Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1988) 87-94 VOL. ii NO. 87 ON STAR POLYNOMIALS, GRAPHICAL PARTITIONS AND RECONSTRUCTION E.J. FARRELL and C.M. DE MATAS Department of Mathematics University of West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad (Received April 29, 1986) It is shown that the partition of a graph can be determined from its star ABSTRACT. polynomial and an algorithm is given for doing so. It is subsequently shown (as it is well known) that the partition of a graph is reconstructible from the set of nodedeleted subgraphs. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. star, star polynomial, star cover, graphical partition, reconstruction. kMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 05A99, 05C99. I. INTRODUCTION. The graphs here will be finite, undirected, and will have no loops or multiple We define an edges. m- (called the centre of S S m to be a tree consisting of a node of valency joined to m m other nodes. 0-6 is A m a node and a I-6Y is an edge. Let G A be a graph. 6oY-COVe (or simply, a COVe) of determinate or S m wig Wm+l; C and wth each star cover is a spanning sub- consisting of G, an in- S S m m 2 the weight k k w(c) Then the G Let us associate with each m-star in graph whose components are all stars. 602[ poZyom%o of ii w m. 1 G (relative to the given weight assignment) is E(G;) Zw(C), where the summation is taken over all the star covers in G and (Wl, w 2 is The basic results on star polynomials are given in the intro- a general weight vector. ductory paper by Farrell [I]. We will show that HG the partition of a graph This will then be used to show that R G G can be obtained from E(G;). is node-reconstructible, a result that can be established by more elementary means (see Tutte [2]). E.J. FARRELL and C.M. DE MATAS 88 For brevity, we will ite E(G) 2. r’s. k since the same weight vector rk Also, in partitions, we will use used throughout the paper. ence of E(G;w), for () Finally, we will assume that will be w to denote the occur- 0, for all r n. STAR POLYNOMIALS AND GRAPHICAL PARTITIONS. First of all, we state a lemma which can be easily proved. LEMMA I. Let v be a node of valency G in G Then DEFINITION Let G E(G) of simple m-covers in G will have weight c w 6dp e0e%eewt, a m Note that the term G. Let p-l). G be a graph with w and its co- will be the number m will also be a simple term. P Let nodes p E(G). (n HG n ,...,2 b2 b ,I ,0 b0 I, m > Then for is a in Wm+ c b LEMMA 2 G of 6%mp Am, will be referred to as a efficient, which will be denoted by n m-stars p-m-1 isolated nodes. It is clear that a simple m-cover in mon6mial of this form in S%mpl m-covEr A p nodes. be a graph with cover consisting of an m-star and (0 () contains v with centre A d n C PROOF. Z r=m m () m b r This is straightforward. The following lemma can be easily proved. LEMMA 3. Let all the terms for be the largest valency of a node in n p-r-I w (0 _< r _< n) Wr+ G E(G) Then with non-zero coefficient, i.e contains # 0 Cr for (0 ! r in) Suppose that we put in the above Lemma. n Then G will consist of a set of G Clearly then the partition of disjoint edges and possibly isolated nodes. will be given by p-2c c H HG Hence If I, then from Lemma 2, we get n r E r=k+l n Ck rk (kr)br bk + b c n k Therefore b b’s bk+ I, bk+2 i.e. follows: c k r. k r=k+l c For k n G is 2c kZ=l for k > I. (2.2) (which is defined in k and O, E(G)) we can find b and all the higher and b 0 as Therefore the sum of the valencies of the G. is the number of edges in n N nodes of (k)br, ()b r. can be obtained from ,b (2.1) ). 0 E(G). can be found from n (i G kb k b + kb kZ=2 k n =2c kE__2 kb k. (2.3) STAR POLYNOMIALS, GRAPHICAL PARTITIONS AND RECONSTRUCTION b 0 G is the number of isolated nodes in 89 Therefore n b p 0 b iZ__l (2.4) i- Our discussion yields the following theorem, 0 where G Let THEOREM 1. b II nodes and let p (n G b n 2 2 obO) b ,1 Then p-l. n be a graph with n b c r k’f)br’ Z k r-k+l 2c rE__2 p rZ__l br. k b rb <k <- no for r and n b For I, n 0 is given by Equation (2.1). HG For G yields an algorithm for obtaining Theorem 0, the result is trivial. n from E(G). This algorithm is illustrated in the following example: EXAMPLE I. E(G) be a graph such that G Let + 6ww + 7w3w + w2w + 8wZw2 + 12w w6 13 12 oserve First of all, we ple terms in E(G) w 6, that w 7ww w2w for k Since the largest from the term 6w are 12 and which w b c + w + 3w2~ w w 2 2 has 6 nodes i.e. G Therefore 6 c c p 6. =7 and The sim- I. c 2 E(G) is 4, it follows that occurs in k + w w 123 3. n Now 3 b I; c 2 3 r 2 (2)b r 3 7 7-3 3b 3 2(6) b kZ2= 3 b0 Hence p r$1 kb br k 12 -2b 12-8-3 3b 6-1-4-I 0. (312II)" HG G itself from only the simple terms in E(G) itself is not clearly defined. are used to obtain G characterization of is concerned. it is not surprising that G E(G) are useless as far as the It would be interesting to investigate the HG is unigraphic (i.e. there is only one graph with partition could be uniquely constructed from PROOF. HG Since ’useless terms’. Suppose that THEOREM 2. From Theorem I, itself be clearly defined by the simple G Should G’ terms, then it would mean that the remaining terms of nature of these E(G). However there can be several graphs with the same partition. can be obtained. G I. 2 It would be nice to be able to obtain then 4. Let G be unigraphic. This follows from Theorem Hence we have the following theorem. HG" Then HG ), G can be constructed from and the discussion above. E(G). E.J. FARRELL and C.M. DE MATAS 90 THEOREM 3. Let E(G) only if I, G from Theorem H E(H) and be two graphs with H and Finally, be equal. E(G) r E(G) I) in (r Hence i, for all graphs. c c E(H) and Then are equal. Conversely, suppose that must have the same partition. Then from Lemma 2, the coefficients H if and have the same simple coefficients. H and NG H Then nodes. p Suppose that the simple coefficients in PROOF. NG G E(G) and E(H) and E(H) must have the same The result therefore follows. simple coefficients. STAR POLYNOMIALS AND RECONSTRUCTION. 3o The following theorem is analogous to the result for circuit polynomials given in Lemma 3 of Farrell and Grell [3], F-polynomials (see Farrell [4]). holds for all from G We suspect that the general result i. i with by removing node V(G) x. Here G-x denotes the graph obtained G. is the node set of THEOREM 4. aE(G) E E(G-x;) V(G) 3Wl PROOF. E A E(G) Let us write j nodes in G n ,j w j w n2, j n ...Wp 2 P,J n Z n w j ,jAj Wl w n ,j---Iwn2, ...Wp 2 n n2, j nl, j It is clear that the monomial w ...w 2 P,j p’j G-x, for some node of a cover in x G-x Conversely, every cover of adding an isolated node. esponding monomial a term with monomial wlm m. G. The derivative of A. sisting of node x nl, j isolated nodes is removed from isolated nodes. G. Since node n2, j Then x w 2 edges,..., n G-x nl,jAj. E(G) w P,j could be any of the Hence the coefficient of G P (p-l) G w nl, j A has j stars. -I n 2 w 2 ’j...w yields covers con- Suppose that nl,j-I isolated nodes in the gives rise to nl, j by have the same mono- nl, n p p’j covers with one less in From Equation (3.1) it follows that the monomials occur in with equal coefficients. w will have a similar cover but with cover, it follows that each such cover in isolated node. Z E(G-x;w) G yields a corr- with respect to wlm and w Z E(G-x;) in nl, j wn2 ,J...wnp’j is the coefficient of 3 E(G) It follows that mials. Since can be extended to a cover of Therefore every monomial m in It is therefore the weight G. Hence it is a monomial of the polynomial G. in (3. I) is the weight of a cover with P one isolated node less than the corresponding cover in E(G-x;). is the number of p Then E(G) Z where Z E(G-x;w) is Z and E(G-x;) Hence the result follows. Throughout the rest of this section, we will assume that the graph has at least three nodes. Also ’reconstructible’ would mean node-reconstructible. By the deck STAR POLYNOMIALS, GRAPHICAL PARTITIONS AND RECONSTRUCTION D G a graph G 91 {G-x: xeV(G)}. we would mean the set It is well known (see Harary [5], Kelly [6], and Chatrand and Kronk [7]) that G is disconnected, and therefore the number LEMMA 4. Let G graphs with described. nodes. r graphs with Suppose that G has the number of isolated nodes in isolated nodes, G D G impossible unless D Since k > r-l. G. r (>0) isolated isolated nodes and G p-r G must be of the form D G G D r-I k _> r. isolated nodes and only to form an element of Clearly k k r. Therefore r-I isolated nodes, k#r-l. r-I has G nodes each of whose removal reduces themselves isolated nodes. be isolated nodes or it would mean that r-l elements of r k has at least is a matching (in which case the result holds). G Let yields at least one new isolated node, and this is contains no elements with less that But exactly r D Then Since every element of one node can be removed at a time from has exactly has is as described in the theorem. G cannot have less than the removal of each node from Hence isolated nodes. r Conversely, suppose that k _> r G r-I or more isolated nodes. r PROOF. p D G is reconstruc- The following lemma gives a Then be a graph with has exactly G DG. connection between the number of isolated nodes and nodes if and only if is reconstructible if G of isolated nodes in We can however, prove the latter independently. tible. H It follows that disconnected graphs are reconstructible. r-l. to D G. G Therefore These nodes must be Therefore k r and the result follows. From the above lemma, we see that It follows that if br’S maining G can be determined. Let G be a graph with C(w2,w ,Wp) Suppose that D p G is given. then Z E(G-x;w) Then w w2,w can be found. p Hence / Z But this polynomial contains all the simple terms except Cp_ 2 0, then from Lemma 3, cients will be defined. # 0 Wp), is a polynomial in the weights We will consider two cases (i) Cp_ 2 From Theorem 4, we have, by inte- nodes. w l, fore all the simple coefficients of Cp_ 2 The following result is well known f(ZE(G-x;w)) + C(w 2,w E(G) If G- provided that all the re- is reconstructible. G grating both sides with respect to can be found. D We will give different derivation using star polynomials. H THEOREM 5. where HG is given, then we can find (0 < r < n) (see Tutte [2]). PROOF. D b 0 (of Theorem I) can be obtained from c p-i E(G), except 0 and (ii) Cp_ 0 c p-I Cp_ 2 However There- P can be immediately found # 0. Therefore all the simple coeffi- It follows from Theorem I, that will be unknown. w E(G-x;_ b H G can be found. will be known from D G If (Lemma 4) E.J. FARRELL and C.M. DE MATAS 92 will have p-I equations and p-! Therefore the system of equations in Theorem It can be solved to find knowns. Hence bp_ I. b I, b 2, NG un- can be found. In the proof of Theorem 5, we did not give any useful practical method for finding H G, when c We shall do so now. 0. p-2 can be written as follows: The equations of Theorem + bp_ p + bp_ 2 + b2 + + b b (pl )b p-I + (p.2 bp_2 + 2c c2 =(P2-I )bp-I + (p 2 )bp-2 + p-I p-2 + (p_2)bp_2 Cp_2= (p_2)bp_l + + + 2b2 bl b2 By adding and subtracting alternate equations, we get p-2c + c + c 2 (-l)Pc p-2 Let us denote the L.H.S. of this equation by S (-I) p bp_ S Since (-l)Pb p-l" S. Then (3.3) (S-D0) can be found from the simple coefficients can be found (from Lemma 5), b (3 2) (-l)Pb p-l" + b + b c r (r p-2) and can be found from Equation (3.3). p-2 b’s can be found by using the algorithm suggested by Theorem I. The following example illustrates the technique. EXAMPLE 2. Let C G D be a graph with given below in Figure I. G G G G O Figure I. It can be easily confirmed that + 2 2 6WlW 2 E(G I) w E(G2) E(G3) w E(G) E(G 5) w + 12WlW + 3w_22 + 4w 2 4ww + 5WlW 3 + w + w + 5w21w2 + 8WlW + 2w22 + 2w + 2 Therefore i- E15 E(Gi) 0E(G)w w + 8ww 5w + 24Wl2W By integrating with respect to E(G) 2 + 19ww 2 + 38WlW + 9w22 + lOw. w I, we get + 10WlW + C(w2,w3,w,w5). p, and b 0 Hence all the STAR POLYNOMIALS, GRAPHICAL PARTITIONS AND RECONSTRUCTION 93 Therefore 5 -16 S D Since no element of G + 19 10. 19 and c 8, c 2 5, c p -2 i0 0. b has an isolated node, it follows from Lemma 5 that From Equation (3.3), we get b (-1) 5 (-2-0) b3 c3 -r4 (r3 )br b2 c2 r -rE=3 (2)br b 2c 2. 4 4 4 3 (2)b3 c2 r -r__Z2 (1)br 2c 2b 2 2. 8 I0 -4b 4 c (42)b4 19 4b 3b 6 16 I. 12 2 6 8 0 Hence we get N G (43,32,21). Suppose that HG G is unigraphic. is reconstructible from structible from D G. D G Then (Theorem 5). G is uniquely determined from It follows that G is NG" uniquely But recon- Thus we have the following theorem, which can otherwise be proved by more elementary methods. THEOREM 6. The Reconstruction Conjecture holds for all graphs with unigraphic partitions. REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FARRELL, E. J., On a Class of Polynomials Associated with the Stars of a Graph and its Application to Node Disjoint Decompositions of Complete Graphs and Complete Bipartite Graphs into Stars, Canad. Math. Bull., 22(I)(1978) 35-46. TUTTE, W. T., "Graph heory", Encycope.dia of Matheatiqs and Its Applications, Vol. 21 Addison-Wesley, 1984. FARRELL, E. J., and GRELL, J. C., On Reconstructing the Circuit Polynomial of a Graph, Caribb. J. Math. 1(3)(1983) 109-119. FARRELL, E. J., On a General Class of Graph Polynomials, J. Comb. Theory B. 26 (1979) 111-122. HARARY, F., On the Reconstruction of a Graph from a Collection of Subgraphs, "T.he.ory of Graphs and.. it Appli.cations"(M. Fiedler ed.) 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