CENTRE DUFFERIN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OVERVIEW FOR CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION STUDENTS COURSE: Navigating the Workplace 2 CREDIT CO-OP: GLN 402C (2 Credits) 4 CREDIT CO-OP: GLN 404 (1 Credit) GLN 40C (2 Credits) CHV 201 (1 Credit) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Navigating the Workplace: Grade 12 Open Prerequisite: None Course Fee: $30.00 (due before placement begins) **Please make cheques payable to CDDHS CO-OP** This course provides students with opportunities to develop the workplace essential skills and work habits required for success in all types of workplaces. Students will explore occupations and careers of interest through participation in real workplace experiences. They will make plans for continued learning and work, work with others to design learning experiences, and investigate the resources and support required to make a smooth transition to their post-secondary destinations. OVERALL EXPECTATIONS: By the end of this course, students will: Demonstrate an understanding of the workplace essential skills necessary for success in life, school and work. Plan for, assess, and document their ongoing development of selected workplace essential skills. Identify and describe their interests, skills, personal characteristics, and achievements using a variety of assessment strategies, and use this information to determine future goals. Demonstrate an understanding of the effective use of the personal management skills, traits and characteristics that would contribute to success in their selected postsecondary destinations and independent adult life. Describe the elements of effective interpersonal relations and teamwork that contribute to success in post-secondary education and training, work, and community activities. Demonstrate the ability to use effective interpersonal and teamwork skills in a communitybased learning activity. Identify ways in which they can make a contribution to their communities and ways in which the community can assist them. Use print, electronic, and human resources effectively to find and make use of relevant information about work and learning opportunities. Demonstrate and in-depth knowledge of selected fields of work and selected occupations. Demonstrate and in-depth knowledge of selected post-secondary education and training options, scholarships, and financial assistance opportunities. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: GLN 4O2 AND GLN 4O4 GLN 4OC Knowledge & Understanding Thinking & Inquiry Applications & Making Connections Communication 25% 25% 25% 25% Knowledge & Understanding Thinking & Inquiry Applications & Making Connections Communication 20% 20% 30% 30% COURSE GRADE WEIGHTING Term Work 70% - summative tasks, assignments and tests, or employer evaluation Culminating Activity 30% - Co-op presentation/portfolio, Display Board SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF CREDITS Students must complete course summative assignments. Summative assignments are linked to a number of curriculum expectations. An incomplete summative assignment will result in a student not achieving the credit as the student will not be able to demonstrate those curriculum expectations. A student may be removed from their placement in order to complete in-school assignments. A student must successfully complete their “in-school” credit to pass their out of school credit component. Required Placement Hours: 2 Credit Co-op – 165 hours 4 Credit Co-op – 400 hours COMPULSORY SUMMATIVE ASSIGNMENTS 1. Essential Skills Portfolio Collection 2. Career Display Board Assignment 3. Student-led Conference