Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1988) 187-200 187 VOL. ii NO. ON ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR M-DEPENDENT U-STATISTICS WANSOO T. RHEE Faculty of Management Sciences The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210 (Received April 21, 1986) ABSTRACT. Let (X) be a sequence of m-dependent random variables, not necessarily n equally distributed. We give a Berry-Esseen estimate of the convergence to normality ’of a suitable normalization of a U-statistic of the (X). This bound holds under n moment assumptions quite weaker than the existence of third moments for the kernel. Since we obtain the sharpest bound, the order of the bound can not be improved. KEY WORD? AND PHRASES. U-Statistics, m-dependent random variables, Berry-Esseen bound. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. INTRODUCTION. Let (X ,X 2 P60F05. X n) be random variables (r.v.). A very important and common class of statistics is the class of U-statistics, of the type [ U <i <... <ikn (X Xk) where h is a measurable symmetric function which is called a kernel. (For notational convenience, we do not consider the average of h but the sum of its values. This will not make any difference since we will normalize U latter.) In the case of an independent identically distributed (i.l.d.) sequence (Xi) it has been shown by various authors that the distribution function of normalized U-statlstlcs converges -I/2 to standard normal distribution function with the rate of n the latest and sharpest result being due to R. Helmets and W. R. Van Zwet [I]. These authors studied U-statistics of order 2, viz., o .<j <k <n h(Xj, Xk). But as they pointed out, their results can be extended to any order and to the mult i-sample case. In this work, we relax the independent and equi-distrlbuted assumptions about i) of r.v.’s. Consider a m-dependent sequence (X i) of r.v.’s, i.e. the sequence (X W.T. RHEE 188 .< s < n-m, for" each the sequence (Xi)[<.s (Xt)i>s+ m and are independent of each other, and which is not necessarily equi-distributed. Then we obtain a universal Berry-Esseen bound for the convergence of the suitably normalized U-statistic to standard normal. This bound involves the same moments as in the Helmers and Van Zwet’s result, and leads the best rate of convergence for the independent case. We deal only with the one sample case of order two; but there is no doubt that the same methods could extend to the general case. RESULTS. 2. measurable function h: R 2 XI,...,X n r.v.’s, Consider a fixed sequence of m-dependent R. We want to study U .<j <-k <n the field generated by X by F <. that for < n-m, s Then the sequence F i. V F. and the two 0-fields h(Xj, Xk). Let us denote is m-dependent, in the sense F V <s-1 and a fixed are independent (where i>s+m ieI). It is conceptually more elegant V F. denote the e-field generated by the F --i h(Xj, X k) as a function hj, k which is Fj V F k (Fi)1<i<n of m-dependent o-fields and consider for Fj V Fk measurable. (Here we allow the possibility and also more convenient to look at measurable. So we fix a sequence <. <. j <. k n r.v.h.j,k which are k since the proof will be the same and since it is convenient and allows to extend the result to V-statlstics.) For j < k, let E(hj,klFk) gj,k Let f [ gj ,i J _G 2. We make the following assumptions: For any < j .< k < n, For any < j < k < n, For any < < < j k < V l-Jl .> that if k G Let E(hj,klFj)" gk,j <j.<n For Let < 3/2 < p -2 2 j n, n, let fi Yj,k Fi, _G2 - E(hj, k) hj,k has V 2F_i gj,k V Fi, we have 1{j-l,j,j+1,j+2} I. It is easily checked, and fundamental, E(Yj ,j+1 G) Z fi’ o2 ES2 I-I L O. Moreover, if k We set 0 n S (2-3) 3. Suppose now m gk,j" E(Yj,kI_G I) E(Yj,kI_G2) we have (2-2) a moment of order p. has a moment of order hj,k l-kl (2-I) 0 n o -3 Z i=l EII 3 For a e {I, 3/2, p}, we set Ma N o -3/2 0 -a Z EIYj,I a j<k . M 0<k-j3 M’a (M3/2)2/3, EIYj I 3/2, o Z a j<k (M/2)2/3 M’ N’ -a o -3/2 Z Elhj ,k 0<k_j< 3 3/2 j and ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR M-DEPENDENT U-STATISTICS Let 189 denote the distribution of the standard normal law. The main result is as follows: THEOREM A. Sup I. There is a universal constant K such that Assume m --I IP(U < M’L 2/3 <. K{L (t) t) NL I/3 (log L I)p/eM’ P t M’L 5/3-p MI’L 2} p Let us investigate this theorem in the case that h (Eh(XI,X2)IX2) are i.i.d. If g (resp. [I, p]) we set b K{n-I/2a3b 3 c For p possible order O(n i’ Xj) and the X and for t e [I, 3] we get the bound log p 3/2, this bound is O(n -I/2 Elhl,2 It, t (Eg) h(X n-I/2a3(b3c3/2)2/3 n-2/3(c/2)2/3931/3a5/2 (I/2 n a3b3)P/2n2-3p/2aPc I/3-p/2a5-2Pc 5/3-p n-1 /2a7c b}. p log n 2 -I/2 and if we set a Elgl t, t i,j p b 1/41og3/4n) and for p 5/3, it is of the best ). A bound of the same order is obtained in the tationary case. It is possible with our method to find many other bounds of the ame type. An example .f possible variation is given in section 6. More importantly, the term M’L 5/3-p can be replaced by a term of the form M’L -p for any Y < 2 (but the P P constant K will grow very fast when gets close to 2). It is also possible to replace the term M I’L 2 by M’L q for any q > O, (but then K will grow with q). Hence it can be said that the main terms in theorem A are L, M’L 2/3 and 5/3 M’L P or 5/3-p if p p/2 M’log(L-1) P f p < > 5/3. Theorem A can also be used to give bounds in the case m > I. To do this, we < [n/m], we set G V proceed by blocking. More specifically if for 0 < jJ where ho, k’ Ji EJj {j: im ’’ Jk < j < Inf((i+1)m, n)}, the fields G h,,, for j .< FI, are l-dependent. Moreover, if k, we have U O<J k’<[n/m] h’j,k and it is possible to apply theorem A to this U-statlstlc. (It is very useful at this point that we did not assume that h’j,k is of the form h(X i, Xj) and to allow the case quantities involving the moments of the functions terms of the moments of the h,,. However, (h,k) J k!). The can easily be expressed in this does not seem to be the case of the > I. METHODS. We shall use three basic techniques, viz. the method of R. Helmers and W. Van Zwet [I], a method of V. Shergin [2] to deal with m-dependent r.v. and his result about the convergence to normality of a sequence of m-dependent r.v. and an estimate normalizing factor. This is why we do not state formally the result when m 3. %4. T. RH.E 190 "’IEeitS by the author of as where S a sum of m-dependent r.v. [3] (which based on Shergin’s technique). We shall denote by K I,K2,... universal constants. No attempt has been made to find small numerical values: their choice is made crudely, to check the consistency of the construction. I. We shall use Esseen smoothing inequality [4]. We suppose m suPlP(U -1<.t )- (t)I-< KI{T t exp g Let o <-j <k<-n Im exp(itUo I T -I exp(itUo Itl-11E -T (-t2/2)I (3-I) dt}. We have Yj -I exp(-t 2/ 2) IE exp(it-Is)(exp(itA)-1)l +Im exp(ito -I S) exp(-t2/2)l. <. The second term will be taken ca,e of by Shergin’s theorem. Considering that le it- 21tl p, we have IE exp(ito-Is)(exp(itA)-1)l < it <. ItlIE(A exp(ito -I S)) 21t PE IAI P (3-2) We shall evaluate these two terms directly. The above evaluation will De used for t <. 101og L-I. E exp(itUo to bound => For t 101og L -I . We have, by expanding we have ep(-t2/2) <- L 5, and so it is enough Let I be an interval of [i, n], appropriately). Let AI= -I, o -I <nYj k <Ij(kI j ,kI 2 (to be chosen A- A exp(itA2). IE exp(ituo-l)I < IE exp(it(o -I S+A i)) ItIIE A2exp(ito-Is+A1)l 2ItlPEIA2 Ip (3-3) and we shall evaluate these three terms. In these evaluations, we shall several times encounter the same difficulty. Say, for example we want to estimate Elexp(it( o -I -I (S-S’) Let S’ S+AI)) A fi" depends on the F Then S’ depends on the -IF" for ieI. Moreover for iI. F. were independent, we would have If we knew that the -i IE exp(it(o -I S+AI)) IE exp(Ito-Is’)l for which good estimates are known (of the type exp (-t2-2E(S’2)) for t not too large). However, we must proceed in a different way. We shall use the technique mentioned above to show that modulo a small perturbation one can (roughly speaking) do as if S’ and theorem 4-5. -I (S-S’) A were independent and then use the estimate of ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR M-DEPENDENT U-STATISTICS In order to prove theorem A, one can suppose K 10 -3. It then follows that if H Moreover for [log -3, so we can as.ume L < I], we have HL <. 10 -2 and H .> 7. each i, Ef <. (Elfil3) 4. L-I+ 10 191 2/3 < oeL 2/3 o2/1OO. (3-4) LEMMAS. This section contains some of the technical tools we need. LEMMA 4-I [4]. Let X X m [ k Let X LEMMA 4-2 [53. p X Xi Ir. k k r-1 k (4-1) . - be a martingale dfference. Then for xl k For a sequence LEMMA 4-3 [2]. I, ElXi Ir. 2, we have 1 r r.v.. Then for r be k lxl k of m-dependent r.v. of mean zero and (Xi)n 2, 1 xl" THEOREM 4-4. (V. Shergln [2]). zero mean and e ES2’ 2 Let L (m+) "- 2 r/2 ( x) Let S be a sum of 1-dependent r.v. 0-3 [ Efi 3 &n (fi)n There exists a universal constant K such that t-1E exp(ItSe-I) THEOREM 4-5. [3]. IE exp(itSo In particular, for o IE -I K )I PROPOSITION 4-6. $ (4-4) (1+K21tl) Max (exp(-t2/80), (tK2L) we have It and ItlKmU I/4 log L -I , 2 K2olt I) (I exp(itS) (-t-R/2)dt K2L. exp Under the hypothesis of the above theorem one has for -I Max (exp(-t2o2/80), (toK2L)I/4 log L R With the above notation, for a _2 F {i Elfil.. [I, hi: o -I ). (4-5) let 400L2}." 2 Then lrl PROOF. Let q o 4 z oo. (4-6) card F. We have Z ml,l 2 F z I mltll3) $i n ooq IF mlr13) 2. 40oq From Holder’s inequality, we have 3 2/3 I/3 F So (4-7) gives F of F (4-7) 2 N.T. RHEE 192 iF The result follows. E[A] p We -are going to bound at the sane tie , E[6[ p (notice A A if n3.). LEMA 5-1. where V and EIA2 Ip {j, k: PROOF. K3o-P < j (j ,)ev EIYj ’ n, either j or k belongs to I}. Since A2 Yj, k A" A’ k 2 V V {j, k: < j {j, k: 2 <- j < k < n, j e < k < n, k I} I, - I}, k it is enough by (4-I) to bound each of these sums. We bound the first one. Th.e I let Z proof for the second is very similar. For k k Then kI kI For O, I, 2, let [. A 3+iI The sequence V t j,k" Y3+i-1,3+i" is a martingale difference, since if Y3+i_1,3+ FI Y j.<k-2 j<3+i Fj, then 3t+ll- z(z3t/i_ O. So (4-2) implies 3+iI Thus (4-I) implies E [ Yk -I ,k kel The sequence H-k iV.<2k-IF, then for the sequence (Z2k)2kei Z2k is H (Z2k+1). k is a p< 6 -I_ Y. kel p ,k mrtingale difference. Indeed, if measurable and E(Z2k+21H_.k) 0. A similar result holds So (4-I) and (4-2) give p 1 kgl [ zkl ’lzl p. Let us fix k e I. Then, it is easily seen that both sequences and (Y2j+1,k)1<2j+1.<k-2 (Y2j ,k 12j<.k-2 are martingale differences. It then follows by (4-I) and (4-2) that <k-2 The result follows these estimates. k ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR M-DEPENDENT U-STATISTICS 6. E(A exp it o -I S) BOUND FOR Let H- [log L -I I]. Itl For .> IOK2, let (1+K21tl) Max(exp(-t2/8000), (IOOK2tL) I/4(Iog (t) and for 193 Itl < IOK2, LEMMA 6-I. let (t) L -I /1000) (6-I) I. There exist universal constants K K4, 5 such that for ItK4LI< I, we have IE(A exp(ito-Is))l K5{t2V(t)ML 2/3+ t(t)NL1/3 MI(4OtL)H}. < We write olE(a exp(ito -I -I E(Yj kexp(Ito S))I. Z < S)) <-j <k<n We shall evaluate each of the terms of the rlght-hand’side LEMMA 6-2 < PROOF. First Case If k < IOOK21tlL IE(Yj, kexp(ito-ls) j+2, we have for k+1 k13/2)2/3(o -3 i-J Elfll3) I/3 EIYj 241tl(t)(EIyj First step: We prove that one of the following cases occurs. < j satisfying the following conditions: Seoond Case > There exists s f I< <-j and S i’ follows from (3-4) that ESa 49.2/100 (or even > s E + J El i=s’l +1 fil 2 < 98,2/100. a o2/10 12< 400 Lo 2 s Elfll 2 (6-4) and 2 2 ESI < 400 Lo ES l i"’ +1 (6-5) 2Efjf j+ It Let s Let F- {lI: Ef ’ 3.10-3. 2 / 2 I El2 2(2H+3)400L t:F 16,10 3.2 < 12. 2/ 100 J >.ES 48o2/100 2 + 2 2 We prove that the first case occurs It then follows that l I El 1<i<S’ (6-3) ]s, J-2[ contains 2H indices which do not belong to and L < 10 -3 from (4-3) and (4-6), we get J 2 < s’ < We have o S ESZ 24.2/100. -2 for k ]k+2, s[ for which S 2 ES21 ES since HL $ 10 <. o2/10, a be the largest integer such that For s’ (6-2) k satisfying the followlng oonditions: there are at least 2H indices $I= and ]s, j-2[ for which Elf I, E I El i=S’ Indeed, let Z fll 2 >. o2/I0 < J, E there are at least 2H indices F kl(40tL) H. Their exist s for s < s’ if < I: I j, -El i-S’+1 12o2/100 -2Ef S’ fs ’+I 2o2/100 => o 2/ 10 2o2 N.T. RHEE 194 ES Similarly, the second case occurs for Second Step. We suppose that the first case occurs, the second being similar. < H, indices s < p() < j-2 such that p() F and p(+1) < p()-2 for .< S Let o o -I <. H-I), -I -I Z. o -I Z2 +I- Let us define o . i>p(1 let (resp. fp() Z0 S z- f. j-1 =<i.<k +I <-H (resp. Z2 . <. H-I. Let < Zo= and for . < can pick for 49o2/100. -I We f-z o f p(+1)<i<p() Y I. It is easy to check exp(itZ) that So Yj,kexp(it -I Yj,kexp(ItZ 0) exp(It S I) (6-6) 2H-I " Yq Yj kexp(itZo -I (itS q-1 +I 2H Yj kexp(itZ 0) ..IYql-< Note that for each q, 2 and has an expectation bounded by 2HEIYj since Y q=l q EIZ2q o -I exp(itS ,+1 qeXp(itS2H). EIYql,. < ItlEIZ q I- The last term of (6-6) H k q < o-I (Ef Elfp(2q) q=1 =[lIEl2ql (2q)) < I/2 EIYj,kI(4OtL) .< 20L. For < H (6-7) < 2H-I, is measurable for the o-fleld generated by the k+2, hence independent of So, if Yj,k" YO exp(itZ0)-1, F since for j-2 and E(Yj,k we get E E(Yj k exp(itZ E(Yj ,k Since S+ is independent of O) qIlI[ YqeXp(itS+1 )) N Y exp(itS q +I q-0 we get Yj,kq II0 Yq, lEvi ElY j kVOI 2qs,n EIX2ql.2[’/2]+llE exp(ttS+l) [/2] < 2ElY (40tL) IE exp (itS+l) j ,kxO Since S+ is of the form follows from step that o’ L,- S1+1 2 o 2 s fl > I/I0 ES+ o ,-3 -I s’ E i=1 where s < s’ < So we have Io -1 fil 3 s o2o -1 L. j by construction, it ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR M-DEPENDENT U-STATISTICS I02K21tlL <. I02K21tlL <. I, It follows from (4-5) that for Moreover, since K 2 .> and 195 IE exp(itSE+1) we have we have (20tL) [/2] < 2 (t). -[E/2]. Finally, EIYj,kOI -< t(EIYj,kI3/2)2/3(EIZoI3) I/3. -< tEIYj,kZ01 In the same manner, we have elYj,kexp(itZo)exp(itS1) .< EIYj,kYOI(t). EIZo 13 from The lemma follows from these estimates and the estimate of LEMMA 6-3. If k > cIE(Yj -< IOOK21tlL j+2, we have for 40t2(t)(EIYj k13/2)2/3(0 (4-I). I, exp(itc-Is))l k -3 _< El f 13)I/3 Elf iI 3 )I/3"(0-3 7. 7. EIYj,kI(40tL) H. PROOF. One of the following cases occur: First Step. first case, second case: identical to the first and second case of lemma 6-2 < respectively. Third case, there exists j+2 conditions: for j+1< s’< < s s < 2 k-2 satisfying the following s"< k-l, we have s1< s2< fi 12 7. E S <i <-S" there are at least 2H indices e ]j+2, >. o2/10 st[ (6-8) and Elfi 12 400c2L for which (6-9) e ]s 2, k-2[ with the same property. and 2H indices The proof uses the same method as in lemma 6-2. We omit it. Second Step. We shall treat only the first case. the third uses the same idea. that Eft(f) 400o2L Z’ and for Let < o 2 H q- [i-j l1 fi’ Z >- j+3). Since E(Yj, k exp(itZ’)W) Z" & H-I. 0 and YO-- c and Z ll-kll fi .< For generated by the E E(Yj,kI_.G <- Let O- Z’ + Z", 2H-1, the r.v. for O, we have I-JI (exp(itZ’)-1)(exp(itZ")-I), we have kexp(itZ 0) n YqeXp(ItS+ q=l E(Yj kTO H q-1 q >. exp(ltZ")W exp(itS +I )). )) is 2. (Here" we use the E(Yj, k exp(itZ")W) O. It follows that if E(Yj,kW ) E E(Yj such as in lena 6-2. Then (6-6) holds. and qeXp(ltS+l ). measurable for the o-field G fact that k The second case is identical and H, we pick indices s <. p() < j-2 and p(+I) & p()-2 for I < 2H, define W .< For 0. Similar N.T. RHEE 196 The rest of proof is entirely similar to lemma 6-2, except that we estimate EIYj,kYOI < t2EIYj,kZ’Z"I .< t2(EIYj,klB/2)2/3(EIZ,Z,,I3) I/3 t2(EIYj,klB/e)2/3(EIZ, 13)I/S(EIZ,,13) I/3. -< Follows from lemmas 6-2 and PROOF OF LEMMA 6-I If, in the estimate of EIY j,kY0 I, .. Itl(t)Np1/2Q1/q MI (40tL )H I/2 2/q Q K5(t2(t)M p n -q Elfi lq. i=I 7. we use Holder’s inequality p/(p-1), we get in lemma (6-I) the bound with exponents p and q where Q by the use of Holder’s K4-- I00K3). inequality (with REMARK: 6-3 HOW TO CHOOSE Le 10 -2 > 8 > 3.103HL 2 which will be chosen later. The next lemma shows how to pick a subinterval I of {I, that interval {I n} which roughly speaking will play the role inS]} would play the i.i.d, case. Let a {I F zlfil n} L2}. >-400 {I There exists an interval I LEMMA 7-I. 2 n} which has the following properties. I is reunion of ten subintervals <- 10, I each . n Elf iI 3 iI If A a-P (j,k)A PROOF. 24008 i=I < {j, k; j Let s(1) fi )2 a 28a 2. Elf iI 3 (7-2) k, j or k belongs to I}, we have p < 5000eM p EIYj ,k I. . contains at least 2H elements which F, and is such that E( does not belong to (7-I) which Ii0 F, and such that for extremities does not belong to < Ii, (7-3) We construct by introduction a sequence s(i) in the following way: s(i+1) < Inf{s: s(1) s < n, s-l, s at least 2H elements, E( Z s(i)<<s F, is{i), s[ \ F contains f)2 >. 28o2}. The construction goes until we reach an integer s(h) such that eltheP s(h) n or no s e ]s(h),n[ satisfies the required conditions. In the second case we set s(h+1 n. We index s . show now that 58(h-I) .> s(i) such that E( >. I. For s(i)<.t<_s f)2 each 28o easily if A ]s’(i), s(i+1)[ F, then if B card B. -< 2H card A.. For each i, we have 2. < h, let s’(1) be the largest The definition of s(i+1) implies ]s’(i), s(i+1)[ \ Ai, we have 197 ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR M-DEPENDENT U-STATISTICS Ef f)2 .< E( [ E( 2 s’Ci) Ef 2 s’Ci)+1 2 . [ A. f) Ef2 2 cB. Ef It follows that 2 <-2he h 2 (E i-2 f2s(i)-1 h Ef2s(i) [ i=I (Ef2s’(i) Ef 2 s’(i)=1 ieF F it follows easily Since s(i)-1, s(i) o h But card B. i=I - 2 < 2 2h8o [ 4 iF 1600hL2o 2 Ef h 2 [ card B i=I card F, from (4-6) we got 2Hh 800L + 400L2card F . 2 io o2/20, so we get finally o 2 602/20 ho2(20 Since H >. 7, We get 7o/10 <. 3ho 2. So h 5e(h-1) -> 1600L + 1600HL 2) 2 10-28 7/30. Since I, we have h 20, so 1. <. For <. h-l, let 0-3 a eJ where A .< {(j,k): j < k , ]s(i), s(i+l)[. Let Ji <- :lr.l o-p ,:,. (J ,k)eA lj.l p n, j or k belongs to J }" It is easy to see that [ a. S L [ and b S Si &h-1 .<i-<h-1 2Mp.. .< <. h-1 for which It follows that there are at least 19(h-I)/20 indices -I -I a <. 40(h-I) L and b S 80(h-I) Since (h-l) >. 19, it is possible to find ten Mp. I+10 with thls property. The lemma follows by consecutive indices i+I, i+2 10 letting 8. I Ji+ for <- 10 and I exp(it(o S+A }E BOUND FOR I))I and U =1 IE I A2exp(it(o We shall bound the above quantities when I is chosen as in the preceding Let paragraph. (1+K21tl)Max(exp(-t2e2/80), (2400tK2L)I/4 log(L-tel/2/2400)) (t,e) >. -I K 2 for t that [Sl, s 2] S’ o and Indeed, if I otherwise. We first show that if contains one of the intervals -I s is (t,) fi’ we have Elexp(itS’) 2 (s’, s"), we have IE (2 Sl, s I are such 2 E < 9) then, if < (t,) whenever 24001tlK2L < I. N.T. RHEE 198 E(S’) 2 E( s. <i<s’ 2 Ef Moreover o -3 fi.) fs s’-1 2 : E( ieI fi) Efs,,f s "+I 2 2 ( ,"< 28o : <s fi) 2 2 1600o2L 2 2 8o 2 Elfi 13 .< 24008L, so the result by (4-5). If ItlK6 L <- I, then EIA 2 exp(it(o -I S At)) < K5MI((t,O) (8OiL)H). [ s <.i <s" LEMMA 8-I. PROOF. < Let us fix j k. Then, among the intervals J1’ J2’ J3 which do not < H in J1 \ F such that possible to find three consecutive intervals j or k. for < < <- H-I <-H-I. -< <. q(), and indices -I <-H, " i<p(1) and for J3 \ F’such that q(+I) o fi -I i>q(1) A fi o <. H-I, o Z2_I -I -I . fq()) (fp() o f -I [ f q(+1)<i<q(t) p()<i<p(+1) i" Let S ,o -I S g I) [ Y and Zi exp(itZ) I. We have Yj,kexp(ito -I S)-= Yj,k exp(itZl) exp(itS2) 2H-I Yj k 7. exp(itZ1 =2 [[ q=2 YqeXp(ItSz+1 2H Yj ,kexp (itz )q.2YqeXp(ItS2H) So, by using the same type of majoratlons as in section 6, and since lexp(it S) <- (t,8) for 2 & <- 2H by the preceding remarks, we get E -I Yj,kexp(ito S)I 4EIYj,kl(t,8) + EIYj,kI(8OtL) and the lemma follows by summation (with K 6 2400K H K4). 2 A comparable but simpler proof yields the following. LEMMA 8-2. If ItlK6L <. I, then Elexp(it(o -I S+AI)) 9. K5((t,8) + (80tEN)). PROOF OF THEOREM A. Since we can suppose K (6-I) shows that for 6 >_ 2400K2, 0, I, 2, -> p()+2 q(+I) < q()-2 for [et Z2 < < H in it is contain either Let ZI and for < So we can pick indices p(), Ii0, 11, straightforward computation from 199 ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY FOR M-DEPENDENT U-STATISTICS I e Itli(t)dt < K?. 12 (9-I) < ,ItlK6L Let us denote J(T) the integral in the right hand Ride (3-I). Let T Inf ((80000-1og L) O (e-4OK6L) -I) I/2 It follows from (3-2), theorem 4-4, lemmas 5-I and 6-I, and 9-I that (since K > 40) 6 J(T For T O <- t -< (e <. O) -40K6 L K8(L -I (log 10 -2 -2 log -I IL I0). 24002L 5/6) and it is indeed possible to.assume (24000) ince we can take K NL I/3 +M (if such t exists) we let Max (8000t The first term is ML 2/3 L-I)p/2Mp 2 e < 10 -2 for otherwise and theorem A will be automatically satisfied. 3HL. Hence choose I as in section 6 and use the estimates (3-3) Notice that for this choice of e, straightforward 8-2. and lemmas 5-I, 8-I and Moreover e >- 4.10 <- computation gives (t,O) K8L4. It then follows that J((exp(-40)K6L)-1) J(T O) <. K9(L MIL3 M P L5/6-P). If we put all these estimates together we get theorem A, with the bound as stated, but where the quantities with a "dash" are replaced by corresponding quantities without a dash. However, since for .< r < p we have Elgj,k lemma 4-I shows that the "undahed" quantities are bounded by a universal constant This concludes the proof of theorem A. In order to get the extensions of theorem A mentioned as remarks after the 5/6 statement of this theorem one replaces e -40 by e-(8q+2) in the choice of T O and L times the "da.hed" ones. by L Y in the choice of . REFERENCES I. HELMERS, R. and Van Zwet, W.R. The Berry-Esseen bound for U-statlstlcs, preprint. 2. SHERGIN, V.V. 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