Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. ii NO. 4 (1988) 675-682 675 AN APPLICATION OF STRESS ENERGY TENSOR TO THE VANISHING THEOREM OF OIFFERENTIAL FORMS KAIREN CAI Department of Mathematics and Statistics Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1653 (Received September 29, 1987) ABSTRACT. The author applies the stress energy of differential forms to study the vanishing theorems the Liouville type. of such as underlying manifolds the complex hyperbolic space form, stress energy tensor is of #anishes. Euclidean It is shown that f0or a large class of n-space, the complex n-space, and the if any vector bundle valued p-form with conservative finite norm or slowly divergent norm, then the p-form This generalizes the recent results due to Hu and Sealey. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. Conservation, stress energy tensor, complex hyperbolic space form, vector bundle valued p-form. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 58AI0. I. INTRODUCTION. The classical Liouville theorem states that any bounded harmonic function defined on the entire theorem. Yau plane is a constant [I] generalized it Later many authors generalized the function. to harmonic manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature. functions on complete Riemannian It was further extended to harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds by Fells and Sampson [2], Cheng [3], Garbar et al. [4], Hu [5], Xin [6], Sealey [7] and others. It is well known that if the field equation of a physical system is obtained by means of calculating the derivative of the action functional I, we can define a so called stress energy tensor S such that S is conservative at the critical values of I. In particular, the stress at a point of an elastic body is described by a tensor 3 in the Euclidean space R The law of conservation of momentum about some (Sij) origin implies the stress equilibrium means that that if Sij energy tensor Sij be divergence free. the map between Riemannlan manifolds tensor is conservative. be symmetric and the system be in Recently, Baird and Fells [I] proved is harmonic, then its stress energy This might make the harmonic map a new physical explanation. K. 676 The purpose of the paper is to apply the stress energy tensor of p-form with values in a vector bundle over some klnd of Rlemannlan manifolds to the vanishing theorem of the Liouvllle type. THEOREM I.I. U vector bundle over slowly or finite U Let n n. The main result is the following. be the complex hyperbollc space form and F a Hermltlan Let be a p-form with values in F, p < n. n U and its stress energy over norm divergent If is of tensor is 0. conservatlve, then It must be pointed out that this is a more general vanishing theorem of vector valued p-form. We all know that there are many important maps between Riemannlan manifolds such as harmonic, relative harmonic [5], holomorphic [8] and relative affine maps [9] whose differentials possess the free divergent stress energy tensors. Sealey [7] proved that if the norm of a harmonic l-form with values In a bundle U n is integrable, then the l-form vanishes. vector bundle over Therefore, Theorem means that under a weaker conditlon than Sealey’s,a stronger conclusion still holds In section 2 after introducing some notations, we establish an integral formula of the stress energy tensor and some kind of radial variational formmla for p-forms by using the Lie derivative. I, these In sectlon 3, we prove Theorem I.I. by Besides being applied to the proof of Theorem formulas are of interest in its own right. means of estimating the first variation of the norm of p-form motivated by the method in [4]. Finally, can manifold be expand our result to the general case where the underlying we the complex n-space some or klnd of conformal flat Riemannlan ma ni fo Ids. 2. NOTATIONS AND LEMMAS. For simplicity, we only state some notations and fornmlas for the Remannian vector bundle over real Riemannlan manifold, those of Hermtlan vector bundle over Kaehler manifold can be written correspondently. , 8 > Z < il<...<iP where m, 8 s ^PT*M-F X X APTx *M- Fx We define an inner product in over Rlemannian manifold M. < Let F be a Riemannian vector bundle (ell {e 1,..., e n e i ), P 8(ell e i > P is any orthonormal basis of this polntwise inner product over M gives an inner product in the space of sections of APT*M-F. For a linear connection covarlant derivative by . by setting T x M. AP(F), Integrating which denotes V on F we define the P (Vy)(X for Y, X e A(TM). d (X: Xp) rye(El,..., Xp) The exterior differential Xp+l) (X i=l d:AP(F) ,VyX I A p+I ,Xp) (F) is given by (2.2) APPLICATION OF STRESS ENERGY TENSOR p+] (-I) i+l V x (-)+ + X i :AP(F) A(TM),, AP-I(F) X ,, i,J I, ) p . (2.3) Xp+l i’’’’’ ([x,x], x, i<j where -:(X i 677 p+I, X i means X i is Xp+ The deleted. codlfferentlal is given by n 6(X Xp_I) V e i=l i (e i, X 1,---, Xp_ I). (2.4) The generalized Laplace-Beltraml operator for p-form with values in F is defined d6 + 6d. Any p-form 0 with values in F satisfying the equations dto 0, by A 6to 0 is called harmonic. If M is a manifold without boundary and to is of compact support, then to is Vto harmonic iff to "to The symmetric square of to 0. e AP(F) is a symmetric F-valued 2-tensor defined by "’ to < (X,Y) A(TM), where X,Y H Eto the norm of i x i to y > to (2.5) denotes the contraction with X. We call (2.6) e to *I over M where to i x Sto e g e Ito[ 2/2" to The stress energy tensor of to is given by (2.7) to "to in which g is the metric tensor of M. LEMMA 2.1. Suppose X be a vector field with compact support over M and to p-form with values in a vector bundle, then f< L M to x to > f *I div S M S0 in which div to ] (X) *I + 8M S is the divergence of "m (x, a/an) *I 8/8n the unit outward normal and (2 8) to 8M. Since [6 PROOF. < Sto(X) div i dto, u x > < + 6to, i xm >, (2.9) we get < L x to, to > < i x div x Sto(X) + < di x m, m > < to, i to x > Integrating and using Green theorem immediately complete the proof. (2.10) K. CAI 678 : M / N be a smooth map Let us consider a special case of the above formula. Assume from a Rlemannlan manifold M without boundary to Riemannlan manifold N. According to Lemma I, we know that f< L slv S# < z@, M so S@ where <d#(X), 6d# (2.12) n and d@ is the torsion field of The stress energy tensor of a harmonic map from is a differential submersion and its Conversely, if d@ un(p) Let un(p). Suppose t is harmonic. p in the complex n-space be an open disc with radius be an F-valued p-form over and z is of conservative stress energy tensor, then LEMMA 2.2. C @ tensor of COROLLARY (Baird and Eells [i0]). M to N must be conservative. differential (2.1 l) *l > d@ Thus, we easily prove #. > M the stress energy is f > "I d#, d# x be an l-parameter family of p-forms such that m (Z Z t where un(p), to z. n U z , and < (p), 0 t tP(#t p , (2.13) tz (ZI’’’" Zp) [zl<O, {ZI, Z are P the constant vector fields over is induced from parallel transport in F along the straight llne from tz t Then we have d dt PROOF. t tffil (2 14) Lr8/r" This depends largely on a direct computation. One can easily see that at t= d d-- (@t * (2.15) Vrs/ r o(ZI,..., Zp) Zp) tz (ZI Therefore at t=l ddt mt (ZI Zp) Zp) Vrs/ rm(z On the other hand, we may assume z i It follows that [r/r,Z i] =-Z + pm(Z /z i or /zi. .... Thus, [Z (2.16) Zp) i,zj] 0 and i. (LrS/Sr ) (Z ,..., Zp) . (i ra/ar da + dirS/ar ) Zp) (Z P =d(ra/Or,Zl,..., Zp) =Vra/ar (Z Z p + (-i) i+l + p (Z I’ Vzlw(ra/ar,Zl,..., Z Zp). i Zp) (2.17) 679 APPLICATION OF STRESS ENERGY TENSOR The proof is completed. From lemmas 2.1, 2.2 we Immedlately obtain is an F-valued p-form with conservative stress energy tensor, LEMMA 2.3. If 1o 0 at t /dt then 2.. dlltil Finally, we give the following. Let F be a Hermltlan vector bundle over DEFINITION. values in F. U m over The norm of n e *I U n and m be a p-form with U n called slowly divergent if f(r) and dr 0 hold for any positive continuous function f(r) in (0,I) (for example / log (l-r) ), we have f(r) f(r)e *I < -. THE PROOF OF THEOREM I.I. After establishing the preceding lemmas, it is not difficult We represent the complex hyperbolic space n in C with the complete Kaehler metric [II] (I lzaz a) (ZdZadZ a) g=4 r-za a) (I It is obvious to see that + form by the to prove Theorem open (lzadz a) (EZadZ a) unit disc (3 .1) 2 T I’0 (U n) and T 0’I (U n) have respectively the orthonormal Z Z bases r 2 /l-r B ’z 2 2 I"- B z2 B r zn 2 and r 2 2 8 _-X-’, Zl r2 41 2 z2 /I ) 2 z2 n For convienence, we may asse that is of degree (k,h), k+h p. Then m can be expressed as a fll "IkJl ...JhdZ A .Adz^dZjlA...AdZjh. (3.2) K. 680 To begin with we calculate the inner product at the point (z 1,0,...,0). At that time, the Kaehler metric is reduced to n 4 g (I r do dz or dz 3 t U n (3.3) alt among which dz d and consists of such p-forms those of 2t contain factor Using (2.13), (3.3), we can compute that are the remains. t Then, since 2 3 ml not and z2 Z dzadz a) 2 + (I + t + t to t t t factors the contain We can decompose that 2) d (dz 2 (I r2) p (I t2r2) p+I’ (I r 2)p+2 (3.4) is a homogeneous space, the restriction on z can be removed and these n. elements of Denote dV and dS be the volume z e U expressions hold for all n 2 n Now We have dV U and the hypersphere S in U respectively. 2drdS / (l-r). r assuming 2 A(r,t) r Imtl2ds 2 (3.5) r we get p 2 ilatl 0 -r 2 dr f la tl2ds 0f S r and dd_ I[mtll2 -d t2p-2n f l=lp [ll+ where Gz/t i n 2 Ico212 (I (1 4 det( (1 r 2) 2 (3.6) A(r,t)dr r2/t2) p+I r2) p+I (I 2 2 r /t ) + ( ( r2/t2)P r2) p 1312 (x(1 aS+ azBlt2]) (3.7) r2/t2) p+2 r2) p+2 Gz/tdzdz i n 2 4n/(l r2/t2)n+l (3 .S) Then at t--I 2 d Iic ll PA<P, 1) + 2(p n)11l12p f 2 (3.9) APPLICATION OF STRESS ENERGY TENSOR Here we assne p < pA(p,I) 2(n- p) I=l,p O 0 such that 0 K e AP(F)do < 0 < 0 --2(n- p) 0 is simpler than the former and can It follows from Lemma 3.1 that be treated by the same way. Suppose that n-I n-I because the case of p 681 Ii 2 (n-p- !)r (I + (n p) (l 2 r 2) zero identically on not equal )dV. U n. (3.10) Thus there exists and zI(P0 i,12( p- 1)r ( +. (n p) (I 2 r dv 2) > 0 (3.11) Therefore P K 0 + 2(n- p) pA(p,I) (I + P0 (n (n 2 l)r p r p) (I 2) A(r,l) dr. (3.12) .According to the method in [7], one can prove that A(p,I) for some K > f f(r) K l/ (1-r 0 and all 2) n-p-I P0 < p < I. (3.13) Then for any positive continuous function f(r) with 01-r dr we have f f(r)emdV f n U PO rf(r)A(r l)dr K f PO f(r) r 2dr This ends the proof. Finally, instead of considering the complex hyperbolic space form functioning as the underlying manifolds, we can consider the other kind of underlying manifolds such n as the Euclidean n-space the complex n-space R C and some conformal flat n, Riemannian manifolds. Since the corresponding lemmas still exist, one may derive the corresponding estimations over these manifolds. For sake of simplicity, we only state the following. n If the stress energy be a p-form with values in F over C n tensor of m is conservative and the norm of m over C is finite or slowly divergent, THEOREM 3. I. then vanishes. Let 682 K. CAI A conformal flat Riemannlan metric g on DEFINITION 3.1. n R is called to be of type A if (A) g2 f2(x) 2 x. and the mean curvature normal H of En S r never pointing away from zero. g is called to be of type B if the underlying space is the n open unit disc in R and (B) f2(r) g H of S dx curvature normal r i f0 n-2Pdr where f satisfying and the mean never pointing away from zero. Let M be a conformal flat Riemannian manifold of typed A or B. THEOREM 3.2. m be a Riemannian vector bundle valued p-form over M, stress energy tensor. If the norm of p > n/2, Let with conservative over M is finite or slowly divergent. Then vanishes. The author would like to thank Professor C.W. Ho and Professor T. A(XNOWLEDGEMENTS. Wu for their encouragement and help. 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