pgl Fall2014 @ Drost MATH I42 Exam 2 REVIEW Fall2014, Mrs.I)rost 4.1 Derivatives Section 1) Find the derivative of f (x) = o'*' 9'k) *+.x JZ {Vx x+3lx J; f '{*1= dy dx for y-nxo . Ztfx +L * ?'! = 2) Find the derivative of "f (x) = 3) Find +..6 +2lnx = x't' * 3{36 t;"- $*'tr' +7nx2 ,' r*t + 2'4 X 4gr dT, = 'V 4) Find the equation of the tangent to ,*t (x)= r7L= Zzc f (*)=x'+e' +ex +1 at r=0. gt -2: t f ' @)= 2'a =/ fQ)*o+t t'r=Z +eo (x'a) t-zs"x g=x*Z (arz) rtz= I 5) Estimatethecostofthe 35'ftitemwherethecostfunctionis C(x)=Ji(x+12)+50. C (x)= xe/' * rzxf. r'a c'(u)=-2-*'/'+ei/'to 2 C'(y)= Section 4.2 - Cr(sq )= Jhl z--''6+ e. *i7 + # Products and Quotients 6) Find "f'(x) tor f (x):(r'- 3tnx)(ze'+3x) f' = lstf-$Xrf rc;,)+ (rt - 3.r-til(zt* s) Fatl2014 @ Drost pc2 MATHI42 Find /'(x) for f (x) =x"!t* *ro)'^ -x- . + 5x Do not simplify. 2 t ,f -- (,.3 -7- t- 3u).(z)(sx"a}3) Q3-v" 8) +3f Suppose the demand equation for a product is given - ( s **'tf (3 x" - Z' .s) by p : =I-, l+x'' number of items sold and p is the price in dollars. Find the marginal &.*..p where x is the revenue. r kz:+*-,t-?* = l-t: - fno^e{rt-t (+ x= )= (*"7 Aeoefiua tl L R-=r/t )= \t+!- j It* R'= Q:{Xr) -?.(3r-) ( **)' 9) Find it and h aredifferentiable. *tt r.h) .f , s, 3= r"Q. h) h'n h'J' ) ,-9. h) .S ' "J'= |SN +$j'1.+ $'.3.F. ,4 = *(, 10) Given the cost function: C(x) = 2x3 Ae' c - 4x2 + 10x + 50 ; find the marginal average cost. I rtff + *# Acei = r*r-r/*\/a+so{t Avxro,Se cosr /Wkc = et Section 4.3 11) Find: = 4x " - ^4 -Sb,ra, AAC= 4x- Chain RuIe (s*n-,,)" # h/-;--) = g; r t f8:,f -'d'b (su"u) E-\ 'I/g = rtrb (r J -ti 4- SQ XZ pg3 Fall2014 @ Drost MATH I42 12) Find: !(-tsr;;=) =$y F'' V.i'4Yt) :r,=,,Jg#g =-8x. ei-)*" 13) Find: = ot.*'2(r'" *)q) + @n *V''unxl'z) ,a3.t3 prodtu-tnt t{., avr}t C'ha'r;" }r,d'r" "; ':' .5 for tees is given by V =l 0 + '007 (d - 5)' certain of feet board in V, volume, 14) The respect to Find the rate of change of v with d >10, rvhere d is the diameter in inches. dwhen d=12. {= tO t.oo.l(d-Sf V,o , O?-t (a-Sf (r) V' = .ozr(4- 5)' 2 ls) rnafrwhere r=# Section 4.4 16) t7) *r:") ac' $'' Logarithmic Functions Derivatives of Exponentials and 2 f".b."g,n3 z t^Sxll'. t,w3 *r{'"rnr) = "t''t * A^oJ .2x Fail2014 @ Drost pg4 MATH142 18) Find the derivative of y -(fn1Sx;)' U'= 3 ( 19) I.^^" '* tuof Suppose the price and demand are relatedby revenue is zero. R.= fvt (_= x. p = * N= ftlR: d'lt d4" t+*(+)+ d'r(,) . ".(4X+t) =6 Q-- x+ qz, +s)t +'!.,w \ '- 2--(m (zr+5 ) - i= ,J *=+ 4 -4ur,rli* 20) Find the derivative of y- = rn [(2 t g = -ln p(x)= e4' . Find where the marginal s)' e-. ''1 4"*'-. ) tt X'-- -' J,.^ ,zxy1 -+.- . 'a'^/u Uzx+l t?s+b_ - Il- {:i.z.t"'t = -1 *tt -29,,^+ e +zx+t b.**S Section 4.5 Elasticity of Demand 2I) Given: x + 4 p = 20, find the elasticity of demand at $3, and state whether the demand is elastic, inelastic, or unit elastic. :e+.lp = Zb X= zo-4p xt =-4 3l = 3. - 2o-{g s-'Y io 4p 6=-+Gq) EG;= 22) * =7= t.5 :,*a;ltr,5) Given the price elasticity of air transportation is 1 10 , if the price is decreased by l0o/o , what will be the approximate change in demand? 10 \ dV lo'/o to"/o( dV \\'lo Fall2Ol4 @ Drost MATH I42 pg5 23) Given x = 30-10 p ,ftndthe price which maximizes revenue, rop+rc,so fr =x+ revenue. lDp=-x+36 '(' f =-fi.xtn and find the maximum xf*xr3) = -Ixz+3>c f=*(tS)+3 i{=-?y+B--!*t}=cc p=-JEtb = z ft=-kg;:€fi?:66 3= tLrc =$t' 50 f ,s = 1 24) The demand function for beef consum-p'ffi-per capita in pounds, x, arrd p is the price of beef divided by disposable income per capita, then x =126.5 -1800p. Find the p=0-05. r= y= lz(o.5 - l8oory s -fC rgoo) -,lg.oa f 126.5-l8ooP 1265'l8eP y,= rgoo ' elasticitvofdemand at - FQ.o€)= = 2'16sB fu=* 25) A restaurant owner sells 100 dinner specials for $10 each. After raising the price to $11, she noticed that only 90 specials were sold. What is the elasticity of demand, and what price maximizes revenue? (x, +) (too, io) ECf)=3-(-rC -K\4Zoolop Le,o-lW tD4; -a-+?,oo7? 200- lof (1or I r) F(fi=-# ' Zo-Q yl e--to nIro= -L x+zo Section 5.1 The 26) l" f ?o Derivative :l 2()- f 7A3 Find the critical values and determine the intervals where f(x) is increasing and is decreasin gif f(x)= I + i * g -- ( +?{t * $'= - b{.2 + -Bx-4 =o >i114 -vx-- 4 . z}'* *=-jL 3 -'{{3 5'' k-*=o vn^*b3vi 27) f' (r) = 2(x +t)' (x - t)' (* -2) , graph.2- Xr-t rr=t x=L Gti t b,= JP x3 -.3x : f(-r)=-2, f(r)=3, "f (2)=a Sketch J 4 (x-rJ5 lxiz) l3r-*s | ^ tf (x) i V (-+la,o) ) k.;?'),eg pg6 Fall2014 @ Drost MATH 142 Find the domain, critical values, intervals where the function is increasing/decreasing, and all relative extrema. 2S) f (*)=4x6 -6xo +5 Sf domo* B, O.nitr'col- V \ vo\r,tcs )o = v 2\ -2{f =o -Af (t+r)=6 =-ztxs -t x=o a o t (- m.,o) foroo) n€t. rna4. af X=O 9t=eI-a-x =o 29) f(*)=e'+e-' Lf= ex-J^tg vt- \' gl donnorh R, Cc.trlat values y=o ,.1 (D ox=l v ex ,Do) gt"= I 2x=o \ ("e,o) I€l-. vhin of X=O 2v+4> o Jomath R, v >'7 v2 7 (-z r*) NoN a7 "t d'-b, f-e flr3 t d -!e Po5 x7.(j^ 30) f (*)=2x+tnl2x+al cr;t(ia"t Voluqt t \ 2y, -4 s -L fr '= 2* L=o zx+4 thutt b3 2-r't4 Ztzx+q)*]: o -2. r'7 @o tr* 4re+8+2=o 4v=-lo )c=$-t5 -a 2- flOt tn d"rna.ra^, Fall2014 @ Drost pc7 MATH I42 Section 3l) 5.2 The 2'd Derivative Find all inflection points for f (x)= ya -10x3 +24x2 E = 4't -3a;+4bx \J f n*,r.J +3 z V= n;-6oy+4t3b )z(Xt-Sx+rf)=O S', tzLx-'{Xx-D=o *=1 > X=l 32) Find the second derivative.o t fc*) = {'t' f (t)= + lt' +3x+5. = rzCx - L ttst +Lx- t) #*G vx :- -l-i't:- , t;"' Y'g) = z;7'-+;tu = h*t/'(:-.,c) 9'oO 33) Find the inflection points for $' . 3b yL - f'(x) =12x3 -48x2 16y- ,1 V^t ,,1 S"- 12-Y-qG=o %u 1Lx = Qb w\$\ec't ion pofnt at v- *h x= L 3 34) Find the intervals where /(x) given f" (*): x(x-z)'(*+3). The domain is all reals- t )(=^3 Y= x$ x4 z J:1o i >, 1u '^z 'a -4 \-/ n t (- n,-3).,(o rz)rQ (^3 is concave up or down and any inflection points. ro) urdlecttbru gotnb G-d { 1x*311 a-ta fes| -+ )" ( .{* + a ,b) I \ at r= *3 rx= o 'l + 3 + ga t + )r + + pc8 Fall 2014 @ Drost MATH I42 35) Find the intervals where given .f (*)=(x+a)' / /(.r) is concave up or down and any inflection points. x. Thedomain is all reals, X f O I tr; = (lc* qJ' S,r= Zzff. = Y\ ++) - (x++)=.\ x(zxr 9, = 3'=@t 5,= Section t : @!y:C *t 5.3 Limits 36) Find: &- =o 4 at U 'b) f1.Gero) v3-v. [*rbf2 = CD l-lo rngtechirn forirb Injinity ti^s!'r*3*-] x+a $16'-X+7 c0lnpartt, &eSttes 5/, 37)Find:1'*FT 38) Find: ,{q(s ={4; = L -2t') ; 5- zgsl :5 -&1u-)o -)s'e"( &s x+ r 39) Find: x+ [- vt + I 'X+5 40) Find: lim xo Covnfq^t Aegees -xt +x-1 x3 +1 t-ornpqrrs d€qtte9 xjT t*>u-!!y"+ =-N X-) lrnattr,t!O Q43 Fall 2014 @ Drost pg9 MATHI42 Section 5.4 Additional Curve Sketching =x"?* ^t' , 4r) Find vertical asymptotes for f (x) -3x -4 . ,}cr) = 3tK- 4) ho0e. af x= L& Qe r)1x+ r) tl trtga-r" 4.65m gtote, 42) Sketch the graph of f (x) = 2x2 +5x-3 . lnclude a Y=- t of all asymptotes. Q*-tf,x+ a) . v Bb o, -l ;\:*> G -a)Cx+3) UA x=3 ftA )=L hota *-= -3 (rrfttcspb .[ct f=o @>'b) -0-ct y=o Vz>o) 43) Sketch the graph ot f (x) =;j {^z L-= q.a-/*z.-* . r-\ $'=&-q)-!--{e'V Lr Lx+rf*l VA y=-\) x-- I . Co.,o) )=o trfrrcepfs Hr., *, - ",rS"-*-L -'=ffffif - e zo d .$,='-n G":E* "tl rt&t 44) Sketchthegraph otf(x):**E. : b= !tf25fl q'= [ -zs.yfz= t-25- =o -73' q r/ tr -s(a\ l=5l-v t Er" -6 3'G u:'-F ra glty (l'r = so x3= * g *=z-S X= t- nelofuir u .'' Aecruasrn5 5;S 7-z+2S Y qp X,= O HA n6f\eektrrfu.s-- 5=* pg l0 Fatl2014 @ Drost MATH I42 45) Sketch a graph of the function: *a 1'("ft o o" (-*'o) f'>o on 7 ,U (o'oo)\ - f"(t)>o '\'/ f@)=4 f /(o)=0,,!ry* $)=-1, Jiq and f'(*\<o Section 5.5 Absolate Extrema Locatethevalue(s)whereeachfunctionhasanabsolutemaximum,anabsolute over the given intervals' minimum' if they "*isi Ot-6y' o *z*28 -rLrL= -/5 C") = 3v (r- z) 3(4)=<.q-49t2=lt 46) f (*)=xt -3x'+z on [o'+] S = Yz(> Y=Z $ to)'a -D 47) f (t)= 4-2x-x' or.-(--'*) 3.t J = -2'2-y-=a :=3 5'/ =-z n 48) f (t)='tf .r on [-l'+l ii'V= Cr'* D" ['-) iir* n- X *,'= ,rl v v, V xr+l =() "rD -E rl to { ,ifr g6 li?l[= 9ce1I to) = rlil= \ 5(.\)= fiCt-r= tiF Fall2014 @ Drost MATH I42 pg ll 49) Find two numbers whose sum is 42, and for which the sum of their squares is a mmlmum. 'rrr,".q't' x+3 = 4z S= 5= U=tz-x S'= aR: S'/=r{ U 2xr Z&?t:*X) *=* ti; ';;;; y with x+y- 60 forwhichtheterm xzy 'z tr = x5 T= tex+GO and y+D -60 ;;r t=2e 4x-84= o "'. cnrt,irrrwrq 50) Findtwonon-negativenumbers x maximized. t+qL **[+r-p-t b = ->a+t.'o is -f +60 t *3rt+tz"Ox =O qt *3x(ut; 4 o)=o Y=O X= r[O -T" Section 5.6 Optimization = 51) A trailer rental agency rents l0 trailers per day at arate of $30 per day. For each $5 increase in rate, one less trailer is rented. At what rate should the trailers be rented to produce the maximum income? How many trailers will be rented? (*'?) T:lP 0o,ao T= x(-Src*So) (q T= )3s) *St Jtqt€- +o gra/.,l.c-<- lY:lp.-X, r,,r+c,onnC, +tox S'{O *tro-r"b\s reltfkL I = f = "sv+80 T'= - IDY -l-8o gl't>: tOK f = -s€ )+ro 8=X fl =s4o 52) Arancher wants to build to enclose rectangular areaof e> - 1,800 m' for cattle. a fence a The fence a long one side is to be made of heavy-duty material that costs $15 per meter. The material along the remaining three sides costs only $5 per meter. Find the dimensions and total cost of fencing for the field that is least expensive to fence. l{oorri x b N3 U)id)h tm b' ft= x[: tSoo ux t8e tr zl = rW*ts x:1 3o YntAgr.s g = bo wrefils C= lSxr 5 5+sPtSg (,2 Lavllog 1889)/-r Q = 2ox-?'o UY i,{ C = zox + t8rooo X Ot =Q+-- I ? ooO =t> ?nf=,fo.o qo6 Y=3O *= pg12 Fall2014 @ Drost MATH I42 53) A company is planning to manufacture After conducting extensive market surveys, the ressarch department estimates a weekly demand of 600 blenders at a price of $50 per blender and a weekly demand of 800 blenders at apnce of $40 per a new blender. blender. Assuming the demand equation is linear, use the research department's estimates to find the price that maximizes revenue. (r., ?) R= ((oD6, 5o) L'f R= p6-Sr+xo) (Soo, 4"J fl=-J-t+8ox ?D f = -*)cf80 fri= { ='+o *l--Y +80=c to gD = i.,x 8oo = /' 54) A box is to be made oul of a piece of cardboard that measures 12 inches by 12 inches. Squares of equal size will be cut out of each comer and then the ends and sides will be folded up to form a rectangular box. What size square should be cut from each corner to obtain a maximum volume? t7,t L:z= l/t Vr = 0 st^,.!r- n|C' fha-ryirn,ats \AlLtr-'7Y,"n. (rz-z,x)trzax) != )c(l z-Zx)" V' = v' CXz -zx) frz)+ ( z- z>) [ D V= x x *he Qz-zx)L- 4r + z-2v,J V,= i,r -zx)Lrz-6x) l7-Zx=Q lZ'bN=O ,t::" tz=zi Q=Y nct uru dornq-i'"t