30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips What is 30 Clicks? Who:

30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips
What is 30 Clicks? Weekly 30 minute sessions, sponsored by the Cannell Library
 explore new technologies,
 learn about information tools, and
 network with other interested Clarkers.
Everyone is welcome (Clark faculty, students and staff)
Wednesdays, 12:15-12:45pm (Room open and hosted 12-1pm)
Cannell Library, LIB 103 (You are welcome to bring your lunch.)
Of course, we’ll have some.
Winter 2012 Schedule
Week 2:
Jan. 18
Week 3:
Jan. 25
Tired of PowerPoint presentations? Prezi is a free online tool which will
help you create fun, visually interesting presentations. Learn how to
easily add text, images, videos, Word documents, and .pdfs to your
Prezi presentation. If you like mind maps and conceptual thinking,
you’ll love Prezi!
Week 4:
Feb. 1
Kim Read
Free & Cheap
Mobile Apps
for Food and
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution to get fit and healthy? Let your
smart phone help! We’ll look at an app that trains you for a 5k even if
you’ve never been a runner before, an app that helps you choose
wisely at the grocery store, apps for yoga, even an app that tells you
how long you need to exercise to work off that six pack you drank
watching the Trailblazers game. Android and iPhone friendly.
Do you have students struggling to manage files or having difficulty
formatting and submitting papers electronically? How tech savvy are
your students? The SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator
identifies levels of student readiness for both online and face-to-face
courses by testing and providing feedback about technical readiness,
academic success skills, learning styles, reading rates, typing speed and
more. Learn how this tool can help you and your students.
Week 5:
Feb. 8
Julie Austad
and Amanda
Facebook vs.
For the past few years, Facebook has been the leading social network
for the world. In the summer of 2011 a new challenger arose. Google+
is a developing social network from Google with many new features.
Will it be able to gain enough support to succeed and overthrow the
current champion? Come and watch as these two social networks go
head to head and you decide which is superior.
Week 6:
Feb. 15
Erika Nava
Whether teaching online, face to face, or both, come learn about how
Tegrity can help enhance student learning. This program allows you to
record class sessions, make tutorial videos of difficult concepts and
even allows your students to make recordings. It is very easy to use.
Please join instructor, Erika Nava, for a discussion of how Tegrity is
being used in her classes.
Week 7:
Feb. 22
Your Blog as
Your Business
Facebook, Google+, Twitter, blogs, Tumblr, email, home phone, work
phone, cell phone...how many ways are there for people to contact
you? Learn how to spread your social web wide and bring them all back
home to you - your central address on the web. We'll talk about your
online identity, privacy, creating a contact page, and how to write an
About page that makes people want to get to know you and work with
you. Isn't it time you had one place to call home on the web?
Week 8:
Feb. 29
Reviving the
Lost Art of
Browsing in
the new Web
Google and new search engines are becoming more accurate and
delivering more specific and targeted results than ever before. But
what about when your intentions are not so specific? CTEC instructor
Robert Hughes believes that some of the most valuable web
interactions are gained through browsing subject directories, RSS feeds
and customized web and social media aggregators. Come to this
session to learn how “search” is killing serendipity how it could benefit
you to truly browse more within your web browser.
Week 9:
March 7
Wendy Clark
for Free
Adobe Photoshop is the professional standard for creating photo
images, but it costs over $700 for the average user. Many of its
powerful features are available in other graphics programs online for
free. This workshop will briefly compare some of Photoshop’s advanced
features—making selections, adding layers, retouching—with several
leading free alternatives. No Photoshop experience necessary! A list
including favorite (free!) basic editors will be available at the end.
Week 10:
March 14
Google Grab
Did you ever wonder what’s lurking in Google’s “More” option? Guess
what? There’s “Even More”! We’ll grab a few for exploration: Google
Images (search for images on the web), Google Earth and Google Books
(search full text of books). Maybe you’ll even be asking for “more”!