Database Mining CSCI 4390/6390 Lecture 3: Linear Algebra, Convex Problems Wei Liu

Database Mining
CSCI 4390/6390
Lecture 3: Linear Algebra, Convex Problems
Wei Liu
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Sep 5, 2014
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I hope that you have nice mathematical and programming
skills, particularly linear algebra, calculus, probability, statistics,
and algorithms.
Linear algebra
Vector & matrix
Linear independence & rank
Linear space and subspace
Linear systems
Eigenvalue & eigenvector
Convex problems
Convex function and convex set
Local and global optima
Convex quadratic forms
Least squares
Linear Algebra
Vector & matrix
Linear independence & rank
Linear space and subspace
Linear systems
Eigenvalue & eigenvector
attribute, dimension, feature
or total dimensions
A vector represents a specific data object.
row vector
column vector
A matrix represents a set of data objects.
A tensor is a multi-order array, e.g.,
a cube is a three-order array.
Tensor decomposition =
matrix X matrix X matrix
outer product
Matrix Operations
For size compatible matrices, generally
For size compatible matrices, the followings hold:
For a square matrix A, if AB=BA=I, then
For invertible matrices A and B
Matrix Operations
If a square matrix A has standard orthogonal column or row vectors,
then A is an orthogonal matrix.
For any orthogonal matrix A, we have
A square matrix A is symmetric if and only if
The Frobenius norm of any matrix A is
Linear Algebra
Vector & matrix
Linear independence & rank
Linear space and subspace
Linear systems
Eigenvalue & eigenvector
Linear Dependence vs. Linear Independence
For a set of vectors
if there exist not all zeros coefficients
such that
are linearly dependent;
if there only exist all zeros coefficients
such that
are linearly independent.
Linear Dependence vs. Linear Independence
linearly dependent
linearly independent
Rank of Matrices
Rank(A) = the largest number of linearly independent column vectors
= the largest number of linearly independent row vectors
Rank(A) <= min(m,n)
Rank(A) = n implies column full-rank;
Rank(A) = m implies row full-rank.
Linear Algebra
Vector & matrix
Linear independence & rank
Linear space and subspace
Linear systems
Eigenvalue & eigenvector
Linear Space
A linear space F is a set of vectors, which satisfies:
1) 0 (possibly virtual) is in F ;
2) for any two vectors a and b in F, a+b is in F ;
3) for any vector c in F,
is in F for any constant
If any vector a in a linear space F can be represented as
a linear combination of linearly independent vectors
, such vectors are called a basis of F.
An orthonormal basis satisfies
d is the dimensionality of the linear space F.
Inner-Product Space
An inner-product operator < , > defined over F satisfies:
1) for any two vectors a and b in F, <a,b> = <b,a> ;
2) for any two vectors a and b in F, and any constant
3) for any three vectors a, b, and c in F,
4) for any vector a in F,
The vector’s length (L2 norm)
5) <a,a>=0 if and only if a=0.
A linear space with a defined inner-product is an inner-product space.
Linear Subspace
A linear subspace S is a subset of the linear space F, which satisfies:
1) 0 (possibly virtual) is in S ;
2) for any two vectors a and b in S , a+b is in S ;
3) for any vector c in S,
is in S for any constant .
For example, any line or plane passing through the origin is a
subspace in
Any set of vectors in a linear space F can
span a subspace S:
The dimensionality of S is
Linear Algebra
Vector & matrix
Linear independence & rank
Linear space and subspace
Linear systems
Eigenvalue & eigenvector
Equally-Constrained Linear System
Solve Ax = b, where constant vector
, and variable vector
When m=n, if Rank(A) = n, then the linear system
has a unique solution
Over-Constrained Linear System
Solve Ax = b, where constant vector
, and variable vector
When m>n, if Rank(A) = n, then the linear system
has a solution if and only if
. The
solution is also unique
Under-Constrained Linear System
Solve Ax = b, where constant vector
, and variable vector
When m<n, if Rank(A) = m, then the linear system
has numerous solutions whatever b is.
Linear Algebra
Vector & matrix
Linear independence & rank
Linear space and subspace
Linear systems
Eigenvalue & eigenvector
Eigenvalue and Eigenvector
For a square matrix A , if
holds, then
is an
eigenvalue of A, and x is an eigenvector of A.
We usually hope to obtain real eigenvalues, and use
normalized eigenvectors, i.e.,
All eigenvalues can be solved from the equation
Any symmetric matrix has all real eigenvalues.
In Matlab, [V,E] = eig(A) (full eigenvalues/eigenvectors) or
[V,E] = eigs(A,r) (top-r eigenvalues/eigenvectors).
Eigenvalue and Eigenvector
If a symmetric matrix A is invertible, then A must have
no zero eigenvalue.
The full eigen-decomposition of a symmetric matrix A is
includes normalized eigenvectors,
A matrix A is positive definite if and only if
A matrix A is positive semidefinite (note that A may be singular)
if and only if
Convex Problems
Convex function and convex set = convex problem
Local and global optima => any local opt is a global opt
Convex quadratic forms => simplest convex problem
Least squares => regularized least squares has unique opt