Title of Presentation For more information, contact: Name Institution address Phone number Email address Name(s) of Presenter(s) University or College, City, State Abstract Objective: blah Methods: blah Results: blah Another Text Box Click on a text box to add text as desired Below is a sample graphic, picture, etc. To add an image, go to Insert, and select the appropriate option. Resize text boxes as need by clicking and dragging the squares at the corners and edges of the text box. Study Population Total Births 348,495 Readmissions 42,274 infants You can cut and paste text from MS Word, if desired Reamission within the first two weeks 7,388 cases Jaundice as one of the first three diagnoses 4,099 cases Make sure people will be able to read your text. After exclusions 750 cases 3,942 controls You can delete the above chart as desired and replace with graphs, charts, and tables from other MS programs; you can also insert images. Objectives •blah Limitations •blah Conclusions •Etc. Implications xxxxx Analysis •Below is another sample chart RESULTS METHODS •Etc. Figure 1 Early versus Late Discharge by Year 900 800 700 Number of Infants 600 Late 500 Early 400 300 200 100 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995