Internat. J. Hath. & Hath. Scl. VOL. 12 NO. 1 (1989) 175-192 175 MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS TO CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS NIKOLAOS $. PAPAGEORGIOU University of California 1015 Department of Mathematics Davis, California 95616 (Received June 6, 1988 and in revised form September 26, 1988) The purpose of this paper is to establlsh some new properties of set valued ABSTRACT. measurable functions and of their sets of Integrable selectors and to use them to study convex integral functlonals defined on Lebesgue-Bochner spaces. In this process we also obtain a characterization of separable dual Banach spaces using multlfunctlons and we present some generalizations of the classical "bang-bang" principle to infinite dimensional linear control systems with time dependent control constraints. AND PHRASES. KEY WORD selectlon, Souslln asurable multlfunctlon, space, Weak Itsndon-Nikodym Integrably property, set bounded, valued measurable conditional expectation, infinite dimensional linear control systems, bang-bang principle, convex Integrand, normal subgradlent, subdlfferentlal, conjugate, effective domain, absolutely continuous functlonal, slngular functlonal, Yoslda-Hewltt theorem. 1980 AHS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. Primary 28A45, 46GI0, 46E30, Secondary 54C60. INTRODUCTION. In the last decade the study of measurable set valued functions has been developed combines variety of in the theoretlcal direction and the direction of Many mathematicians have contributed significant results in this area, applications. which both extensively, challenging theoretical fields, like mathematical economics. optimization problems with important applications in a theory, optimal control, statistics and In all those areas the systematic use of multtfuncttons has allowed people to make significant progress and solve many problems. With a series of recent papers extend the general theory of related theory of multimeasures. [18] / [25] the author has started an effort to Banach space valued multifunctions and the closely The present paper continues this effort and provides some applications of the theoretical results obtained. Briefly this paper is organized as follows. In the next section we establish our notation and for the convenience of the reader we recall some basic definitions and 176 N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU from facts general the of theory and mmltlfunctions the In section 3 we have gathered some results, integrands. of properties the of the properties, pointwise its selectors integrable of set about information of theory mmltifunction a measurable in which starting structure of we from extract conditional its Some other related expectation and the properties of the underlying Banach space. In section 4, we of functional analytic nature are also included. proceed to a detailed study of the properties of the set of integrable selectors of a observations multifunction we and present an application control to theory ("bang-bang" type Finally in section 5, we use the results obtained earlier in order to study results). that appear often in problems of optimization, functionals convex integral control and mathematical economics. optimal With this combination of theoretical and applied results, we want to emphasize the importance and the versatility of the theory of multifunctions and attract the interest of mathematicians from different areas. PRELIMINARIES. 2. (, Z) be a measurable space and X Let separable Banach space. a Throughout this work we will be using the following notations: A C X: nonempty, closed, (convex)} Pf(c) A C X: nonempty, (w-) compact, (convex)} P(w)k(c)(X) Also we will be using the following additional three pieces of notation. Ae2X’{}. IAI By o(.,A) the support function of A F: A multifunction function f there exist nl n problem measurable of In applications the most is widely for all the If X is a Souslin space and xX:xeF(m)} e f n By a selector central used in selection of the F(.). The theory theorem, is of the for Polish spaces and was later Z we will denote the universal Z. a-field corresponding to THEOREM 2.1 [30]. [30]. be to said selectors extended to Souslin spaces by Saint-Beuve then there exist xeX, This definition is equivalent to saying that following one which was first proved by Aumann [I] GrF={(m,x) and by d(.,A) the is said to be measurable if for every X s.t. f(m)eF(m) is existence multifunctions. s.t. by ("Castaing’s representation"-see Castaing- Valadier [5]). f: function of II all’ X measurable functions s.t. for every n F() --cl {f ()} A Pf(X) sup. sup (x ,a), x eX i.e., o(x ,A) d(x,F(m))is measurable. m IAI we will denote the norm of A i.e., Let X, ZxB(X), where B(X) F:+2X’{} is a multifunction is the Borel o-field of X, Z-measurable selectors of F(.) s.t. F() c cl{f n ()} nl MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS (l,r-,t) a) If REMARKS. 177 u-flnlte complete measure space, then is a r. Z b) Recall that a Souslln space is always separable, but it need be metrlzable (for c) If F(.) is closed valued and measurable in the sense defined earlier then GrF r.xB(X) (graph measurablity). r. (i.e.r. is complete). The converse is true if r example a separable Banach space with the weak topology), Let (fl,E,) be a u-flnlte measure space and -a,e}, S Using F :f() e F() e we can define a set valued integral for F(.) by f()d():feSIF }. { F()d() We say that if it is measurable and iF(m) eL+I. is Integrably bounded then S Let X C_ Lx be nonempty. F:1 Pf(X) is integrably bounded Using theorem 2.1 we can see that if F(.) fF are both nonempty. F and We say that K is decomposable (also known as "convex with respect to switching") if for all ’In [9], if( Aer. and all (fl’ f2 e KxK, XAfl+XACf2 e X. theorem 3.1., Hiai-Umegakl proved that if K is closed and decomposable, then there exists F: Pf(X) + K measurable s.t. F(.) is integrably bounded. S F- Furthermore if K is bounded, then Using this fact, tllai-Umegakl set valued condltlonal expectation for F(.) as follows. sub-u-fleld of r. {Er’f:fSIF}. K- cl F: let Pf(X) be measurable with [9], went on and defined as Let Zo be a S F Define r. -decomposable and so there exists o Then K is r. E F:&I Z Pf(X) o SEZOF. K -measurable s t The multlfunctlon E OF(.) is the set valued condltlonal expectation of F(.). (,ZIN) be a complete, Next let space. Let f:OxX / RU {+}, f+. u-flnlte measure space and X a separable Banach Following Rockafellar [28] we say that f(.,.) is a normal Integrand if the followlng conditions are satisfied: i) (re,x) f(,x) is ZxB(X) -measurable meO, x f(m,x) is lower semlcontlnuous (l.s.c) Using the celebrated "Von Neumann projection theorem" (see Castalng if) for all / Valadler [5], theorem Ill followlng. 23) we can show that the above two conditions are equivalent to the Recall that if g:X RU{+(R)} then eplg + epif(,.) is graph measurable i’) the multifunctlon ii’) for all R, eplf(,.) Pf(XxR) Note that ii’) immediately implies that condition x:R i) a normal X is measurable, f(.,.) f(,x(m)) eplf(m,.) is measurable. integrand is then is measurable. Because of superpositlonally measurable normal integrands are the Caratheodory integrands. i.e. if A well known example of A normal Integrand f(. ,.) is said N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU 178 , to be convex, if for all f(m,.) is convex. Let Let us also recall some notions from convex analysis. {x*X* f(x) (x*,y-x) yeX}. f(y)-f(x) for all subdlfferential of f(.) at x. Also we define and this is known as the conjugate of f(.). f,X* We define xeX} by f* (x* )=sup {(x* ,x)-f(x) The conjugate and the subdlfferentlal are related by the Young-Fenchel equality, namely: (x*,x). EX. f This is called the x*f(x) if and only if f* (x* )+f(x) Since we are dealing here with extended real valued functions we define the {xeX:f(x)<}. effective domain of f to be: domf Finally, recall that X has the weak Randon-Nikodym property (WRNP) if it has the Radon-Nikodym property for the Pettis integral. MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS. 3. We start with a result in which, knowing the structure of the set of integrable of selectors a we multifunctlon, deduce properties polntwise some of the Another such result was obtained by the author in [25] (theorem 5.1). multlfunction. Assume that (H,Z,) is a complete, o-finite measure space and X a weakly sequentially complete, separable Banach space. THEOREM 3.1. If X* has the WRNP and S nonempty, bounded, closed and convex. F then F(m)gPwkc(X) (theorem 3.2) From Hiai-Umegaki [9] PROOF. l-a.e. that F(.) know we Integrably is bounded and so for all mH’N,(N)--0, F(m) is bounded. Suppose that for some e’N,F() is not w-compact. {x n n)l X is w-sequentially complete with no Cauchy subsequence. Recalling that {Xn} and theorem the fact that apply the result of Rosenthal [29] and deduce that I_+ X Then the Eberleln-Smulian Ix n n)l n)l give us a sequence is bounded, we can is an I -sequence. Hence a contradiction to the fact that X* has the WRNP (see Musial-Ryll Na rdzewski 17 ). REMARK. If X* has the RNP, then the result is immediate, since X is reflexive (see But we know that in general the WRNP does Diestel -Uhl [7], corollary II, p. 198). not imply the RNP. In fact, when X is a Banach lattice we can have a partial converse of the above So assume that (H,r.,) is a complete, o-finite measure space and X a theorem. separable Banach lattice. THEOREM 3.2. > F()Pwkc(X) compact PROOF. S C L F {/ A If the following implication holds: "S I We will show that (H) is nonempty f(m)d(m): feSIF }, Aer.. convex and w- nonempty F -a.e.",then X* is separable and w-sequentially complete. i X. Suppose not. convex and w-compact then Then M(.) is a Pwkc( I) is Then from our hypothesis if F(m)ePwkc(1) u-a.e. Set M(A) -valued multimeasure with a MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS Pwkc( I) 179 -valued density, a contradiction to example 2 of Coste [6]. So gl X and [7], p.95) we deduce that X has the [7], we deduce that Tzafrlrl theorem I, c.4 of IXndenstrauss then from a result of Lotz (see Diestel-Uhl . Since X is separable from corollary 8, p.98 of Diestel-Uhl RNP. X* is separable. Also c X* and so o [16] tells us that X* is w-sequentlally complete. , Also we have a weak compactness result for the set of integrable selectors of a Another such result can be found in [25]. multlfunctlon. property of decomposable subsets of [7], Theorem 4, p. I04). For the convenience Let (,E,) be a o-flnlte measure space we recall the result here. (Proposition 5.1 of the reader But first we will need a which was proved by the author in [26] see also Diestel-Uhl and X a Banach space. PROPOSITION 3.1 [26]. l__f K C_ LX decomposable and bounded then K is is nonempty uniformly Integrabl e. Now assume that in addition X is weakly sequentially complete. lf K C_ LX is nonempty, decomposable, bounded and w-closed, with no then K is w-compact. THEOREM 3.3. 1-sequence From Proposition 4.1 we know that K is uniformly Integrable. Also since X (see Talagrand [31]). Combining these facts with Corollary 8 of Bourgain [4] and the Eberlein-Smulian theorem we get that K PROOF. is weakly sequentially complete, so is Q.E.D. is w-compact. REMARK. bounded. X If is separable So indeed our result is a K then S F w-compactness where F:R Pf(X) integrably is result for the set of integrable selectors of a mmltlfunctlon. 4. PROPERTIES OF THE SET OF INTEGRABLE SELECTORS. This section is devoted to a detailed study of the properties of the set of Those integrable selectors of measurable (or graph measurable) multlfunctlons. results are then applied to the analysis of a family of infinite dimensional llnear control systema with time dependent control constraints. "The material of this section will also be used in the next section, in the study of convex integral functlonals. We will start with an auxilliary result that we will need in what follows and which also generallzes Theorem 1.5 of Hlai-Umegakl [9]. (,Z,N) Assume that is a complete, o-flnlte measure space and X a separable Banach space. LEMMA A. PROOF. we can flnd exists ’{4} lf F: Clearly fS u(.) e cony I----- F conv LX, w* S C F s.t. f [L c0nv F cony F F Suppose that the inclusion is strict so is graph measurable and S s.t. But from [23] we know that: S cony nv SF F then S S From the strong separation theorem there o(u,convS) < <u,f> 180 N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU o(u,convSF1) o(u,S F) heS f (u(t),x)dv() SUp xeF() < f Hence o(u,convS F) (u( m) h( ) )d u( 0) ] O(u(to),F(o))dB() u(0),f())dB() .)eSlc--onvF On the other hand since f( ==> f o(u(m),F())-a.e (u(),f()) f sup. we have f()econ--’- F()B-a.e. f (u(),f())dB() o(u(),F(m))dB() Q.E.D. a contradiction. Using this lemma we can have the following Lyapunov type result. (ll,r.,,) is a complete, that So we assume o-flnite, nonatomlc measure space and X a separable Banach space. ’{@} THEOREM 4.1. If F: is graph measurable and S slc--nvF Note that _--[w S F cony g let neighborhood of g. ueLv SF, So and e>0. L(h) fl,f2K g-- Z i-I lifl,flSF. <Uk, Let h L: m R k)mk-I ,e) be V(g {u Let is convex. and consider A We claim that L(S) m(A)=L(XA(fl-f2) ). A L(XA(fl-f2))+L(f2 AeZ So indeed L(XAfI+XACf2) C AUE L(KAfI+ XAC f2 L(S F) is convex. Thus we can find feSF s.t. L(S F) and is convex. It is easy to see that m(.) is a ,-continuous. So applying Lyapunov’s But since K is decomposable. U weak >k=l theorem we get that Range(m) is ==> a be defined by vector measure of bounded variation which is convex F (4 1) F Clearly L(.) is a continuous linear operator. Let cony {he l<uk,g-h>[<e,k-I .....m} V where cony S F S (lemma a) n Next S Hence we immediately have: is a closed, convex set. C_ S convF then # ). (heYe w indicates the weak topology on PROOF. F L(fl),L(f2) U AeZ L(XAfI+xAcf2). MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS 181 n m 1%1 <uk’fl > }kffil L(g) L(f). t;1 Therefore V(g,{uk} 1’ _-T-w S F }0s S cony and so. F (4.2) F Combining (4.1) and (4.2) we finally have: _--T-w S F =conv S .E.D. F An immediate important consequence of theorem 4.1 is the following result. spaces remain as before, w _._If F:R THEORM 4.2. / Pwkc(X) From Benamara [2] we know that PROOF. SF, S is measurable and then extF S extF extF(to) is graph measurable. to The SF So w SlextF SlconvextF SFI applying Theorem 4.1 we get that (Krein-Mllman theorem) Another interesting consequence is the following result about the set valued Let conditional expectation. E -at oms O THEOREM 4.3. If E Pf(X) F:ll sub-o-fleld of E and assume that be a O is integrably bounded and S F (.) has no is w-compact in r. the.n. PROOF, F(to) E is -a.e. convex. Slr. From Theorem 4.1 we have that E W is convex. F Since o in (Eo). E Therefore S EEoF is convex E F(to) EoF .a.e. convex. is Now we examine the strong closure of SF. So let (R,E,) is then S a complete, o-finlte measure space and X a separable Banach space. 2X’{} THEOREM 4.4. If F:R PROOF. Since let L :R n -F we get that S is closed in 2X’{} be Note that (to,x) is graph measurable and S F T. F S F F defined by: lx-f(to>ll is a Caratheodory function and so it is Jointly 182 N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU GrFeZxB(X). f n : / {(,x)exX:llx-f(t)ll ’ 1_.} n Hence measurable. n)l, GrL eZxB(X). Therefore for all () f()" e, n)1. lfn()ll II f()ll Since Also by hypothesis Apply Theorem 2.1 to find n f ()eL () for all n n X measurable s.t. ’ fn eZ.xB(X). Then clearly for all + I, applying the dominated convergence theorem, we get that f --" f n fESIF =-> ==> S SF. F Q:E.D. However before passing to it, we need The result has an interesting consequence. It generalizes a similar result of Klai-Umegaki [9], who [9]). The to have the following lemma. required the multifunctlons to be closed valued (see Corollary 1.2 of spaces remain as before. LEMMA B. F2(m) F I() PROOF. mA. (where E A graph 2X’{o} be g:A Apply theorem 2.1. to find R() for all {n}n)l Let FA. (A)>0 s.t. FI(m)’F2(). defined by R() / SFI and measurable Then there exists AE with Suppose not. Let R:A E A). all g() FI,F2:2X’{} are l__[f -a.e. S then F2 FI()’F2() # 0 GrRCZAXB(X) for Then X measurable s.t. be a Z-partition of Define n mn {C Then clearly is a mn m,n)l > find m,n)l s.t. (C mn O. > 0 we can mn Then because of the decomposability of F produceslthe (A) mn f() for This Since Set g() for where f(.)gS E-partltlon of A. derived contradiction, SFI f eS F1 while f S F q2.E.D. Now we are ready for the theorem. THEOREM 4.5. l_f then PROOF. that F() F:il F() X’{#} 2 Pf(X) is graph measurable and S F is nonempty and closed -a.e. From Theorem 4.4 we have that S F F() -a.e. >F(.) is valued -a.e. S F SF. Apply . 1emma 6% to get Now we will apply the results of this section to obtain versions of the "bang-bang principle for infinite control constraints. dimensional linear control systems with time dependent So consider the following system: (t) A(t)x(t)+B(t)u(t) x(o) x 0 u(t)eU(t)a.e (4.3) 1 u(.)eL, MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS tcR+ 183 B(.)9oc(R+;L(X)), A(t) is an unbounded, linear operator and where L(X) is the space of all bounded linear operators from X into itself. We will assume that the linear evolution problem (t) -A(t)x(t), x(o)=x admits a fundamental O L(X). solution $: {(t,s) :0st} Conditions on A(.) that guarantee the existence of $(..) can be found in Kato [12]. Then if (R sX) we knoe that (4.3) __OC Here B(.)u(.) has a mild solution x U (.)Cx(R+) given by: t x (t) U @(t,o)xO + f (t,s)B(s)u(s)ds, + O Let R(t) be the set of the attainable points of system (4.3) using all feaslble controls and let R (t) be the set of attalnable points of (4.3) using extremal e controls (i.e. u(t)eextU(t) a.e.). The next as viewed the relation between those two sets and can be theorem establishes an infinite generalization dimensional of principle" (see Hermes- LaSalle [8]). 4.e. _then for all PROOF. Clearly we S R(t) w tR+ Re(t) need to show definition there exists u(.)eS the classical extU * 0 convex R(t) C R (t) that So e let xcR(t)o U s.t. t x(t)f(t,o)x O + f O From Theorem 4.2 we know that there exists net Then for every x*X* we have: t t f (x*,$(t,s)B(S)Ub(S))ds O O from the pcopectte off 0(,,,) (eee to Hence s + B*(s)(t,s)xt belongs LX in (.)S- xtU s.t. ub IIx*lle have [0,tl and so we have: t t f 0 ! tL f ’ t1 *<,)11 [12]) Note that o (B*(s)@*(t,s)x*, f Ub(S))ds (B*(s)@(t,s)x*,u(s))ds 0 t ==> f (x*,#(t,s)S(s)u(s))ds O t ==> f @(t,s)B(S)Ub(S)ds f O O (t, s)B(S)Ub(S)ds t Set x b Then => Xb x. Clearly @(t,o)x + f $(t,s)S(s)u(s)ds O XbCRe(t) -> x(t) cR e "bang-bang (t)w==> R (t) e w= R(t)w. By N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU 184 The convexity of the set is clear from the convexity of the values of U(.). lot(R+)- With an L u(.), we Q.E.D. boundedness hypothesis on the control constraint multifunctlon can improve the conclusion of Theorem 4.6. OC _--_-then tR+, for all Re (t)wePwkc (X)" R(t) t f PROOF. By definition R(t)--(t,o)x + (t,s)B(s)U(s)ds. o o Note that for all x*eX* o(x*,(t,s)B(s)U(s)) Caratheodory function O(B*(s)*(t,s)x*,U(s)) Pwkc(X)-valued and measurable, (s z* from flxX* into R. Also since U(.) is Therefore it o(z*,u(s)) is is a Jointly measurable and Invoking theorem 111-37 of Castalno(B*(s)C*(t,s)x*,U(s)) is measurable. (t,s)B(s)U(s) is a Pwkc(X)-valued, integrably Valadier [5], we conclude that s So we can apply proposition 3.1 of [18] (see also [22]) and bounded multlfunctlon. so s get that . t o (t,s)B(s)U(s)dSPwkc(X) ==> R(t)Pwke(X) teR+. E..D. When X is a finite dlmensllonal Banach space, we obtain an extension of LaSalle’s "bang-bang principle" (see Hermes-LaSalle [8]),to linear control with time 2X’{} is graph Recall that if F:R nonconvex control constraints. and (.)is nonatomlc, then fF is convex Csee Kleln-Thompson [13] measurable, S dependent, F1 Theorem 17.1.6 and for a generalization to Banach spaces [23]). THEOREM 4.8. __If U: R+ Pf(X) then for all 5. is measurable and tcR+, Re(t) IU(.)t eLloc(1 R+) RCt)ePkc(X). CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS ON LEBESGUE-BOCHNER SPACES. In this section we use the theoretical results obtained previously, to conduct a study of convex integral functlonals which are defined on Lebesgue-Bochner spaces. Our work in this section extends , earlier of results Rockafellar [27] (finite dimensions) and Bismut [3] (finite dimensional or" separable, reflexive Banach spaces). It is well known that if X is finite dimensional space and an integral functional is weakly lower semicontlnuous on then the integrand is automatically convex in the state variable (See Bismut [3], Theorem and Rockafellar [27] Theorem I). Here we extend this result to separable Banach spaces and we present a different, simpler proof using Theorem 4.1. First we need a Lemma. Asse that (i,l,) is a complete, o-flnlte, nonatomlc measure space and X a separable Banach space. LEMMA A. If F: 2X’{} is graph measurable and S 140, F MASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS the_._n SF PROOF. have S F(w) . F(w)ePfc(X) First asstne w-a.e. that S w-closed in Then from Theorem 4.1 F Using Lemma B of section 4 we conclude that S F is w-closed if an only if convF =-> convF(w) -a.eo Now assume that F( w) ePfc (X) F()Pfc(X -a.e. Then S F is closed and convex Now we are ready for our theorem The spaces are as above R is an integrand for x: X measurable we Also if f:xX set If(x) f(m,x())d() (if the integral is not defined then we set I I) there exist then f(w,.) is PROOF Let E: Since the Integrand (Xo(.) that let (Xb’)v ’{@} W-_xx RtA f A l(z) I (x) I(z) 4 llm is w-l.s.c. A If(xb) So indeed S that E(w) e E Pfc(X) 4 -+). If(x o) < ", -lower semicontinuous, -a.e convex be the multlfunctlon deflnted by E() f We claim that SE is w-closed in xR(). Then for all Ar. we have: f( ’xb())d(w) If(XAZ + cf f(m’Xo(m))d() < " So z + s.t. LX, /0. (x,A). If(Xb) and If(x) eplf(,.). f(.,.) is normal E(.) is closed valued and measurable. Mso note f+(.,Xo(.))e Note that Xo()L x Is,( If(.) So it is w- R is a normal integrand s.t. I__f f:xX b) we -ae. closed. THEOREM 5.1. 185 f (m)d(m) A XAcxo) Acf(a,Xo(W))dt(w Also z() / (XAZ + XAcXo) is afflne continuous Hence A(w) d(w)-=> f(w,x(w)) 4 A(w) -a.eo A is w-closed in __xR W’a.e--> f(w,.) is ==> (x,A)S Applying Lemma A we get -a.e. convex. Q.E.D. Now we pass to the subdifferential of f.(.). So assume that (,r.,) is a complete, o-finite, measure space and X a separable Banach space. We will need the This result was first proved by oslda-Hewitt [32] decomposition theorem for [Lx] for X=R (see also Rockafellar [27]). Then it was extended to separable Banach spaces by Ioffe-Levin [I0] and Rockafellar [28] and later to nonseparable Banach space by 186 N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU Levln [15]. to , A functional u(.)[Lx] geL1, if there exists X < A functional {a exist In+ ill) < (g()), x())d() for all x(.)L veiLX] is be to said singular X- with respect if to there c Z s.t. n i) absolutely continuous with respect * > u,x is said to be s.t. nl Rn nl _c v,x > (Rn 0 for all xL [15] THEOREM 5.2. . I.__ continuous on L X at 0 for all s.t. x where R Ar., (A)<(R) and for some nl. n Yo admits a unique decomposition is absolutely continuous and is singular with Ys IlYll l[Yoll + llYoll" Furthermore TttEORII 5.3. X A) 0 Every functional Ya+ Ys Y respect to li) R is a convex, norl integrand and f:l!xX If(.) is strongly Xo(.) .then 8If(x o) , c L X is nonempty and * W Furthermore if X * is separable th.en w(LI,X * ,Lx)-compact. W f(,x o()) is a Pwkc(X)-valued integrably bounded ltifunction. . , and let x * -Xla+Xls be its decomposition according to Theorem From Levin [15], Theorem 6.4, we know that: 5.2. (If) Since Let , Let x ell x] PROOF. If(.) x*eSIf(Xo )" is s-contlnuous at x O if x* S 8If(x o) # . Then by definition we have: <ta + Note If,(Xa*) + o(x;,domIf) (x) that x, Xo> because of If(Xo)+Clf)*Cx*) the continuity IfCXo)+If, CXa)+oCx,domIf) of If(.) at x ,x 0 then < X’s, Xo > < o(x;, domlf) which when used back in (4.4) produces a contradiction. Therefore x*s 0 ==> x* X*a ==> If(xo)_ _c LX* , W O O intdom 4.4) If and so MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS Xo(.) 187 Also the continuity at tells But the restriction of the w*-topology on w( * ,, w Now, if X*, * is separable, then w Also from Rockafellar [28] * is w( If(x o) Therefore Lx)-topology. 81f(Xo is w*-compact uslthat L, coincides with the in [L x] ,,Lx)-Compact. w , LX, we know that (see Ionescu-Tulcea [1 1] ). If(x o) S o 8f(,Xo ()) proposition 5.1 of [25], we conclude that So applying f(. ,x (.))" Pwkc(X)-valued is Q.E.D. Our result generalizes Theorem 2 and its corollary in Blsmut [3]. In this integrably bounded multifunctlon. REMARK. paper X was assumed to be separable, reflexive. Next we look at some special type of subgradlents namely extremal subgradlents. This spaces are as above. Xo(.), _-__-then extSIf(Xo continuous on L X at u(0) ext)f(o,x o(o) . is w( If(xo) extIf(xo theorem we have that extslsf( ,xo()) But Hence u:Sel’xt)f(. ,Xo(.) --> we functional Assigns our turn w SSf(. ,x o (.) ==> extIf.(xo) [2], extS )f( slext )f( ’Xo()) ,x 0 )" 8f(O,Xo(O) )l-a.e. Q. E .D. the for of conjugate convex the integral If: LXI/ that (R,Z,)is THEOREM 5.5. space and X a nonatomlc measure finite, / RU{+m} is w-lnf-compact, if for all If f:RxX + R is a convex, normal integrand which is w-inf compact in x for all eR and there exists then.. If,(.) is topology). Since [15] or Rockafellar the x(.)eL.*.,A If(x(.)) < + =, (Here m(.,.) denotes the Macke y w-lnf-compact, from Moreau’ s , If is Since from convex analysis we know that is m-contlnuous at O. (If) [28]). interior s.t. m(Lx,(R) w*’Lxl)-cntlnuus hypothesis by Laurent [14]) we have that in complete, a Recall that f:X A} is w-compact. ER,{xX:f(x) continuous So by the Krein-Mllman Lx)-Compact. If(x o) Also u(o) Eext attention separable Banach space. PROOF. ,, * from Benamara Now and for all strongly P-a.e. We know that PROOF. If(.) is uextSIf(Xo), is a convex, normal integrand and THEOREM 5.4. If f:xX of its domain, Also [If] If* we have to show that theorem (see Levln If,(.)is mIf,(.) is finite eve rywhe r e. From the fact that If,(.) is m-contlnuous at O, we get that there (see exists 188 N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU {filter of VCNm(0) we have m(Lx L )-neighborhoods of the origin} s.t. for all x*cV . + If,(0) If,(x*) From the definition of the Mackey topology, we know that V relatively w-compact set W in {x*(.):Lx,w* V Since W is relatively f sup ueW eoaet =. cause n in sup f(x*(),u())d,() < u with f*(,x*())dB(m) Ak If,(.) fII is m-continuous at () < f*(,X A f O, f ugW 0 there exists 6 > 0 s.t. I, for ..... en n. ()x*())d()- ff*C,o)d( k AC f*(,o)d() < . k < l. and If*(’XAk(m)x*C))d"(O --> f fo all k=l sup (x*(t),u())du(m) uW A k R e , f (XAk()x*(t), u())d,(m) Therefore XAkX*(.) V so: Also sup > z" k= since from Theorem SO for all e n m).f 1} ( (&i,Z,) Is finite, nonatoc, from Saks lem we knn that we can { }k= E find en , (x*(t),u(t))d(t) we have that W is unifoly integrable. Take e is the polar set of a So we can write: f*(o,x*(o))d(o) < If, (0) If, (XAkX*) + +(R). ==> If,(x*) < and since x*gLx, was arbitrary, we have that dora w* Now we will obtain a description for I f, =Lx, domlf, Q. E .D. w* So assume that (R,E,)is a complete, o-flnlte measure space and X a separable Banach space. We recall that if f:X f:X RU{+ }, f RU{+ } is defined by fo(h) addition lower semi continuous, then # + is convex, then the recession function su{f(x+h)-f(x): xedomf}. f(h) sup >0 f(x+%h)-f(x) If f(.) is in MEASURABLE MULTIFUNCTIONS AND CONVEX INTEGRAL FUNCTIONALS THEOREM 5.6. x and then we have on R is a convex, normal integrand, there exist If f:xX x*Lx, If(x)< s.t. 189 and If,(x*) and for all S,.(.,.)and domIf, <+" If(.) is lower semfcontfnuous x*(.)sextdomlf, we x*()extdomf*(,.) -a.e. have PROOF. Since by hypothesis If(.) is l.s.c, on i L and convex, from Theorem 6.8.5. of Laurent [14], we have: (If)(R) o(x,dom(If)*). (x) Since by hypothesis domlf , (If)* If,, while from a simple application of the monotone convergence theorem (see also Blsmut [3], Proposition I) we have that: (If).(x) Therefore If. f f(,x(0)d() Observe that domf*(,.) U o(x,d-mlf,). But n} {x*X*:f*(,x*) f(R)(0,x()) =-> o(x(,dom----f*(, .) ). domf*(,.) is graph nl measurable. mso So applying Theorem 2.2 of Hial-Umegakl [9] we get x*Sdom,(.,.). that: , sup (x* ,x(o) )d I() x* domf* j’Cx* (),xC ))d () sup x*(. )dS-do, C. ,.) ==> o(x,domlf,) o(x,S domf*(., .) Since both sets are clearly convex, we conclude that: domlf, &do*(.,.) The second part of the conclusion, follows from the following equalities (see Benamara [2] extdoml f, extS-do, (.,) Sext-omf, (.,.) Q.E.D. 190 N.S. PAPAGEORGIOU AO(NCLEDGEMENT. This research was supported by N.S.F. Grants D.M.S. -8602313 and D.M.S.-8802688. REFERENCES i. AUMANN, R. 2. BENAMARA, M. Measurable utility and the measurable choice theorem, La Decision, Colloque International du C.N.R.S.,Parls (1967), 15-26. Sections mesurables extremales d’une multl-appllcatlon. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t.278 (1974), 1249-1252. 3. 4. BISMUT, J.M. Integrales Convexes et (1973), 639-673. An averaging result for BOURGAIN, J. Probablltes, 1-sequences J. 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