Wave Interference and Diffraction Part 1: Introduction, Double Slt Paul Avery University of Florida http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~avery/ avery@phys.ufl.edu PHY 2049 Physics 2 with Calculus PHY 2049: Chapter 36 1 Need to Understand Light as Wave! Î(You already have read this material) ÎIndex of refraction Speed of EM wave in medium: Wavelength of light: ÎPropagation cn = c / n λn = λ / n of light: Huygens principle (36-2) Explains reflection and refraction Explains interference (from superposition) Explains diffraction (spreading of light around barrier) PHY 2049: Chapter 36 2 Interference as a Wave Phenomenon ÎInterference of light waves Caused by superposition of waves Intensity can increase or decrease! Contrast with particle model of light ÎEffects and applications Double slit Single slit Diffraction gratings Anti-reflective coatings on lenses Highly reflective coatings for mirrors Iridescent coatings on insects Colors on thin bubbles Interferometry with multiple telescopes PHY 2049: Chapter 36 3 Interference from Wave Superposition Basic rule: Add displacement at every point Wave 2 Wave 1 Sum PHY 2049: Chapter 36 4 Constructive Interference ÎSame wavelength, phase difference = 0° ÎAmplitude larger: Higher intensity Sum E ( x ) = cos(kx) + 0.5cos(kx) = 1.5cos(kx) PHY 2049: Chapter 36 5 Destructive Interference wavelength, phase difference = 180° (1/2 λ) ÎAmplitude smaller: Lower intensity ÎSame Sum E ( x ) = cos(kx) + 0.5cos(kx + π ) = 0.5cos(kx) PHY 2049: Chapter 36 6 Examples ÎTwo waves, same λ, with amplitudes 2A and A Initial ÎNo intensities 4I and I, respectively (I ∝ A2) interference New intensity: ÎMaximum constructive interference (φ = 0) New amplitude: New intensity: ÎMaximum New Inew = 4I + I = 5I Anew = 3A Inew = 9I destructive interference (φ = π) amplitude: New intensity: Anew = A Inew = I PHY 2049: Chapter 36 7 General Treatment of Interference ÎMost interference is partial Amplitudes for 2 waves are generally different Phase difference : 0 < φ < 180° E ( x, t ) = E1 cos(kx − ω t ) + E2 cos( kx − ω t + φ ) ÎAdditional considerations Wavelengths can be different Multiple waves may interfere (e.g., diffraction grating) But easy to accommodate: just sum over all waves E ( x, t ) = ∑ i Ei cos(ki x − ωi t + φi ) PHY 2049: Chapter 36 8 Interference and Path Length Two sources, spaced 3 wavelengths apart, emit waves with the same wavelength and phase. In how many places on the circle will the net intensity be a relative maximum? Answer = 12 Can you see why? Hint: Start at far right and move counterclockwise towards top, noting path length changes. Key idea: Path difference leads to phase difference PHY 2049: Chapter 36 9 Interference and Path Length ÎTwo sources, separated by 4λ, emit waves at same wavelength and phase. Find relative minima on +x axis. Solution: path difference must be a half-multiple of λ ( ) ΔL = x + ( 4λ ) − x = n + 12 λ 2 2 x= 4λ x ( 16 − n + ) 1 2 2 2n + 1 λ 4 values n=0 x = 15.8λ ΔL = λ/2 n=1 x = 4.58λ ΔL = 3λ/2 n=2 x = 1.95λ ΔL = 5λ/2 n=3 x = 0.54λ ΔL = 7λ/2 PHY 2049: Chapter 36 10 Double Slit Interference ÎIncident light Light waves strike 2 narrow slits close together Light goes through both slits, diffracts in all directions ÎInterference At certain angles, waves constructively interfere At other angles, waves destructively interfere ⇒ brighter ⇒ darker Interference Slits Diffracted light Screen Light waves PHY 2049: Chapter 36 11 Basic Requirements for Two Slit Setup ÎLight beam strikes normal to slits ÎLight beam illuminates both slits equally ÎLight beam is in phase at both slits: coherent Young used small slit in front of 2 slits to get coherence Modern versions use laser for coherence (much brighter) PHY 2049: Chapter 36 12 Two Slit Analysis d θ Path difference = d sinθ d sin θ = mλ ( Maximum ) d sin θ = m + 12 λ Minimum PHY 2049: Chapter 36 13 Example 1: d = 5λ Max sin θ = m ( λ / d ) = 0.2m Min ( ) ( sin θ = m + 12 ( λ / d ) = 0.2 m + 12 ) m sinθmax θmax sinθmin θmin 0 0 0 ±0.1 ±5.7 ±1 ±0.2 ±11.5 ±0.3 ±17.5 ±2 ±0.4 ±23.6 ±0.5 ±30 ±3 ±0.6 ±36.9 ±0.7 ±44.4 ±4 ±0.8 ±53.1 ±0.9 ±64.2 ±5 ±1.0 ±90 ±1.1 -- PHY 2049: Chapter 36 14 Intensity vs Angle for d = 5λ PHY 2049: Chapter 36 15 Example 2: d = 2.0 μm , λ = 550 nm ÎHow many bright fringes? Where are they? sin θ = m ( λ / d ) = 0.275m Îm can equal 0, ±1, ±2, ±3 ⇒ 7 maxima m=0 sinθ = 0 θ=0 m = ±1 sinθ = 0.275 θ = 16.0° m = ±2 sinθ = 0.55 θ = 33.4° m = ±3 sinθ = 0.825 θ = 55.6° PHY 2049: Chapter 36 16 Intensity vs θ for d = 2.0 μm , λ = 550 nm PHY 2049: Chapter 36 17 Calculating Double Slit Intensity ÎAssumptions Each slit acts as a source of waves Waves radiate equally in all directions d θ Path difference = d sinθ PHY 2049: Chapter 36 18 Double Slit Intensity (2) ÎAdd amplitudes, include phase difference Assume equal size slit widths Phase difference from path difference: 2π × # wavelengths We ignore x dependence here (analysis does not depend on it) E ( t ) = E cos(ω t ) + E cos(ω t + φ ) φ = 2π d sin θ / λ PHY 2049: Chapter 36 19 Double Slit Intensity (3) ÎIntensity is time average of amplitude squared Consider single wave of amplitude E = E0 cosωt 2 2 Intensity from time average of E2: I = K E cos 2 ω t = 12 K 2 E 2 <…> is time average over a period I tot = K 2 ( E cos(ω t ) + E cos(ω t + φ ) ) 2 = K 2 E 2 cos 2 ω t + K 2 E 2 cos 2 (ω t + φ ) +2 K 2 E 2 cos ω t cos (ω t + φ ) We work this out on next page PHY 2049: Chapter 36 20 Double Slit Intensity (4) 1 cos ω t = 2 1 2 cos (ω t + φ ) = 2 1 cos ω t cos (ω t + φ ) = cos φ 2 2 I tot = K 2 E 2 (1 + cos φ ) = 2 I 0 (1 + cos φ ) = 4 I 0 cos 2 12 φ = 4 I 0 cos 2 (π d sin θ / λ ) PHY 2049: Chapter 36 21 Double Slit Intensity (5) ÎSo the intensity is I = 4 I 0 cos 2 (π d sin θ / λ ) ÎMaxima occur when argument inside cos() is nπ d sin θ = nλ ÎMinima occur when argument inside cos() is (n+1/2)π ( ) d sin θ = n + 12 λ PHY 2049: Chapter 36 22