Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. ii NO. 2 (1988) 259- 266 259 ON A CLASS OF p-VALENT CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS OF ORDER/3 AND TYPE M.K. AOUF Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Mansoura University Mansoura, Egypt (Received October i0, 1986 and in revised form October 29, 1986) S(A,B,p, =) Let ABSTRACT < g(z) Izl {z: U analytic in the unit disc z(z) denote the class of functions p+[pB+ (A-B) (p-)]z < I} -I B < A f(z) C(A,B,p,8,) denote the class of functions Let z p n b z E n n--p+l + and satisfying the condition z e U, l+Bz g(z) z p + I, < p. o E n=p+l a z n n analytic in U, and satisfying the condition zf" (z)} > 8, g(z[ Re U, z S(A,B,p,=). g In this paper we determine the coefficient estimates and distortion theorems for the C(A,B,p,8,). class KEYS WORDS AND PHRASES. p-Valent, analytic, bounds, and convex functions. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE 30A32, 30A36. I. INTRODUCTION. Let f(z) a fixed integer greater than zero) denote the class of functions A (p P z p + I k=p+l akzk class of bounded analytic functions lw(z) --< Izl, and + P1 (z) l n--I dn for zn which are analytic in (o-<-8 <p) U. in Pl(Z) U -i g(z) A P <-- U in < I}. e P Let denote the w(o) satisfying the conditions o to denote the class of functions U and have a positive real part there. P(z) p + l c z k k=l Re{P(z)} P(o) p and k > 8 P(p,8) was introduced by Patil and Thakare [i]. It P(z) is in P(p,8) if and only if there exists a and satisfy the conditions The class is such that P(z) bor e which are analytic in well known that a function function w(z) We use Izl the class of functions that have the form P(p,8) Also we use U. z {z: U which are analytic in B < A-<- which satisfy (p and 8) o P1(z) + 8 < p, denote (i.I) by S(A,B,p,e) the class of functions 260 M.K. AOUF zf(z) p+[pB+ (A-B) (p-a)] + Bz < g(z) z z U. S(A,B,p,a) g(z) By definition of subordination it follows that tion of the form zg’(z) p+[pB + (A-B) (p-a) ]w(z) 1+Bw(z) g(z) S(A,B,p,a) Obviously w e . (1.2) S (a), o is a subclass of the class P a, investigated by Goluzina [2]. like functions of order has a representa- a< p, of p-valent star- S(A,B,p,a) The class introduced by the author [3]. Moreover, let C(A,B,p,B,a) denote the class of functions f(z) A satisfy {z_(z)} g(z) Re which g e S(A,B p a) > 8 (1.3) f(z) e C(A,B,p,8,a), then we may write Thus if zf’(z) We note that g(z) P(z), (z) Let Z n n= o , (z) z 8 n P(p,fl). P(z) C(l,-l,l,fl,) convex functions of order (z) P C(8,), and type is a subclass of the class of close-to- introduced by Libera [4]. c (z) and (1.4) n B n z be any Z n= o two functions we shall mean the Hadamard product or convolution of then by (z) and (z), that is (z) , z (z) n n=o z n n We state below some lemmas that are needed in our investigation. LEMMA [I]. P(z) If + E p c k=l c The function -< 2(p n P (z) o 8) for all p+(p-28) I- o 81z If P(z) p-lp-213.l.r l+r Equality occurs for LEMMA 3 [5]. in U such that LEMMA 4 [3]. (1.5) n. (1.6) n > I. Izl P(p,8), then for _< P (z) o ip(z) < g(z) r < p+lp-2131,r (1.7) l-r- defined by (1.6) If (z) is regular in (z) < (z), then (z) If P(p,B), then 18 61z shows that the result is sharp for each I]. k defined by P (z)= LEMMA 2 z k z p + Z n=p+l U, (z) , b n and h(z) h(z) < (z) z n S(A,B,p ) , are convex univalent h(z), z then for U. n p+l CLASS OF P-VALENT CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS n-(p+l) 261 (B-A) (p-a)+Bj (1.8) j=o go(Z) The function defined by zP(I+B 62z) go(Z) (A-B) B shows that the result is sharp for each 2. f(z) If n-(p+l) ,,lanl _-< n z p + E n=p+l l(m_A)(p_a)+Bj[ + (j+l) =o p+l. n C(A,B,p,B,a). COEFFICIENT ESTIMATES FOR THE CLASS THEOREM I. 1621 B # o, a z n n C(A,B,p,B,), then for 2(p-B)[I+ n n-(p+2) Z k k--o j =o p+l n (B-A) (p-a)+Bj (j+l) ]. (2.1) The result is sharp. PROOF. f Since C(A,B,p,B,a), it follows that zi(z) g(z) here z p + r. k=l (2.2) g(z) P(z), bp+k zp+k S(A,B,p,) and r. p + P(z) c k=l z k k P(A,B,p,8). Hence [pz p + E k=l Equating coefficients of na Pbn n [z p + (p+k)ap+k z p+k] + c z + Ibn-I n Z b k= p+k p+k z x [p + l k= c k z k] (2.3) on both sides of (2.3), we obtain C2bn_ 2 + + c n-p-I b p+1 + c n-p This gives nlanl--< Plbnl + IClllbn_ll + Ic211bn_21 + + ICn_p_lllbp+ll + (2.4) Substituting the value from (1.5) and (1.8) in (2.4), we obtain takes the form of (2 I) which, on simplification f’(z) O z p-I P+(P-2B)IZ iz II I21 (I+B 2 z) (I) Choosing Mehrok [6]. p=l f (z) O defined by B # o, (2.5) I, shows that the bound (2.1) is sharp for each Remarks on Theorem The function (A-B) B n > p+l. I. and =B=o in Theorem I, we get the result due to Goel and M.K. AOUF 262 (2) p=l, A=I, B=-I Choosing e==o and in Theorem I, we get the result due to Reade [7]. 3. DISTORTION THEOREMS. LEM 5. If Isl S(A,B,p,), then for all g tP_!z__ztPg(sz--) B B#o" exp [A(p-) (s-t)z], sPg(tz) I, (s#t) A-B)(p-a) (I+Bsz) (I+Btz) sPg(tz) Itl I, (3.1) (3.2) B=o. The proof is similar to the one given by Ruscheweyh [8] and Goel and PROOF. Mehrak [6]. B#o. We first consider the case when We have p+[pB+(A-B) (p-e) ]z I+Bz zg(z) g(z) z U. 6 This implies that zg(z) where p+[ pB+ (A_- -P g z 1---+z _(A-B)(p-e)z. (A-B) (_p-) z -P U. is convex, univalent in I+Bz 7 h(z) s l-su o Isl For -< Itl -< (s#t) (3.4) )du (3.3) and (3.4) satisfy the conditions of lemma 3, and U. is convex, univalent n t 1-tu (3.3) l+-------Bz therefore z(z) [-5- (A-B) (p-) h(z) < -P]* (l+Bz) q(z) Now for every analytic function q(z) , sz h(z) q(u) f . h(z). with (3.5) q(o) o, we have du tz (3.6) u By the application of (3.6), (3.5) can be written as SZ [ug(u) g(u) I tz du < (A-B) (p-a) u -p SZ I du I+Bu tz from which (3.1) follows. B=o, we obtain (3.2). Similarly for LEMMA 6. rP(l_Br) r p zl S(A,B,p,e), then for If g (A-B) (p-a) B exp(-A(p-e)r) < larg z arg p -I z p < Ig(z)I < Ig(z)] < rp (A-B)(p-e) B -< A(p-e)r <_ rP(l+Br) exp(A(p-x)r), B sin -1 r < (A-B) (p-e) B (Br), o. B # o, B#o, (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) ,3. lo) CLASS OF p-VALENT CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS go(Z) These bounds are sharp, being attained by the function zP(I+B z) go(Z) z P exp (A-B) (p-) B (A(p-a)2z) B o, B o, ..1821 263 defined by I. The author [3] proved the results in lemma 6 using a different method. PROOF. However, we deduce them from lemma 5. Taking s=l, t=o in (3.1) and (3.2), we get (A-B) (p-a) g(z) z p L(Z) z (I+Bz)"’ p < B B # o, (3.11) exp(A(p-a)z) B=o. (3.12) g(z___) (3.11) implies that z (i) When B ](I+Bw(z)) (A-B) (p-a) B [exp[ (AT.B,)(p-a) B exp log (l+Bw(z))] Re[A_,,p_e,[n B exp((A-B_)(P-) B < B< o, put log l+Bw(z) (A-B) (p-a) B B =-C, C >o. (A-B) (p-.), [(l+Bw(z)) log(1+Bw(z))] (A-B) B I+Bw(z) < (l+Br) When B#o. o [.z)[ (ii) (A-B) B (1+Bw(z)) p B (A-B) (p-) [((l-Cw(z)) -I) (1-Cw(z))-l] -< --cr C (A-B) (p-a) C (A-B) (p-a) c (A-B) (p-a) B (l+Br) Similarly (3.8) is a direct consequence of (3.12). For Izl r, from (3.11), we get [arg (z) p z (A-B)(p-d) B [arg (l+Bw(z)) < (A-B)(p-a) Similarly (3.10) is a direct consequence of (3.12). B sin -I (Br). 264 M.K. AOUF THEOREM 2. If C(A,B,p,,a), then for f (X-B) rP-1 P.,.- Ip-2fl r l+r rP-1 p+lp.2S[r rp- r_ rP-1 +_-2Blr1_r l-r r r r r f r B B f(z)[ dr B p-I p+lp-21[r 1-r (3.14) o; (A-B) (p-a) P-IP-l+r2B exp(-A(p-a)r)dr o (3.13) (A-B) (p-a) (1-Br) p-I o < B # o exp (A(p-a)r) p!Ip-2Slrl_r (l+Br) o f (a-) (p-a; B r< l(z)] [f’(z)[ l+r rP_l -< B exp(-A(p-a)r) P--]P- 2 p-1 o dr (l+Br) l+r r f (1-Br) [z[ dr < If(z)] B # o’, (3.15) B (3.16) < exp (A(p-a) r)dr o All those inequalities are sharp. PROOF. From (2.2), we have Ig()ll z f’(-)i (3.17) p(z) Using (1.7), (3.7) and (3.8) in (3.17), we obtain (3.13) and (3.14). Now r Iso (-) If(z)l dz r -< f I(z)l dr o r r Let r. z p-1 l-r p-I ol L(z If p+lp-2Bl r l-r z O P*’"^’ O r (l+Br) (A-B) (p-) B exp (A (p-)r) dr, B # dr B o. be chosen in such a way that f(z is the pre-image of the segment [o Cr p-I f r o" P-lP’2BIr l+r o)1 f(Zo)] < If(z) for all U, then (A-B) (p) --dr B (l-Br) z in B # o; ,O If(= o )I l(z) Idr--> 17<z)lld-I f L(z o L(z o ; rP-1 p_-lp-2Blr o l+r exp(-A(p-e)r)dr, B o. CLASS OF P-VALENT CLOSE-TO-CONVEX FUNCTIONS (3.14), (3.15) and (3.16) defined by (2.5) with B # o and Equality signs in (3.13), f (z) o f:(z) z p-I P+(P-2-)iz I- are attained by the function exp(A(p-a) 2 z) 1z 265 B o lII I21 Remarks on Theorem 2. p=l Choosing and a=6=o in Theorem 2, we get the result due to Goel and Mehrok [6]. 4. fz). ARGUMENT OF LEflA 7. Let p+(p-213)r [P(z) PROOF. p(z) e P(p,8). 2 < r, <- 2(p-13)r 2 2 l_r (4.1) l_r It is well known [9] that for l+r21 IP l(z) l-r2, Izl Then for < Pl(Z) e P 2r (4.2) i_r2 Thus the result follows from (I.I) and (4.2). LEMMA 8. P(z) e P(P,8), then If [arg P(z)] 2(p-B)r sin" < p+(p-28)r Izl 2, The bound is sharp. PROOF. The proof follows from Lemma 7. 1+(1- P(z) p -) 1 (4.3) -o To see that the result is sharp, let z iz 2B 1 =rz THEOREM 3. [arg i/I-(l- 21B)2 P i-( I- f’(z) (A-B) (p-a) sin-I (Br) B [arg --f’(z) z I-(I- :P 2 /l_r 2 (4.4) r C(A,B,p,B,a), then f If 2--8)r2 P r p-1 _< + sin -I 2(p-8)r p+(p-28)r A(p-a)r + sin -1 2(p-B)r.. 2 p+(p_2B)r B # o 2 B (4.5) (4.6) o. These inequalities are sharp. PROOF. From (2.2), we have f (g___z_)_ P(z). z__)= p-1 zP z arg f’(z) z p-I arg g(z) z p Thus (4.7) + arg P(z) Using (3.9), (3.10) and (4.3) in (4.7), we obtain (4.5) and (4.6). (4.5) and (4.6) hold for the function fl(z) and f2(z) Equality signs respectively, where in 266 M.K. AOUF p z ’1(z) + p-I 28) z (I-____1__ (I+B 2 gl z 2(z) pz + (I- p-1 2--B)6 p z) z exp(A(p-a) 61z yz) where 2_B)2r2 /1-r 2 P 2 1-(1- 2g)r i/l-(1- P r z 2 [-Br + 2i61-B2r ]. Remarks on Theorem 3. (]) Choosing p=1 and a=8=o in Theorem 3, we get the result due to Goel and Mehrok [6]. (2) Si]verman (3) Choosing p=l, A=I B= -I and in Theorem 3, we get the result due to [10]. Choosing p=1, A=I, B= -I and a=B=o in Theorem 3, we get the result due to Ogawa [II] and Krzyz [12]. REFERENCES I. PATIL, D.A. and THAKARE, N.K. "On Extreme Points of Functions of Order a With Positive Real Part and Related Results", Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 9(1978), 1353-1358. 2. GOLUZINA, E.G. 3. AOUF, M.K. "On the Coefficients of a Class of Functions, Regular in a Disk and Having an Integral Representation in It", J. of Soviet Math. 6(1974), 606-617. 4. "On a Class of p-Valent Starlike Functions of Order a", Submitted. LIBERA, R.J. "Some Radius of Convexity Problems", Duke Math. J. 31(1964), 143-158 5. 6. 7. 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