Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1988) 335-342 335 V0L. ll NO. 2 ON A NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATION IN UNBOUNDED DOMAINS CARLOS FREDERICO VASCONCELLOS Institute de Mal;emtica Universidade Fe(leral do Rio de Janeiro P.O. Box 68530 CEP 21944, Rio de JaJeiro, RJ Brazil (Received October 16, 1986) ABSTRACT. We study existence and uniqeness of the nonlinear wave equation ’-’ll + M(x, IvuCx,t)12dx in unbounded domains. E]Y i. Our teeImiques ivolve fixed point combined wih She energy method. WORDS AND PHR2SES. 1980 0 The above model describes nonlinear wave plle- nomenon in non-homogeneous media. armens I-(x,)ldx)C-Au+.) + Nonlinear equation, unbotuded domain, energy method, fixed point theorems. AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 35L70. INTRODUCTION In this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of a local so- lution for the following problem: 82u 8t 2 + u(,o) where M: nx , , Ilu(t)ll 2 II()II) -( "t (x,) "o Z j=l n 0 12dx IK.(x,t) J Ul(X) lu(,t) + 2 dx, t > 0 n and i] a 1)ondod open sl)set of [R n. ]le ’od a weak local solt,i(,, lot tl,e using G;lerkin met]od a;tl t]e (liscrc, tc" spectrm o J" el,crater in bouded C](." l.tll;’i,t]; C. F. VASCONCELLOS 336 In he oher hand since ]a|, tle mappinl, M depends explicity on not use Forier transform as was (lono for example, 1)y. G.P. x we can ([2]) Menzala in which he studied t],e problem is indel)ondent of M that is w]en the mapping m + o > (x) .o. in 0 nx f()(x), able with ]lero (x,) 0 (X) z ,m W (e n) 0 where a e L { 0 W(x) M(,X) nd + is continuously differenti- f: (n): e n [(x) 3 (n) L (n) consider the usual Sobolev space 3=1 Rn in O. For Ilul[ x. are described below. M Our assumptions about the mapping (1.1) We also n} j i with the norm lu(x)12dx. dx + n Our main resul% in this paper will be: There exis%s a unique local solution for problem (1.1) with the fol- lowing properties: We Where i > 0 eio d : nX[o,w2] wi (.) ;2(n)) 2 C([ O,W23 ;H() ). < For eh C Here H2(n) u(.,) W L and denoe (.,e) H 1 (). (.) L2 2 wice con%inuously differen%iable in (-]-) H2(n) Du e u [0,T2], v 6 L 2(n). ie= podu in We o noe y the usual Sobolev space of order The basic idea in order %o ob%ain our resu1% will be to use fixed point argents together with the ener method in appropriate Banach spaces. I% is impor%ant %o observe that our main result holds also in any n. open subse% of few Before concluding this introduction we would like %o make a coones on ehe Zieeraeure. J.. Lions ([3]) considered the problem: (.) u(,o) where () Ni,i= m 0 ([’]), > u 0 (x), O and pooo ue(x,0) z() u denotes a bounded open subset of ([]), io ([.6]), iboio ([?]) 337 NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS IN UNBOUNDED DOMAINS A PRELIblINARY IESULT 2. In this section . existence and uniqueness oF [l}e we ])rove Let of ]e following "linearized" problem: C([O,] ;()) 2u 2 t u(,0) o () (0,T] t(x,0) H From now on we shall denote by I1 = consider the norm H2(n). D(A) with u() A: A Clearly L2( n) the usual space lu(xll2d operator us consider the linear sol,ion Let T > O. and ironer product D(A) H c H in whic] we (-I-). defined by A, square root of A, V n !1" !1 defined in bv bu Z j=l with norm has domain D(A I/2) V The Hl(n). is defined by: (A1/2ulA1/2v) July] A I/2 denoted by -A,+u, is self-adjoill and satisfies: All functions we consider in this paper will be real valued. The inner product in Let JRn ax.J x. J u(x)v(x)dx dx + n i. For each X 6 we define Because of our assumptions on M(x,k) the operator B(k) has the fol- lowing properties: k 6 , For each ),. ; o For each k O For each on B(X) is a linear bounded symmetric operator H. ((x),l,) B(k): V -, o V I,1 u6 H is a linear continuous bijective operator V T if > 0 ’q T > XI, x=l 0 e. such that continuous operators on M T > O 8T > O (V) Here II(x_)-(xe)II.(v is the space of linear V such that if (u,v) 6 D(A)xV and Ix T (::.7) C.F. VASCONCELLOS 338 (2./4) we N(t) By PROOF: symmetric we obtain (2.8). In the other hand if that and t 6 [A/2.[ if{ B(llv (t)II2) (2.i) we obtain by 2 o o b (e.8) (e.o) N(t)[N(0)3 -1 e po PROP0SITI0S 1. u H mtd Let u e Then there is a e D(A) u D(A), A I/2 m o (2.3) and u] are 2 that t]terefore oiows. Ne consider u sii,ce (s(}}()]}2)/2.[Ai/2.) (().) zo IIonco H. is (2.9) D(N(t)) can show t],at the image of ce(v) que T > 0 d t osd (2.5) then by D(A3/2), H3(n) fction u 1 e H3( n} u: p too, we obtain, H2(n) and such that: c(e;,(A)) (e.) (e.e) u(0) u’ (o) Uo u By Lena 1 and a result due to J. Goldstein (see Theorem 2.2. n) such that [20]) there is a unique fction w: R PROOF: in H2( (o) /e u o w’ (o) Let us consider satisfies (2.11) and A=l/2w(t) u(t) (2.12). Therefore it follows that which satisfies PROPOSXTXON 2. cl(0,T;V), v unique function u e ce(o,wv) e then u: is the ique solution of u (2.12) (2.11). Let T be a positive real nmber. H3(n) D(A 3/2) and u H(n} u(v): [0,W] C(o,w;D(A)) u v(t) w(*) cl(; V) v’ if (T) t-T) +v( t) ’ (o)t + (o) and hence there is Proposition I, in particular : [ O,T] Then given e H2(n). u 1 such that: There s a (e.) u 0 T t il" t > T ir t < u o n u(w): satisfies (2.15) which satisfies tle and (2.16), wit], ,(n). Remains to prove the uniqueness. ton t for We PROOF w 6 (z’u) /e u or (e.6) whoh .tr Suppose that we have another so- (e.5). 339 NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS IN UNBOUNDED DOMAINS (t) Then g" (t) B(llv(t)ll2)Ag + o(o) u(t)-z(t) o 0 o’(o) V x in [0,T] (2.a7) o lO (t)] (t) We consider (2.17) s,tisfies + ((ll (t)}}2 ) 1/2 oI / then by we obtain that + (e. ) ,o, ((ll()l)i/oli/eo’) [()l, (t)] (, ((t)l )i/i/ -((l,(t)ll)o ’) ’ (t) d + (e.) 8T (lo(t)l ’(t) + 2 lo’(t)l 2 + cI(t) e + wh e r e C Now, usin (’ u, T 0s tsT (2.3) since T l(*)’ (t))" DT we obtain that there exists n(t), ’(t) }{ence, (ll(t))[z(-) (0) such that te (o.]. (t) it follows t]lt 0, > 0 % t 0, 6 [O,T] which proves the Proposition 2. comoLLamr i. - vi(0.W;V(e)), no e H(e) e Lt Th hr i ,: iq, e SOLUTION OF PROBLGN H(en) [O,W] Ce([0,W] ;,i(n)) n ci([o, w] H 2 (ran)) u=h ,d tisrie (e.o). (I.I) X [u: [0,T] T H is a Banach space with the Now, we 2([Rn). consider We observe that given which satisfies (2.15) and 0 0 0 0 wllere ’ < 2 2 T0 ,’11 x T i’ (11 ,’ t)ll 2 )11 a: (,) T )" 0 z(t) X (2.3) fore, ]’y t v 6 z(O) exp(---r 2 Yc t), 0 t g T. t T. Thus C.F. VASCONCELLOS 340 o (o) o’(0) If we define by 1 y(t) I’ (t) 2 + (B(llu(t)l 2 AI/ 2G (2.6) and (3.U), tlen we obtain that: ’.)11 Io’ (’.)1 + (,.) + d alovo we ol)taln tlnxt (t) e < To Let us consider we obtain by (.) Now, ..aTI"o r + me Ycr 1 F (3.5) IIllxT ,,here e + )y(t) T + + 2a 1 In C To r (2.3), (2- 5) r211u-VllYT IIo11 YT O 2 (o 2F t 0 T1 < )ilu-ll rain[To, o I1oll YTo YTomin(l,mo)r i 0 < log (. t < T /4 a 2 r 2 To I II(t)ll) = e il u-vii YT I I! oll YT I aT r2 (e 2FTI I) min(l,mo) _ and Lel,,vv,,, 2 o Then, since that that If we repeat the proof for (1o (t)l l;]e,, l,y ,’, 2 we choose + I1’ (t)ll I^(*)I I1*’ (ll"(t)ll )ll()llo(t)ll :’- = II,,llxTo 1/2 s..,,llo( ’ lI(ll,,()ll)-(ll(e)ll::)ll()i^s()l Io’ ()1 + -" A g To t O, (3.6) o I) + follows, by o y(O) t T (3.6), that: (. ) NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS IN UNBOUNDED DOMAINS E D(A). T]le]l 341 t],ere exists (].8) (3.o) (3.Ii) C. F. VASCONCELLOS 342 (in memoriam) P.H. This paper is dedicated to Professor ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. friend and adviser. Rivera The author would like to tl,ank Professor G.P. Menzala for his helpful suggestions. REFERENCES I RIVERA, P.H. 2. 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