Department of Computer and Information Science Page 1 of 3 Academic Affairs Home | Tech Home | Catalog Home | Course Descriptions Department of Computer and Information Science Back to College of Applied Sciences Mr. Ron Robison, Head Corley Building, Room 232 (479) 968-0663 Professor: Morell Associate Professors: Fang, Hoelzeman, Middleton, Nezu, R. Robison, S. Robison Assistant Professors: M. Brown, J. Moody Instructors: Cunningham, Park The Computer and Information Science Department offers four undergraduate programs: a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, and an Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology. The program in information systems prepares students for careers as application programmers/analysts in a business environment and for further graduate work in information systems. Business courses supplement a strong core of technical courses to enable students to design and implement business processing systems that require programming, databases, web development, networking, and client-server processing. The program in computer science prepares students for careers as systems programmers in a scientific and/or engineering environment and for graduate work in computer science. Mathematics and engineering courses supplement a strong core of computer science courses, enabling students to design and implement software that requires complicated computations, data structures and interfaces. The program in information technology prepares students for careers in administering and supporting the computing infrastructures of an organization. The curriculum consists of an integrated set of courses in networking, web development and administration, database development and administration, systems administration, and computer forensics. Curriculum in Computer Science ENGL 10131,T 3 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall 3 COMS 2203T 3 ENGL 10231,T SPH 2173T 3 COMS 1403T 3 COMS 2104T 4 COMS 2703T 3 COMS 2213T 3 COMS 1411T 1 COMS 2003T 3 COMS 2700T 0 COMS 2223T 3 Fine ArtsT 3 Biological Science1,T 4 COMS 2903T 3 ENGL 2053T 3 Social Sciences1,T 6 Physical Activity1,T 1 ELEG 2134T 4 MATH 2924T 4 ELEG 2130T 0 4 Freshman Fall Total Hours Junior Fall 16 Total Hours Spring MATH 2914T 15 Total Hours Senior Fall COMS 3213 3 COMS 3703 3 COMS 4203 MATH 3153 3 3 3 COMS 4163 COMS 4703 COMS 4700 Social Sciences1,T Science Sequence I 3,T Total Hours 4 Humanities 1,T Science Sequence II3,T 16 Total Hours 17 Total Hours 16 Spring 3 3 0 Social Sciences1,T COMS 4033 COMS 4103 COMS 3053 3 3 3 3 MATH 4003 3 4 Physical Activity1,T 16 Total Hours Spring 3 Management Elective4 COMS 4043 COMS 4403 3 Technical Elective2 3 3 3 Elective 3000-4000 level 3 1 16 Total Hours 15 ENGL 10131,T 3 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall 3 ENGL 2053T 3 SPH 2173T ENGL 10231,T COMS 2104T 4 COMS 2203T 3 COMS 2213T 3 COMS 4203 COMS 1403T 3 COMS 2703T 3 COMS 2223T 3 Fine Arts1,T 3 1 COMS 2700 T 0 COMS 2003 T 3 COMS 3213 3 4 ELEG 2134T 4 MATH 2914 4 MATH 2924T 4 ELEG 2130T 0 Freshman Spring COMS 1411 T Biological Science1,T Total Hours Junior Spring COMS 3703 COMS 4163 COMS 4703 COMS 4700 Social Sciences1,T COMS 2903T 15 Total Hours 3 3 3 0 Social SciencesT COMS 4033 COMS 4103 MATH 4003 3 16 Total Hours Senior Spring 3 Management Elective4 3 COMS 4043 3 COMS 4403 3 Technical Elective2 6 Science Sequence I3,T 4 Fall 16 Total Hours 3 3 16 3 3 3 3 Fall COMS 3053 Elective 3000-4000 level Social Sciences1,T MATH 3153 3 3 3 3 Science Sequence II3,T 4 Humanities1,T 3 3/29/2010 Department of Computer and Information Science Page 2 of 3 Curriculum in Computer Science Physical Activity1,T Total Hours 1 16 Total Hours Physical Activity1,T 16 Total Hours 16 Total Hours 1 16 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". Technical electives must be taken from upper-level courses in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Math, or Astronomy. May be satisfied by any 1-year science sequence that requires a lab in each course, excluding biological science courses. 4 This management elective is to be selected from COMS 4053, COMS 4063, or MGMT course approved jointly by the Department of Management and Marketing and the Department of Computer and Information Science. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 2 3 Curriculum in Information Systems ENGL 10131,T 3 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Spring Fall Spring 3 ENGL 2053T 3 BUAD 2053T ENGL 10231,T COMS 1403T 3 COMS 2104T 4 COMS 2203T 3 COMS 2213T 3 COMS 1411T 1 COMS 2003T 3 COMS 2703T 3 COMS 2853T 3 MATH 2243T 3 Science with Lab1,T 4 COMS 2700T 0 ACCT 2013T 3 Social Sciences1,T 6 ECON 2003T 3 ACCT 2003T 3 ECON 2013T 3 Physical Activity1,T 1 Physical Activity1,T 1 Freshman Fall Total Hours Junior Fall 16 Total Hours SPH 2173T COMS 4203 3 3 COMS 3903 3 Science with Lab COMS 4703 COMS 3513 3 COMS 4700 Social Sciences1,T 3 COMS 2903T 17 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 Humanities1,T Spring MGMT 3003 1,T COMS 3503 MKT 3043 15 Total Hours Total Hours 3 3 16 Total Hours 16 Spring 3 Fine Arts1,T 3 COMS 4043 COMS 4053 4 3 COMS 4033 COMS 4133 3 3 0 COMS 4303 3 COMS Elective2 3 3 3 3 COMS 3053 3 16 Total Hours 3 Elective 3000-4000 level 3 15 Total Hours 15 ENGL 10131 3 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall 3 COMS 2003T 3 BUAD 2053T ENGL 10231,T COMS 2104T 4 COMS 2203T 3 COMS 2213T 3 ACCT 2013T 3 COMS 1403T 3 COMS 2703T 3 COMS 2853T 3 COMS 3903T 3 COMS 1411T 1 COMS 2700T 0 ACCT 2003T 3 ENGL 2053T 3 MATH 2243T 3 ECON 2003T 3 ECON 2013T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 COMS 2903T 3 Physical Activity1,T 1 Freshman Spring Physical Activity1,T 17 Total Hours Social Sciences1,T 3 Fall MGMT 3003 1 16 Total Hours Senior Spring 3 COMS 4043 SPH 2173T 3 COMS 4033 3 COMS 3503 3 3 Science with Lab1,T COMS 4133 4 COMS 4203 3 COMS 4703 COMS 4700 Total Hours 3 COMS 3513 0 15 Total Hours 3 Humanities1,T Total Hours Junior Spring 15 Total Hours 3 16 3 Fall COMS 4303 3 4 COMS 3053 3 MKT 3043 3 3 3 COMS Elective2 COMS 4053 3 Elective 3000-4000 level Science with Lab1,T 16 Total Hours 3 3 Fine Arts1,T 16 Total Hours 15 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". 2 1000-level courses may not be used to satisfy this requirement. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. Curriculum in Information Technology Freshman Fall Spring COMS 1403T Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Fall Semester Sophomore Fall Spring 3 COMS 1333T T 1 COMS 2104 T MATH 2243T 3 Social Sciences2,T ENGL 10132,T COMS 1411 3 COMS 2203T 3 COMS 2003T 3 4 COMS 2333 T 3 COMS 2713T 3 Science with Lab2,T 4 COMS 2703T 3 COMS 2733T 3 6 ECON 2003T 3 COMS 2700T 0 BUAD 2053T 3 3 ENGL 10232,T 3 ENGL 2053T 3 ElectiveT 3 COMS 2903T 3 Physical Activity2,T 1 3/29/2010 Department of Computer and Information Science Page 3 of 3 Curriculum in Information Technology Total Hours Junior Fall COMS 3903 COMS 4203 COMS 4313 16 Total Hours Spring 3 3 3 3 SPH 2173T Humanities 3,T 3 COMS (3000-4000)1 Elective COMS 3523 COMS 4703 COMS 4700 Science with Lab 2,T Elective (3000-4000 level)1 15 Total Hours Total Hours 17 Total Hours Senior Fall 3 COMS (3000-4000)1 Elective 3 COMS 4033 3 COMS 4213 0 COMS 4713 15 Total Hours 4 0 COMS 4710 3 Social Sciences2,T 16 Total Hours 16 Spring COMS 3053 COMS 4043 COMS 4063 3 3 3 3 Elective (3000-4000)1,2 3 3 3 3 Physical Activity2,T 1 3 Fine Arts2,T 15 Total Hours 3 16 COMS 1403T 3 Degree Completion Plan Beginning in Spring Semester Sophomore Fall Spring Fall 3 COMS 1333T 3 COMS 2333T COMS 2003T COMS 1411T 1 COMS 2104T 4 COMS 2203T 3 COMS 2903T 3 MATH 2243T 3 COMS 2703T 3 COMS 2713T 3 ENGL 2053T 3 Social Sciences2,T 3 COMS 2700T 0 COMS 2733T 3 BUAD 2053T 3 Science with Lab2,T 4 Social Sciences2,T 3 SPH 2173T 3 Science with Lab2,T 4 ENGL 10132,T Total Hours Junior Spring COMS 3523 3 ENGL 10232,T 17 Total Hours 3 Fall COMS 3903 3 16 Total Hours Senior Spring 3 COMS (3000-4000)1 Elective COMS 4063 COMS 4703 3 3 COMS 4033 COMS 4203 3 3 Freshman Spring 15 Total Hours 3 16 Fall COMS 3053 COMS 4043 3 3 COMS (3000-4000)1 Elective COMS 4213 COMS 4313 3 3 3 3 COMS 4700 0 COMS 4713 3 Elective (3000-4000)1 3 Humanities2,T 3 ECON 2003T 3 COMS 4710 0 Fine Arts2,T 3 Elective (3000-4000)1 3 ElectiveT 3 Social Sciences2,T 3 Physical ActivityT 1 Total Hours Physical Activity2,T 15 Total Hours 1 16 Total Hours 15 Total Hours 16 1 One elective must be in the area of networking. 2 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology The Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology program enables students to develop skills in the areas of web processing, databases, networking, programming, and various operating systems. These skills enable students to seek positions within the information technology industry. Curriculum in Information Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree Freshman Fall Spring Suggested Sequence of Courses Sophomore Fall 3 COMS 2203T COMS 1403T 3 COMS 1333T COMS 1411T 1 COMS 2104T 4 COMS 2003T 3 COMS 2233T MATH 11132,T 3 3 ENGL 10131,T Social Sciences Total Hours 1,T Spring 3 SPH 2173T 3 COMS 2703T 3 COMS Elective 3,T 9 3 COMS 2700T 0 General ElectiveT 3 ENGL 10231,T 3 COMS Elective3,T 3 Social Sciences1,T 3 Total Hours 15 PHSC 1013T 3 3 PHSC 1021T 1 16 ENGL 2053T Total Hours 3 16 Total Hours 16 1 See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements". 2 The mathematics requirement may be fulfilled by taking MATH 1113 or any higher level mathematics course. 3 1000-level courses may not be used to satisfy this requirement. T Designates a block of courses that would provide for a seamless transfer into this program if equivalent courses are taken at another college or university. 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