GEORGIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL: Vol. 6, No. 6, 1999, 501-516 LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION OF THE GASSER–MÜLLER NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATE OF THE REGRESSION FUNCTION R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA Abstract. Asymptotic distribution of the mean square deviation of the Gasser–Müller estimate of the regression curve is investigated. The testing of hypotheses on regression function is considered. The asymptotic behaviour of the power of the proposed criteria under contiguous alternatives is studed. Let {Ynk , k = 1, . . . , n}n≥1 be a sequence of arrays of random variables defined as follows: k Ynk = g(xnk ) + Znk , xnk = , k = 1, . . . , n, n ≥ 1, n where g(x), x ∈ [0, 1], is the unknown real-valued function to be estimated by given observations Ynk ; Znk , k = 1, . . . , n, is a sequence of arrays of independent random variables identically distributed in each array such 2 that EZnk = 0, EZnk = σ 2 , k = 1, . . . , n, n ≥ 1. Let us consider the estimate of the function g(x) from [1]: gn (x) = n X Wni (x)Yni , i=1 where Wni = bn−1 Z ∆i K x − t bn dt, x ∈ [0, 1], ∆i = hi − 1 i i , . n n Here K(x) is some kernel, bn is a sequence of positive numbers tending to 0. Assume that the kernel K(x) has a compact support and satisfies the conditions: 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 62G07. Key words and phrases. Limit distribution, consistency, power of criteria, contiguous alternatives. 501 c 1999 Plenum Publishing Corporation 1072-947X/99/1100-0501$16.00/0 502 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA 1◦ . supp(K) ⊂ [−τ, τ ], 0 < τ < ∞, sup |K| < ∞, R K(u)du = 1, K(−x) = K(x),R R 2◦ . K(u)uj du = 0, 0 < j < s, K(u)us du 6= 0, 3◦ . K(x) has a bounded derivative in R = (−∞, ∞). Denote by Fs the family of regression functions g(x), x ∈ [0, 1], hav(s) ing Pn derivatives of order up to s (s ≥ 2), g (x) is continuous. Note that 2 i=1 Wni (x) = 1 for x ∈ Ωn (τ ) = [τ bn , 1 − τ bn ] and Egn (x) = g(x) + O(bn ) ◦ if kernel K(x) satisfies condition 1 and g(x) ∈ F2 . On the other hand, Pthe n 6 1 for x ∈ [0, τ bn ) ∪ (1 − τ bn , 1] and it may happen that i=1 Wni (x) = g(1) g(0) Egn (x) 6→ g(x), for example, PnEgn (0) → 2 (or Egn (1) → 2 ). If the estimate gn (x) is divided by i=1 Wni (x), then the proposed estimate gen (x) becomes asymptotically unbiased and, moreover, Ee gn (x) = g(x) + O(bn ) for x ∈ [0, τ bn ) ∪ (1 − τ bn , 1]. Hence the asymptotic behaviour of the estimate gn (x) near the boundary of the interval [0, 1] is worse than within the interval Ωn (τ ). A phenomenon of such kind is known in the literature as the boundary effect of the estimator gn (x) (see, for examle, [2]). It would be interesting to investigate the limit behaviour of the distribution of the mean square deviation of gn (x) from g(x) on the interval Ωn (τ ) and this is the aim of the present article. The method of proving the statements given below is based on the functional limit theorems for semimartingales from [3]. We will use the notation: Un = nbn Z Ωn (τ ) (gn (x) − Egn (x))2 dx, Qij ≡ Qij (n) = ξnk = k−1 X Z σn2 = 4σ 4 (nbn )2 n k−1 X X Q2ik (n), k=2 i=1 Wni (x)Wnj (x)dx, Ωn (τ ) ηik ≡ ηik (n) = 2nbn Qik Zni Znk σn−1 , k = 2, . . . , n, ηik , ξn1 = 0, ξnk = 0, k > n, i=1 (n) Fk = σ(ω : Zn1 , Zn2 , . . . , Znk ), (n) where Fk is the σ-algebra generated by the random variables Zn1 , Zn2 , . . . , (n) Znk , F0 = (∅, Ω). (n) Lemma 1 ([4], p. 179). The stochastic sequence (ξnk , Fk )k≥1 is a martingale-difference. Lemma 2. Suppose the kernel K(x) satisfies conditions 1◦ and 3◦ . If LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION nb2n → ∞, then bn−1 σn2 → 2σ 4 and Z EUn = σ 2 Z 503 2τ −2τ K02 (u) du, K 2 (u)du + O(bn ) + O (1) 1 , nbn (2) where K0 = K ∗ K (the symbol ∗ denotes the convolution). Proof. It is not difficult to see that X n n X n X 4 2 2 2 2 σn = 2σ (nbn ) Qki − Qii = d1 (n) + d2 (n). k=1 i=1 Here by the definition of Qki we have XZ d1 (n) = 2σ 4 n2 b−2 n ∆i i,j where Ψn (t1 , t2 ) = Z (3) i=1 K Ωn (τ ) Z Ψn (t1 , t2 )dt1 dt2 ∆j x − t 1 bn K x − t 2 bn 2 , dx. Using the mean value theorem, we can rewrite d1 (n) as X (1) (2) Ψn2 (θi , θj ), d1 (n) = 2σ 4 (nbn )−2 i,j (1) (2) with θi ∈ ∆i , θi ∈ ∆j . (i) Let P (x) be the uniform distribution function on [0, 1] and Pn (x) the (i) (i) empirical distribution function of the “sample” θ1 , . . . , θn , i = 1, 2, i.e., P (i) (i) n Pn (x) = n−1 k=1 I(−∞,x) (θk ), where IA (·) is the indicator of the set A. Then d1 (n) can be written as the integral Z 1Z 1 Ψ2n (x, y)dPn(1) (x)dPn(2) (y). (4) d1 (n) = 2σ 4 bn−2 0 0 It is easy to check that Z 1 Z 1 Z 2 (1) (2) (x)dP (y) − Ψ (x, y)dP n n n 0 0 where Z I1 = 0 1 Z 0 1 1 0 Z 1 0 Ψ2n (x, y)dP (x)dP (y) ≤ I1 +I2 , Ψ2n (x, y)dPn(2) (y)[dPn(1) (x) − dP (x)], 504 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA Z I2 = 1 0 Z 1 0 Ψ2n (x, y)dP (x)[dPn(2) (y) − dP (y)]. Furthermore, the integration by parts of the internal integral in I1 yields Z 1 Z 1 dPn(2) (y) I1 ≤ 2 |Pn(1) (x) − P (x)| |Ψn (x, y)|bn−1 × 0 0 Z t − y (1) t − x × (5) K K dt dx. b b n n Ωn (τ ) (i) 2 n Since sup |Pn − P (x)| ≤ 0≤x≤1 and |Ψn (x, y)| ≤ cbn , we have I1 = O(bn /n). Here and in what follows c is the positive constant varying from one formula to another. In the same manner we may show that I2 = O(bn /n). Therefore Z d1 (n) = 2σ 4 b−2 n 1 0 Z 1 Ψ2n (t1 , t2 )dt1 dt2 + O 0 It is easy to show also that Z xb−1 Z Z n 4 d1 (n) = 2σ K(u)K (x−1)b−1 n Ωn (τ ) Ωn (τ ) x − y bn 1 . nbn −u du 2 (6) dxdy+O x Since [−τ, τ ] ⊂ [ x−1 bn , bn ] for all x ∈ Ωn (τ ), we have Z Z 1 x − y d1 (n) = 2σ 4 K02 dx dy + O . bn nbn Ωn (τ ) Ωn (τ ) But it is easy to see that Z 1Z −1 4 bn d1 (n) = 2σ 0 (1−y)/bn −τ τ −y/bn K02 (u) du Therefore b−1 n d1 (n) We can directly verify that Z n Z X 2 −3 b−1 |d (n)| ≤ b n 2 n n i=1 ∆i Z → 2σ Z ∆i ∆i ∆i 4 Z Z dy + O(bn ) + O K02 (u) du. 1 . nbn 1 . nbn (7) x − t x − t 1 2 K K dx× b b n n Ωn (τ ) LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION × Z y − t y − t 1 3 4 K . K dy dt1 dt2 dt3 dt4 ≤ c b b nb n n n Ωn (τ ) 505 (8) Statement (1) immediately follows directly from (3), (7), and (8). Let us now show that (2) holds. We have Z 1 x − t σ2 K2 Dgn (x) = 2 dPn (x), nbn 0 bn where n X Pn (x) = n−1 I(−∞,x) (θk ), k=1 θk ∈ ∆k , k = 1, . . . , n. Applying the same argument as in deriving (6), we find Z 1 x − t 1 σ2 Dgn (x) = 2 K2 dt + O . nbn 0 bn (nbn )2 (9) x Furthermore, taking into account that [−τ, τ ] ⊂ [ x−1 bn , bn ] for all x ∈ Ωn (τ ) by (9) we can write Z σ2 K 2 (u) du + O((nbn )−2 ). Dgn (x) = nbn Thus EUn = σ 2 Z K 2 (u) du + O(bn ) + O 1 . nbn Theorem 1. Suppose the kernel K(x) satisfies conditions 1◦ and 3◦ . If 4 sup EZn1 < ∞ and nbn2 → ∞, then n≥1 d bn−1/2 (Un − σ 2 θ1 )σ −2 θ2−1 −→ξ, where θ1 = Z d K 2 (u) du, θ22 = 2 Z K02 (u) du. By the symbol −→ we denote the convergence in distribution, ξ is a random variable distributed according to the standard normal distribution. Proof. Note that Un − EUn = Hn(1) + Hn(2) , σn where n n X nbn X 2 2 (Z − EZni Hn(1) = ξnk , Hn(2) = )Qii . σn i=1 ni k=1 506 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA (2) Hn converges to zero in probability. Indeed, DHn(2) = n n 2 X (nbn )2 X 4 2 4 (nbn ) 2 4 |d2 (n)| Q EZ = sup EZn1 EZ ≤ sup Qii . ni ii n1 2 2 σn i=1 σn i=1 σn2 n≥1 n≥1 (2) P (2) This and (8) yield DHn = O(1/(nσn2 )) = O(1/(nbn )). Hence Hn −→0. P (By the symbol −→ we denote the convergence in probability). (1) d Now let us prove the convergence Hn −→ξ. For this it is sufficient verify the validity of Corollaries 2 and 6 of Theorem 2 from [3]. We will show that the asymptotic normality conditions from the corresponding statement (n) are fulfilled by the sequence {ξnk , Fk }k≥1 which is a square-integrable martingale-difference according to Lemma Pn 1. 2 A direct calculation shows that k=1 Eξnk = 1. Now the asymptotic normality will take place if for n → ∞ we have n X k=1 (n) P 2 I(|ξnk | ≥ ) Fk−1 ]−→0 E[ξnk (10) and n X k=1 P 2 −→1. ξnk (11) But, as shown in [3], the validity of (11) together with the condition P sup |ξnk |−→0 implies the statement (10) as well. 1≤k≤n Since for > 0 P n X 4 sup |ξnk | ≥ ≤ −4 , Eξnk 1≤k≤n k=1 (1) d to prove Hn −→ξ we have to verify only (11), since relation (12) given below is fulfiled. Pn 2 P −→1. It is sufficient to verify that Now we will establish k=1 ξnk E n X k=1 as n → ∞, i.e., due to E n X k=1 2 ξnk 2 Pn k=1 = 2 ξnk −1 2 →0 2 Eξnk =1 n X k=1 4 Eξnk +2 X 1≤k1 <k2 ≤n 2 ξ 2 → 1. Eξnk 1 nk2 LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION 507 Pn 4 First show that k=1 Eξnk → 0 as n → ∞. By virtue of the definitions of we can write ξnk and ηij n X 4 Eξnk = In(1) + In(2) , k=1 where In(1) = n k−1 X 16(nbn )4 X 4 4 EZnj Qjk , EZ nk σn4 j=1 k=2 In(2) = n k−1 48(nbn ) X X 2 2 EZni EZnj Q2ik Q2jk . σn4 4 k=2 i6=j 4 On the other hand, since sup EZn1 < ∞, |Qij | ≤ cbn−1 n−2 and bn−1 σn2 → n≥1 (1) (2) σ 4 θ22 , we have In = O((nbn )−2 ), In = O(1/(nσn4 )) = O(1/(nb2n )). Hence n X k=1 4 Eξnk → 0, n → ∞. (12) Now let us establish that X 2 1≤k1 <k2 ≤n 2 ξ2 → 1 Eξnk 1 nk2 as n → ∞. The definition of ξni yields (1) (2) (3) (4) 2 2 ξnk = Bk1 k2 + Bk1 k2 + Bk1 k2 + Bk1 k2 , · ξnk 2 1 where (1) (2) (3) (4) Bk1 k2 = σ2 (k1 )σ2 (k2 ), Bk1 k2 = σ2 (k1 )σ1 (k2 ), Bk1 k2 = σ1 (k1 )σ2 (k2 ), Bk1 k2 = σ1 (k1 )σ1 (k2 ), σ1 (k) = X ηik ηjk , σ2 (k) = k−1 X 2 . ηik i=1 i6=j Therefore 2 X 2 ξ2 = Eξnk 1 nk2 A(i) n =2 X 1≤k1 <k2 ≤n A(i) n , i=1 1≤k1 <k2 ≤n where 4 X (i) EBk1 k2 , i = 1, 2, 3, 4. 508 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA (3) Let us consider the term An . According to the definition of ηij we have 2 Eηik η η = 0, 2 sk1 tk1 6 t, k1 < k2 . s= Thus An(4) = 0. (13) (2) 4 −2 < ∞ and |Qij | ≤ cb−1 To estimate the term An , note that sup EZn1 . n n n≥1 So we obtain |A(2) n | n k1 −1 1 1 nb2n X X . Q2ik1 ≤ c 2 = O ≤c 4 σn nσn nbn i=1 (14) k1 =2 (1) (1) Now we will verify that An → 1 as n → ∞. For this let us represent An in the form An(1) = Dn(1) + Dn(2) , where Dn(1) Dn(2) =2 =2 X X 1≤k1 <k2 ≤n (1) Bk 1 k 2 k1 <k2 − kX 1 −1 2 Eηik 1 kX 2 −1 j=1 i=1 1 −1 X kX 2 Eηik 1 i=1 k1 <k2 2 Eηjk 2 kX 2 −1 j=1 , 2 Eηjk 2 . From the definition of σn2 it follows that Dn(1) = 1 − n k−1 X X k=2 2 Eηik i=1 2 , where n k−1 X X 2 Eηik i=1 k=2 2 2 n k−1 1 nb 4 X X 1 n . Q2ik ≤c 4 =O ≤c σn nσn nbn2 i=1 k=2 Therefore Dn(1) → 1 as n → ∞. (15) (2) Next we will show that Dn → 0 as n → ∞. It is easy to verify that Dn(2) = 2 1 −1 X kX k1 <k2 i=1 2 2 cov(ηik )+ , ηik 1 2 kX 1 −1 i=1 2 2 ) cov(ηik , η k1 k 2 . 1 LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION But 2 Eηik η2 ≤ c 1 ik2 Similarly, nb 4 n σn 2 Q2ik1 Qik ≤c 2 509 1 . n4 σn4 2 = O(n−2 σn−2 ). Eηij Therefore 2 2 ) = O((nσn )−4 ). cov(ηik , ηik 2 1 Furthermore, since P 1≤k1 <k2 ≤n (k1 Dn(2) = O (16) − 1) = O(n3 ), equation (16) implies 1 1 = O . nσn4 nbn2 (17) Thus, according to (15) and (17), A(1) n =1+O (4) 1 . nb2n (18) Finally, we will show that An → 0 as n → ∞. Again, by the definition of ηij we can write |A(4) n | 1 −1 X kX = 4 Eηsk1 ηtk1 ηsk2 ηtk2 ≤ k1 <k2 t<s nb 4 X n ≤c Qsk1 Qsk2 Qtk1 Qtk2 + σn s,t,k1 ,k2 X X 2 + Qks Qkt Qst Qks Qss = Q2kt + k,s,t k,s,t nb 4 n |En(1) | + |En(2) | + |En(3) | . =c σn (19) By the same argument as in (4), it can be shown that X (2) (1) (2) En(1) = n−7 b−8 Ψn (θs(1) , θk )Ψn (θt , θk ) × n × Z s,t,k 1 0 (1) Ψn (θs(1) , u)Ψn (θt , u)dPn(1) (u). Hence, integrating by parts and taking into account that sup |Ψn (t1 , t2 )| ≤ cbn and sup |K (1) (u)| < ∞, we obtain Z 1X (2) (1) (2) Ψn (θs(1) , θk )Ψn (θt , θk ) × En(1) = n−7 b−8 n 0 s,t,k 510 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA (1) ×Ψn (θs(1) , u)Ψn (θt , u))du = O 1 . n5 b4n (20) In the same manner, we can rewrite (20) as Z 1Z 1Z 1Z 1 −4 −8 (1) Ψn (z, u)Ψn (z, t)Ψn (y, u) × E n = n bn 0 0 0 0 ×Ψn (y, t) du dt dy dz + O(n−5 b−4 n ). It is easy to verify that Z 1Z 1Z 1Z 1 n−4 bn−8 |Ψn (z, u)Ψn (z, t)Ψn (y, u)Ψn (y, t)| du dt dy dz ≤ 0 0 0 Z Z0 x − v −4 −2 ≤ cn bn dx dv ≤ cn−4 b−1 K0 n . b n Ωn (τ ) Ωn (τ ) Thus nb 4 n σn En(1) = O(bn ) + O Furthermore, it is not difficillt to show (nbn )4 σn−4 En(2) = O and (nbn )4 σn−4 En(3) = O Therefore (19), (21), and (22) imply A(4) n →0 1 . nb2n (21) 1 nb2n 1 . nbn2 as n → ∞. (22) (23) Combining relations (12), (13), (14), (18), and (23), we obtain X 2 n 2 E ξnk − 1 → 0 as n → ∞. k=1 Therefore Un − EUn d −→ ξ. σn But, due to Lemma 2, we have EUn = σ 2 θ1 + O(bn ) + O((nbn )−1 ) and 4 2 2 b−1 n σn → σ θ2 , and hence we obtain −1/2 bb U − σ2 θ d 1 n −→ ξ. σ 2 θ2 LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION 511 Let us denote by Tn = nbn Z Ωn (τ ) [gn (x) − g(x)]2 dx. Theorem 2. Suppose g(x) ∈ Fs , s ≥ 2 and K(x) satisfies conditions 4 < ∞, nbn2 → ∞ and nb2s 1◦ − 3◦ . If, in addition, sup EZn1 n → 0, then n≥1 d (Tn − σ 2 θ1 )σ −2 θ2−1 −→ ξ. b−1/2 n Proof. Note that (1) Tn = Un + d(1) n + dn , where d(1) n = 2nbn Z [gn (x) − Egn (x)] [Egn (x) − g(x)]dx, Z = nbn [Egn (x) − g(x)]2 dx. Ωn (τ ) d(2) n Ωn (τ ) It is easy to verify that Egn (x) − g(x) = = b−1 n +bn−1 Z 1 with But Z K 0 gen (x) = b−1 n n Z X i=1 1 K 0 ∆i x − t x − t bn K bn x − t i dx g − g(x) = bn n [e gn (t) − g(t)]dt + [g(t) − g(x)]dt, n i X I∆i (x), g n i=1 ∆i = x ∈ Ωn (τ ), (24) hi − 1 i i , . n n i sup |e − g(x) = gn (x) − g(x)| ≤ max sup g 1≤i≤n x∈∆i n 0≤x≤1 1 i = max sup − x |g 0 (τi )| = O , τi ∈ ∆i . 1≤i≤n x∈∆i n n Therefore the second term in (24) is O( n1 ). Since g(x) ∈ Fs and K(x) satisfies conditions 1◦ –3◦ , we have Z 1 x − t [g(t) − g(x)]dt = sup K b n x∈Ωn (τ ) 0 512 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA Z sup bsn = (s − 1)! x∈Ωn (τ ) τ −τ Z 0 1 (1 − t) s−1 (s) g Thus from (24) and (25) it follows that (x + tubn )u K(u)du ≤ cbsn . (25) s 1 sup |Egn (x) − g(x)| ≤ c bsn + . n x∈Ωn (τ ) (26) p 2s p b−1/2 d(2) bn + bs+1/2 + n−1 bn . n n ≤ c nbn n (27) Therefore On the other hand, (9) and (26) yield Z 1/2 (1) | ≤ E(gn (x) − Egn (x))2 dx × E|d b−1/2 nb n n n × Z Ωn (τ ) Ωn (τ ) (Egn (x) − g(x))2 dx 1/2 √ ≤ c nbs . (28) Finally, the statement of Theorem 2 follows directly from Theorem 1, (27) and (28). Using Theorem 2, it is easy to solve the problem of testing the hypothesis about g(x). Given σ 2 , it is required to verify the hypothesis H0 : g(x) = g0 (x), x ∈ Ωn (τ ). The critical region is defined approximately by the inequality Z Tn0 = nbn (gn (x) − g0 (x))2 dx ≥ qn (α), (29) where p qn (α) = σ 2 θ1 + λα bn θ2 , θ1 = Z K 2 (u)du, θ22 = 2 Z K02 (u)du, and λα is the quantile of level 1 − α of the standard normal distribution, i.e., Z u x2 dx. Φ(λα ) = 1 − α, Φ(u) = (2π)−1/2 exp − 2 −∞ −1/2 Suppose now that σ 2 is unknown. We will use the bn of variance σ 2 (see, for example, [5]): Sn2 = n−1 X 1 (Yi+1 − Yi )2 , 2(n − 1) i=1 -consistent estimate Yi ≡ Yni . LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION 513 Indeed, ESn2 = n−1 n−1 i i2 X X h i − 1 1 1 Ei2 + g −g , 2(n − 1) i=1 2(n − 1) i=1 n n where i = Zi+1 − Zi , Zi ≡ Zni . Moreover, since E2i = 2σ 2 , we can write ESn2 = σ 2 + n−1 1 1 X (1) (g (τi ))2 = σ 2 + O(n−2 ). 2(n − 1) n2 i=1 To calculate the variance, it is sufficient to note that E(Sn2 − σ 2 )2 = = n−1 X X 1 1 E2i E2j = E4i +O(n−2 )−σ 2 + 2 2 4(n − 1) i=1 4(n − 1) i6=j 1 4(n − 1)2 n−1 X E4i + i=1 = (n − 2)(n − 3) (2σ 2 )2 − σ 4 + O(n−1 ) = 4(n − 1)2 n−1 X 1 E4 + O(n−1 ). 4(n − 1)2 i=1 i 4 < ∞, this yields E(Sn2 − σ 2 )2 = O(n−1 ). Therefore Since sup EZn1 n≥1 P (Sn2 − σ 2 ) −→ 0. b−1/2 n Corollary. Under the conditions of Theorem 2 T 0 − S2 θ d n 1 n b−1/2 −→ ξ. n Sn2 θ2 This corollary enables us to construct a test for verifying H0 : g(x) = g0 (x). The critical region is defined approximately by the inequality Tn0 ≥ qen (α), where qen (α) is obtained from qn (α) by using Sn2 instead of σ 2 . Consider now the asymptotic properties of test (29) (i.e., the asymptotic behaviour of the power function as n → ∞). First, let us study the question whether the corresponding test is consistent. Theorem 3. Under the conditions of Theorem 2 Πn (g1 ) = PH1 (Tn0 ≥ qn (α)) → 1, n → ∞, i.e., the test defined by (29) is consistent under any alternatives Z 1 H1 : g(x) = g1 (x) 6= g0 (x), ∆ = (g1 (x) − g0 (x))2 dx > 0. 0 514 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA Proof. Denote Z Zn (g1 ) = b−1/2 nb n n Ωn (τ ) (gn (x) − g1 (x))2 dx − σ 2 θ1 σ −2 θ2−1 . It is easy to show that Πn (g1 ) = PH1 Zn (g1 ) ≥ −nbn1/2 (θ2−1 σ −2 ∆ + op (1)) . Since Zn (g1 ) is asymptoticaly normally distributed with parameters (0, 1) 1/2 under hypothesis H1 , nbn → ∞ and ∆ > 0, we have Πn (g1 ) → 1 as n → ∞. Thus under any fixed alternative the power of test (29) tends to 1 as n → ∞. Nevertheless, if the alternative hypothesis varies with n and becomes “closer” to the null hypothesis H0 , the power of the test may not converge to 1 depending on the rate at which the alternative approaches the null hypothesis. In our case the sequence of “close” alternatives has the form Hn : gen (x) = g0 (x) + γn φ(x) + o(γn ). (30) Theorem 4. Suppose g0 (x) and ϕ(x) are from Fs , but K(x) satisfies 4 < ∞. If bn = n−δ , γn = n−1/2+δ/4 , 1/2s < coditions 1◦ –3◦ and sup EZn1 n≥1 δ < 1/2, then under alternatives Hn the statistic b−1/2 (Tn0 − θ1 σ 2 )σ −2 θ2−1 n has the limiting normal distribution with parameters ( σ21θ2 R1 0 ϕ2 (x)dx, 1). Proof. Let us represent Tn0 as the sum Z Z Tn0 = nbn (e (gn (x) − gen (x))2 dx + nbn gn (x) − g0 (x))2 dx + Ωn (τ ) Ωn (τ ) Z (gn (x) − gen (x))(e +2nbn gn (x) − g0 (x))dx = Tn1 + A1 (n) + A2 (n). Ωn (τ ) It is easy to check that b−1/2 A1 (n) = n Z 1 ϕ2 (u)du + O(n−δ ). 0 Let us introduce the random variable Z (gn (x) − E1 gn (x))ϕ(x) dx. dn = Ωn (τ ) (31) LIMIT DISTRIBUTION OF THE MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION 515 Here E1 denotes the mathematical expectation under the hypothesis Hn . We can derive the inequality Z 1/2 −1/2 |E1 gn (x) − gen (x)|ϕ(x) dx = bn E|A2 (n)| ≤ nbn γn E|dn | + Ωn (τ ) = nbn1/2 γn E|dn | + O(nγn bns+1/2 ). But E|dn | ≤ σ X Z n bn−1 i=1 Ωn (τ ) Z K ∆i 2 1/2 x − t ≤ cn−1/2 . dt )ϕ(x) dx bn Therefore 2−(4s+1)δ 4 bn−1/2 E|A2 (n)| ≤ c n−δ/4 + n → 0. (32) −1/2 Referring to the proof of Theorem 2 it is easy to verify that bn (Tn0 − σ 2 θ1 )σ −2 θ2−1 is asymptotically normally distributed with parameters (0,1). Hence, from (31) and (32) we conclude that the theorem is valid. Remark 1. It follows from Theorem 4 that more closer alternatives of form (30) (i.e., under γn n1/2−δ/4 → 0) are not distinguished from H0 by this test (i.e., PHn (Tn0 ≥ qn (α)) → α), and for more remote alternatives (i.e., under γn n1/2−δ/4 → ∞) the corresponding test preserves the consistency property (i.e., PHn (Tn0 ≥ qn (α)) → 1). Thus the local behaviour of the power PHn (Tn0 ≥ qn (α)) is Z 1 1 2 PHn (Tn ≥ qn (α)) → 1 − Φ λα − 2 ϕ (u) du . (33) σ θ2 0 R1 Since 0 ϕ2 (u)du > 0 and is equal to zero if and only if ϕ(u) = 0, it follows from (33) that the test for testing the hypothesis H0 : g(x) = g0 (x) against the alternative of form (30) is asymptotically strictly unbiased. Remark 2. Theorem 4 is analogous to Theorem 6.1 from the book by J. D. Hart [6] with the only difference that [6] deals with the statistic based on the Priestley–Chao estimate [7]. Remark 3. If in the interval [0, 1] we choose points xnk in a more general manner, i.e., Z xnk p(u) du = k/n, k = 1, . . . , n, 0 where p(x) > 0, x ∈ [0, 1], is the probability density satisfying certain conditions of smoothness, then Theorems 1–4 remain valid provided that the parameters θ1 and θ2 are changed appropriately. 516 R. ABSAVA AND E. NADARAYA Remark 4. If instead of K(x) we consider its modification Kq,r (x) from [2], then we can give the hypothesis H0 on the entire interval [0, 1]. For the corresponding estimate we have gn∗ (x) ≡ gn (x), x ∈ Ωn , while the relation Z 1 Z P ∗ 2 2 1/2 (gn − g) dx − (gn − g) dx −→0 nbn 0 Ωn will be proved in our forthcoming paper. s 2 Remark 5. If in Theorem 4 we set δ = 2s+1 , then γn = n− 2s+1 . By Yu. Ingster’s results [8] the test Tn is minimax consistent with respect to alternatives of form (30). Acknowledgement The authors express their thanks to the referee for his careful reading of the paper and comments that led to adding Remarks 2–5. 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