Suggested semester-by-semester schedules PSU Physics major option requirements

Suggested semester-by-semester schedules
PSU Physics major option requirements
2013 program year (effective Fall 2013)
• General
• Medical
o Medical physics track
o Medical school track
• Electronics
• Computational
• Materials Science/Nanotechnology
o Materials track
o Nanotechnology track
Description of ‘Program List’ courses which can and can’t be used as electives is
included, along with allowed 4xx level MATH and programming coursework
Last updated, 6/6/2013
Suggested semester-by-semester schedule
for Physics/General major/option:
PHYS 212 (4)
PHYS 211 (4)
MATH 141 (4)
MATH 140 (4)
CHEM 110 (3)
CHEM 112 (3)
CHEM 111 (1)
CHEM 113 (1)
ENGL 015/030 (3) or AHS elective (3) AHS elective (3) or ENGL 015/030 (3)
Physics FYS (1)
16 credits
15 credits
PHYS 213 and PHYS 214 (2/2)
PHYS 237 (3)
MATH 230 (4)
MATH 251 (4)
Programming (3) or MATH 220 (2)
MATH 220 (2) or programming (3)
AHS elective (3)
AHS elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
CAS 100 (3)
15.5/14.5 credits
15/16 credits
PHYS 400 (4)
PHYS 410 (4)
PHYS 419 (3)
PHYS 420 (3)
MATH 4xx (3)
MATH 4xx (3)
GN elective (3)
PHYS 444 (2)
AHS elective (3)
AHS Elective (3)
16 credits
15 credits
PHYS 4xx (3)
PHYS 4xx (3)
PHYS 458 (4) or PHYS 457W (3)
PHYS 457W (3) or PHYS 402 (4)
AHS elective (3)
Elective (3)
ENGL 202C (3)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
16/15 credits
13.5/14.5 credits
Bold indicates courses for which ‘C or better’ grades are required for graduation.
AHS elective stands for either GA, GH, or GS (General Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences)
Elective stands for any of 9 credits of ‘program list’ electives.
MATH 4xx (3) can be taken from the following list: MATH 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 421, 422, 425, 430, 431, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 455, 456, 484, or 486.
Programming means CMPSC 101, 121, 200, 201, or 202.
Total credits: 122 listed here: Includes FYS course (1 cr) if starting at the UP campus.
Suggested semester-by-semester schedule for Physics/Medical major/option:
PHYS 211 (4)
MATH 140 (4)
CHEM 110 (3)
CHEM 111 (1)
ENGL 015/020 (3) or AHS elective (3)
Physics FYS (1)*
16 credits
PHYS 213 and PHYS 214 (2/2)
MATH 230 (4)
BIOL 110 (4) [1] or BIOL 141 (3) [2,a]
AHS elective (3)
PHYS 212 (4)
MATH 141 (4)
CHEM 112 (3)
CHEM 113 (1)
AHS elective (3) or ENGL 015/030 (3)
15 credits
PHYS 237 (3)
MATH 251 (4)
BIOL 240W (4) [1] or BIOE 201 (3) [2,b]
AHS elective (3)
CAS 100 (3)
15/14 credits
17/16 credits
PHYS 400 (4)
PHYS 419 (3)
MATH 4xx (3) or Programming (3)
Programming (3) or MATH 4xx (3)
MATH 220 (2)
PHYS 444 (2)
CHEM 210 (3) [1] or BIOE elective (3) [2]* CHEM 212 (3) [1] or BIOE elective (3) [2]
AHS Elective (3)
AHS Elective (3)
15 credits
14 credits
PHYS 410 (4)
PHYS 420 (3)
CHEM 213 (2) [1] or BIOE elective (3) [2]
PHYS 457W (3)
ENGL 202C (3)
Elective (3)
AHS elective (3)
Elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
Elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
13.5/14.5 credits
16.5 credits
Bold indicates courses for which ‘C or better’ grades are required for graduation.
AHS elective stands for either GA, GH, or GS (General Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences)
Elective stands for any of 9 credits of ‘program list’ electives.
MATH 4xx (3) can be taken from the following list: MATH 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 421, 422, 425, 430, 431, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 455, 456, 484, or 486.
Programming means CMPSC 101, 121, 200, 201, or 202.
The two tracks within the option (‘medical school’ and ‘medical physics/bioengineering’) are
designed by [1] and [2].
The * indicates that BIOE 301 is preferred since it’s a prerequisite for many other 3xx and 4xx
level BIOE courses.
(a) Note that BIOL 141 or BIOL 472 (3) can be used for this requirement
(b) Note that BIOE 201 (3) or BIOL 230W(4) or BMB 251 (3) can be used for this requirement
Total credits: 121-122 listed here: Includes FYS course (1 cr) if starting at the UP campus.
Suggested semester-by-semester schedule for Physics/Electronics major/option:
PHYS 211 (4)
PHYS 212 (4)
MATH 140 (4)
MATH 141 (4)
CHEM 110 (3)
CHEM 112 (3)
CHEM 111 (1)
CHEM 113 (1)
ENGL 015/020 (3) or AHS elective (3) AHS elective (3) or ENGL 015/030 (3)
Physics FYS (1)
16 credits
15 credits
PHYS 213/214 (2/2)
PHYS 237 (3)
MATH 230 (4)
MATH 251 (4)
Programming (3) or MATH 220 (2)
MATH 220 (2) or Programming (3)
EE 210 (4)
EE 3xx or CMPEN 270 (4)
AHS elective (3)
15/14 credits
16/17 credits
PHYS 400 (4)
PHYS 419 (3)
EE 3xx or CMPEN 270 (4)
PHYS 444 (2)
MATH 4xx (3)
EE 3xx/4xx (3)
AHS elective (3)
GN Elective (3)
CAS 100 (3)
AHS elective (3)
17 credits
14 credits
PHYS 410 (4)
PHYS 420 (3)
EE 3xx/4xx (3)
PHYS 457W (3)
ENGL 202C (3)
AHS elective (3)
AHS Elective (3)
Elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
Elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
14.5 credits
16.5 credits
Bold indicates courses for which ‘C or better’ grades are required for graduation.
AHS elective stands for either GA, GH, or GS (General Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences)
Elective stands for any of 6 credits of ‘program list’ electives.
MATH 4xx (3) can be taken from the following list: MATH 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 421, 422, 425, 430, 431, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 455, 456, 484, or 486.
Programming means CMPSC 101, 121, 200, 201, or 202.
The options for the line reading EE 3xx (3) or CMPEN 270 (4) are EE 310 (4) or EE 350 (4)
The options for the lines reading EE 3xx/4xx are any EE courses for which the students have the
Total credits: 124 listed here: Includes FYS course (1 cr) if starting at the UP campus.
Suggested semester-by-semester schedule
for Physics/Computational major/option
PHYS 211 (4)
PHYS 212 (4)
MATH 140 (4)
MATH 141 (4)
CHEM 110 (3)
CHEM 112 (3)
CHEM 111 (1)
CHEM 113 (1)
ENGL 015/020 (3) or AHS elective (3) AHS elective (3) or ENGL 015/030 (3)
Physics FYS (1)
16 credits
15 credits
PHYS 213 and PHYS 214 (2/2)
PHYS 237 (3)
MATH 230 (4)
MATH 251 (4)
CMPSC 121 (3)
CMPSC 122 (3)
AHS elective (3)
MATH 220 (2)
GHA elective (1.5)
AHS elective (3)
15.5 credits
15 credits
PHYS 400 (4)
PHYS 410 (4)
PHYS 419 (3) or MATH 4xx (3)
MATH 4xx (3) or PHYS 419 (3)
MATH 455 (3)
MATH 456 (3)
CAS 100 (3)
PHYS 444 (2)
AHS elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
16 credits
13.5 credits
PHYS 420 (3)
PHYS 457W (3)
MATH 4xx/STAT 4xx/CMPSC 3xx/4xx (3) MATH 4xx/STAT 4xx/CMPSC 3xx/4xx
AHS elective (3)
GN elective (3)
AHS elective (3)
Elective (3)
ENGL 202C (3)
Elective (3)
15 credits
15 credits
Bold indicates courses for which ‘C or better’ grades are required for graduation.
AHS elective stands for either GA, GH, or GS (General Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences)
Elective stands for any of 6 credits of ‘program list’ electives.
MATH 4xx (3) can be taken from the following list: MATH 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 421, 422, 425, 430, 431, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 455, 456, 484, or 486.
Programming means CMPSC 101, 121, 200, 201, or 202.
STAT 4xx/CMPSC 3xx/4xx includes any 4xx level STAT or 3xx/4xx level CMPSC course for which
the student as the prerequisites
Total credits: 121 listed here: Includes FYS course (1 cr) if starting at the UP campus.
Suggested semester-by-semester schedule for
Physics/Materials-Nanotechnology major/option: Nanotechnology track
PHYS 211 (4)
PHYS 212 (4)
MATH 140 (4)
MATH 141 (4)
CHEM 110 (3)
CHEM 112 (3)
CHEM 111 (1)
CHEM 113 (1)
ENGL 015/020 (3) or AHS elective (3) AHS elective (3) or ENGL 015/030 (3)
Physics FYS (1)
16 credits
15 credits
PHYS 213/214 (2/2)
PHYS 237 (3)
MATH 230 (4)
MATH 251 (4)
Programming (3) or MATH 220 (2)
MATH 220 (2) or Programming (3)
AHS elective (3)
CAS 100 (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
AHS elective (3)
15.5/14.5 credits
15/16 credits
PHYS 400 (4)
PHYS 410 (4)
PHYS 419 (3) or MATH 4xx (3)
MATH 4xx (3) or PHYS 419 (3)
E SC 312 (3)
PHYS 444 (2)
GN elective (3)
E SC 313 (3)
AHS elective (3)
AHS Elective (3)
16 credits
15 credits
PHYS 420 (3)
PHYS 457W (3)
PHYS 412 (3)
E SC 4xx (3)
E SC 4xx (3)
Elective (3)
ENGL 202C (3)
Elective (3)
AHS elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
15 credits
13.5 credits
Bold indicates courses for which ‘C or better’ grades are required for graduation.
AHS elective stands for either GA, GH, or GS (General Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences)
Elective stands for any of 6 credits of ‘program list’ electives.
MATH 4xx (3) can be taken from the following list: MATH 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 421, 422, 425, 430, 431, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 455, 456, 484, or 486.
Programming means CMPSC 101, 121, 200, 201, or 202.
E SC 4xx = E SC 419, 481, 482, 483, 484 or other courses are allowed for nanotechnology minor.
Total credits: 121 listed here: Includes FYS course (1 cr) if starting at the UP campus.
Suggested semester-by-semester schedule for
Physics/Materials-Nanotechnology major/option:
Materials track
PHYS 212 (4)
PHYS 211 (4)
MATH 141 (4)
MATH 140 (4)
CHEM 112 (3)
CHEM 110 (3)
CHEM 113 (1)
CHEM 111 (1)
ENGL 015/020 (3) or AHS elective (3) AHS elective (3) or ENGL 015/030 (3)
Physics FYS (1)*
16 credits
15 credits
PHYS 213 and PHYS 214 (2/2)
PHYS 237 (3)
MATH 230 (4)
MATH 251 (4)
Programming (3) or MATH 220 (2)
MATH 220 (2) or Programming (3)
MATSE 201 (3)
CAS 100 (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
AHS elective (3)
15.5/14.5 credits
15/16 credits
PHYS 400 (4)
PHYS 410 (4)
PHYS 419 (3) or MATH 4xx (3)
MATH 4xx (3) or PHYS 419 (3)
MATSE 430 (3)
PHYS 444 (2)
MATSE 460 (1)
MATSE 436 (3) or MATSE 402 (3)
AHS Elective (3)
AHS Elective (3)
GHA elective (1.5)
15.5 credits
15 credits
PHYS 412 (3)
PHYS 457W (3)
MATSE 4xx (3) or PHYS 420 (3)
PHYS 420 (3) or MATSE 4xx (3)
ENGL 202C (3)
AHS Elective (3)
AHS Elective (3)
Elective (3)
GN Elective (3)
Elective (3)
15 credits
15 credits
Bold indicates courses for which ‘C or better’ grades are required for graduation.
AHS elective stands for either GA, GH, or GS (General Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences)
Elective stands for any of 6 credits of ‘program list’ electives.
MATH 4xx (3) can be taken from the following list: MATH 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416,
417, 418, 421, 422, 425, 430, 431, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 455, 456, 484, or 486.
Programming means CMPSC 101, 121, 200, 201, or 202.
Total credits: 122 listed: Includes FYS course (1 cr) if starting at the UP campus.
Physics Department ‘Program List’: Students in the General and Medical Physics (Electronics,
Computational, and Nanotechnology/Materials) options may select 9 (6) elective credits from the
Departmental Program list. Students may select such supporting courses from nearly the entire range of
PSU course offerings with the exception of the following courses which may NOT be used under
‘program list electives’.
ASTRO 001-199
BBH 001-299
CAS 004
CSD 100, 101
CHEM 001, 002, 006, 011
ENGL 004, 005
KINES 001-140
MATH 001-200
PHYS 001, 150, 151, 250, 251
All engineering courses labeled ‘Technology’, including AE T, BE T, CE T, CMPET, EE T, EMET, EG T, ET, IE
T, MFET, MAT T, ME T, MCH T, and SE&T courses, are NOT allowed.
Note that many courses in physics (beyond those already required in a specific option) are included in
this list, as are credits for CO-OP experiences (SC 295, 395 or 495) – this includes PHYS 496 (Independent
Study or Research). For all options, a maximum of 6 credits of SC 295, 395, and 495 or PHYS 496 are
allowed under program list electives. A maximum of six (6) credits in ROTC courses (ARMY, AIR, NAVSC,
etc.) are also allowed in all options, as per Penn State rules.
Note also that one additional 4xx level MATH course is all that is required to obtain a Math minor in the
General option, while only two more are needed in the other options. Additional 4xx level MATH
courses can be used as `Program List’ electives. Note also that ALL courses used for ANY MINOR must be
‘C or better’.