Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. II NO. 2 (1988) 405-412 405 SOME APPLICATIONS OF LEGENDRE NUMBERS PAUL W. HAGGARD Department of Mathematics, East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina 27858 U.S.A. (Received August 26, 1986) The associated Legendre functions are defined using the Legendre numbers. ABSTRACT. From these the associated Legendre polynomials are obtained and the derivatives of these polynomials at x 0 are derived by using properties of the Legendre numbers. These derivatives are then used to expand the associated Legendre polynomials and in series of Legendre polynomials. x n Other applications include evaluating certain in- tegrals, expressing polynomials as linear combinations of Legendre polynomials, and A connection expressing linear combinations of Legendre polynomials as polynomials. between Legendre and Pascal numbers is also given. KEY WORDS ANY PHRASES. Aoed Legenre functions and polynomials, Legenre polyand rntegr of Legennomials, divatives of associated Legende polynomi, dre poyno, Legene and Pasc numbers. 1980 MATHAIICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. IOA40, 26C99, 53A45. 1. INTRODUCTION. The Legendre numbers were introduced and many of their elementary properties were We apply these pzoperties to a variety of problems and the use of developed in [i]. Legendre numbers may provide somewhat simpler solutions to the problems. 2. DERIVATIVES OF ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS AT For n and s x 0. non-negative integers the associated Legendre functions are defined as usual by pS(x) n where see [i] P (x) n (i x2)S/2Dspn (x), D is a Legendre polynomial and by using the Legendre numbers pi, n n P (x)= n Equation (2.1) becomes i=O s - (2.1) ds Ox s (where Since P (x) pi(x) n n x=0 can be expressed, )’ as pixi n i (2.2) P.W. HAGGARD 406 pixi n pS(x) n It is clear that pS(x) n (I- x2)S/2Ds I i=0 n il (2 3) is a polynomial of degree and recall, see [1], that pi for 0 and n for n Thus, let even. s 2m s Oitting these of different parity. i null terms from (2.3), one has n__ xZ)mDZ (I p2i x2i 21 m n n-I 2 x2 )mD2m (I even n (2i) i= 0 (2.4) p2i+l x2i+i n odd. n (2i+i) i= 0 Taking the indicated derivatives in (2.4) gives n-2m 2 2)m I i= 0 (i p2m+2 ix2i n x P2nm(x) n-2m-I 2 x2) m (I (2.5) p2m+2iix21+1 n DkF2nm(x), Leibniz’ Theorem is used. odd. n (2i+i) i= 0 To obtain even n (2i) For one has from 0 < k < n, (2.5) Dk-i(l_ il Dkp2nm (x) i odd, Dkp2nm(X)]x= n-2m 2 Di I if 0 n (2.6) for for 0 even, n 0 0 odd. for O even and the second is k for odd, since i odd. even, since in each term the first factor is k for i n i 0 even. even, n p2m+2ix2i n (2i) IJ x=0 0, i 0 i>n-2m p2m+i n odd i even, (2 7) i _< n 2m, odd, Di n-2m-I 2 i=0 Further, 0 0 odd and the second is One observes that for and for , ’i Dkp2m (x)] x=O n i=0 in each term the first factor is n even [[ki]Dk_i(l_x2)mDi l Pn2m+21+Ix21+l] From this equation one sees that for for n n-2m-i 2 i=0 For n x2)mDii.0= O= p2m+2i+l x2i+i n (2i+i) 0, i even O, i>n-2m p2m+i, n i odd, (2.8) i < n 2m 407 SOME APPLICATIONS OF LEGENDRE ERS odd O, k- i D k-i (1 x 2)mlx=0 (2.9) O, k- i > 2m m k-i (-i) D j--O j()x2j]x=0 i even, k k i < 2m. The derivative on the right in (2.9) can be expressed using factorial notation as k-i (-l)J(j)(2j)(k-i)x2j-k+ k- i even, k- i < 2m, x=0 j=--which reduces to the first term (-I) for (k- i)! k-i even, k- i m, 2 Now (2.9) can be expressed as 0. x k-i 2 Dk-i(l- i odd 0, k O, k- i > 2m x2)m]x=O k-i [] m (_i)2 (k- i)!, k- i even, k-i (2.10) < m. Using Equations (2.7), (2.8), and (2.10) in (2.5) and the observations following (2.6), one sees that Dkp2m(x) n x=0 0, n even, 0, n odd, k___! 2 k (-i) [ i=O i, recall that and n 0 for odd (2.11) even k!m!p2m+i n 0 if i > n- 2m, k for i i k and n () (m-)! where a term in the series above is p2m+i k k of the same parity, m < is odd or if odd and n even, -4k_: Also, and for i even odd. n Equation (2.11) provides a formula for evaluating Dm(x) ]x=0. answers obtained by (2.11) agree with those obtained by other methods Of course, the and can be easily verified for small integers k, m, and n. n ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS AND x AS SERIES OF LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS. It is known that an associated Legendre polynomial can be expressed as a series of 3. Legendre polynomials. Equation (2.11) and a table of Legendre numbers, see Table I, can be used to provide a formula for the coefficients in the series. method, let p2m(x) n Take derivatives to obtain n In these n + 1 n + i identities let identities and recall that n [ AiPi (x). (3. i) i=0 other identities, n Dkp2m(x)n -. To outline the n i=0 x AiDiPi(x), 0. k i, 2, 3 ,n. Use (2.11) on the left sides of the resulting DkPi(X)]x= 0 pk.,-i see [i]. The right sides can be P.N. IGGARD 408 simplified by using k 0 Pi values of the k > i for Ai’s unknowns can be solved for the The system of Dnp 2m (x) n + 1 identities in An, An_l, An_ 2 can be obtained in the order Ai’s n (3.1) gives the desired expansion. and A0, n + I The by x--O pn n n-ip2m (x) x=O n k=n-l+l (3.2) ,l<i<n pn-i n-i ,l<i<n, pn-i n-i for where p i and even pO n p2 pl n n 0 n 3 0 3 8 0 0 15 8 0 o 105 8 15 -4- 15 2 105 0 o 4-o 105 8-W 945 48 TABLE i. n odd. i p4 p3 n p6n p5 n n p8n p7 n 3 0 0 x for 1 2 Now, i 1 15 -- 0 105 105 2 0 945 o 945 o 945 o 0 10,395 0 8- LEGENDRE NIR4BERS lO,395 I0,395 0 135 135 135,135 0 2,027,025 pm n can be expanded in a series of Legendre polynomials in a similar way. Let n n x [ AlP i (3.3) i=0 and proceed as in the derivation of (3.2) to obtain in order An, nA-l’ znA-"’ uA’ as n! n pnn i Ai 1 p.i n k, k n-i --i j odd [IPi+2j Ai+2j (3.4) i n k, k even. SOME APPLICATIONS OF LEGENDRE NUMBERS Ai’s With these values of the 409 (3.3) gives the desired expansion, which agrees with the known expansion n [] (2n-4k+1) Pn_2k (x) 2 4. n ()n-k k! k=0 SOME INTEGRALS INVOLVING LEGENDRE NUMBERS. In [i], the result ip 0 for Pn+l n(X)dx Here, two other important integrals are ex- any positive integer is given. n It is known, see [2], that if pressed in terms of Legendre numbers. IPn More generally, if m (x) (4. i) n Pm’(X) and m n, then 1 2n+l dx (4.2) are different non-negative integers, Rainville, n [2], gives the result With a even and 0, b P n i, P (1-x2)[p(x)Pn(X)-Pm(X)P(x)] Pn(X)Pm(X)dx; (n-m)(n-+l) m 0 for m Iip (X)Pm(X) 0 n and dm(pn pmn and the results dx (x))] (4.3) Pln= p1 m x=O 0 for and m n odd from [i], Equation (4.3) becomes n pip _p pl ran_ran (m-n) (m+n+l) 0, mland n of the same parity (4.4) PP m n m n) ((m+n+l) (m and n of different parity. A third integral can be evaluated as shown by the following computation. With n > l, ffl joXnPn-2k(X)dx JO xn pm n-2k i n-2k l m= 0 ] .I -dx x m! J (by 2.2) xm+n.)dx m=O n-2k -i pm xm+n dx n-2k . i [0 J n-2k pm [ m=O J n-2k pm n-2k m! m! 0 n-2k xm+n+l].I m=O n-2k o Therefore, fxnPn_2 (x) dx k i 0 pm n-2k m.’ (m+n+l) pm n-2k n-2k v L m! (m+n+l) m=0 Since the value of this integral is known one can use this value for the series. (4.5) 410 P.W. HAGGARD Thus, m n-2k Pn-2k " 5. n m! (m+n/l) m=0 (4.6) 3 "n’k! ()n-k POLYNOMIALS AS LINEAR COMBINATIONS OF LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS. Since the Legendre polynomials form a simple set, any polynomial of a single vari- able can be expressed as a finite series of Legendre polynomials. Using Table 2, this can be done in much the same way any polynomial can be expressed in terms of factorials. Consider the problem of expressing 5x3 H(x) 2 4x- 3 / By continued subtraction of Legendre polynomials we in terms of Legendre polynomials. obtain a zero remainder. 3x Detaching coefficients, 2P H(x) 5 3(x) 5 -3 Diff. -2P2 (x) -4 Dif. 7Pl(X Diff. -4Po (x) O. Diff. Thus H(x) 2P H(x) 2P3(x 3(x) + 2P 7P l(x) + 4P 2(x) O(x) 0, from which 1 Qn 0 Qn 0 1 0 3 8 0 2 Q 0 + 2P2(x 3 Qn 4 Qn 7Pl(X 4P0(x 5 Qn Q6n 7 Qn 0 15 8 0 70 8 0 63 8 I- 0 105 16 0 315 16 0 231 16 0 35 16 0 315 16 0 693 16 0 35 128 0 1260 128 0 6930 128 0 35 pm TABLE 2. 8 Qn 2 0 3O 8 5 (5.1) 12,012 128 429 16 0 6435 128 SOME APPLICATIONS OF LEGENDRE NUMBERS 411 For a second method, set 5x 3 3x 2 + 4x =- AP3(x) 3 + BP 2(x) + identities pm (0) and use pm DRo(X). in each of the four 0 x to obtain the system n n let x, Take the first three derivatives with respect to + CPI(X) AP3 + BP2 + CPI + DPo -3 4= AP 3 AP 3 + 30 3 (5.2) 2 2 -6 gp2 3 7, and -2, C Next, use Table i and solve for A 2, B listed to obtain (5.1) again. More generally, if V(x) is a polynomial of degree n D -4 in the order in x, write n [. AiPi(x)’ V(x) (5.3) iffiO take derivatives, let n ’obtain the Ai’s x in the 0 in the order n i v A 1 identities, and use 0 i to (n) + n p(m)(o) n pm to n as (0) pn n n V (i) (0) (5.4) n-i [ AjPj j=n-i+l n-l,n-2 i pn-i ,l,0 n-i Since pm n 0 for m + n odd, the second equation of (5.4) can be expressed as n-i 2 v(i) (o) IAI+2J Pi+2j A i i i (5.5) n-l, n-2,.,,,l,0 Pi Table 2 can be used to evaluate a finite series of Legendre polynomials as a polynomial in As an example, we evaluate S(x) (x) P7(x) x. Detaching coefficients, P7(x) Then, S(x) 6. - 5 4 5 185 -x 0 105 0 o -sP5 (x) -i- 5 -4P 6 (x) Sum 35 0 75 o 185 16 105 4 105 2 4P6 5P 5(x). 693 315 16 0 0 315 4 0 350 o 315 8 315 4 1323 16 1015 16 3 315 4 x + + 1015 16 i-- 1323 5 x 16 0 429 16 231 4 231 4 429 16 213 6 429 7 +-x ----x LEGENDRE AND PASCAL NU}ERS. Consider Table 3, which gives values for result that can be easily proved. m. L The entries shown are integers, a The alternate diagonals have entries of the form 412 P.W. HAGGARD 2 n+l n-i Pn+i 0 i (n-i) reading from upper right to lower left. 1 0 Lm 2 L3 L L Ln n n n If (6.1) n to 2np/n! is factored from 4 L L5 L n n 6 L7 n n 0 2 -2 0 6 0 -12 0 20 6 0 -6O 0 7O 0 60 0 -280 0 252 -20 0 420 0 -1260 0 924 0 -2B0 0 2520 0 -5544 0 3432 70 0 -2520 0 13,860 0 -24,024 0 Lmn TABLE 3. L 8 12,870 2npm n 2n_m n m! each entry on such a diagonal, the remaining factors are (-1)iC(n,i). In notation, one has 2n+ipn-in+i (-1) i2npncn (n, i) i:0 n! (n-i) to (6.2) n. Equation (6.2) can be simplified to (_l)in (n-i) -i n-i 2 Pn+i pnn C(n,i), i 0 to (6.3) n, which shows a connection between Legendre numbers and Pascal numbers. be easily proved using the general form of the Legendre numbers pmn’ This result can given in [i]. REFERENCES i. HAGGARD, P.W. 2. RAINVILLE, E.D. Special Functions, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1960. COPSON, E.T. An Introduction to the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, Oxford University Press, London, 1935. RICHARDSON, C.H. An Introduction to the Calculus of Finite Differences, C. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1954. 3. 4. On Legendre Numbers, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 8, Number 2, 1985, 407-411