Health Delivery and Health Status in Rajasthan, India Public Facility Survey Facility Name Facility Type ID Number GPS Location Interviewer Codes N: E: PB.A Date 1 PB.B PB.C PB.D Day 1: Start time Day 1: End time Forms completed on Day 1 PB.E PB.F INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: Are all sections complete? Date 2 PB.G PB.H PB.I Day 2: Start time Day 2: End time Sections completed on Day 2 Day [ ][ ] Month [ ][ ] Year [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] PB0……………………………….0 PB1……………………………….1 PB2……………………………….2 PB3…………………………….…3 PB4……………………………….4 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Day [ ][ ] Month [ ][ ] Year [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] PB0……………………………….0 PB1……………………………….1 PB2……………………………….2 PB3…………………………….…3 PB4……………………………….4 END PB0 PB0.1 PB0.2 PB0.3 PB0.4 PB0.5 PB0.6 PB0.7 PB0.8 PB0.9 PB0.10 PB0.11 FACILITY IDENTIFICATION INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: Which type of facility is this? How many villages does this facility serve, including the village in which the facility is located? What are Vill. A. Name of village the names No. of the villages this facility serves and their distance from the 1 facility? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 To which sector does this facility belong? How far is this facility from the PHC that heads this sector? When is the monthly meeting for this sector? INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: What is the code number of the facility that heads this sector? To which block does this facility belong? How far is this facility from the facility that heads this block? When is the monthly meeting for this block? INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: What is the code number of the facility that heads this block? PB0.12 PB0.8 CHC………………………………..1 PHC………………………………..2 Aidpost…………………………….3 Subcentre…………………………..4 Other................................................996 Number of villages[ B. Does the facility serve the whole village or only some hamlets in the village? PB1 ] C. Distance from facility (Km) whole village....1 partial village....2 min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ min [ [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ max[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ][ ][ ] Km Date 1 [ ][ ] Date 2 [ Code [ ][ ][ ] ][ ] Facility not in sample...........................998 [ ][ ][ ] Km Date [ ][ ] Code [ ][ ][ ] Facility not in sample...........................998 2 PB0.12 PB0.13 PB0.14 PB0.15 PB0.16 CHC……………………………….1 PHC………………………………..2 Aidpost…………………………….3 Subcentre…………………………..4 Other.............................................996 How many subcentres, aidposts, and Subcentres [ ][ ][ ] PHCs come under this CHC? Aidposts [ ][ ][ ] PHCs [ ][ ][ ] What are the Fac. A. Name/location B. Distance C. Facility code names/locations No. of facility from facility (998 if not in sample) of the PHCs that (Km) come under this 1 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] facility and how 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] far are they from 3 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] this facility? 4 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 5 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 6 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 7 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 8 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 9 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 10 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 11 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 12 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] What are the Fac. A. Name/location B. Fac. type C. D. Facility names, locations, No. of facility 1-AP Distance code and facility types 2-Subcentre from (998 if not in of the facilities facility sample) that come under (Km) this PHC and how 1 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] far are they from 2 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] this PHC? 3 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 4 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 5 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 6 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 7 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 8 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 9 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 10 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 11 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] 12 1 2 [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: WHICH TYPE OF FACILITY IS THIS? How many people does this facility serve? PB0.15 PB0.16 PB0.16 PB0.16 PB0.12 Number of people [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] PB1 PERSONNEL IN THE FACILITY ASK QUESTIONS PB1.1 TO PB1.16 FOR EACH TYPE OF PERSONNEL AND RECORD ANSWERS IN THE GRID PB1.1 How many sanctioned posts are there for _______ at this facility? 3 PB1.2 A. Doctors/Medical Officers B. Compounders or male nurses C. Pharmacists D. Multipurpose workers E. ANMs F. Staff nurses G. LHVs (lady health visitors) H. Lab technicians I. Radiographers J. Divisional clerk (L.D.C/U.D.C) K. Sector supervisor L. Driver M. Fourth class How many of these sanctioned posts for _______ are currently vacant? 1 or more, specify number………[ ][ ] Don't know...........................................999 [ ][ ] Don't know..........................999 PB1.3 How many ________ are on the roll at this facility? 1 or more, specify number………[ PB1.4 PB1.5 PB1.6 PB1.7 PB1.8 PB1.9 PB1.10 PB1.11 PB1.12 PB1.13 How many of the ________ who are posted at this facility are deputed to another public facility? How many ________ are actually working at this facility? How many of the ________ who are actually working at this facility are not posted at this facility but are deputed from another public facility? How many of the ________ who are actually working at this facility are paid privately? How many of the _________ who are actually working at this facility are women? How many of the _________ who are actually working at this facility live in the facility? How many of the _________ who are actually working at this facility live locally (within 5 km of the facility)? How many of the _________ who are actually working at this facility live in Udaipur? How many of the _________ who are actually working at this facility have a separate private practice? How many of the _________ who [ ][ ] ][ ] None…………………………………….0 PB1.1 1 or more, specify number………[ (NEXT TYPE) [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] ][ ] 4 are actually working at this facility [ ][ ] work at this facility part time? PB1.14 How many of the _________ who are actually working at this facility [ ][ ] are in the facility right now? PB2 ACTIVITIES OF THE FACILITY PB2.1 What are the facility's official hours during the winter? 1. Monday to Saturday (write morning hours in row 1 and evening hours in row 2) 2. Sunday PB2.2 What are the facility's official hours during the summer? (write morning hours in row 1 and evening hours in row 2) PB2.3 PB2.4 Does the facility follow the official schedule of open and close times? Does the facility have regular hours? PB2.5 What are the facility's actual hours? (write morning hours in row 1 and evening hours in row 2) PB2.6 On average, how many hours is the facility actually open each day of the week? PB2.7 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: Are there any doctors who are actually working in this facility? Are any of the doctors who work in this facility specialists? PB2.8 1. Monday to Saturday Open: Close: A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] A. [ ][ ].[ ][ B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] Open: A. [ ][ ].[ ][ B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] Close: ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] 2. Sunday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Open: Close: 1. Monday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] 2. Tuesday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] 3. Wednesday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] 4. Thursday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] 5. Friday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] 6. Saturday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] 7. Sunday A. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] B. [ ][ ].[ ][ ] [ ][ ].[ ][ ] Day of the week Number of hours Monday............... [ ] Tuesday............... [ ] Wednesday.......... [ ] Thursday............. [ ] Friday.................. [ ] Saturday.............. [ ] Sunday................ [ ] Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 PB2.7 PB2.6 PB2.7 PB2.11 PB2.11 5 PB2.9 How many of the doctors who work in this facility are specialists? PB2.10 In which type of treatment/illnesses does each doctor specialize? Number of specialists [ ] Specialist 1................................. Specialist 2................................. PB2.11 Does this facility sponsor or participate in health camps? PB2.12 How often does this facility sponsor or participate in health camps? PB2.13 Which health issues/illnesses do these camps address? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) Specialist 3................................. Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Number of camps….[ ][ ] Time interval: Year………………………..1 Month……………………..2 Week..……………………..3 Family planning............................1 Immunization/vaccination............2 STDs/RTI.....................................3 General health..............................4 Eyes/vision...................................5 Other (specify__________).........996 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 PB2.14 Does any staff member treat patients in his/her home (either as part of this same job or as part of another job)? PB2.15 How many staff members treat patients in their home (either as part of this same job or as part of another [ ][ ] job)? PB2.16 ASK QUESTIONS PB2.17 TO PB2.22 FOR EACH STAFF MEMBER WHO TREATS PATIENTS IN THEIR HOME EITHER AS PART OF THIS SAME JOB OR AS PART OF ANOTHER JOB AND RECORD ANSWERS IN THE GRID. (2) PB2.17 What is the designation of the staff Doctor/Medical officer.…………....1 member who treats patients in Compounder or male nurse..………2 his/her home? Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………...7 Lab technician....................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk..................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 PB2.18 How far from the facility is this staff member's home? [ ][ ] Km PB2.19 Does this staff member treat At regular intervals.………..1 patients from his/her home at For emergencies..…………..2 regular intervals, in the case of Both……..…………………3 emergencies only, or both? PB2.20 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: Yes………………………………..1 Does this staff member live in the No………………………………...2 PB2.14 PB2.24 PB2.23 PB2.23 6 facility? PB2.21 How often does this staff member see patients in his/her home? PB2.22 On an average day when this staff member is seeing patients in his/her home, how many hours does he/she spend seeing patients? PB2.23 Does this staff member take fees when he/she sees patients in his/her home? PB2.24 Does any staff member visit villages/hamlets for outreach activities? PB2.25 How many staff members visit villages/hamlets for outreach activities? PB2.26 Which Vill A. Village villages/ha No. name mlets do staff members visit for outreach activities, how often does someone from the facility visit each of these 1 villages/ha mlets, and how far is 2 each of these villages/ha mlets from the facility? 3 4 Number of days….[ ][ ] Time interval: Year………………………..1 Month……………………..2 Week..……………………..3 Do not know...................–999 Number of hours [ ][ ] Do not know...................–999 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Do not know...................–999 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Number of staff members [ B. Do staff members from the facility visit the whole village or only some hamlets in the village? PB2.31 ] C. Frequency of visits D. Dist. from fac. (Km) Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 min [ ][ ] whole village....1 partial village....2 max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] min [ ][ ] max[ ][ ] PB2.27 ASK QUESTIONS PB2.27 TO PB2.29 FOR EACH STAFF MEMBER WHO VISITS VILLAGES FOR OUTREACH ACTIVITIES AND RECORD ANSWERS IN THE GRID. PB2.28 What is the designation of the staff Doctor/Medical officer.…………....1 member who visits villages for Compounder or male nurse..………2 outreach activities? Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………...7 Lab technician....................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk..................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 PB2.29 Does this staff member visit villages At regular intervals.………..1 at regular intervals, on call, or both? On call…….………………..2 Both……..…………………3 PB2.30 How often does this staff member Number of days….[ ][ ] visit villages for outreach activities? Time interval Year………………………..1 Month……………………..2 Week………………………..3 PB2.31 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: Yes………………………………..1 Is the facility a PHC or CHC? No………………………………...2 PB2.32 Does any staff member visit Yes………………………………..1 subcentres/aidposts as a supervisor? No………………………………...2 PB2.33 How many staff members visit Number of staff members [ ] subcentres/aidposts as supervisors? PB2.31 PB2.38 PB2.38 8 PB2.34 Which subcentres/aid posts does a staff member visit as a supervisor, how often does a staff member visit these facilities, and how far is each of these facilities from this one? Fac No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. Name/location of facility B. Frequency of visits Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 C. Distance from facility (Km) D. Facility code (998 if not in sample) [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ] ] ] ] 9 PB2.35 ASK QUESTIONS PB2.36 AND PB2.37 FOR EACH STAFF MEMBER WHO VISITS SUBCENTRES/AIDPOSTS AS A SUPERVISOR AND RECORD ANSWERS IN THE GRID. PB2.36 What is the designation of the staff Doctor/Medical officer.…………....1 member who visits Compounder or male nurse..………2 subcentres/aidposts as a supervisor? Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………...7 Lab technician....................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk..................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 PB2.37 How often does this staff member visit Number of days….[ ][ ] subcentres/aidposts as a supervisor? Time interval Year………………………..1 Month……………………..2 Week………………………..3 PB2.38 Does any staff member at this facility Yes………………………………..1 ever work in another public facility? No………………………………...2 PB2.39 How many staff members at this facility also work in other public Number of staff members [ ] facilities? PB2.40 ASK QUESTIONS PB2.41 TO PB2.44 FOR EACH STAFF MEMBER AT THIS FACILITY WHO ALSO WORKS IN ONE OR MORE OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES AND RECORD ANSWERS IN THE GRID. PB2.41 What is the designation of the staff Doctor/Medical officer.…………....1 member who also works in one or Compounder or male nurse..………2 more other public facilities? Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………...7 Lab technician....................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk..................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 Driver................................................12 Fourth class......................................13 PB2.42 Does this staff member have the same Yes………………………………..1 designation at the other public facility No………………………………...2 that they have at this facility? PB2.43 In what capacity does this staff Doctor/Medical officer.…………....1 member work in one or more other Compounder or male nurse..………2 public facilities? Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………...7 PB2.45 PB2.44 10 PB2.44 PB2.45 PB2.46 PB2.47 PB2.48 PB2.49 PB2.50 Lab technician....................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk..................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 Driver.................................................12 Fourth class......................................13 Operation assistant...........................14 Other (specify__________).............996 How often does this staff member Number of days….[ ][ ] work in another public facility? Time interval Year………………………..1 Month……………………..2 Week..……………………..3 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: Is Yes………………………………..1 this facility a CHC or PHC? No………………………………...2 Is the facility ever closed during the Yes………………………………..1 regular scheduled hours? No………………………………...2 In the last 30 days, how many Because staff member(s) is/are: A. No. of B. No. of full days or half days was the half days full days facility closed during the 1. Working in a health camp [ ][ ] [ ][ ] regular scheduled hours for 2. Visiting villages for outreach [ ][ ] [ ][ ] each of the following activities reasons? 3. Supervising other facilities [ ][ ] [ ][ ] 4. Treating patients in their own [ ][ ] [ ][ ] home 5. Attending a meeting [ ][ ] [ ][ ] 6. Working in another public [ ][ ] [ ][ ] facility 7. On holiday [ ][ ] [ ][ ] 996. Other (specify__________) [ ][ ] [ ][ ] Is there ever a time when the facility Yes………………………………..1 is open but no one who treats patients No………………………………...2 is there? In the last 30 days, how many Because staff member(s) is/are: No. of No. of full full days or half days was the half days days facility open during the 1. Working in a health camp [ ][ ] [ ][ ] regular scheduled hours but 2. Visiting villages for outreach [ ][ ] [ ][ ] no one who treats patients activities was there for each of the 3. Supervising other facilities [ ][ ] [ ][ ] following reasons? 4. Treating patients in their own [ ][ ] [ ][ ] home 5. Attending a meeting [ ][ ] [ ][ ] 6. Working in another public [ ][ ] [ ][ ] facility 7. On holiday [ ][ ] [ ][ ] 996. Other (specify__________) [ ][ ] [ ][ ] How many patients did providers from this facility see in the last 7 days: PB2.50 PB2.48 PB2.50 A. at the facility................................... 11 Number of patients [ ][ ][ ][ ] B. during village visits......................... Number of patients [ ][ ][ ][ ] Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 PB2.51 Do you refer patients to other facilities? PB2.52 How many cases did you refer to other facilities in the last month? [ ][ ] PB2.53 To how many different facilities do you refer patients? [ ][ ] PB2.54 ASK QUESTIONS PB2.55 TO PB2.61 FOR EACH FACILITY TO WHICH THIS HEALTH PROVIDER REFERS PATIENTS AND RECORD ANSWERS ON GRID. PB2.55 If you refer a patient to another facility, where do you send them? Facility Name..……………………….. RECORD IN GRID PB2.56 What type of facility is this? RECORD ON GRID PB2.57 What is the distance [from this facility]? RECORD ON GRID PB2.58 What form of transportation does the patient usually use to travel to this facility? CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY RECORD ON GRID PB2.59 If a patient is in serious or critical condition when referred to another facility, does the staff from this facility accompany the patient? RECORD ON GRID PB2.60 Who usually accompanies the patient? CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY RECORD ON GRID PB2.62 Village/Town………………..………. District/Tehsil...…………………...... PHC/CHC……………….………...1 Government referral hospital……...2 Private hospital………………….…3 Aryuvedic hospital…………….…..4 Subcentre/Aidpost…………….…...5 Dispensary…………………….…...6 NGO clinic…………………….…..7 Private qualified doctor/ compounder/pharmacist….…....8 Other (Specify____________)....996 [ ][ ][ ] Km Don’t know Ambulance (belonging to this facility) ………..1 Ambulance (belonging to another facility).……2 Common transport (public or private)…............3 Patient’s own transportation………...............…4 Catch ride on road………………….............…..5 Foot………………………………….................6 Other (specify_____________)………......…..996 Yes, always.………………………1 PB2.61 No…………………………………2 Yes, sometimes……………………3 Doctor/Medical officer...…………..1 Compounder or male nurse.……….2 Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………..7 Lab technician...................................8 12 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk.................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 Driver................................................12 Fourth class......................................13 Other (specify____________)…….996 PB2.61 Is there any other facility to which you Yes………………………………..1 refer patients? No………………………………...2 RECORD ON GRID PB2.55 13 PB2.62 Does this facility provide ________services? A. B. If YES: Where is the service provided? (circle all that apply) Yes No 1. First aid/curative care 2. Preventative care 3. Diagnostic care Stitching of wounds: 4. first stitch 5. additional stitches 6. Changing of wound dressing 7. Incision of abscess, piercing of boils 8. Medical treatment for TB [TBC] 9. Dental exam 10. Prenatal care 11. Postnatal care 12. Delivery 13. Nutrition supplementation Child immunization 14. BCG 15. DPT 16. Anti polio 17. Measles 18. Immunization of pregnant women for tetanus toxoid 19. Immunization against Hepatitis B Supply of contraceptives 20. condoms 21. oral 22. IUD 23. injections 24. sterilization for men In facility ...... 1 During village visits ............. 2 Health camp.. 3 Anganwadi..... 4 Other ...........996 C. If YES: how many days per week or per month is the service provided? 9 = if the service is offered with special conditions or arrangements per week......1 per month....2 [ [ [ ] days 1 ] days 1 ] days 1 2 2 2 [ [ [ ] days 1 2 ] days 1 2 ] days 1 2 [ ] days 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 1 2 3 4 996 [ ] days 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 996 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 [ [ [ [ [ ] days ] days ] days ] days ] days 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 [ [ [ [ [ ] days ] days ] days ] days ] days 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 [ ] days 1 2 [ [ [ [ [ ] days ] days ] days ] days ] days 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 996 1 2 3 4 996 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 996 996 996 996 996 1 1 1 1 1 14 PB2.63 PB2.64 PB2.65 PB2.66 25. sterilization for 1 women 26. Treatment for STDs 1 27. Family planning 1 check-up/counseling Laboratory exams 28. Hemoglobin (Hb) 1 29. Leukocyte 1 calculation 30. Blood type 1 calculation 31. Erythrocyte 1 calculation 32. Urinalysis 1 33. Pregnancy test 1 34. Feces examination 1 35. First Sputum 1 examination 36. Following sputum 1 tests 37. Blood test for 1 STDs Syndromic diagnosis of STD's 38. Genital ulcers 1 39. Discharge 1 40. Lower abdominal 1 pain Does this facility provide inpatient services? Does the facility provide observation services? Does this facility charge any fees for registration, treatment, or any other services? Do you charge fees for any of the following services? Yes No 1. Registration 2. Consultation 3. Medication 4. Drip 5. Inpatient stay 6. Laboratory exams 7. Operation 996. Other (specify) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 [ ] days 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 [ [ ] days 1 ] days 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 [ [ ] days 1 ] days 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 [ ] days 1 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 [ ] days 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 996 996 996 996 [ [ [ [ ] days ] days ] days ] days 2 1 2 3 4 996 [ ] days 1 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 [ ] days 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 3 4 996 [ [ [ ] days 1 ] days 1 ] days 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 PB3 IF YES, how much do you charge for this service? Min: Rs. [ Min: Rs. [ Min: Rs. [ Min: Rs. [ Min: Rs. [ Min: Rs. [ Min: Rs. [ Min: Rs. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Max: Rs. [ ] Max: Rs. [ ] Max: Rs. [ ] Max: Rs. [ ] Max: Rs. [ ] Max: Rs. [ ] Max: Rs. [ ] Max: Rs. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 15 PB3 PB3.1 PB3.2 AVAILABILITY OF INSTRUMENTS, MEDICINES, VACCINES, LAB EQUIPMENT, ETC. Are vaccines ever available at this facility? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Are ________ A. B. C. D. vaccines IF YES: Is Is a stock of IF STOCK IS KEPT IN available at this this this vaccine FACILITY: How many facility? vaccine kept in this weeks in the last 6 months available facility? were there no vaccines/did today? you run out of vaccines of this type? PB3.6 more than 3 days = 1 week Yes No PB3.3 PB3.4 PB3.5 PB3.6 PB3.7 PB3.8 Yes No Yes No Don’t know....................99 Not in stock at all in last 6 months.........................88 [ ][ ] weeks 1 2 [ ][ ] weeks 1 2 [ ][ ] weeks 1 2 [ ][ ] weeks 1 2 [ ][ ] weeks 1 2 [ ][ ] weeks 1 2 Vaccine refrigerator/freezer……………1 Special vaccine cooling box….........…..2 Regular refrigerator……………………3 Non-electrical refrigerator….………….4 No storing place for vaccines available..5 What kind of needle is used at this facility Disposable………………………...........1 for vaccinations? Non-disposable…………..........….........2 Both disposable and non-disposable.......3 None........................................................4 What kind of needle or syringe is used at this Disposable only………………………...1 facility for general use? Non-disposable only…………...………2 Both disposable and non-disposable.......3 None..................………………………..4 What method of sterilization is used at this Sterilizer………………………………1 facility? Boil the needle in water................……2 Rinse it in alcohol…………………….3 (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) Heat the needle with fire……………..4 Non-sterilized………………………..5 None………………………………….6 Other (specify___________)……….996 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT Yes………………………………..1 Is this facility a subcentre or an aidpost? No………………………………...2 How often does this subcentre/aidpost get Number of days[ ][ ] supplies in needles and/or syringes from the Time interval: sector PHC or block PHC/CHC? Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 1. BCG 1 2 1 2 2. DPT 1 2 1 2 3. Anti polio 1 2 1 2 4. Measles 1 2 1 2 5. Tetanus Toxoid 1 2 1 2 6. Hepatitis B 1 2 1 2 Where are vaccines usually kept at this facility? PB3.9 16 PB3.9 Are _______ medicines provided at this facility? A. B. If NO: Are ________ medicines prescribed here? Yes No Yes No C. If YES: Where are these medicines provided? (circle all that apply) D. If YES: is it in stock today? In facility ...... 1 During village visits ............. 2 Health camp.. 3 Anganwadi.....4 Other ..........996 E. In the last 6 months how many weeks was this medicine not in stock? more than 3 days = 1 week Yes No Don’t know.....99 Not in stock at all in last 6 months.88 17 1. Antibiotic 2. Analgesic PB3.11 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4. Antifungal 1 2 1 2 5. Anti-TBC 1 2 1 2 6. Anti-malaria 1 2 1 2 7. Skin disease 1 2 1 2 8. Antidehydration (ORS/IV fluids) 1 2 1 2 9. Pre/post-natal care (IFA, Vitamin A) 1 10. Antidepressant 1 11. Antiasthmatic 1 12. Muscle relaxants 1 13. Anti-venom 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] 2 3. Antipyretic 14. Anti-diabetic PB3.10 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 15. Emergency 1 2 1 2 medicines INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT Is this facility a subcentre or an aidpost? How often does this subcentre/aidpost get supplies in medicine from the sector PHC or block PHC/CHC? 1 2 3 4 996 1 2 [ ][ ] Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Number of days[ ][ ] Time interval: Year…………..........1 Month……………..2 Week..……………..3 PB3.12 18 PB3.12 Does the facility have ________today? a. Yes 1. Stethoscope 2. Blood pressure instrument 3. Thermometer 4. Needles 5. Syringes 6. Torchlight 7. Gloves 8. Adult weighing scale 9. Infant weighing scale 10. Vehicle 11. Cooling box 12. Slide/ready-made glass 13. Drip stand 14. Telephone 15. Spirit lamp 16. Microscope 17. Electricity PB4 PB4.1 PB4.2 PB4.3 PB4.4 PB4.5 PB4.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b. If YES: Is it working now? No 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PB4 Yes No 1 2 1 2 1 2 XXXX XXXX 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 18. Sterilizer 1 2 1 2 19. Refrigerator 1 2 1 2 20. Freezer 1 2 1 2 21. Echocardiogram 1 2 1 2 22. X-ray machine 1 2 1 2 23. Centrifuge 1 2 1 2 PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE BUILDING AND ROOMS When did this facility first open for services at this location? Year [ ][ ][ ][ ] Do not know………………….-999 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT Yes………………………………..1 Is this facility a subcentre? No………………………………...2 Does the facility have a building? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Where does the ANM from this facility sit? INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: Is Yes………………………………..1 there electricity at this facility? No………………………………...2 What is the main electricity source PLN (State Electricity Company)………1 used by this facility? Local Government/Government Agency.2 Generator………………………………..3 CIRCLE MORE THAN ONE ONLY Public/Community Initiative……………4 IF SOURCES ARE EQUALLY Private Company/Cooperative………….5 SHARED Other (specify____________)…………996 PB4.5 PB4.5 PB4.8 19 PB4.7 PB4.8 Is this electricity source working right now? What is the main water source used by this facility? CIRCLE MORE THAN ONE ONLY IF SOURCES ARE EQUALLY SHARED PB4.9 PB4.10 Is this _____water transported by pipes? Is this water source in the building? PB4.11 How far is it from the building? PB4.12 Is this water source working/does it have water right now? What is the water source used by this facility right now? PB4.13 PB4.14 PB4.15 Is this _____water transported by pipes? Is this water source in the building? PB4.16 How far is it from the building? PB4.17 Does this facility have a bathroom? PB4.18 Which type of toilet facility is used? PB4.19 Do patients use this bathroom? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Piped water (PAM)…….………………..1 Pump water (manual pump)…………..…2 Tubewell....................................................3 Well water…………………………….…4 Spring water………………………….….5 Rain water…………………………….…6 River water………………………….…..7 Lake water………………………….……8 Purchased from vendor…………….…….9 Water tank………………...……………10 Other (specify_____________)……….996 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Less than 10 meters………………1 10 to 30 meters…………………...2 30 to 100 meters…………….........3 More than 100 meters.....................4 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Piped water (PAM)…….…………….......…..1 Pump water (electric/manual pump)…........…2 Tubewell...........................................................3 Well water…………………….......……….…4 Spring water………………….......……….….5 Rain water…………………….......……….…6 River water…………………….......…….…..7 Lake water……………………….......….……8 Purchased from vendor………….......….…….9 Water tank………………...…….......………10 Other (specify_____________)….....……..996 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Less than 10 meters………………1 10 to 30 meters…………………...2 30 to 100 meters…………….........3 More than 100 meters.....................4 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Private toilet with septic tank…….1 Private toilet without septic tank…2 Common toilet……………………3 No toilet………………………….4 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 PB4.12 PB4.17 PB4.17 PB4.20 20 PB4.20 PB4.21 PB4.22 PB4.23 PB4.24 PB4.25 PB4.26 PB4.27 PB4.28 PB4.29 What is the main waste-water disposal system at this facility? (CIRCLE MORE THAN ONE ONLY IF EQUALLY USED) What is the main solid waste disposal system at this facility? Running…………………………...1 Collection…………………………2 Tossed out (without collection)......3 Other (specify_____________)…996 Burning……………………………1 Piled………………………………2 Removed………………………….3 Buried…………………………….4 Other (specify_____________)..996 (CIRCLE MORE THAN ONE ONLY IF EQUALLY USED) How many examination beds does this facility have? [ ][ ] examination beds How many beds does this facility have (excluding examination beds)? [ ][ ] beds How many rooms does this facility have? [ ][ ] rooms ASK QUESTIONS PB4.26 TO PB4.34 FOR EACH ROOM IN THE FACILITY AND FILL RESPONSES IN THE GRID. What is the official function of this Registration room…………………….1 room? Waiting room…………………………2 (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) Examination room…………………….3 Injection room…………………………4 FP/MCH consultation room...................5 FP service room......................................6 Delivery room........................................7 Inpatient room........................................8 Observation room....................................9 Dressing room........................................10 Storage room..........................................11 Pharmacy……………………………...12 Vaccine storage room…………………13 Operation……………………………..14 Laboratory…………………………….15 Living quarters.......................................16 OPD (out-patient department)...............17 X-ray room............................................18 Record keeping......................................19 Garage....................................................20 Staff break room………………………21 Bathroom………………………………22 Other (specify__________)………….996 Is this room in use now? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Is this room used for its official Yes………………………………..1 function? No………………………………...2 What is the actual function of this Registration room…………………….1 room? Waiting room…………………………2 Examination room…………………….3 (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) Injection room…………………………4 FP/MCH consultation room...................5 PB4.44 PB4.30 21 PB4.30 PB4.31 PB4.32 PB4.33 PB4.34 PB4.35 PB4.36 PB4.37 PB4.38 PB4.39 PB4.40 PB4.41 PB4.42 FP service room......................................6 Delivery room........................................7 Inpatient room........................................8 Observation room....................................9 Dressing room........................................10 Storage room..........................................11 Pharmacy……………………………...12 Vaccine storage room…………………13 Operation……………………………..14 Laboratory…………………………….15 Living quarters.......................................16 OPD (out-patient department)...............17 X-ray room............................................18 Record keeping......................................19 Garage....................................................20 Staff break room………………………21 Bathroom………………………………22 Other (specify__________)………….996 Does this room experience leaks during Yes………………………………..1 the rainy season? No………………………………...2 Does the room flood during the rainy Yes………………………………..1 season? No………………………………...2 Is the room locked right now? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Does the key holder work in this Yes………………………………..1 facility? No………………………………...2 Is the key holder in the facility now? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 FOR QUESTIONS PB4.36 TO 4.43, OBSERVE THE ROOM AND RECORD ANSWERS IN THE GRID. Are the walls clean? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 No = if there are many spider webs, scribbling, moisture or paint peeling Is the floor clean? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 No = if dust, food remnants, and/or garbage on floor Does the room have a window? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Does/do the windows have a screen? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Does the window have shutters? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Is/are the windows in good condition? Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 No = if it is broken Does the room have _______? Is it working now? (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) Yes No Fan…………………….…..1 1 2 Bed [not exam]....…….…..2 1 2 PB4.35 PB4.44 PB4.42 22 PB4.43 What provisions are made for washing hands in this room? Is the wash stand working right now? PB4.44 PB5 PB5.1 Are there any other rooms in the facility? RESPONDENT IDENTIFICATION What is the main respondent’s name? PB5.2 What is the main respondent’s designation? PB5.3 Did someone other than the main respondent answer any section? Which section(s)? (circle all that apply) PB5.4 PB5.5 PB5.6 What is the name of the other person who answered this/these sections? What is this other person’s designation? Exam bed…………………3 1 Trash can…………….....…4 1 Bench or chair………….....5 1 Cupboard…………….…....6 1 Desk……………………....7 1 Attached bathroom………..8 1 Other (specify_____)…..996 1 Wash stand with running water…..1 Wash basin with clean water……..2 Bucket with clean water………….3 Not available……………………..4 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Doctor/Medical officer...…………..1 Compounder or male nurse.……….2 Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………..7 Lab technician...................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk.................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 Driver................................................12 Fourth class......................................13 Other (specify____________)…….996 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 PB0……………………………….0 PB1……………………………….1 PB2……………………………….2 PB3……………………………….3 PB4……………………………….4 PB4.26 PB6 Doctor/Medical officer...…………..1 Compounder or male nurse.……….2 Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………..7 Lab technician...................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 23 PB5.7 Did someone else answer any section? PB5.8 Which section(s)? (circle all that apply) PB5.9 What is the name of the other person who answered this/these sections? What is this other person’s designation? PB5.10 Clerk.................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 Driver................................................12 Fourth class......................................13 Other (specify____________)……996 Yes………………………………..1 No………………………………...2 PB0……………………………….0 PB1……………………………….1 PB2……………………………….2 PB3……………………………….3 PB4……………………………….4 PB6 Doctor/Medical officer...…………..1 Compounder or male nurse.……….2 Pharmacist…………………………3 Multipurpose worker………………4 ANM………………………………5 Staff nurse.......................…………..6 LHV………………………………..7 Lab technician...................................8 Radiographer.....................................9 Clerk.................................................10 Sector supervisor..............................11 Driver................................................12 Fourth class......................................13 Other (specify____________)……996 24