Problem Set Seven: Uniform Convergence Definitions: Let S be a set, f : S R be a function, and ( f n ) be a sequence of functions from S into R. (a) ( f n ) converges pointwise on S to f iff, for each x in S, f n ( x ) f ( x ) in R. Equivalently, x S ε 0 m(x) N, n m(x) f n (x) f (x) ε. (b) ( f n ) converges uniformly on S to f iff ε 0 m N x S, n m f n (x) f (x) ε . Note: (i) If ( f n ) converges uniformly on S to f then ( f n ) converges pointwise on S to f. (ii) Pointwise convergence need not imply uniform convergence. For example f n ( x ) x n converges 0 if 0 x 1 1 if x 1 pointwise on [0,1] to f ( x ) , but convergence is not uniform. Definitions: Let S be a set. (a) A function f : S R is (uniformly) bounded iff there is a number b so that f ( x ) b for all x in S. (b) The uniform norm of a bounded function f : S R is f u min { b : x S f ( x ) b } sup { f ( x ) : x S } . (c) B(S) denotes the set of all bounded functions f : S R . Theorem: (a) B(S) is a vector space under the pointwise operations ( f g )( x ) f ( x ) g ( x ) and ( cf )( x ) c f ( x ). (b) The uniform norm is a norm on B(S). (c) ( f n ) converges to f in the metric space B(S) iff ( f n ) converges uniformly on S to f. (d) B(S) is a complete under the uniform norm. A complete normed space is called a Banach space. Theorem: If f : S T is continuous and K S is compact, then f ( K ) { f ( x ) : x K } is a compact subset of T. Corollary: If f : S R is continuous and S is compact then there are points p and q in S so that f ( q ) f ( x ) f ( p ) for all x in S. In particular f is bounded on S. Definition and Theorem: For S a compact metric space let C(S) denote the set of all continuous functions f : S R . (a) C(S) is a vector space under the pointwise operations (b) If ( f n ) is a sequence in C(S) and ( f n ) converges uniformly on S to f, then f is continuous. (c) C(S) is a closed subset of B(S) and thus is complete under the uniform norm. Lemma: If g is continuously differentiable on [a,b] then g 2 u 2 g 2 g 2 (b a ) 1 Theorem: Let ( f n ) be a sequence of continuously differentiable functions on [a,b]. If (i) ( f n ) is Cauchy in 2-norm, and g 2 2 . (ii) the derivatives ( f n ) are bounded in 2-norm, then ( f n ) converges uniformly to a continuous function on [a,b]. Theorem: Let ( f n ) be a sequence of continuously differentiable functions on [a,b]. If (i) lim f n (x 0 ) exists for some x 0 in [a,b], and (ii) ( f n ) converges in 2-norm to some continuous g, then there is a differentiable f so that f g and ( f n ) converges uniformly to f on [a,b]. PROBLEMS Problem 7-1: Answer these questions for each sequence ( f n ) . Does the sequence converge pointwise on S? If so is the pointwise limit continuous? Is convergence uniform? (a) f n ( x ) 1 1 nx , S [ 0 , 1] (b) f n ( x ) n nx , S [ 0 , 1] (c) f n ( x ) tan 1 ( n x ), S R Problem 7-2: In B[0,1] let f n ( x ) max { 1 n x , 0 }. (a) Calculate f n u fn fm u and for n m . (b) Is the set M { f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , ... , f n , ... } totally bounded in B[0,1]? (c) Does the sequence ( f n ) converge in B[0,1]? If so find its limit. Definition: A function F : S T between metric spaces is an isometry iff d(F(x), F(z)) d(x, z) for all x and z in S. Note this doesn’t require that F is onto. Problem 7-3: For (S,d) a metric space and x 0 a distinguished point in S, define F : S B(S) by F (x)(s) d(x 0 , s) d(s, x) Prove that F is an isometry with values in C(S). Problem 7-4: Let ( f n ) be a sequence in C[a,b]. (a) Prove that if f n 0 uniformly then f n 0 in 2norm. Give (or review) an example showing the converse is false. (b) Prove that if f n 0 in 2-norm then b a f n (u) d u 0 and b a f n (u) d u 0 . Give (or review) an example showing the converse is false. Problem 7-5: If g is continuously differentiable on [a,b] and c g u c{ g 2 2 g 2 1/2 2 } 1 1/(b a) . Problem 7-6: On [ 1, 1] let f n (x) f( n x) for f(x) x 2 sgn (x) /(1 x 2 ) . (a) f n sgn 2 2 2 du n 0. 0 2 2 n (1 u ) then (b) ( f n ) can’t converge in 2-norm to a continuous function on [ 1, 1] . (c) The sequence of derivatives ( f n ) converges pointwise to zero on [ 1, 1] . (d) f n 2 2 2 8 n 0n u du 2 4 (1 u ) . Problem 7-7: On [ 1, 1] let f n (x) 2 x (1/n) . (a) ( f n ) converges uniformly to x on [ 1, 1] . (b) ( f n ) converges to sgn(x) pointwise and in 2-norm on [ 1, 1] . Definition (a Cantor Set): There is a recursively defined sequence (C n ) of subsets of [0,1] with the following properties: (i) C 0 [0,1] ; (ii) C n is the union of a finite number of disjoint closed bounded intervals, called the components of C n , and; (iii) C n 1 is obtained from C n by removing the open middle third of each component of C n . For instance C 1 [0, 1/3] [2/3, 1] , C 1 [0, 1/9] [2/9, 1/3] [2/3, 7/9] [8/9, 1] , and so on. The Middle Third Cantor Set is C n 1 C n . Problem 7-8: Write S { 0, 1 } N and define f n : S R by f n (x) 2 n k 1 3 k x(k) . (a) Show that ( f n ) converges uniformly and in C(S) to a Lipschitz function f : S R . (b) Show that f is one-to-one and maps onto the Middle Third Cantor Set C. (b) Show that the inverse function f 1 : C S is continuous. A continuous, one-to-one and onto function with continuous inverse is called a homeomorphism.