Title Program Description Eligibility Deadlines Stipend/Awar Website d Amount stipend of http://www.hematol ogy.org/Awards/Medi $5,000 cal-­‐Student/383.aspx Minority Medical Student Award Program This is a 8-­‐ to 12-­‐week research experience for students from the United States and Canada in their early years of medical school. As part of this experience, students collaborate with an ASH member who serves as their research mentor. Be from an underrepresented ethnic group .Applicants must be within their first or second year of medical school, enrolled in an MD, DO, or MD/PhD medical school programs and be citizens or permanent residents of the contiguous United States or Canada. 10-­‐Mar Summer Medical Fellows Program The Summer Medical Fellows Program First or second year medical, is primarily aimed at students who dental, or veterinary students wish to explore the summer research at schools located in the experience and intend to apply for the United States. Previous yearlong program. laboratory research During 8-­‐10 weeks of full-­‐time experience is required. research, you’ll be exposed to high-­‐ quality science, have a chance to increase your scientific knowledge and research skills, and interact with world-­‐ class investigators in a rich training environment. 17-­‐Feb Pediatric Oncology Education (POE) Program The POE program offers a unique MUST be a United States POE 2016 Undergraduat https://www.stjude.o opportunity for students preparing for citizen, non-­‐citizen national, application e participants rg/poe careers in the biomedical sciences, or possess a visa permitting materials will in our 2016 medicine, nursing, pharmacy, permanent residence in the be February program will psychology, or public health to gain US. POE applicants MUST 1, 2016. receive a biomedical and oncology research have an undergraduate GPA $400/week experience. The POE program provides of at least a 3.4/4.0 in math subsistence a short-­‐term training experience and science & a 3.40 overall. allowance, (internship) in either laboratory Applicants must have and all others research or clinical research. research experience. At least will receive one letter of $480/week. recommendation must be from a research mentor. Payment of $5,000 for 10 weeks of full-­‐ time research http://www.hhmi.org /programs/medical-­‐ research-­‐fellows-­‐ program/summer-­‐ program Title Program Description Medical Student Summer Fellowship Research Program Sloan’s Program is an eight-­‐week research program offered to first-­‐ and second-­‐year medical students who have a career interest as a physician-­‐ scientist in the field of oncology and/or related biomedical sciences. Eligibility Deadlines Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $5,800 for https://www.mskcc.o eight weeks of rg/hcp-­‐education-­‐ uninterrupted training/medical-­‐ participation students/summer-­‐ in the program fellowship All participants must provide employment eligibility verification; non-­‐US citizens must submit valid work authorization documentation. Only first-­‐ or second-­‐year medical students in good academic standing for this program. MD Anderson Summer The MD Anderson Summer Experience Students in good academic Experience is offered for students from high standing that have completed First-­‐Year Medical school to medical school who are their first year of medical Student Program interested in exploring a career in school as of May, 2015 at an cancer research. There are two LCME-­‐ or COCA-­‐accredited US opportunities: Track 1 is 10 paid weeks medical school are eligible to of research in a broad range of areas apply. of cancer biology, medicine, and prevention. Track 2 is four weeks or 10 weeks of research. 14-­‐Jan 18-­‐Jan stipend of http://www.mdander son.org/education-­‐ $5,000 and-­‐ research/education-­‐ and-­‐training/schools-­‐ and-­‐ programs/summer-­‐ science-­‐ programs/index.html Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) Program 30-­‐Jan The stipend http://www.afar.org/ research/funding/mst level is approximately ar $1,750 per month This program awards short-­‐term scholarships. AFAR has partnered with the NIA and several foundations to continue and strengthen the original Hartford/AFAR Medical Student Geriatric Scholars Program. The MSTAR Program provides medical students with an enriching experience in aging-­‐related research and geriatrics, with the mentorship of top experts in the field. Students participate in an eight-­‐ to 12-­‐week structured research, clinical, and didactic program in geriatrics, appropriate to their level of training and interests. Any allopathic or osteopathic medical student in good standing.Applicants must be citizens or non-­‐citizen nationals of the United States, or must have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence Title Program Description Eligibility Deadlines Student Research Program The groups offer a medical student Applicants must be enrolled research training program to in a medical school in the U.S. encourage gifted medical students to or in Canada and in good consider careers in research related to standing at the time of the pediatrics. This program is specifically application. The research designed for students seeking a opportunity must not be research opportunity at an institution completed at the medical other than their own medical school. school of enrollment. Students selected to the program are able to choose or are assigned to leading research laboratories/groups. (8-­‐12 weeks) 23-­‐Jan Student Research Training Program in Kidney Disease at Vanderbilt The Division of Nephrology and Allows medical students to Hypertension conducts a broad range conduct research during the of NIH-­‐funded, cutting-­‐edge basic summer between the first science, and human and patient-­‐ and second year, or the oriented research. Our goal is to second and third year of advance and acquire new knowledge medical school. that will advance our understanding of kidney biology and the pathogenesis and treatment of renal disease and hypertension. Students will conduct research during the summer under the direction of a Vanderbilt scientist. 19-­‐Jan Stipend/Awar d Amount The program provides students with a stipend of $62.43 /day (as of 2014) for a maximum stipend of $5,619. Website https://www.aps-­‐ spr.org/student_rese arch/default.asp approx. http://www.mc.vand $1,800/month erbilt.edu/mkpdc/eve nts/2015/internship/ program_announcem ent.php Title Program Description Eligibility Summer Oncology Fellowship Program This USC Summer Oncology Fellowship First-­‐year medical school Program is intended to provide the students pursuing interests in highest quality experience for first-­‐ oncology research. year medical school students pursuing interests in oncology research. Students actively participate in clinical or laboratory research studies during their fellowship, and some have authored or co-­‐authored peer reviewed publications as well as presented their work at major national and international scientific meetings. Many have gone on to academic medical careers. 31-­‐Jan Cancer in the Under-­‐ Privileged, Indigent or Disadvantaged (CUPID) Summer Fellowship Cancer in the Under-­‐Privileged, Indigent, or Disadvantaged (CUPID) is a laboratory-­‐based 7 week summer fellowship program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine that is designed for medical students who have an interest in bringing the benefits of modern cancer research to underserved populations in the US. 2-­‐Feb Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) Medical Scholars Program The IDSA Education and Research The scholarship activity must Foundation is offering 60 scholarships focus on pediatric or adult of $2,000 to medical students with infectious diseases and may mentorship by an IDSA member or involve either clinical or fellow. Students in any year of medical research activities. school are eligible for this award. The scholarship activity must focus on pediatric or adult infectious diseases and may involve either clinical or research activities. IDSA members and fellows are encouraged to identify and solicit interested students and to serve as mentors. All first year medical students in good standing at US or US territory medical schools are invited to apply. Second year students may also apply if they are able to commit to the full 7-­‐week program. Deadlines TBA Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $350/ week. http://www.chla.org/ site/c.ipINKTOAJsG/b. 4434829/k.8F5A/Sum mer_Oncology_Fello wship.htm#.VBMtXi5 dX_4 stipend of $5,000 http://cupid.onc.jhmi. edu/ Each http://www.idsociety. scholarship org/Medical_Scholars recipient will _Program/ receive $2,000 Title Program Description Eligibility Deadlines NIDDK Medical Student Research Program in Diabetes The Medical Student Research Student must be a US citizen Program in Diabetes is sponsored by or permanent resident the National Institutes of Health through the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and allows medical students to conduct research under the direction of an established scientist in the areas of diabetes, hormone action, physiology, islet cell biology or obesity at an institution with one of 17 NIDDK-­‐ funded Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Centers (DERC) or Diabetes Research and Training Centers (DRTC) during the summer between the first and second year or second and third year of medical school. 26-­‐Jan Roswell Park Summer Expand your horizons in the care and •Enrolled in their first year of Oncology Research treatment of the cancer patient by graduate medical training Program participating in state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art clinical •Be in good standing with research. Explore the mysteries of the their academic program at cancer cell by participating in a basic the time of application scientific research program. Or •A U.S. citizen or a U.S. participate in both! Special emphasis is permanent resident placed on cancer prevention through lectures and practical experiences. 10-­‐Jan Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $1870 per http://medicalstuden tdiabetesresearch.org month / Twenty https://www.roswellp ark.edu/education/su funded internships are mmer-­‐ awarded programs/medical/de based on the ntal/pa-­‐students qualifications of applicants and criteria required by our outside funding sources. Title Program Description Eligibility Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) Program The POST Program is designed for Students must be currently undergraduate, graduate and medical enrolled in an undergraduate, students who have an interest in medical, or graduate degree-­‐ pediatric oncology research and would granting program. Students like to experience the field first hand do not need to be enrolled in by working on a mentored research classes over the break. The project during a school break (typically student does not need to be a summer). Students train with a U.S. citizen and may work on pediatric oncology research mentor a research project with a who is an ALSF grantee, Advisory mentor at an institution other Board member, or Review Board than the one where s/he is member enrolled. Summer Intern The Summer Intern Scholarship Candidates must be a first or Scholarships in Cardio program was established in 2007 to second year medical student. Thoracic Surgery introduce the field of cardiothoracic surgery to first and second year medical students in a North American medical school with the goal of broadening their educational experience by providing an opportunity to spend eight weeks during the summer (June thru September) working in an AATS member's, cardiothoracic surgery department. Medical Student The Medical Student Summer Medical students pursuing a Summer Fellowship Fellowships are $3,000 stipends grants career in neuro-­‐oncology Program to current medical students wishing to research spend a summer conducting brain tumor research with esteemed scientist-­‐mentors. The intent of this program is to motivate talented medical students to pursue a career in neuro-­‐oncology research. Deadlines 30-­‐Apr Stipend/Awar d Amount A maximum of $5,000 will be awarded per student. Website http://www.alexslem onade.org/grants/pos t TBD grant of $2,500 http://aats.org/resear ch/Grants/Summer-­‐ Intern-­‐Scholarship.cgi 18-­‐Jan $3,000 stipend http://www.abta.org/ brain-­‐tumor-­‐ research/research-­‐ grants/?referrer=http ://www.med.upenn.e du/mdresearchopps/s hortterm_opps.shtml Title Summer Medical Student Fellowships Program Description The AACAP Summer Medical Student Fellowships offer a chance for medical students to explore a career in child and adolescent psychiatry, gain valuable work experience, and meet leaders in the child and adolescent psychiatry field. The fellowship opportunity provides up to $3,500 for 12 weeks of clinical or research training under a child and adolescent psychiatrist mentor. Student Research The Student Research Fellowship, Fellowship established by the SVS® Foundation, stimulates laboratory and clinical vascular research by undergraduate college students and medical school students registered at universities in the United States and Canada. The award is designed for students to spend a meaningful period of time on a project either in a block of several months or spread out over a longer period of time, not to exceed 12 months. The minimum full-­‐time commitment is two months. The Medical Student MSARF Summer Program provides Anesthesia Research students with a challenging and Fellowship Summer rewarding experience that exposes Program (MSARF) them to the opportunities within the medical field of anesthesiology and research. Student Summer The Student Summer Fellowship Fellowship program offers opportunities for medical students to complete a research or service project related to community health. Projects must be focused on studying cultural competency issues, developing skills to become relationship-­‐centered physicians, and addressing a public health need in an underserved community or population. Eligibility Deadlines Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $3,500 https://www.aacap.o rg/AACAP/Awards/M edical_Students_Awa rds/Summer_Medical _Student_Fellowships .aspx Participants agree to attend the AACAP Annual Meeting. Participants agree to provide a poster presentation, if accepted, at the AACAP Annual Meeting. 17-­‐Feb Must be a undergraduate college student or medical school student 2-­‐Mar Medical students pursuing a career in Anesthsia research 15-­‐Jan $400 a week http://faer.org/progr ams/msarf-­‐ symposium/ Medical students at an accredited U.S. or Canadian school TBA $4,000 stipend http://humanism-­‐in-­‐ medicine.org/progra ms/student-­‐ opportunities/student-­‐ summer-­‐fellowships/ $3,000 http://www.vascular web.org/about/SVSFo undation/Pages/stud ent-­‐research-­‐ fellowship.aspx Title Program Description Rehabilitation Research Experience for Medical Students (RREMS) This program will provide an exciting Students are responsible for and structured research experience identifying their own mentors while exposing the medical student to from a list of approved some of the most successful and sponsor sites listed on the respected faculty mentors in the field AAP website. The program is of PM&R. This program will also offered to all medical benefit institutions that sponsor students but may be most students by attracting a more applicable for first year academically oriented cadre into the students. field and into additional leadership training pathways. The RREMS will entail a minimum of an eight-­‐week summer externship following the first year of medical school Each summer, the Center for Injury Applicants must be a student Research and Policy (CIRP) hosts the in good standing at a medical National Medical Student Injury school in the U.S. Research Training Program. The goal of this program is to provide research training to future physician-­‐ investigators while introducing them to the field of injury research and prevention. The CSNS/CNS Medical Student The fellowship is open to all Socioeconomic Fellowship supports a medical students in the medical student conducting research United States and Canada. on a socioeconomic issue impacting neurosurgical practice. It is funded and overseen by the Council of State Neurosurgical Societies and administered through the Fellowship Committee of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. National Student Injury Research Training Program CSNS/CNS Medical Student Summer Fellowship in Socioeconomic Research Eligibility Deadlines 6-­‐Mar Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $4,000 stipend http://www.physiatry .org/?page=programs _rrems&terms=%22re habilitation+and+rese arch+and+experience +and+medical+and+st u%22 9-­‐Feb $3,000 stipend http://www.nationwi dechildrens.org/cirp-­‐ national-­‐student-­‐ injury-­‐research-­‐ training-­‐program 6-­‐Jan $2,500 https://www.cns.org/ grants-­‐awards/cns-­‐ foundation-­‐fellowship-­‐ awards/apply/csns-­‐ cns-­‐medical-­‐student-­‐ summer-­‐fellowship Title Student Research Awards The David E. Rogers Fellowship Program Cams Summer Research Fellowship Program Description Eligibility Deadlines Stipend/Awar Website d Amount This program offers financial support Candidates may be 15-­‐May $2,500 http://www.ccfa.org/ science-­‐and-­‐ for students to spend time performing undergraduate, medical, or professionals/researc research on topics relevant to graduate students (not yet h/grants-­‐ Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) for engaged in thesis research) in fellowships/student-­‐ a minimum of 10 weeks. CCFA hopes accredited United States’ research-­‐ to stimulate research interest in the institutions awards.html?referrer areas of Crohn's disease and ulcerative =http://www.med.up colitis. enn.edu/mdresearch opps/shortterm_opps .shtml The Rogers Fellowship is meant to Competition is open to stipend of TBD http://www.nyam.org /grants/rogers.html?r enrich the educational experiences of candidates attending medical $4,000 eferrer=http://www. medical and dental students through or dental school in the United med.upenn.edu/mdre projects that bear on medicine and States. Additionally, eligible searchopps/shortter dentistry as they contribute to the candidates are required to be m_opps.shtml health of communities, and to address a US citizen, permanent the human needs of underserved or resident of the US, or disadvantaged patients or authorized to work in the US populations. The content of the for the period of time covered Fellowship might include clinical by this proposed award. investigation, public health/epidemiology, health policy analysis, activities linking biomedicine, the social infrastructure and human or community need. The Chinese American Medical Society Applicants must be a current $400 a week 30-­‐Apr http://chineseameric anmedicalsociety.clov (CAMS) offers scholarships for medical student in an U.S. accredited erpad.org/fellowship/ students working on summer research medical or dental school. projects. The research can be basic science or clinical in nature but must be completed in a ten week time frame. Preferences will be given to proposals studying problems related to health problems of the Chinese. At the conclusion of the project, a written report is expected. Title Program Description Herbert Brendler, MD, The Urology Care Foundation, the Summer Medical official foundation of the American Studen Fellowship Urological Association (AUA), and the Program Herbert Brendler, MD Urology Research Fund are proud to provide a Summer Medical Student Fellowship Program, designed to encourage medical students to join the field of urology through a summer fellowship program. Summer Student Fight for Sight funds basic or clinical Fellowship research in ophthalmology, vision or related sciences by individuals with limited or no other research funding. Visiting Research Internship Program (VRIP) Medical Student Summer Research Fellowship Eligibility The applicant must be either a current medical student or entering medical school immediately following the fellowship period. Deadlines $3,000 stipend Stipend/Awar Website d Amount TBD http://www.auanet.o rg/research/herbert-­‐ brendler-­‐md-­‐132.cfm Grant applicants are eligible to apply regardless of citizenship, but should be affiliated with a North American institution for their research. The Visiting Research Internship First and second year medical Program (VRIP) is an eight-­‐week students, particularly mentored, summer research program individuals from groups designed to enrich medical students' underrepresented in interest in research and health-­‐related medicine or disadvantaged careers, particularly individuals, in good standing clinical/translational research careers. from accredited U.S. medical schools. US Citizens or U.S. Noncitizen Nationals or Permanent Residents of U.S. are eligible to apply. Varies 30-­‐Jun http://www.fightforsi ght.org/Grants/Guide lines/ TBA TBD https://mfdp.med.har vard.edu/dcp-­‐ programs/medicalgra duate/pfdd/VRIP The Medical Student Summer Research Fellowship is an 8-­‐week program of mentored research designed to introduce students who have completed their first year of medical school to research opportunities in orthopaedic basic science, translational science, and clinical research in orthopaedics. $2,400 stipend 15-­‐Feb http://www.hss.edu/ medical-­‐student-­‐ summer-­‐research-­‐ fellowship.asp Students who have completed their first year in an LCME accredited US medical school are eligible to apply. Title Program Description Summer Fellowship Program Funded since 1977 by the National Medical students who are Cancer Institute, this eight-­‐week interested in a career as a research program is offered to medical physician-­‐scientist in the field students who are interested in a of oncology and/or related career as a physician-­‐scientist in the biomedical sciences. field of oncology and/or related biomedical sciences. This program grants students who have completed their first or second year at a US medical school accredited by the LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education) or COCA (Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation) the opportunity to conduct basic laboratory or clinical research under the mentorship of Memorial Sloan Kettering faculty Environmental and occupational Eligible candidates are medicine is the field of medicine that required to be a US citizen, addresses health problems that derive permanent resident of the US from the exposure to harmful agents or factors in the general and workplace environments. The emphasis is on the prevention of illness based in the workplace or the environment. The Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Medical students at an Summer Fellowship Program fosters accredited U.S. school interest among students in the areas of basic, clinical, translational, epidemiological, or behavioral research relevant to lupus. The fellowship operates under the sponsorship and supervision of an established, tenure-­‐track Principal Investigator who directs a laboratory dedicated, at least in part, to the investigation of lupus at a U.S. academic, medical, or research institution. Environmental and Occupational Health Summer Program Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship Program Eligibility Deadlines $5,800 stipend Stipend/Awar Website d Amount 13-­‐Mar https://www.mskcc.o rg/hcp-­‐education-­‐ training/medical-­‐ students/summer-­‐ fellowship $4,000-­‐ $5,000 stipend 13-­‐Feb $4,000 TBD http://icahn.mssm.ed u/departments-­‐and-­‐ institutes/preventive-­‐ medicine/programs-­‐ and-­‐ services/environment al-­‐and-­‐occupational-­‐ health-­‐summer-­‐ program http://www.lupus.org /research/gina-­‐m.-­‐ finzi-­‐memorial-­‐ student-­‐summer-­‐ fellowship-­‐program Title NASPGHAN/NASPGHA N Foundation Medical Student Mentored Summer Research Program Program Description Eligibility To develop a program at multiple sites Students in good standing at throughout the U.S. and Canada accredited medical schools in through which medical students can the U.S. and Canada who have 10-­‐week research experiences have completed at minimum under the mentorship of basic or their first year of medical clinical scientists with a research focus training. in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, or nutrition. Campagna Scholarship The scholarship supports a 10-­‐week Available for United States summer semester of research under Medical Students Intending a the supervision of a neurosurgical Career in Neurological mentor at Oregon Health & Science Surgery. University (OHSU) and residence expenses in Portland, Oregon. Students in the first or second year of study at an accredited allopathic U.S. medical school are eligible to apply. Summer Student PDF’s Summer Fellowship Program is Undergraduate students and Fellowship used to support students in their medical students are eligible pursuit of Parkinson's-­‐related summer for summer fellowships. research projects. The goal of the Summer Fellowship is to cultivate an early interest in Fellows into the cause and possible treatments for Parkinson's disease.Fellows work under the close supervision of a sponsor who is an expert in the Parkinson's community and oversees the project. Typically, summer fellowships are offered for 10 weeks of clinical or laboratory work. Deadlines $4,000 Stipend/Awar Website d Amount 15-­‐Mar http://www.naspgha n.org/content/65/en/ ?parm1=4#lib2 $5,000 27-­‐Feb $4,000 Award TBD Jan http://www.ohsu.edu /xd/education/school s/school-­‐of-­‐ medicine/department s/clinical-­‐ departments/neurosu rgery/news-­‐ events/campagna-­‐ scholarship.cfm http://www.pdf.org/e n/grant_funding_fello w#summer Title Program Description Eligibility Research Medical Student Grant Purpose: To increase the opportunities Applicant must be an RSNA for medical students to have a Member research experience in medical imaging and to encourage them to consider academic radiology as an important option for their future. Students are expected to undertake a research project requiring full time efforts for at least 10 weeks under the guidance of a scientific advisor during personal/vacation time or during a research elective approved by their medical school. $6,000 stipend Robert L. Mayock Student Research Fellowship The Robert L. Mayock Student Must be a M.D. student at a Research Fellowship provides a unique U.S. medical schools and exciting opportunity to participate in a hands-­‐on, individualized experience in research. $3,500 stipend STUDENT RESEARCH This program is funded by the You must be a U.S. Citizen or TRAINING PROGRAM National Institutes of Health (Diabetes, permanent resident to (SRTP) Digestive and Kidney Diseases branch) participate in this program. and allows medical students during the summer between the first and second year or second and third year to conduct diabetes and obesity-­‐ related research, kidney disease and hypertension-­‐related research, or digestive disease research under the direction of an established scientist. Prior research experience is not required. Deadlines TBD Stipend/Awar Website d Amount 1-­‐Feb https://www.rsna.org /Research_Medical_S tudent_Grant.aspx TBD http://www.pennme dicine.org/lung/acade mics/residencies-­‐ fellowships/summer-­‐ research-­‐fellowship-­‐ mayock.html $1,800 per http://www.mc.vand erbilt.edu/diabetes/sr month tp/program-­‐ description.php Title Summer Apprenticeship Program Program Description Eligibility NSBRI's Summer Apprenticeship Applicants must have Program provides the opportunity for completed their sophomore undergraduate, graduate, veterinary year of college by the start of or medical students from across the the Summer Apprenticeship country to join ongoing project Program. The program is only activities and gain hands-­‐on open to U.S. citizens. experience in space biomedical Applicants must be available research at NASA's Johnson Space during the program dates. Center in Houston, Texas, Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, or Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. Summer Training The Strong Children's Research Center Applicants must be a United Program (SCRC) will support the Summer States Citizen or a Permanent Training Program for the 25th year. Resident of the United States This summer research training program is the ideal opportunity for outstanding medical, graduate and undergraduate students who plan to pursue a career in biomedical or clinical research. This program is created to develop fundamental skills in various research methodologies in a defined project, leading to an end-­‐of-­‐ summer poster and, possibly, a scientific publication. Summer Research The Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology Applicants must be Program at the (MIR) Summer Research Program undergraduate or medical Mallinckrodt Intitute offers undergraduate and medical students of Radiology students an excellent introduction to current radiological sciences research. This is a 10-­‐week program based on approximately 40 hours per week; you may start anytime between May 25 and June 8. Deadlines 31-­‐Dec 28-­‐Feb 30-­‐Jan Stipend/Awar Website d Amount stipend of http://www.nsbri.org /summerapprenticesh $6,600. ip/ stipend of $3000 https://www.urmc.ro chester.edu/pediatric s/research/summer-­‐ training-­‐program.aspx $5,000 stipend https://www.mir.wus tl.edu/research/sum mer-­‐research-­‐ program Title Program Description Eligibility Minority Medical Student Award Program (MMSAP) The Minority Medical Student Award Applicants must be within Program (MMSAP) is an 8-­‐ to 12-­‐week their first or second year of research experience for students from medical school, enrolled in a the United States and Canada in their MD, DO, or MD/PhD medical early years of medical school. As part school programs and be of this experience, students citizens or permanent collaborate with an ASH member who residents of the contiguous serves as their research mentor. United States or Canada. All Program participants are also paired research projects must be with an ASH member who serves as a conducted in the contiguous career-­‐development mentor United States or Canada. throughout the participants' medical schooling and residency. MEDICAL STUDENT The Medical Student Rotation for To qualify, applicants must be ROTATION FOR Underrepresented Populations (MSR) enrolled in an MD or DO, U.S. UNDERREPRESENTED provides 8-­‐ to 10-­‐week clinical or medical school program and POPULATIONS clinical research oncology rotations for be of an underrepresented U.S. medical students from population as defined by the populations underrepresented in program eligibility criteria. medicine who are interested in Candidates must be U.S. pursuing oncology as a career. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents. Deadlines TBD Stipend/Awar Website d Amount A stipend of http://www.hematol ogy.org/Awards/Medi $5,000 cal-­‐Student/383.aspx 8-­‐Jan $5,000 stipend http://www.conquerc ancerfoundation.org/ cancer-­‐ professionals/funding-­‐ opportunities/medica l-­‐student-­‐rotation-­‐ underrepresented-­‐ populations Heart, Lung and Blood The Heart, Lung and Blood Summer Students who belong to (HLB) Summer Research Program is designed to groups underrepresented in Research Program engage 12 diverse undergraduates and biomedical sciences are 8 medical students in state-­‐of-­‐the art eligible to apply. Please note biomedical research in cardiovascular, that you must be a US citizen pulmonary, hematological and sleep or Permanent resident to disorders research. participate. 1-­‐Mar $1750 per http://casemed.case. edu/gradprog/summe month, minimum two r.cfm months ($3500). Summer Research Trainee Program (SRTP) 9-­‐Feb stipend of $ http://www.massgen eral.org/mao/educati 4,000 on/internship.aspx?id =5 The Summer REsearch Trainee Member of a group that is Program is a mandatory eight weeks in underrepresented in length. Each student will be assigned medicine.US citizen or non-­‐ to a specific Massachusetts General citizen national with a Hospital (MGH) laboratory, clinical permanent residence visa site, health policy, or health services research area where they undertake an original research project under the mentorship and guidance of an MGH investigator. Title Program Description Eligibility Summer Research Fellowship The summer research fellowship was U.S. citizens or permanent created to address the need for clinical residents enrolled in a United investigators from diverse States LCME-­‐accredited backgrounds. Health needs of U.S. medical school minority populations have been studied inadequately, due in part to the shortage of clinical investigators belonging to underrepresented groups. Summer research fellowships are 8 to 10 weeks in length. Minority Health and The MHIRT program at CBU provides MHIRT participants must be Health Disparities international research training U.S. citizens or permanent International Research opportunities to qualified residents. Training (MHIRT) undergraduate, graduate, and medical Program students from socially or economically disadvantaged groups who have been historically underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research careers.This program offers research sites in Brazil and Uganda. Students spend 10 weeks during the summer at their designated international research site. HVTN Research and The HIV Vaccine Trials Network, in Mentorship Program collaboration with the National (RAMP) Scholar Institute of Mental Health and the Program for African-­‐ National Institute of Allergy and American and Latino/a Infectious Diseases, is investing in the Medical Students next generation of HIV prevention researchers by providing African American and Latino/a medical students with opportunities for independent research along with structured mentoring, project and salary funding, training, and professional development activities. Self-­‐identify as African-­‐ American and/or Latino/a Student at US-­‐based medical school US citizen or US permanent resident Interested in pursuing a future career in HIV vaccine development or HIV prevention research Deadlines 1-­‐Mar Stipend/Awar Website d Amount stipend of http://www.mayo.ed u/msgme/diversity-­‐ $4,300 programs/summer-­‐ research-­‐fellowship 2-­‐Jan $1000 to $1400 per month http://www.cbu.edu/ mhirt TBD 2-­‐4 months Maximum award of $20,000 http://www.hvtn.org/ en/science/scholar-­‐ awards/ramp-­‐ scholars.html Title Program Description Student Research Fellowship Research support for a continual First-­‐, second-­‐, and third-­‐year period of a minimum of 8 to 10 weeks, medical students from 30 hours or more per week, or an schools with active AΩA average of 4 hours per week for 12 chapters or associations are months over 1 to 2 years, for clinical eligible. (UT Southwestern is investigation, basic laboratory an active chapter) research, epidemiology, social science/health services research, leadership, or professionalism. The Neurosurgery Research and Medical students who are Education Foundation (NREF) is enrolled in a LCME accredited pleased to offer the Medical Student program in the United Summer Research Fellowship (MSSRF) States or Canada and have program. Up to 20 fellowships in the completed at least one year amount of $2,500 will be awarded of medical school. each year to medical students in the United States or Canada who have completed one or two years of medical school, and wish to spend a summer working in a neurosurgical laboratory, mentored by a neurosurgical investigator sponsor who is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS). The Student Summer Fellowship Medical students at an program offers opportunities for accredited U.S. or Canadian medical students to complete a school of allopathy or research or service project related to osteopathy may apply for community health. Projects must be either the Research or Service focused on studying cultural Fellowship competency issues, developing skills to become relationship-­‐centered physicians, and addressing a public health need in an underserved community or population. The grant award includes a $4,000 stipend for a 10-­‐week period. Projects that do not meet the 10-­‐week requirement will be prorated accordingly. Medical Student Summer Research Fellowship Student Summer Fellowships Eligibility Deadlines 31-­‐Dec Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $5,000 http://www.alphaom egaalpha.org/student _research.html 6-­‐Feb $2,500 http://www.nref.org/ MSSRF.aspx TBD $4,000 http://humanism-­‐in-­‐ medicine.org/progra ms/student-­‐ opportunities/student-­‐ summer-­‐fellowships/ Title Clinical Nutrition Internship Program Program Description Eligibility ASN offers nutrition internships for Medical students with medical students via its Clinical interest in nutrition Nutrition Internship Program. This program is designed to increase the role of nutrition in the practice of medicine, medical research, health promotion, and disease prevention by providing a unique combination of educational experiences to medical students. The Leah Menshouse Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-­‐ Current undergraduate, pre-­‐ Springer Summer Jewish Hospital and Washington medical and medical students Opportunities University School of Medicine invites intending to pursue graduate Program undergraduate, pre-­‐medical and medical students to participate in the Leah Menshouse Springer Summer Opportunities Program; a program designed to provide students with hands-­‐on cancer research experience for 10 weeks over the summer. Opportunities range from basic laboratory research to clinical research to prevention/control and population research. Betty Ford Summer The Betty Ford Center, a part of the Medical student in good Institute for Medical Hazelden Betty Ford academic standing Students Foundation proudly presents the Summer Institute for edical Students (SIMS), an intensive week-­‐long immersion program for medical students who are interested in learni about the dynamics of the Disease of Addiction. Deadlines TBD TBA 2-­‐Feb Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $ 2,500 http://www.nutrition. org/education-­‐and-­‐ stipend professional-­‐ development/graduat e-­‐and-­‐professional-­‐ development/clinical-­‐ nutrition-­‐internship-­‐ program/ Stipend will be http://www.siteman. wustl.edu/contentpag provided e.aspx?id=254 All selected participants will receive a scholarship. The scholarship includes tuition, travel (limited), lodging, materials, support materials and on-­‐campus meals. http://www.bettyford institute.org/educatio n/summer-­‐institute-­‐ for-­‐medical-­‐ students.php Title Program Description Health Innovations Scholars Program The Health Innovations Scholars Medical students at an Program is an intensive, 5-­‐week accredited U.S. school summer experience for pre-­‐clinical medical students, which accelerates mastery of the skills necessary to be a strong physician leader and healthcare innovator. We'll select up to 8 students via a competitive application process. 1-­‐Mar Medical Students Summer Fellowship The APDA Summer Fellowships are designed to provide a stipend to enable medical students to perform supervised laboratory or clinical research designed to clarify our understanding of Parkinson's disease, its nature, manifestations, etiology or treatment. It is hoped this experience will stimulate a student's interest in future research in the field of Parkinson's disease and related disorders. The Endocrine Society offers Summer Research Fellowships to encourage promising undergraduate students, medical students and first year graduate school students to pursue careers in endocrinology. The Society provides a stipend to each student award recipient to participate in research projects under the guidance of a Society member for 10 to 12 weeks during the summer. 31-­‐Jan $4,000 http://www.apdapark inson.org/research/m edical-­‐students-­‐ summer-­‐fellowships/ TBA TBD https://www.endocri ne.org/awards/resear ch-­‐fellowship-­‐ awards/summer-­‐ research-­‐fellowships Summer Research Fellowships Eligibility The applicant should be a full time medical student in good academic standing in an approved American medical school. Medical students who are beyond their first year of schooling Deadlines Stipend/Awar Website d Amount $2,500 http://www.ucdenver .edu/academics/colle ges/medicalschool/de partments/medicine/ GIM/ClinicalCare/Hos pitalMedicine/EdOps/ YoungHospitalist/Pag es/Health%20Innovati ons%20Scholars%20P rogram.aspx Title Program Description Eligibility Deadlines Summer Medical Student Respiratory Research Fellowship This is a 9-­‐week program sponsored by The program is designed for The National Institute of Health, medical or osteopathic Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical students who have Center and the University of Cincinnati successfully finished at least School of Medicine where students one year of study. will work directly with faculty members whom have active research programs that cover all areas of pulmonary medicine, including asthma, cystic fibrosis, sleep disorders, lung remodeling, acute lung injury and developmental biology among others. TBD GEMS For Health The GEMS-­‐HP program is designed to •Must be currently enrolled Professional Students provide summer research in a health professional opportunities to students who are program currently enrolled in a health •Must be Citizen or professional programs including Permanent Resident of the Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, United States Pharmacy, Physicians Assistant and •Must be from one of the Public Health. Students must already following underrepresented be in their health professional student populations program during the summer that they participate in GEMS-­‐HP. Summer Mentorship The American Center for Reproductive Undergraduate students, Program Medicine at Cleveland Clinic offers a medical students, residents, unique and exciting summer and recent graduates. internship opportunity for highly Both local (US nationals) and motivated, academically oriented foreign (international) medical or undergraduate students applicants are welcome to interested in a career in medicine. The apply. program has a duration of 7-­‐weeks. TBD 1-­‐Mar Stipend/Awar Website d Amount stipend of http://www.cincinnat ichildrens.org/educati $5,390 on/research/respirato ry-­‐research-­‐ fellowship/default/ $711 per week http://www.ucdenver .edu/academics/colle ges/medicalschool/pr ograms/GEMS/Pages/ GEMS-­‐for-­‐Health-­‐ Professional-­‐Students-­‐ (GEMS-­‐HP).aspx TBD http://www.cleveland clinic.org/Reproductiv eResearchCenter/info /traininfo_int8.html