Mission Statements

Mission Statements
Assessment Unit
Program Mission
Admin (FS) - Financial Aid
Admin (FS) - Student Accounts
Admin (SL) - Student Life
We provide services and programs that produce exceptional life outcomes in students who are equipped to serve as Christ-centered
change agents in their lives and vocations.
Admin (SL-CL) - Community Life
The office of Community Life exists to create a Christ-centered, educationally-based community where formal and informal cocurricular learning experiences contribute to the development of student intellectual growth, emotional well-being, physical health,
spiritual maturity, and healthy interpersonal relationships.
Admin (SL-CL) - Commuter Life
Admin (SL-CL) - Housing and Food
Admin (SL-CL) - New Student Orientation
Admin (SL-CL) - Residence Life
The mission of the Housing Department is to reflect and support the Christ-centered mission of George Fox University through quality
and value in residential facilities, excellence in customer service and support of students' curricular education.
The mission of the Residence Life Department is to provide a Christ-centered educationally based residential community where
students are equipped, empowered and challenged to:
- Understand their identity, calling and significance in Christ
- Build authentic communities
- Develop the ability to lead with grace and mercy
- Prepare for a lifetime of service to their community, church and world
Admin (SL-CL) - Student Activities |
Associated Student Council
Admin (SL-INT) - International Recruitment
Admin (SL-INT) - International Services
International Student and Scholar Services serves as a resource for advising and assisting international students and visiting
scholars as well as facilitating the interaction of diverse cultures in the George Fox University community.
Admin (SL-INT) - International Student &
Scholar Services
Admin (SL-SLLI) - Chapel Program
Admin (SL-SLLI) - Inclusion and Leadership The mission of Inclusion and Leadership Programs
Admin (SL-SLLI) - Multicultural Programs
Admin (SL-SLLI) - Spiritual Formation
Admin (SL-SLLI) - Spiritual Life
We encourage our community to find their identity, passion and calling in relationship with Jesus Christ in order to be engaged in
God's work in the world.
Admin (SL-SS) - Campus Security and
The George Fox University Department of Security Services Office is dedicated to enhancing the opportunity for students, faculty and
staff to participate in the educational experience by providing a safe, protected and orderly environment. The safety of our students,
faculty, staff and visitors is of primary importance. The George Fox University Security Office seeks participation by all members of
the GFU family in our efforts. We want to provide the GFU community with tools to make these efforts successful.
Admin (SL-SS) - Career Services
Career Services is committed to offering a wide variety of excellent resources to assist students and alumni in identifying vocation
and calling, obtaining suitable work experience, getting into graduate school, and finding employment in today's challenging and
exciting job market.
Admin (SL-SS) - Enrollment Counselors
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Program Mission
Admin (SL-SS) - Health & Counseling
The Health and Counseling Center exists to help students achieve physical, emotional, spiritual and relational health so they may
attain the highest personal growth and intellectual success.
Admin (SL-SS) - Learning Support Services The mission of Learning Support Services is to provide educational resources and support to students of all levels so they can
become more effective learners and scholars.
Program (AAO) - Core Themes
The mission of the University core theme initiative is to identify and assess essential elements of the University mission and articulate
the extent of mission fulfillment.
Program (AAO) - General Education
As a contributor to the Liberal Arts undergraduate educational mission at George Fox University, the general education program
seeks to graduate students who are motivated by and skilled in the pursuit of knowledge, who are resourceful in exploiting multiple
pathways to understanding, who are appreciatively yet critically aware of the roots of their own cultural practices and those of others,
who are responsive to the ethical dimensions of living well, and who will be persons of influence within their various communities.
Program (CAS) - Allied Health
Program (CAS) - Art and Design
Program has been terminated. Re-branded as "Exercise Science" in 2013.
The Department of Visual Arts encourages its students in their intellectual, social and spiritual growth through a caring, Christcentered community and curriculum. We aspire to develop a deep sense of incarnational life in promising artists who will use their
creative gifts to bless the world.
Program (CAS) - Athletic Training
The mission of the George Fox University Athletic Training Program is to provide a comprehensive and thorough athletic training
educational experience for each individual, while providing guidance and leadership that incorporates the values of a Christ-Centered
community. Through the academic course work and Clinical Education experience, the athletic training student will meet the
requirements to receive a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training Degree and acquire the needed knowledge and understanding of
athletic training to pass the Board of Certification (BOC) examination.
Program (CAS) - Biblical Studies
The Biblical Studies major at George Fox University will prepare students for vocations in the field of teaching, academics, and
ministry, and provide preparation for entry into Seminary or further graduate training. Students who complete this major will (1)
demonstrate seminary-ready competency in classical Biblical Hebrew at a 1st year level or New Testament Greek at a 2nd-year
level; (2) articulate the basic contents of the Christian Bible, and articulate important concepts, theories, and skills of Biblical
interpretation; (3) identify and explain the contents and historical-social circumstances of the books within both the Hebrew Bible / Old
Testament and the Christian New Testament; (4) develop written work which makes specific theological and historical argumentation.
Program (CAS) - Biology
The Biology department will promote an environment that encourages both faculty and students to reach their full potential in
understanding the natural order and its relationship to the spiritual journey, use science as the epistemology of the natural world, and
engender a reflective life of the mind, especially at the interface of science, faith, and service.
Program (CAS) - Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry seeks to fulfill the mission and objectives of George Fox University through teaching chemistry. We
demonstrate the meaning of Jesus Christ by providing a caring community in which each student may grow intellectually and
personally and be prepared to participate in the concerns of the world. This is done through classroom instruction, laboratory
instruction, involvement in the research laboratory, and personal interaction. We seek primarily to impact all students in our classes
such that they can think critically and analytically about complex problems. Secondarily, we wish to teach students the current
content and practice of chemistry.
Program (CAS) - Christian Ministries
The Christian Ministries major at George Fox University will prepare students for vocations in the field of church ministries, pastoral
roles, Christian camping, youth ministry, missions, education, para-church organizations, or in service-related professions such as
nursing, counseling, or social work. Students who complete this major will: (1) demonstrate a seminary-ready competency in Church
History and basic doctrines of orthodox Christianity; (2) demonstrate basic hermeneutical skills for study and teaching of the Bible; (3)
articulate their faith and theological convictions effectively in writing and speaking; (4) apply biblical and doctrinal understanding of
ministry concepts in internships and field experience.
Program (CAS) - Cinema/Media
The mission of Cinema & Media Communication (CMCO) is to prepare students to become effective communicators.
Program (CAS) - Communication Arts
To prepare students in a Christian liberal arts university with the concepts and skills they need to be persons of influence.
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Program Mission
Program (CAS) - English
The mission of the English Department is to prepare socially responsible and spiritually aware students for vocations by educating
them in the essential concepts, knowledge, and skills of writing and literature.
Program (CAS) - History
The faculty commits itself to helping individual majors fulfill their unique potential and goals. We endeavor to support the creative
writer, the analytical thinker, and the effective communicator. We strive to inspire majors with a love of the past and a quest for
historical truth -- following Christ -- the center of all Truth.
Program (CAS) - International Studies
Program (CAS) - Journalism
To prepare students in a Christian liberal arts university with the concepts and skills they need to be persons of influence who
practices ethical & effective journalism & evaluate critically the messages they receive in a diverse society & world.
Program (CAS) - Music
The mission of the Music program is to develop a Christ-centered curriculum that provides students with the knowledge and
experience necessary to follow their individual musical vocations and minister in their communities. We will encourage our graduates
to seek excellence as lifelong learners.
Program (CAS) - Organizational
To prepare students in a Christian liberal arts university with the concepts and skills in organizational communication
Program (CAS) - Politics
The politics program provides an excellent overview of the field of political science. Students are challenged to think about the
relevance of their faith to matters of public concern in a sophisticated manner. Graduates have the skills necessary to thrive in a
variety of career paths including law and graduate school, public service, business, and advocacy.
Program (CAS) - Spanish
The mission of the Spanish bachelor's degree is to provide opportunities for students to acquire "Advanced" proficiency in Spanish in
reading, writing, listening and speaking, as defined by the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL); and for
students to develop a keen awareness of their own and Spanish-speaking cultures, and faith practices in particular, through the study
of language, culture and literature. Required interactions with native speakers of Spanish are a distinctive of our program.
Program (CAS) - Theatre
The University Theatre is dedicated to cultivating artistic integrity in its students and its programs as we explore the craft of theatre in
a Christ-centered environment. Our mission is to offer a safe, disciplined, and nurturing theatre program that prepares artists to make
meaningful contributions to our world.
Program (CBHS - Cognitive Science
Program (CBHS) - Doctor of Physical
Program (CBHS) - Doctor of Psychology
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program is committed to providing high quality educational programs that promote an excellence in
academic and scholarly achievement and prepares students for contemporary physical therapy practice. The program also prepares
students to think critically, practice ethically, and engage in service to the community.
The mission of the GDCP is to provide excellent education and training for future clinical psychologists who will provide outstanding
professional services to their clients and agencies and demonstrate special expertise when working with clients desiring a spiritual
dimension especially within the Christian worldview.
Program (CBHS) - Health and Human
Program (CBHS) - Nursing
George Fox University Department of Nursing prepares students to enter the profession with a commitment to promoting health with
excellence and integrity, and as imitators of Christ through caring with compassion and hope.
Program (CBHS) - Psychology
The Department of Psychology endeavors to encourage academic and spiritual growth of its students; to explore the breadth of
psychology as a discipline; and to develop critical thinking and communication skills. Furthermore, the department seeks to provide
active learning experiences for its students through courses, independent research, and field experience, and to foster student
growth toward career goals.
Program (CBHS) - Social Work
The primary mission of the George Fox University Social Work Program is to prepare students for generalist social work practice in
positions of both public and private social service agencies and for graduate education. The program facilitates this mission by
providing a generalist social work curriculum within the larger context of a faith-based liberal arts education.
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Program Mission
Program (CBHS) - Sociology
Program (CENG) - Applied Science
Program (CENG) - Computer Science
program mission
Program (CENG) - Engineering
Program (CENG) - Information Systems
Prepare technically competent and broadly educated engineers for a life of responsible service emerging from a Christian worldview.
Mission: Educate students within a Christian environment in the discipline of computer science. Department faculty are committed to
maintaining a curriculum that emphasizes the foundations and basic principles of information systems while exposing students to
practical applications and current computing systems and software technology.
Program (CENG) - Mathematics
To provide students with the foundational knowledge necessary for a thorough understanding of the basic areas of undergraduate
mathematical studies, as well as the skills required to use that understanding.
Program (COB) - Doctor of Business
The mission of the George Fox School of Business is to prepare trusted leaders who will transform business. Our graduates are
trusted to be Professionally Competent, Ethically Grounded, Globally Engaged, Socially Responsive,and Servant Leaders.
Program (COB) - Master of Business
Administration - Fulltime
The mission of the George Fox School of Business is to prepare trusted leaders who will transform business. Our graduates are
trusted to be Professionally Competent, Ethically Grounded, Globally Engaged, Socially Responsive,and Servant Leaders.
Program (COB) - Master of Business
Administration - Part-time
The mission of the George Fox School of Business is to prepare trusted leaders who will transform business. Our graduates are
trusted to be Professionally Competent, Ethically Grounded, Globally Engaged, Socially Responsive,and Servant Leaders.
Program (COB) - UG Business
The mission of the George Fox School of Business is to prepare trusted leaders who will transform business. Our graduates are
trusted to be Professionally Competent, Ethically Grounded, Globally Engaged, Socially Responsive,and Servant Leaders.
Mission: Educate students within a Christian environment in the discipline of computer science. Department faculty are committed to
maintaining a curriculum that emphasizes the foundations and basic principles of computer science while exposing students to
practical applications and current computing hardware and software technology.
Program (COE) - Continuing Administrator With Christ at the center, the School of Education offers practical and challenging programs for professionals in education where
excellence, innovation, and professional expertise are modeled by faculty members who continue their journeys of learning, teaching
and leading.
Program (COE) - Administrator Licensure
With Christ at the center, the School of Education offers practical and challenging programs for professionals in education where
excellence, innovation, and professional expertise are modeled by faculty members who continue their journeys of learning, teaching
and leading.
Program (COE) - Doctor of Education
In alignment with our institutional mission, the School of Education emphasizes a Transformative Model that focuses on the
integration of faith, learning, and living based on a Christ-centered worldview. We believe that this theoretical learning perspective
provides a conceptual framework from which we can achieve the goal of our programs: to support and develop professionals who
think critically, transform practice, and promote justice. The Conceptual Framework is allied with 3 key dispositions: Integrity, Seeking
Multiple Perspectives, and Courage.
Program (COE) - Education Specialist in
School Psychology - GDC
The Graduate Department of Counseling, grounded in and shaped by our commitment to an integrated understanding of the
Christian faith and mental health, exists to train graduate level clinicians. Through rigorous academic and clinical training we seek to
promote the personal professional development of students, with the goals of promoting relational, psychological, physical and
spiritual wholeness of individuals, couples, families, organizations, and communities. The conceptual framework of the program is
based upon theory and research that supports a developmental systematic approach to facilitate the growth and well-being of clients.
Program (COE) - Educational Specialist
The Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree at George Fox equips teachers who want to extend themselves to serve in teacher-leader
roles, both formal and informal, and administrators who want to be successful servant leaders who create collaborative learning
organizations. The Ed.S. program provides a range of endorsement and certification options and guides individuals as they apply
their knowledge and skills to best serve the common good in their school or district. The program supports the development of
educational leaders who can critically evaluate and apply current research, analyze educational trends, gather and use evidence
appropriately, and know how to promote and guide best practices in student and adult learning.
Program (COE) - Elementary Education
The mission of the School of Education is based on a Christ-centered worldview that supports and develops professionals who think
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Program Mission
Program (COE) - Elementary Education
Program (COE) - English for Speakers of
Other Languages (ESOL) Endorsement
critically, transform practice, and promote justice.
We believe that becoming a teacher is about more than simply acquiring the skills and knowledge to teach. We view becoming a
teacher as a journey of transformation, radically changing the mental and spiritual facets of ourselves. The Master of Arts in Teaching
faculty and staff strive to walk beside each candidate in this transforming journey, providing support, pointing the way, and sometimes
asking the hard questions that can catalyze critical moments of growth. Our faculty and staff strive to guide candidates in Jesus' spirit
of gentleness and persistence.
Program (COE) - Master of Arts in Clinical
Mental Health Counseling - GDC
The Graduate Department of Counseling, grounded in and shaped by our commitment to an integrated understanding of the
Christian faith and mental health, exists to train graduate level clinicians. Through rigorous academic and clinical training we seek to
promote the personal professional development of students, with the goals of promoting relational, psychological, physical and
spiritual wholeness of individuals, couples, families, organizations, and communities. The conceptual framework of the program is
based upon theory and research that supports a developmental systematic approach to facilitate the growth and well-being of clients.
Program (COE) - Master of Arts in
We believe that becoming a teacher is about more than simply acquiring the skills and knowledge to teach. We view becoming a
teacher as a journey of transformation, radically changing the mental and spiritual facets of ourselves. The Master of Arts in Teaching
faculty and staff strive to walk beside each candidate in this transforming journey, providing support, pointing the way, and sometimes
asking the hard questions that can catalyze critical moments of growth. Our faculty and staff strive to guide candidates in Jesus' spirit
of gentleness and persistence.
Program (COE) - Master of Education
With Christ at the center, the School of Education offers practical and challenging programs for professionals in education where
excellence, innovation, and professional expertise are modeled by faculty members who continue their journeys of learning, teaching,
and leading.
From its Quaker foundations, the university has emphasized the necessity of a genuinely experiential Christian faith. The George Fox
School of Education builds upon this foundation as it seeks to prepare and support professionals who think critically, transform
practice, and promote justice.
Program (COE) - Masters in Marriage,
Couple and Family Counseling - GDC
The Graduate Department of Counseling, grounded in and shaped by our commitment to an integrated understanding of the
Christian faith and mental health, exists to train graduate level clinicians. Through rigorous academic and clinical training we seek to
promote the personal professional development of students, with the goals of promoting relational, psychological, physical and
spiritual wholeness of individuals, couples, families, organizations, and communities. The conceptual framework of the program is
based upon theory and research that supports a developmental systematic approach to facilitate the growth and well-being of clients.
Program (COE) - Masters in School
Counseling - GDC
The Graduate Department of Counseling, grounded in and shaped by our commitment to an integrated understanding of the
Christian faith and mental health, exists to train graduate level clinicians. Through rigorous academic and clinical training we seek to
promote the personal professional development of students, with the goals of promoting relational, psychological, physical and
spiritual wholeness of individuals, couples, families, organizations, and communities. The conceptual framework of the program is
based upon theory and research that supports a developmental systematic approach to facilitate the growth and well-being of clients.
Program (COE) - Music Education
The mission of the School of Education is based on a Christ-centered worldview that supports and develops professionals who think
critically, transform practice, and promote justice.
Program (COE) - Reading Endorsement EDFL
The EDFL Reading Endorsement Program prepares and supports professionals who think critically, transform practice, and promote
justice, in concert with commitments to integrity, seeking multiple perspectives, and courage.
Program (COE-ADP) - Elementary
The mission of the School of Education is based on a Christ-centered worldview that supports and develops professionals who think
critically, transform practice, and promote justice.
Program (COE-ADP) - Health
Designed for working professionals this program offers an innovative curriculum to educate and prepare individuals to be leaders who
can meet the challenges facing the health care industry, advance the quality of care delivered to all, and fill anticipated workforce
needs in a variety of positions in health administration. Our teaching emphasizes the faculty role as student mentor and an
integration of a Christian worldview and values.
Program (COE-ADP) - Management and
Designed for working professionals this program offers an innovative curriculum that attains a balance of management,
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Program Mission
Organizational Leadership
organizational, and leadership theory and practice. Through specific instruction and practical experience, students will learn how to
successfully lead and manage people, groups and organizations. Our teaching emphasizes the faculty role as student mentor and
an integration of a Christian worldview and values.
Program (COE-ADP) - Project
The Project Management program is designed to guide students in becoming effective project managers, equipped with the
knowledge, experience and skills to deliver successful projects in today’s fast-paced business environment. Students who pursue
this course of study explore the technical skills and behavioral competencies necessary to become high-performing project
managers. Classroom teaching incorporates students' relevant work experience, industry best practices, and opportunities to apply
project management learning beyond the classroom through guided learning experiences.
Students can graduate with a degree in Project Management and a project management certification that will distinguish them from
others and enhance their employability.
Program (COE-ADP) - Social and
Behavioral Studies
Program (COE-ADP) - Technology
Designed for working professionals this program offers an innovative curriculum that attains a balance of management, technology
integration, organizational change, and leadership theory and practice. Through specific instruction and practical experience,
students will learn how to successfully lead and manage people, teams, technology, and organizations. Our teaching emphasizes
the faculty role as student mentor and an integration of a Christian worldview and values.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Certificate in
Spiritual Formation and Discipleship
George Fox Evangelical Seminary is a multi-denominational, evangelical, university-based seminary committed to equipping women
and men academically, spiritually, emotionally, and theologically for ministry in the church and world.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Doctor of Ministry
in Leadership and Global Perspectives
Our mission is to foster an open learning community that brings together people, cultures, and ideas from around the world to shape
Christian leaders skilled at creatively serving within their local and global contexts.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Doctor of Ministry
in Leadership and Spiritual Formation
Our mission is to form Christian leaders adept at personal and community soul care.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Doctor of Ministry
in Semiotics and Future Studies
Our mission is to develop Christian leaders skilled at 1) anticipating the activity of Jesus in contemporary culture and 2) proactively
guiding their ministries into the future.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Master of Arts in
Ministry Leadership - Local
George Fox Evangelical Seminary is a multi-denominational, evangelical, university-based seminary committed to equipping women
and men academically, spiritually, emotionally, and theologically for ministry in the church and world.
The Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership is designed to equip persons in ministry leadership with (1) the capacity for critical and
constructive theological reflection regarding the content and processes in ministry leadership; (2) skill in the design, implementation,
and assessment of ministry leadership; (3) an understanding of the various disciplines that undergird ministry leadership; and (4)
growth in personal and spiritual maturity.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Master of Arts in
Ministry Leadership - Online
2010 Program Purpose: The Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership is designed to equip persons in ministry who want accessible,
affordable, and pedagogically mature theological education, spiritual formation, and professional training. Graduates will serve in a
variety of ministry roles such as: associate pastors; specialized ministry leaders such as youth, women, men, or children; parachurch
leaders; overseas missionaries and ministry personnel; church planters; and camp or campus pastors.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Master of Arts in
Spiritual Formation - Local
George Fox Evangelical Seminary is a multi-denominational, evangelical, university-based seminary committed to equipping women
and men academically, spiritually, emotionally, and theologically for ministry in the church and world.
George Fox Evangelical Seminary is committed to the spiritual formation of its students so that the church and world might be served
by God's best.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Master of Arts in
Spiritual Formation - Online
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Program Mission
Program (GFES/CCS) - Master of Arts in
Theological Studies
George Fox Evangelical Seminary is a multi-denominational, evangelical, university-based seminary committed to equipping women
and men academically, spiritually, emotionally, and theologically for ministry in the church and world.
The Master of Arts in Theological Studies program is designed for men and women who desire graduate study in the field of
theological studies with an emphasis in biblical studies, Christian history and theology, Christian Earthkeeping, or an integration of
these emphases.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Master of Divinity - George Fox Evangelical Seminary is a multi-denominational, evangelical, university-based seminary committed to equipping women
and men academically, spiritually, emotionally, and theologically for ministry in the church and world.
The Master of Divinity is a professional ministry degree that prepares students to serve as senior and lead pastors. Graduates serve
in a variety of churches, parachurch organizations, and innovative ministry settings including church planting, chaplaincy, and
missional ministries.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Master of Divinity - George Fox Evangelical Seminary is a multi-denominational, evangelical, university-based seminary committed to equipping women
and men academically, spiritually, emotionally, and theologically for ministry in the church and world.
The Master of Divinity is a professional ministry degree that prepares students to serve as senior and lead pastors. Graduates serve
in a variety of churches, parachurch organizations, and innovative ministry settings including church planting, chaplaincy, and
missional ministries.
Program (GFES/CCS) - Philosophy
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The Philosophy major at George Fox University will prepare students for vocations in the field of teaching, academics, and ministry,
and/or provide preparation for entry into further graduate training. Students who complete this major will: (1) articulate important
concepts, theories, and skills of philosophy and articulate how those concepts, theories and skills interact with the content of
disciplines outside of philosophy; (2) demonstrate effective writing skills in philosophical essays and in on-the-job internship
situations; (3) apply critical skills from the philosophy curriculum and degree experiences to make decisions and solve problems; (4)
evaluate, analyze, and integrate ideas from a variety of sources, both in written essays and speech.
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