Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. (1989) 29-38 29 ON A GLOBAL CLASSICAL SOLUTION OF A QUASILINEAR HYPERBOLIC EQUATION Y. EBIHARA Department of Applied Mathematics Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University Fukuoka 814-01 Japan D.C. PEREIRA lnstltuto de Mathematlca-UFRJ CP 68530, CEP 21944 Rio de Janelro-Brasll (Received June 16, 1987) ABSTRACT. In this paper we establish the existence and uniqueness of global classical solutions for the equation which arises in the study of the extensional vibrations of thin rod, or torsional vibrations of thin rod. I. INTRODUCTION. In this paper we study the existence and uniqueness of global classical solutions of the first inltlal-boundary value problem for the equation: Utt Au M( R IVuJ2dx)Autt (I I) f n, T & x]0,T[, where R(8: the boundary) is a smooth bounded domain in R positive number, Vu is the gradient of u, A is the Laplace operator and M(I), in Q > a real valued function with M(I) p a O, We 0, 0, for some p > O. mathematical interest in solving the equation (I.I) by the following reasons. is is have the equation (I.I) with M(A) aflses in the study of the extensional [I], and it was studied by one of the authors in [2] is the Second, the equation (I) with M(I) x, where o’ First, vibrations of thin rods, see Love and [3]. o I #2d torslon-functlon arises in the study of the torsional vibrations of thin rods, see Love [I]. Third, the function M(1) in (1.1) has its motivation in the mathematical description of the vibrations of an elastic stretched string, that is, the equation: utt- M IVul2dx) Au 0 (1.2) 30 Y. EBIHARA AND D.C. PEREIRA what for M(A) > 0 0 was studied by [4], Nishihara [5] and Lions [6]. [7], Ebihara-Medeiros-Milla Miranda [8] Pohozaev When M(A) 0 was treated by Arosio-Spagnolo and Yamada [9]. In this paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness of global classical (1.1). For that we use the Faedo-Galerktn method and solutions for the equation compactness argument with some technical idea. NOTATIONS, ASSUMPTIONS AND MAIN RESULT. 2. Let (wj) 2 on H O1) of (wj) then JN be a system of eigen functions of -A which is defined n H (l) 0 c V(R) the set of all finite linear combinations f(x)g(x)dx, we set H-(), m 1,2 2 .... (" ")m" (’"’)m We put V m define an inner product on V. the topology of norm m f Putting (f,g) JN (.,..)m We denote by V ((-A)m’"’)’ m-l,2,..., V () as the closure of V by m Then we see that and the norm Hm(). . m is equivalent in V to the standard norm m "-" We see that all the above injections are compact. Let T be a positive number and B a Banach space with a norm We shall represent by LP(0,T;B), p < ", the Banach space of vector-valued functions of If’lIB" T LP(0,T;B) 0 and by L (0,T;B)the Banach space of vector-valued functions L u:]0,T[ B which are (0,T;B) We denote by C(O,T;B) the space of all vector-valued functions u:[O,T] which are J-tlmes dlfferentlable in the sense of B. Let M(A), 0 be a real valued function such that: M() verify M(1) CI[o, (R)) a) I/2 and there exist constants a + p, / [0,(R)), > 0 and p > 0 that / B, SOLUTION OF A QUASILINEAR HYPERBOLIC EQUATION tM’()I 1/2 (A.2) cO[o,-), (A)M(k) where () () 31 0, k 0, then we have the following result: THEOREM 2.1. Suppose that Vm’ (m (2.1) C(0,T;Vm_I). (2.2) Uo,Ul f,f’ e L2(R) [0,T] Then there exists a unique function u: in the class: (0,T;Vm) u e (2.3) that verifies u" M(IUI2)Au ’’’ Au u(O) u u’ (0) (2.4) f in Q o (2.6) u (2.7) 3. PROOF OF THEOREM I. a) b) c) Approximated solutlons A priori estimates Passage to the llmlt d) Uniqueness We divide the proof in four parts: a) APPROXIMATED SOLUTIONS. Let [Wl,...,wk] be the subspace of V, . of Let generated by the first k eigenvectors k u k (t) J=1 gjk(t)wj [Wl,...,Wkl be a solution of the system: (Uk" Auk M(lUk 12 AU ,w) u (O) k uOk u u(O) Ulk Ul U0k jffil strongly in V strongly in (u0’ wj)wj’ Ulk -j= (u m as k Vm as k k k where 0 (f,w) l’Wj)Wj for all w-[wl,...,w (3.1) / (3.2) k] =, (3.3) 32 Y. EBIHARA AND D.C. PEREIRA Uk(t) Then we see that the solution exists on an interval Uk(t) priori estimates will permit us to extend b) [0,Tk) to all interval 0 TkT. [0,T]. A PRIORI ESTIMATES I) Putting w (t) in (3.1), we have Uk"102 + Thus by + (Uk’Uk) 2 2 M(lUktl)lUll (A.I), lUkl0,,2 2 JUklllUll 6 + where C is a positive constant such that lull where C (f’uk)" > C 2 2 + (’-" t 2 Ifl01u]0 Then from this and (2.2), 2 Ill0) < C 2 p 0 is a constant independent of t and k. Thus () is bounded in L (3.4) (0,Tk;Vl)" By Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, we have (u) is bounded in L (O,Tk;V I) and (uk) is bounded in L (0,Tk;V1)" The above estimates permit us to extend II) Making w (-A)m- u, Uk(t) to all interval in (3.1) we have: d d 2 2 2 2 + lUk Im+ M(lUkll)lulm] [lu Im-1 l)(Uk’%) lluIm By (A.2) and (3.6), we have / (f,t)m_ 1. [0,T]. SOLUTION OF A QUASILINEAR HYPERBOLIC EQUATION C2 33 2 2 Then integrating from 0 to t and using (2.1) and (2.2) we obtain: u.2 kl + 2 2 lull 2 +"lul)lukl , c 3 + c t [lul C3(Uo,U I,T) where C 3 + "lullul.]ds max{l,C2}. and C 4 Thus, by Cronwall inequality and (A. 1), we have: lul m-1 + lUklm + I.I m2 , c 5 where C nenc e 5 > (Ill) 0 is a constant independent of t and k. (uk) is bounded in L (0,T;Vm)’ (3.7) (u) (0,T;Vm). (3.8) is bounded in L Taking the derivative of (3.1) Ith respective to t, we obtain: 2 2’(lUkl)(. %) ,A ..) Putting in (3.9) w (-A) m-I d 2 dt + - ( ,,,) o we have [[ Uk.12 ,(i.kl 2 Thus by (3.2) and (3.6), Integrating from 0 to t, we have: + 2 2] lUlm2 +.(luix)l.l 2. . (3.9) ,, [,,, .... ,,k I. 34 Y. EBIHARA AND D.C. PFJEIRA (3.1o) (-A) Putting w m.-i u"(0) in (3.1) and tending t k 0, we obtain: lu"<o>l +m--1 + <.,+<o> <o>>m +.<luol++>l Uk"o>I m2 (0))m_l (f(0), Thus, I<>I + +-t + "<:l Uok 12,> I-’CO>I.,2, +l"okl.,2 +>l + 2 + +I,,o>I 2 Ifc>l m-I m- + for T > 0. Then, by (A.1), (2.2) and (3.2), we have 2 luco>l m-I where C 6 > -I- 2(p- ’,>luco>l "::6 0 is a constant independent of t and k. Whence, taking T as 0 < T < p, we obtain: (3.11) Thus, by (3.10) and (3.11), we have: I12+ I"lm +.clul>l %"1 2 + 2 t m-1 And by Gronwall lemma and . (A.I), we obtain: ii m-I + lUlIm2 + +1.12 , c8 where C 8 > 0 is a constant independent of t and k. 2 SOLUTION OF A OUASILINEAR HYPERBOLIC EQUATION 35 Whence, () IV) is bounded in L (-A) Putting in (3.9) w (3.12) (O,T;Vm)" m-luk( 3) we obtal n: 2 + lUk (3)I m-I (Uk’ Uk(3) 2 (3) 2 (Uk,U) Thus by (A.1), (A.2), (3.7), (3.8) and (3.12), we have: (3) C 9 12m-1 + PtUk(3) 12 ’---+ VtUk (3) V m 2 + -m -I.f’. 12 (3) 2 Then [Uk(3)12m-1 + 2(p ")lUk (3)Ira2 C where CIO > 0 is a constand independent of t and k. (uk C) (3) is bounded in L lO Whence we can assert that (3.13) (0,T;Vm), PASSAGE TO THE LIMIT. By estimates (3.7), (3.8), (3.12) and (3.13) there is a subsequence of what we denote by (Uk)ke and there exists a function u, such that: N (Uk)ke N (3.14) (0,T;Vm) u k u weak star in L u u u’ weak star in L (O,T;Vm) (3.15) (O,T;Vm) (3.16) (3) u k weak star in L *+ u (3) m) weak star in L (0,T;V (3.17) By (3.14) and (3.15), for m=2, and since the embedding of V is compact in V I, it 2 follows from Aubln-Lions Theorem u k [I0], u strongly in L 2 (0,T;V 1) whence 2 strongly in L (0,T). Now by (3.16), (3.18) 36 Y. EBIHARA AND D.C. PEREIRA Au Au" weak k’ in L 2 (O,T;Vm_2). (3.19) Thus, by (3.18) and (3.19) we have (O,T,Vm_ 2 weak in (3.20) The above convergences permit us to pass to the limit in the approximate equation (3.1), as k (R). We then get: Au- (u" Since ,) ( L2(0,T). for each wV in the sense of REMARK 1. M(lul) the solution u of (2.4) is in C2(0,T;Vm ), and by Sobolev’s theorem with k < n i H (a) k + I, k ck() 0 integer, then u satisfies (2.4) in the classic sense if we choose m large enough. d) UNIQUENESS Let u,v be solutions of (I.I) in the class of Theorem I. Then t u- v satisfies: (3.21) (3.22) (3.23) Taking of scalar product in L 2 () of (3.21) by ’, M([u[1 (v",a’)1 Now, by (A.I) and (A.2), we have where - (I -){u{ 2 2 we obtain: 0 SOLUTION OF A QUASILINEAR HYPERBOLIC EQUATION 2 Id whence by 2 2 2 37 2 C 2 (A.I), 2 2 2 , C 0 (II 2 2)ds. Thus, we have 0 in [O,T] REMARK 2. In the forthcoming work we will try to study the equation (I.I) M(A) when has zero points, that is, degenerate case. REFERENCES I. LOVE, A.H. 2. PEREIRA, D.C. and IZAGUIRRE, R.M. A treatise on the mathematical theory of Dover New York elastlclt. 1944. llneares. 3. Sobre urea equacao de vlbracoes nao Proceedings of 23o semlnarlo Brasilelro de Anallsep Camplnas, Sao Paulo (1986), 155-158. PEREIRA, D.C. 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