Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. VOL. 11 NO. 3 (1988) 523-526 523 COMPUTATION OF RELATIVE INTEGRAL BASES FOR ALGEBRAIC NUMBER FIELDS MAHMOOO HAGHIGHI Department of Computer Science Bradley University Peoria, IL 61625 (Received March 2, 1987 and in revised form September 21, 1987) ABSTRACT. At first we are given conditions for existence of relative integral bases for extension (K;k) extensions Then we will construct relative integral bases for n. OK6 (6/)/Ok2(/) OK (6/)/Ok3(3/), OK6(6/) / Z. 6 Integral Bases and Principal Ideal. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 115. EXISTENCE OF A RELATIVE INTEGRAL BASES. i. The following criterion has been shown in [I] for existence of a Relative Integral Bases, for any finite extension K/k. THEOREM I.I. Let (K;k) COROLLARY 1.2. Ok+-dK/k P.I.D., then h If O K every finite extension of k where O Let k so Q OK1, OK2 OK3 extensions and k dK/k k K6 Q(6/) are P.I.D. and then by corollary 1.2, K6/kl, K6/k2, K6/k P.I. Therefore for P.I.D., a relative integral bases exists. Q(3) Q(/) k2 be an odd integer then O has a K k is a principal ideal. See also [2]. n, and let h "relative integral bases" over hkl hk2 hk relative integral bases for Since exists. 3 Now, we will compute the relative discrlmlnant for the extensions. and for some 8 e K, O in Ok(8) K and 8 satisfies an equation F(8) (n) 8(t)), where 8, 8 (I) 8 (2) 8 DK/k Since extensions K2/K I, K3/K have dlscrlminant divisible [3] dlscrimlnants K6/k2, K63, K6/ are also divisible by (8 (F(8) Then ramified in Let (K;k)= n 0 of degree n. are conjugates [3]. by 3 [3], by theorem 3 and 3 is completely kl,klk 3. For extension K6/k 2, DK6/k 2 DK6 /k 2 6/ 8 (8- 8(I))(8 (-3) 4/3 for we therefore have: 8 (2)) dK6/k NK6/k (DK6/k2) 2 2 I, 3 (6-D 6//) (6/ _02 6) -I + 2 (-3) 4 By the definition in [4], M. HAGHIGHI 524 For extension dK6/k K6/k 3, By theorem in [4], II (-3) 6, 0 DK6 (0-0 DK6 /k (-3) DK6/k Uk2/k / kl (I)) (-3) 4/3 I/6 (-3) /k dK6 II/6 (-3) (-3) then I/2 then 2 See also [5] Now we will construct relative integral bases for the extensions. for associated work. For For 2. K3/k I, K2/k I, (1,3/, 3/)2). OK3 OK2 II disc(l,e,) 3p) 2 Now 282(3p2 We may take e they are in Since 06 (-3)4 and 6/ and 3/ N6/3 (e) (I, 06 3. 06(6)/O2(/). (l,,B)O 2 for ,B in 06 (i,)O 06 - 06 By theorem2 in Pa P28 dK6/k e for 4 are in 03 e.B / and we have: 02 O6(6/)Io3(3/). Again by theorem [6] 06 2 4a 2 Jl -=J because (-3) dK6/k2, 2 because they satisfy an 3/(-3)5 6, 6V’(,3)2 [6], disc (l,,B) /. here 6{(-3), 8 N6/3(8) and disc(l,) 6/ Note 3 06 rom RELATIVE INTEGRAL BASES FOR Let Z, [3]. 1+/z )- Z, [3]. (I, 2 RELATIVE INTEGRAL BASES FOR Let N6/3() dK6/k3 3V’, _6/ _3,/’i-" 2 4 E: 03 Hence ,o.) is not a relative integral bases. We define and 06 for 2 B 03 such that N6/3() is divisible by 2.2 03 it satisfies the conditions, this is 3(-3)2 If we take 4 because 2 2 Also, disc(l,a) 4. 4 dk6 /k 3(-3)2 + 6/ [I Let 0 6/i Q(6), 6 e 0 2 RELATIVE INTEGRAL BASES FOR Since K 3/ 03 22 22. by theorem [6], so that: 06 I/2 3 06(6/Z)/Z. at first we start by: 06 (1,0,02,03,04,05 06 Since disc(l 0 Z 02 03 0 W, 05) 22 dK6/k we can apply COMPUTATION OF RELATIVE INTEGRAL BASES 22 22 22 theorem [3] in order to cancel out bases (** i We will build a new (*i first bases element (*I , {(*i: (*0/2 (*0" is going to be changed. 525 and generate a new bases. 0 5}. By the theorem [3] we check which I/2 06 Thus there is no change for the I. (*0 gi(*O + (*I gi(*0 + 2 2 8 for (*i* I. For any value of gi’ 0gi is not in 06 This is because N6/3((*I I+6/: I-6Z I-3 2 2 4 is no change for (*2* (*3 2 for e For any value of gi’ for 06" I. Ogi (*4 4 gl(*O + g2(*l + g3(.2 + , 6/ + 6/(_3) g4(.3" + (*4 , 6,/ + 6/ 6,/ 03 and for other values In this case for g2 6 2 4 gl(*0 + g2l + g3(.2 + g4u3 *+ *+(*5 2 64(-3)2 + 64(-3) 5 This is because 06 2 gi’(*5* 06" 4.3 2 g4 I, for g2 e 03, e gi’(*4* 606" I, g5 N6/3( and for other 03 and for other values This last assertion is since 22 disc((*0’(*l’(*2’(*3*’(*4*’(*5*) 22 22. 2 2 22 dK6/k I, 22 and each (*i’ ei* are in 06 by theorem [6]. 06 I, This is because 2 (*5* of g3 g2 2 N6/3((’4") (*5 then there will This is because: gi’(*3* 06" , (*2* 06 In this case for gl e of so there 03 (*2" gl(*0 + g2(*l + g3(.2 + (*3 64(-3) I. 0Sgi 2 (*3* N6/3(8/2) and also since I" gl(*O + g2(*l + (*2 be no change for , 03 2 2 2 "Z. then 526 M. HAGHIGHI REFERENCES I. NARIEWICZ, W. Elementary and Analytic Theory of 1976. 2. ARTIN, E. Questions de Base Minimal dans la Theorie des Nombres Algebriques, National de la Recherche Scientifiques XXIV, (1950), 19-20. 3. COHN, H. A Classical Invitation to Alebraic Numbers and Class Field Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1978. 4. COHN, H. 5. 6. Alebraic Numbers, Pwin, Warsaw, Introduction to the Construction of Class Fields, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1985. HAGHIGHI, M. Relative Integral Bases for Algebraic Number Fields, Internat. J. Math. and Math. Scl. 9 (1986), 97-104. RIBENBOIM, P. Algebraic Number Theory, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1972.