ ,n’)p(m) (Tk Xn=U (m’ ,n’)p(m) (T k IXn I + P ,u ugE =u) n’ p(m) (Tk iXm,=i p (m) (r which completes the proof of k IXm,=%) (6.1). d P(m) E(k) i.o.} To prove (6.2) notice that {XngDk=l n p(m)(xn gEn i.o.) proves (6.2). 0. This in turn implies lim a.s. which entails p(m)(xngEn n-o 0 and H. COHN 220 The tail u-field of a finite Markov chain was proven to be finite in Cohn [2]. Further Senchenko [19] and Cohn [3] have independently shown by different methods that the number of atomic sets does not exceed the number of states. losifescu [11] The proof of Theorem 6.1 given here was taken from Cohn [4]. has studied the tail u-field structure of continuous time Markov processes. Kingman [13] has given a geometrical representation of the transition matrices of a nonhomogeneous Markov chain from which the tail u-field structure may be derived. As far as the asymptotic behaviour of transition probabilities is concerned, it seems that the first result in the case of nonasymptotical independent chains was given by Blackwell [i] who derived the existence of However Blackwell’s paper limits for the reverse transition probabilities. The results of this section on the does not refer to the tail u-field notion. asymptotics of {P 7. [5] and [7]. are derived in slightly different forms in Cohn m,n SOME CLASSES OF CHAINS CONSIDERED BY DOEBLIN. In an important but little known paper published in 1937 Doeblin [9] introduced a number of nonhomogeneous Markov chain models and gave without One model was proofs several results concerning their asymptotic behaviour. defined by the following There exists a strictly positive number 6 such that for (DI). CONDITION any fixed states (i,j) either (n) Pi,j >" 6 for all (n) or n 0 for all Pi,j n Doeblin asserted that in this case it is possible to decompose S into disjoint ’final classes’ Go,G may be further decomposed into G v and each final class G, {Ci(); i=l ’cyclical subclasses’ v i d()}. These have the following asymptotic properties (according to Doeblln) as (i) e!m:n) l,j 0 for every ieS and jcG (ii) p(m,n). 0 for every i c G (iii) if i that n (iv) m j gG j cG if i e!m: n) p (m,n) i",’3 and j C,() with {p(n)} for ig U p (m) igC() j gC,() then (mn) 0 provided Pi,j satisfies v =0 for any G j jeC,()P C() (m,n) i,n () ]p 3!n) + i,j P(m)[i,n ()] is Xn+rd( g C(). then p(m,n) i,j p(n) +gm,n) ,j j (’-) mod d(a). 0 exponentially as n 1,3 distribution (v) igC() G # (’-) rood d() provided that n- m Here with and j O the limit as r m, i and j and the limit (n) d(), and some where (n) P.3 = (m,n) are as in (iv) and e.i,3, of the probability, given X =i, that m Doeblin subsequently relaxed assumption (A) allowing positive tend to 0 as n oo. v More precisely he considered p(n). to PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS CONDITION (D 2) and some N >. There exists a strictly positive number (n) such that for any fixed pair of states (i,j) either Pi,j >. (n) 0 221 for n >. N or limn_p Two subclasses of chains satisfying Condition (D (n) In=lmax(i,j)gAP i,j< those satisfying _(n) .n=imax(i,j)gAPi, j (Condition 2) were further considered: (D)) and those satisfying (n) {(i,j):limn_oPi, j O} (Condition (D)) where To study chains satisfying Condition (D 2) A Doeblin proposed introducing an associated chain, derived from the initial one by taking 0 for the positive one-step transition probabilities tending to O. However, by so doing the transition matrices become nonstochastic, and it seems to us that Doeblin intended to add the transition probabilities replaced by 0 to the ones bounded away from 0 in the same row to preserve the stachasticity of the matrix. But there is considerable leeway in defining a matrix in this way and Doeblin’s details are rather sketchy. it will be easily seen that the associated chain may be (DI) In the case defined in anycay described above, but in general we shall have to use some rguments based on the tail o-field structure to justify the definition that we are going to adopt for an associated chain. For the sake of definiteness We proceed now to define an associated matrix. we shall consider a matrix in which the entries of the initial matrix replaced by 0 are all added to the first entry in their row larger than 6. precisely, we say that (n) (p:(n.)) i,j P’n is an (n) for (i,j)EA; Pi,j(i) =Pi,j(i) + j ES i row such that (i,j)A (i,j) such that (i,j) and A and asociated matrix of P n if Pi,j(n) ’I. n’(P’n>.m {E:n=0,1 Denote by lim infn-ominigE lim inf *n)-i (n) for the pairs j >j(i). m) and the {Xn:nm}. will be said to be associated to a sequence of sets with the property > 0 and write n (n) n-omax igE** i n 0 Pi,j Pi A Markov chain assuming the initial probability vector transition matrices p,.(n.) ,3 j(i) being the first entry in the ith {j:(i,j)EA}, and S.I More E**n S-E*n If {E**}n are present, then o. LEMMA 7.1. Suppose that there exists a sequence of positive integers m <n <m2<n 2 < p(m)(xn u=l P(mu’nu) i,j and j eS. where igE* m Using the argument employed in the proof of Theorem 3.3 we get P(m)(Au p(m)(xn =j i.o.) > 0 where i.o.) >. u p(m)(Au Au {Xmu=i, X =j}, u=l,2 m u But i.o.) > 0 as stated. IN what follows we shall consider a condition that contains (D this Condition (i) Then u =j i.o.) > O. PROOF. that such that (D) either the . (n) {E**} are empty or lim n-o I n 0 for i 1). E**, and n We call H. COBN 222 (n) the sequence (ii) S, n=l,2,...} may contain O’s but its positive tPi,j:i values are bounded away from O, i.e. there exists 6 >0 such that (n) > 0 where inf’ means that the infinum is taken over the strictly i,j,nPi,j) inf positive matrices of the sequence. As far as (DI). holds under (D)(ii) Notice that P P’n’ say an arbitrary associated matrix is concerned (D)(i) may be considered and taking into account only the position of its positive and null entries one may derive the periodicity and the cyclically moving subclasses of a homogeneous Markov chain Choosing D to be a assuming such type of transition probability matrix. = {d(a), multiple of ,v} the positive and null entries in the same position as e (n, n+ND) i,j e 1,3" large, Ck(a 6ND Ck(), k=l,...,d()} since for j g Ck() v Ck(), . _(n+ND) 3 Therefore E* m U n- a=IGa that E** and it will be seen that G G O n ’transient’ set. THEOREM 7.1. (I) ,E n (D) Suppose that (d) n=0,1, n and that Using this we can show that ND with c Further mlnig S (n) i it is easy to see in this case the role of a O plays holds. Then for k=l, d. (ii) If E n Uk=l E(k) n lim P(m’n) n-o i3 For ieS, m=0,1 j eE (k) (m) (m)( ngEn(k)}lXm=i) + (k) j eE (k) n g neEn(k)}) o( n)) (7.3) U {X n=N m m=0,1,.., and j (7 2) U {X n--N J z,j then for i eS n>.N n P are present (7.1) a.s. 0 (n) p (m,n) p(m) E(k)} Tk n .d E integer N such that for any m=O,l, and a positive U {Xn n=N For ieE >. c sufficiently large n P1 have all there exists a sequence of disjoint events of S, say (i) E for ND are all positive for N sufficiently being a lower bound of these entries. fi E* n Pm,n+ND we can easily conclude that mN (n) + Or.(n) ). p!m:n) P (m) U n=N For (k) m {X gE(k)}) n n (74) 3 jEn(k) m,n>.N p(m,n) 0 (7.5) E n PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS We shall first prove that for PROOF. where P(m)(xn En i.o.) E* and j n E**_ n+l where i entails lim n (n+l) !n) i j Then i SE* and j eE*@, for n n1 n sufficiently large. n only for finitely many that with i e E n P(m)({Xn EE(k)}I{X n n -I E}) conjunction with 6 Pi,j > O" this p(m,n) 0 for i,j n limn_>oo{Xn E n)} (k) n and j (k) N E* Therefore E sufficiently large and according to Lemma 7.1, n n 0 whenever Pi,j It follows that N since otherwise (6.2) would be invalidated. for (n) (k) NE** must be and by Theorem 6.2 we get that E empty for ieE* and j E** m n n (n) Thus, E n infn_oon) But lim n) > O, which is impossible. infn_O E** sufficiently large Suppose that for an infinity of n’s O. 223 e-(k’) mn+l (n) E n n (k) n 6 may happen Pi,j with k’ for k=l d and n Tk p(m) a.s. yields T It follows # k N which in k Un=N{XnE(k)}n and (7.1) is proved. It is easy to see that Theorem 6.2 may now be applied to conclude (7.3) and (7.4). Finally, (7.2) follows from Lemma 7.1, and (7.4) is a consequence of the proven part (i). {E(k)}n REMARK7.1. For the chain satisfying Condition (D I) subclasses {Ck(e)} {E (k) {Cu+n(mod n d(a), a= where u=l p(m) ({Xn g Cu+n(mod of }IXn_ Au d()) () and therefore it is either P (m). Since n If A Au, A’u u and {p(n,n+ND).. 1,3 were not A"u d()) =id(a)._ v and k=l d(a)) (a) limn-m{Xn g Cu+n(mod J(m) are the in their cyclical order, i.e. i,j P(m)-atomic Indeed, Cu+n_l(mo d d(a)) (a) }) (say) p(m) a.s. Besides, and Au belongs to (m) -atomic or a union of P (m) -atomic sets Ck(a), k=l,...,d(a)} are positive for all then there would exist two P(m)-atomic subsets of and by Theorem 7.1 there would also exist two sequences of sets A’u p(m) {E} and {E"} such that p(m) a.s., in which case (7.5) would be contradicted. UnN{Xn e E’} n n a.s. and UnN{Xn A"u E"} n This proves Doeblin’s results stated before. We next consider conditions which contain as particular cases Doeblin’s Conditions (D ’) and CONDITION (B). then (n) max(i,j) AnPi, j (D) First we consider There exists > 0 such that if An {(i,j): (n) < } Pi,j 0 as n For chains satisfying Condition (B) we consider an associated chain in the same way as in the case (P) (D), i.e., we define the associated matrices in which the entries of the initial matrix replaced by 0 are all added to the first entry larger than in their row. In fact the whole definition of an associated matrix given before may be copies here word for word, the only difference being that A is replaced by An where An {(i,j): p(n) i,j < 6}" 224 H. COHN S. and j(i) also depend on n and j(i,n) and should be denoted by S. re spec t ively. Let us next consider CONDITION (C). = () j F n+l There exist sequences of disjoint sets ,d’ with d’ >. 2 and for n > = N Theorem 7.1 shows that (D) P (m) -atomic (C); the difference is a particular case of limnooo{Xn (m) -atomic set of be an P a.s. need not Pi,j d’ between these two conditions lies in that p(m) n=O,l (e) and 0 for ie F n _(n) a number N such that {F(): n (m), e noo F(n) } Un=N{X e Fa(n)} i.e. it may be a union of j(m). sets of We are now in the position to formulate the following two conditions. CONDITION (ii) (D). the associated matrices satisfy CONDITION (D*). .=o (B) is satisfied with (i) n=l (D). (B) is satisfied with (i) n= imax( i,j) the associated matrices satisfy (C). (ii) THEOREM 7.2. If and for ieS and j PROOF. and if ig (D) lim p(m,n) noo 1,3 (m,n) n(n) PCm) (T klxm=i) p (m) j !m).(m) >0}, n + (Tk) {(Xn, (n) o(zj Xn+N) p, (m) (AlX=i) for n > m and any N > I. (i,j)gPi,j and ig{j: and lim (u) j > O} P !n) J liS u) infn+oomlniE,n(n) i and take A (u,n) i,j p(U,n) -i,j I.J(n) -.JI(n) B=$X... en xs, (u,n) P’.1,3 (7.8) The standard monotone gn Suppose that we choose an associated chain {X’:n n E*u gB} for then class argument extends (7.8) to any A for i (7.7) ). N+I time s ip(m) (AiXn=i) n E’n (7 6) k=l,...,d’ i, j g 0 It is easy to see that if A {j: and j holds, then for iS, m=O,l eE (k), P But (n) < max(i,j)eAnpi, j u > {X =j} n g u} such that > 0 Then if we write (7.8) for m we get (7.9) u p,.(u, ,n) and therefore i liS(u) P’,(.’n) ,I’’ u i,j I(u) -[(u,n) ieS ’ (u) i (n) j On the other hand (7.9) implies 1,3 g (7.10) u PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS !im for infn_ominjgEn,j n (n) infn-minjEEn.7[(n)3 lim limn,_>ooP’(m) (X, E’**n’Ix’=i)n {j:,.(n) 3 > 0 which entails E u E’**} n’ e in (7 8). SUPn,+ooP(m)(Xn, 0 we get lim Further it is easy to see that for jcE* and m {Xn, Take now A sufficiently large g 225 > O} c {j: !n) * m E* n Since E’**IXm=i)n > O} and since 3 n "< n ’. (m) > 0 3 sufficiently large, we get m SUPn->ooP(m)({XngE’**}n {XmgE*m}) m But the sequence {E*n} has the leads property lim SUPn+ooP(m)(XnE* limn_oP(m)(XnE** 0 n) I. lim This E*’and E’** n and therefore E* n E** for n n Consider now a P (m) -atomic set of Tk p(m) limn_o{Xn e E(k)}n to sufficiently large. n ..m), say T Then by Theorem 7.1 k a.s. and (7.8) implies U {XrEE(k)}IX’=i) gm IP(m)( r=nU {XrE(k)}IXm --i)r -p,(m)( r=n Ir m (7 II) and IP(m) r=n {Xr eE(k)}IXm =i)r -p,(m)( r=n {Xr Taking the limit over n E(k)}iX,=i)ir gem (7 12) m in (7.11) and (7.12) and using the triangle inequality yields _p,(m)(lim inf{XeE(k)}IX’=i) IP ’(m)(lim sup{XeE(k)}IX’=i) m n n m n’-o g 2e n’-o ,.(m) Multiplying (7.13) by (k) limn-o{X’-n g En }- we get that probability and is either We may now interchange p (m) (lim P’ (m)-atomic p(m) and P’ p,(m) or a union of m exists, has positive P’ (m)-atomic sets of (m) and get that P (m)(lim inf{X’n EE’k)}IXm=i) n .< (7.14) 2g m (m) are finite, we conclude that their atomic sets are a one-to-one correspondence. Therefore d d’ and (k’) p(m) (limn-o{Xn e E(k) }n A limn_o{Xn e E’})n 0 and p,(m) (limn-o{X’n e E(k) }n for k,k’ g n ,d}. {I E ’(k) fl E’* n and taking the limit over i a.s. with respect to sup{X E Ek) }I Xm=i) m) Now because in assuming over (7.13) n (k) E’})n limn_o{X 0 Since we have seen in the proof of Theorem 7.1 that for n E’* n sufficiently large. A ’(k’) c E (k) for large enough it follows that E n n Now it is easy to see that P(m)({Xn g E’n i.o.}) k 0 and complete the proof by an already familiar reasoning. ’(k) corresponding to the associated chain {X’:n m} REMARK7 2. The sets E n n for which Theorem 7.1 guarantees are in general smaller than the sets {E n the same convergence property (7.7). It is therefore possible that there (k)} exists states i u E’n (k) with i g E n u for some k and n However such states 226 H. COHN p(m)(xn =iu have the property The usefulness of using {E 0. i.o.) ’(k)} n {E (k) instead of lies in the fact that the former are more easily obtainable. n For example in case we have seen that such sets may be identified by (D) means of an arbitrary one-step transition probability matrix. We turn now to the case (D*) the ones considered so far. LEMMA 7.2. m < n <m2 <n 2< and k} 0 for Pi,j iCA n n "J n- An+l (7.15) with nN i.o.) > 0 for JkgAn U n=N J PROOF. show that k=l 2 k U {X cA }) n n=N j cA n Then (Xn g An}lEa--i) (m) P for icS, m=0,1, n n=l,2 Let us consider the subchain X (i) limk_o{Xnk gA a s m p(m) -atomic is a (n) Since lip (m) not a p atomic set of X X X m n 2 n ,(m), set of Pi,j {Xml,Xnl,.... Un=N{Xn EAt k-o{XnAnk} p(m) the tail o-field of n>.N, we get and some N>. k=1,2 k p(m,n). /(n). lip kCE Ik’J p(m) (ii) is such that for (m ,nk) k P. pin and j c igA p(m)(Xnk Jk (i) We shall first need the following Suppose that the sequence of sets {A n and a sequence {i with i I k=l (n) which is considerably more complicated than 0 for igAn a.s. If We shall 2 where and j (m) gAn+1 with limkoo{XnkCAnk} (m) then it must be a union of atomic sets of is is J’ (m) In the latter case, by Proposition 2.1, there must exist sequences {A (I) A (say) (v)} n’ n p(m) _ n’ c {ml,nl,m2,n 2 a.s. for r=1, M such that n with Further v. v and (mk,nk) Ik=M P ik, j k (mk,nk) AkPok,Jk UVr=IAm ’= "< < contradicts (7.15). Further m -mk since i k {mk:k >" M}. mk’nk)- cAkP +/-k’ J k Hence limk_o{XnkgAnk} A l,...,Av for (r) (r) }, Ar= {mk:ikCAnm mk g Ar" Since if we apply Lemma 7.1 we get that limk_o{Xnk T’ with T are disjoint for all n’ Jk A(r) n k Take v and therefore for r=l A (v) n’ ,_o{Xn, e An’(r) there must be a number keE* (I) But {A (r) c Uv A for k >. M. r=l m and therefore there exist the sets r=1 such that lim n gA n (mk’nk) k=M Pik,Jk a.s. is a < which P(m)-atomic set of k a s. is also a Pm)-atomicJ set of --m) ’ since (m) PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS m) otherwise P(m)-atomic would contain at least two {E (I)} and {E (2)} are some sequences corresponding n n p(m) limn-{Xn gE(1)}n TI limn-{Xn g E(2)n T2 p(m) (2) _o{Xnk g Enk and lim k and T If 2. such that 2 a.s. and limkooiXnk Enk(I)} p(m) T g a.s., we also get p (m) a.s. contradicting the atomicity of p(m) for an infinity of k’s. Jk gE*nk Jk g An k But probability. {Xnk a.s., which leads to Jk sufficiently large and because a.s. we get that i p(m) Tu i.o T’ with (u) Jk E**nk If a.s. for we shall show that A n E k n n N E (u)= A for n k k T k k for (u) limk_o{Xmk E e T m u i.e. Notice that sufficiently large k k’s. is not empty for an infinity of Indeed, by (7.15) and Lemma 7.1 k large, since then (i) would imply the positivity of P(m)(xn subsequence of {n k} g k say E O. i.o.) n p(m)(Xn sufficiently k it is impossible for this intersection to be nonempty for all contradicting g N E A n k k n i.o.) k Therefore there must exist a k {} such that A E n k (u) n A n k We for k=l,2 k shall further show that using the existence of such a subsequence {n} we deduce (ii) We first prove (ii) for m >. N and Ym, i p(m)(TulXm=i)/p(m)(Tu) 3 m,i igA m Write and take j A to get n s p(m,n) (n) u sufficiently large and (i) follows. k for i.o.} has Jk To prove (ii) we shall first prove it for a subsequence {n ’:k=l,2, k A a.s. limk_o{XnkgAnk} Indeed, i kgE* N A limk_o{Xme gAmk N E kE* {Xnk Then and as seen before large we get (i) by applying Lemma 7.1. p(m) to T limn+oo{Xn aE(1)}n TI p(m) a.s. and T2 Suppose now that p(m) sets T ’(m). respect to positive and T 227 I (7.16) (nc,n) Pi, P,j (n)(n,n) P (m,nk’) ’J =i (p n (m, n) i, (n) (nk Ym, i )p ,j (n) P n k (nk,n) ,j n) H. COHN 228 (p (m,n) (n) (n, n) (n, n) I g(n) P ,j rgAn n (m, nl) i, r I’ rgA n k k (nl) Ym, ir (nl) m r where the prime in the last two sums indicates that the sum is restricted to the values such that P r (nl ,n) > 0. r,j Now if n Theorem 6.1 implies that the last sum in (7.16) goes to 0 as k We prove now (ii) for arbitrary m and i and we may take k o% Consider the conditional probabilities p?(m,r). l, p(m)(xm’+l Am’+l’’’’’Xr-I 3 for j p!m:m+l) p,.(m.,m+l) {Xn gAn (7.18) 1] i,] Since _c (7.17) max(n-l,m) and r > m’ + I, and m’ > N, EAR, Ar-l’Xr=JlXm=i) {Xn+l gAn+l} N, a slight modification of a standard for n reasoning from the theory of homogenoeus chains yields n-I p(m,n) I i,j E--m’+l I P*(m’E)P(E’n) i,k k,j >. N We recall now that for + kgA gAE and k P*I-’n) i (7.19) we have already shown that p(,n) limn- k’n)1. Y,k .. 3 N’ with where --m’ p(m) (T) It follows that for an arbitrary u N’ > m’ +I N’ lira Y,k kgA (,n) p,(m,) Pk,j i,k P (m) N’ (--m’U {X r! n) n p (m) A} IXm=i) (7.20) (Tu) Because N’ was arbitrarily chosen (7.19) and (7.20) together imply (m,n) lira inf Pi,L !n) 3 n->o for any m Further and . igS p (m) (Tu IXm=i) (Tu) p (m) i (re,n) ! m)Pi’j I and (7.21) yields (n) 3 iS m) p(m) (Tu Xm__i) p (m) (Tu) (7.21) PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS p !m:n) p (m) (T (n) p (m) lim 1,3 n-o j 229 iXm_ i) u (r) u completing the proof. THEOREM 7.3. Suppose that (k) () d’} and E U F {I ek n (D) k=l n i(k),i (k),... m m such that i 2 <n <m2 <n 2 <... (k) e E* m u for m and u (k) for any i (ii) for i eS, m=O,l n g E p!m:n) , and j e E u sufficiently large p (m) limn-{Xn eE(k)}n p(m) k (iii) for any ieS, m=O,l lira n-o (iv) if n(k) j En+l i.o.) > 0, k=l (k) d n=l2,... n o(j(n)) + (Tk) a.s., k=l and j e E (m,n) O, then Pi,j (k) p(m)(Tkl Xm=i) (n) j 3 where T p(m)(xn=in n n d d S (k) E Uk= k contains more than one element and if F () c -(n) then the n average sojourn time spent in the sequence of sets {F () (a)__ rn+ n PROOF. as n+ o, but p(m)({Xn (n) E(Y IXn=i) J e-n+k+l for i e given that ult.}) O. By definition, < oo) i. p,.(n+k) ,j F(a)n Let us denote by the average sojourn time referred to in the statement of the p(m)(y(n) () n It remains to prove (iv). y(n)e m on the set {Xn EF {Xn+m F()}n+m for re=l,2,... Because % contains by (i) p(m)(x =i i.o.) > 0 for any sequence {i n n n that () eF It is easy to see that (i) and (ii) follow from Lemma 7.2, whereas (lii) is implied by Theorem 6.2. Theorem. n=l 2 n 0 Pi,j () Xn=i with ieF goes to n d} there and a sequence of (n) ax icE (i) be a partition of u (m ,n u u u=l rain jeEn(k) p im(k), j u d If for any ke {I d. exists a sequence of positive integers m states I’ holds and let and m N (a) {Xn+m+l g Fn+m-l} more than one element, and (k), with i E n n we conclude Further, it is easy to see that since for i e F 2 ()n }N () and any k n+k I p(n,n+m-l) we get j eF Taking into account that i j (a) n+m-I (n) Ipi, j Pi,I.)[ 0 as n for all i,j eS we get lira n-o p(n)({XneF()}n 0 which implies that since p(m)(xn g F n() 0 limn_oE(y(n)IXn=i) i.o.) (a) {Xn+m-i e Fn+m-l}IXn=i) for i e p(m)(xn (E(k)_F()) n n F(a)n and i.o.) e p(m)(Tk) Finally, > 0 we get H. COHN 230 that p(m)(Xn g F n(a) ult.) 0 and the proof is complete. As a corollary to Theorem 7.3 we shall give a result that describes the asymptotic behaviour of a chain that satisfies Condition COROLLARY 7.1. {(,), =I partition of k=l Suppose that d and denote Zn=Imine(n) (,) v holds and let d i,2 _(n) d()}. ;=I Let E k maxigc(a), be a U(,a)gFk C(a), (n) g(,);(E,,a,) (n) jgCc,(a) Pi,j Assume that where the minimum is taken over all (’,’) gxk k=l (E’,’)k’ Then the {(,);(’,’) and (D*) (D*). d}, and that (n) 0 for ( e(,):(,,,) a)gk statement of Theorem 7.3 holds. We shall omit the proof of this result, which may be carried out by arguments already used in this paper. We notice that in the case of Condition (D’) Doeblin’s statement is wrong. However, examining Doeblin’s formulae makes it clear that he felt that unlike the previous situations, the limit of the conditional probability that the chain will circulate through the cyclical subclasses of a fixed class may not exist here. The analogy to the homogeneous case seems to break down for the chains satisfying (D) since several atomic sets of the tail o-field of the associated chain may be lumped into one atomic set of the tail o-field of the original chain. Theorem 7.3(iv) generalizes a result stated by Doeblin about chains satisfying Condition (D). It is hard to see how Doeblin could have reached his conclusions in this respect, given the knowledge available at the time his paper was written. The results of this section, in slightly different form, were given in Cohn [7]. 8. WEAK ERGOD IC ITY. One of the main concerns of the theory of finite stochastic matrices has been to characterize sequences of matrices satisfying the so-called ’weak ergodicity’ condition, i.e. (re,n) (m,n) llmri, j ,j noo for any i,j, and m (8.1) 0 This condition has been introduced by Kolmogorov and most papers on nonhomogeneous chains are related to it. [14] Doeblin [9] has found necessary and sufficient conditions for (8.1) and Hajnal [I0] has derived similar conditions unaware of Doeblin’s results. We shall first give a result that relates weak ergodicity to the structure of the tail o-field. THEOREM 8.1. The following conditions are equivalent (i) weak ergodicity; (ii) any Markov chain {X :n m} with transition probability n arbitrary initial distribution PROOF. (m) has a P(m)-trivial o-field (Pn) nm m). and Since S is finite we may assume, if necessary after relabelling the states at successive times n=O,l,..., that there is a positive state j gS. PRODUCTS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES AND APPLICATIONS 231 Then Theorem 3.2 and Remark 3.1 imply that pCm,n’)/pm,n’). p(m)(Tkl X =i)/pCm)CTklXm=A lim n gF k If (8.1) holds then p(m)(rklXm=i)/p(m)(Tklxm__) (8.2). m) However, if i p(m) (TklXn--i) limn-mP(m)(rklXn ITk in view of P(m)-trivial. necessarily follows by (m) -trivial this P is not possible as by the is not martingale convergence theorem some C8.2) m 1,] n,_m Suppose now that m) is must have values close to 0 for p(m) a.s. P(m)-trivial. Thus m) is Then by Theorem 6.2 we know that lid for i E P(m’n)/P(,mn) p(m) (X But lid n-o n THEOREM 8.2. Let (8.3) i. g n (Pn) E n) 0 for all m and (8.1) follows be a sequence of finite stochastic matrices. The following two conditions are equivalent: (i) weak ergodicity; (ii) there exists a sequence of sets {E lim n-co for j g E (I), n (m,n) I)}" n such that for i,ES and mgN (m,n) ei,j /Pi,j and for any leS and m=O,l lim n-+co I p (m,n) j jeE(1)i, n This result is a consequence of Theorems 6.2 and 8.1. A classical type of results in the theory of nonhomogeneous Markov chains establishes weak ergodiclty in terms of some coefficients attached to a A historical account of such coefficients, that goes back stochastic matrix. to Doeblln, may be found in Seneta result of this kind. Kingman [13] has proven a general [20]. Usually, the proof is carried out by some inequalities relating the coefficients of the product of two matrices to the coefficients of the matrices themselves. For example, Hajnal [I0] considered the following coefficient attached to a matrix P with entries 8 s, P,8 s s {P} min ,’ 8=1 min(p 8 ’P’ 8 We show next that such results are immediate consequences of the results given in this paper by proving the following theorem due to Hajnal [I0]. THEOREM 8.3. A sequence of stochastic matrices (Pn) there exists an increasing sequence of positive integers ’j {Pnj ,nn+l PROOF. o-field sets. is weakly ergodic if nl,n2,.., such that diverges. According to Theorem 8.1, m) is not P(m)-trivial (Pn) is not weakly ergodic if the tail and thus assumes at least two According to Lemma 7.1 we must have P(m)-atomic H. COHN 232 ,(nj ,nj+l) j=l P j {Pnj ,nj+ < whenever g E (k) N E* n.3 n B g E (k’) and convergent for any sequence n with k nj+ <n 2 < # k’ which makes and finishes the proof. There is an important result for bounded positive matrices known in the demographic literature as the Coale-Lopez theorem (see Seneta [21]). The result was given in a somewhat more general form in Seneta [21] and its proof seems rather laborious. The specialization of the Coale-Lopez theorem to the case of stochastic matrices reveals a strong asymptotic independence property We shall state such a property under a less restrictive assumption on the stochastic matrices. THEOREM 8.4. Let (Pn) be a weakly ergodic sequence of stochastic matrices (o,n) > 0 such that lim inf for any j n-omax igs i,j lim n_o gS. Then for all i gS p(m,n)/p(m,n) i,j ,j The proof follows easily from Theorem 3.2 and Remark 3.1 in view of the fact that {E n are empty. The Lopez theorem imposes the condition and and any n (n,n+r) O > 0 for a certain r >" Pi,j This clearly implies weak ergodicity, since as seen in the course of the proof of Theorem 8.3, the failure of weak ergodicity prevents (n,n+r o) P. 1,3 from being bounded away from 0 for all i,j and n The results of this section were derived in Cohn [5]. REFERENCES I. BLACKWELL, D. 1945. 2. 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