D Drayton Heights Public School 75 Wellington St S, Box 40 Drayton, ON, N0G 1P0 519-638-3067 Mr. Jeff Crawford Principal Ext. 223 Mrs. Linda Turton Office Coordinator Ext. 221 Book Fair Important Dates: March 4-9 Book Fair 11 Sports Jersey Day 14-18 March Break 22 OPP vs. Student Volleyball Game 25-28 Easter Holiday April 15 EmpoWErment DAY School Climate Survey Every two years, our board endeavours to survey our school communities, to gain input about the climate within our schools. The more input we receive, the better we are able to plan for improvement. We will be asking our students, staff, and parents to all complete this online survey at your earliest convenience, so that we can have your input for our results. The link for the survey for Drayton Heights is; https://uoguelph.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe6/fo rm/SV_87VAOCZ4TdwN52Z Your participation with this is valued and appreciated ! Drayton Heights will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair this month! From Friday, March 4, until Wednesday, March 9, students will be able to purchase new books during recesses. This fundraiser is a great way to promote reading, and it also helps to provide our library with new reading material. This is a perfect time to pick up some new books to read over March Break! Help support our library and a love for reading. Visitors to the School To ensure the safety of our students, we ask that all visitors to our school sign in at the office with Mrs. Turton. Throughout the school day, all doors to the school, with the exception of the front doors, will be locked in order to better control access to our building. Should you wish to meet with your child’s teacher, we ask that you please arrange a mutually convenient time to do so. If you are March 2016 Newsletter picking up your child at the end of the school day, we ask that you please wait for your child outside the school for the 3:20 pm dismissal bell. This will enable us to get students to their proper bus and dismissal locations. Arrival and Departure Routines If there is going to be a change to your child’s arrival and/or departure routines, we ask that you please have a note sent to the office to indicate this change at the start of the day. Without a note from a parent/guardian, we will insist that a student adhere to their regular routines at these times, so that we can ensure the safety and wellbeing of the student. Lunch and Snack Routines Due to anaphylactic allergies within our school, students are not permitted to bring in snacks to share with others within the school. Students are to eat only those items sent from home for their lunches or snacks. Thank you for your support of this school routine. Inclement Weather Update The school board has new information on its website regarding inclement weather. This document contains important information on school bus cancellations, school closures due to severe weather and extreme cold temperatures. You can read the full document at www.ugdsb.on.ca/inclementweather The document also contains information on the risks of frostbite in extreme cold temperatures. Frostbite can happen within minutes of skin being exposed to extreme cold temperatures. Please ensure your children are dressed properly for frigid temperatures. Additionally, parents and guardians should be aware that adult crossing guards are employed by the municipality. As such, municipal crossing guards may not be providing service during extreme weather conditions. Please refer to the document on the board website for information about the municipality’s policy on crossing guards. UGDSB invites parents to learn about classroom technology at “Digital Saturday” The Upper Grand District School Board is hosting an open house featuring displays and workshops on how students are using technology to learn. “Digital Saturday” takes place on March 5, 2016, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Westminster Woods Public School in Guelph. “In the last few years there has been exponential growth in the use of technological tools and resources in Upper Grand schools,” said Brent McDonald, Superintendent of Education responsible for Information Technology. “Students don’t stop using what they’re learning as soon as the bell rings at the end of the day. A good number of these resources are available 24/7, so they’re used at home and school.” A presentation on technology in the classroom to the board’s Parent Involvement Committee was the inspiration for the idea of hosting a technology open house for all parents. “We thought a Saturday morning would be the best time for both parents to come out and see what we’re doing,” said McDonald. “Students can come too.” Digital Saturday will be an opportunity to explore and learn about: New technologies in the classroom like Chromebooks, UGCloud Assistive technologies to support all learners including Kurzweil and Read&Write for Google Robotics and coding and virtual reality in the classroom demonstrations Online digital resources for assisting student learning such as UG2GO, UGCloud and Homework Help There will be lots of opportunities for interaction and co-learning. Older children (8 and up) may find the display tables and workshops informative and engaging. We hope to see you there as partners in education! Event details: DATE: Saturday March 5, 2016 TIME: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Open house closes at 12 p.m. LOCATION: Westminster Woods Public School, 140 Goodwin Drive, Guelph For more information: Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer 519-822-4420 ext.725 heather.loney@ugdsb.on.ca Upper Grand District School Board: Request for Consent Dear Parents and Guardians, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) came into force on July 1, 2014. As a result, the Upper Grand District School Board, would like to ensure that we have your consent to receive newsletters, school and Board updates, announcements, event invitations, and other electronic messages which may contain advertising or promotions regarding school fundraisers, field trips, the sale of yearbooks, student pictures, uniforms, books, prom or dance tickets, or similar events and offers. If you wish to receive the above communications from us, please visit our CASL registration website at: www.ugdsb.on.ca/CASL By registering your email on this webpage you will receive electronic communication from the school which may or may not contain commercial electronic messages as described above. If consent is not provided, you will not receive electronic messages containing commercial content and may find it more difficult to be aware of the activities that take place in school, and which your child may have an interest in participating. http://www.ugdsb.on.ca/community/a rticle.aspx?id=3546 Feedback welcome on draft policies For additional information on Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation you may visit our board’s website at www.ugdsb.on.ca. The Upper Grand District School Board is welcoming public input on draft policies. Currently under review are Equity and Inclusive Education (#504) and Alcohol and Drugs (#513). You are invited to review the draft documents and submit online feedback at www.ugdsb.on.ca/policy. The deadline for public input is April 13, 2016. Persons without internet access may call 1-800-321-4025 ext. 723 to request a printed copy of the draft documents. Do you know an Everyday Hero? Engaging Your Child in Mathematics At Home! Please nominate someone in your school community – an individual or a group - whose actions and efforts foster the development of a positive learning and working environment. Deadline for nominations is Thursday April 14, 2016. For more information, visit the board website: As parents we have the wonderful opportunity and responsibility for nurturing our children’s growth. Parents play a key role in the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of their child. As parents we can usually find time to read a story to our children, If you have any questions or if you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, please visit the same site and click on “Unsubscribe” to remove your name from our contact list. thereby instilling a love of literature, but we are often at a loss as to how to instill a love and appreciation for mathematics. Like reading, mathematics is a subject that is indeed necessary for functioning adequately in society. More than that, mathematics is a subject that should be more enjoyable than it is perceived to be. Parents’ attitudes towards mathematics has an impact on their children’s attitudes. Children whose parents show an interest in and enthusiasm for mathematics around the home will be more likely to develop that enthusiasm themselves. Math Activities in the Home If you have dice, playing cards, and a bit of time….oh the “number sense” fun you can have. 1. Work on Place Value-use a grade appropriate number of dice and use the numbers rolled as digits to “make the biggest number you can, make the smallest number you can, make a number close to 100” etc. 2. Work on Number Sense-use 2 die to add numbers together….to make it harder, you can use the 2 die to subtract, and multiply. 3. War-Use a deck of cards to compare numbers. Each person flips their cards at the same time, the person with the higher number gets both cards. 4. What’s my number? Someone holds a card on their forehead and asks the other person questions to try to guess their number (for example, is it greater than 5, is it odd or even). Give it a go and have fun building number sense fluency together. Partnering for Bright Futures Scholarship Program A new scholarship is hoping to help families save for their child's education through a shared savings program. Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph / Wellington has launched a scholarship pilot program for low to modest income families in Guelph and Wellington County. If accepted to the program, families are asked to save a minimum of $56 per month for 6 months for a total of $336 per year to a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). The scholarship donor will double the contribution by providing up to $667 per year for up to three years. The family will also receive government contributions to the RESP as defined by the Canada Learning Bond and/or Canada Education Savings Grant. To be eligible for the scholarship program children must be born in 2004 or later and be a resident of Guelph / Wellington. The family's gross income must be less than $50,000 per year, and families must make the required contributions to a RESP. For more information on the scholarship, and to learn more about eligibility criteria, please email Diane Vert at Family Counselling and Support Services, at; DianeVert@familyserviceguelph.on.ca .