David's Blog David from Albany, Oregon - (September 22, 2006)

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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (September 22, 2006)
Connect Week for me was a great experience and opportunity to meet people as
well as get a feel for the campus before the rest of the student population came
back for school. It was comparable to the day where only freshmen are in the
high school at the beginning of each year and they are able to go to each class
and figure out where they're supposed to be and when. It is almost exactly the same situation except that we
are living here and it counts as something more because we have to completely reconstruct our daily routine
and how we do things in our everyday lives.
It was a time to connect with friends that I had met during the summer as well as really get to enjoy a few
days of freedom, (and free food) before class and the stresses that follow began. The time spent searching for
classes was beneficial in more than just finding my way around campus; it was also a great time to get to
reflect on the time of my life I am entering into.
9/21/2009 12:31 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (October 6, 2006)
By the end of the third week here, I am starting to get into a routine. I don't take
my schedule everywhere with me anymore and I don't necessarily need a map,
only if I have to find a place other than where my classes are. It was encouraging
getting my first assignment score back from my Microbiology class; it gave me a
little incentive for how I need to work because I was able to see that my work actually paid off for something.
Classes that were discouraging or hard to deal with the first week are becoming more enjoyable and I am
starting to see the objective of the classes that I might not have liked as much the first week.
Teachers that seemed intimidating or otherwise discouraging seem more human and I am really enjoying
getting to see different teaching styles. I also am starting to find a direction in which I want to go into for my
future. Finding a passion and a place to grow in that passion has been extremely encouraging and makes life
seem to have more meaning, not as confusing for sure. The second week of classes ended well, and the
relationships that are developing in my residence hall after three weeks of living with each other are fun to
watch grow.
9/21/2009 12:31 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (October 13, 2006)
I guess I'm starting to get a little stressed out about my first mid-terms in college. I
have three next week, one of which is a take-home, that one isn't too much of a
worry, the other two are a little frightening just because I don't know what to
expect. I am getting excited for winter, as the weather changes it makes me more
and more excited for the cold and the snow that comes along with it in the mountains for snowboarding
(homework permitting). I'm finding it really great that I am still constantly meeting new people, people that I
have classes with and people that I have friends in common with. It seems that everyone just keeps getting
busier and busier, like everything is kind of starting to pile up, especially friends who rushed sororities or
fraternities. I don't feel like I have let it get too bad on my end, I just am hoping I keep it that way!
9/21/2009 12:32 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (October 20, 2006) - Part I
This last week was an interesting one considering I got to experience my first
mid-terms. I did better than "average" on both and was happy with my scores, I
definitely learned what I need to study next time and how I need to study
differently. I have been able to go home the last couple of weekends, even if it's
only for a night or to do some laundry, but I was spoiled this last weekend as my mom was willing to do my
laundry for me, it was nice not to have to worry about it.
In my sociology class we are starting a new book and I'm looking forward to a bit of a change of pace. It is
nice knowing I have another 3 weeks before anymore "big" tests. I have been continuing my search for a
place to attend church and attended Northwest Hills and Grace Christian Fellowship this weekend. The
college group "Real Life" has been an encouraging place to go on Tuesday nights as well. I'm just waiting to
see what comes next, so far things have been great.
9/21/2009 12:32 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (October 20, 2006) - Part II
This last week was a pretty good week. Things are going about the same as they
have been and nothing extremely hard as come to mind. I took my first mid-terms
and did alright on them. The grades were both about the same, and I definitely
could have done better, so I’m excited to see the changes I can make in my
studying habits for next time. I’ve been getting to see family quite a bit lately and it has been good to be close
enough to do that. My friendships are becoming more solidified and I’m starting to see who I enjoy being
around the most. I wasn’t able to go to Church this weekend because I was at a mini family reunion but it was
fun getting to see my family. I’m enjoying the weather a lot, kind of rainy and kind of sunny at times, you can
really see it is becoming fall.
9/21/2009 12:33 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (October 27, 2006)
This week was a lot better because of mid-terms being pretty much over. I got a
take-home mid-term on Thursday and am excited to see how that goes. I also got
tickets for the OSU vs. USC game and am really excited to see how everything
plays out. We got good seats, probably because we got up so early, we weren’t as
hardcore as some of the kids that camped out all night.
This week presented me with some challenges, some dealing with friends and some dealing with personal
stress issues, I’ve been finding good ways, however, to really relieve stress and not let it bunch up inside of
me. Assignments are starting to get more concentrated in quantity and I am not enjoying the amount of time
spent on homework, sometimes I think it would be nice if I could just live here and not have to learn, oh well.
9/21/2009 12:33 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (November 3, 2006)
Declaring a major is a little nerve-racking and I got to experience that this week. I
declared a History major and also had a couple of advising meetings, trying to get
some classes squared away. It’s stressful thinking about the classes that I will be
taking for the next 4 years. I start wondering if I’m limiting myself to one specific
thing. I wish that I could do everything, but that would take too much time and money.
There are so many different pathways that I want to take, but I can’t do everything in 4 years. Sometimes, I
guess, I wish that I could be decisive and less open to so many different opportunities. It is just so hard to
choose one thing when my heart wants to go all these different ways. I started thinking more and more about
what I had just decided to do, and knowing that it isn’t permanent is a relief, but it made me think a lot. I had
a horrible gut feeling when I did it and it made me real nervous.
I’ve been evaluating what I’m going to do, and I feel like it would be okay to not declare for a while and get
some bacc. core done before I really decide what I want to do. I’m excited to figure out what my future will
be, but it’s all so blurry right now.
9/21/2009 12:34 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (November 10, 2006)
This whole experience of college is becoming more and more challenging, in
more aspects than just academics. I’m finding that my experiences with friends,
classes, and group activities are becoming difficult, at times, to juggle. Classes
aren’t necessarily hard, it all amounts to the degree of work I put into them
outside of the classroom. I am learning different study techniques and am finding that college-life is a lot
about finding a balance between the life I lead in-class and outside of class.
I’m learning what it means to “study” because it was a lot different in my past experiences, but I’m finding
that the study tactics I am using are becoming more habitual, which is encouraging, especially the good study
tactics that I am learning to use. I’m really looking forward to a break in the first term, especially knowing
that it’s going to be to eat for a whole weekend. Thanksgiving is going to be great!
9/21/2009 12:34 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (November 17, 2006)
I can feel the quarter winding down, things are starting to slow down, labs and
homework assignments are becoming less intense and are starting to be more
geared towards final exams. I am looking forward to changing my schedule after
only 10 weeks; it’s a nice change from high school where we only got to change
things up once a year.
I am finding that my sleep schedule isn’t working well for me; I need more sleep than I am getting, but I am
always up talking to someone or doing something random. I wake up tired and wanting more sleep, it would
be nice if I could teach myself to go to bed sooner! I am really anticipating Thanksgiving, it’s going to be
awesome to get to see my whole family after a few weeks of being away from most of them, the food is some
incentive too, I guess.
9/21/2009 12:35 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (November 27, 2006)
Having such a short week made going to class kind of nice, knowing that we only
had three days of class. I was done at one o'clock on Wednesday, so that was a
blessing knowing that I was done for a few days. I got to go home for
Thanksgiving, seeing as how I only live 20 minutes away, and it was great to get
to see my family and also enjoy Thanksgiving with a good family friend.
The only downside to this weekend was knowing that coming back on Monday meant studying and gearing up
for finals. I have tests in four or five of my classes, but none of the tests are cumulative, which is really nice.
I'm looking forward to a change of pace for the winter months, can't wait to go snowboarding!
9/21/2009 12:35 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (January 12, 2007)
The first week back at school was a good one. Nothing too exciting happened over break, except getting to
watch the Beavers in El Paso. I was really looking forward to being back at school and getting to see
everyone I didn’t get to see over break. It was nice to have a week to kind of get settled in, especially
knowing that it was just the first week of a new term and that I didn’t really have too much responsibility
except for going to class to get information for the term.
No real homework was given, except for a few mini assignments that didn’t take a whole lot of effort. I bet
next week things will start to get harder, but otherwise, I feel as though I made it through the first term
unscathed, so this term shouldn’t be too bad. I’m looking into becoming an RA for next year, but can’t decide
if that’s really what I want to be doing next year, I guess I’ll just have to see how it goes.
9/21/2009 12:22 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (January 19, 2007)
The second week back at school has been nice, different from the first week I had a little more homework and
didn’t get to do as much free time activity as hoped. It is still fun getting to see people I hadn’t seen over the
break and it is even better getting to change up my routine with exercising and everything.
My class schedule is nice, and is good in the sense that it tapers off as the week goes on. I enjoyed having an
extra day off at the beginning of the week, made things easier for getting back into the swing of things. We’ll
see how things go for the next few weeks with mid-terms already starting in a couple of weeks.
9/21/2009 12:23 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (January 26, 2007)
This week has been kind of stressful, for whatever reason, I haven’t been sleeping very well lately so classes
have been hard to stay awake in. Otherwise, I gave my current event in GEO 105 today and got that out of
the way, classes are starting to pick up in the amount of work we have to do, it’s not so much strenuous as
time consuming, but I’m getting used to the work load.
Looking forward to a weekend of sleeping in, it will be nice to get some good rest. Mid-terms start next week
for me, so I guess I’ll be studying a little bit this weekend as well as getting to do some of the more enjoyable
things on my list of priorities.
9/21/2009 12:24 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (February 2, 2007)
This last week was a little strenuous with a mid-term on Tuesday following my first speech in Comm 114. I
was the first out of our recitation to give my speech, it was a little nerve-racking, especially since I don't think
I did very well. I did alright on my mid-term, which was in Geography of the Non-Western World.
On Friday a friend flew in from Kentucky, we plan on having an action packed weekend. For some reason I
am not enjoying my classes as much this term as I did last term, it's not so much that they're really hard, just
not all that exciting I guess, mainly bacc-core classes that I have to get out of the way. I guess a good way to
look at it is that I'm fulfilling some of the less exciting requirements and getting them done early on. I'm
looking forward, oddly enough, to my Art 101 mid-term in a week and a half, I kind of want to know how
well I'm doing or even if I get the material. We'll see if that changes over the course of the next week!
9/21/2009 12:25 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (February 9, 2007)
Only one midterm this week, in Wood Science Engineering, I don’t think I did too badly on it, but I guess I’ll
have to just wait and see. I don’t feel like I did a whole lot of homework this week, it seemed like a lot of
classes gave us a break since we have midterms coming up in a lot of them. I am a little discouraged at the
classes I’m taking, none of them are really lighting a fire inside me or making me want to make a decision as
to where I’m going to focus my studies for the next few years.
I hope to start to find some direction within the next few months, hopefully by the end of this year, but I
guess it’s something I shouldn’t rush into deciding. I’m starting to get excited for spring with this nice
weather we’ve been having, but I know I shouldn’t rush into looking forward to it because it’s so far off.
Three midterms this week, Comm, HHS, and Art, hopefully I’m prepared!
9/21/2009 12:26 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (February 16, 2007)
I had three mid-terms this week, one in Health and Human Sciences (HHS), Comm, and Art. I did alright on
each of them, I'm just happy that their over. I'm looking forward to this weekend, after mid-terms are done,
also hoping to get up to George Fox to visit some of my friends from high school and from a summer program.
It seems like spring is coming sooner than expected, flowers are coming up and every once in a while the sun
breaks through the clouds. I have one mid-term next week, in Geo, and then after that I have a couple of
weeks to prepare for finals without the burdens of tests. It seems like I have had 5 weeks of mid-terms, feels
never-ending. Can't wait until this term is over and I can start fresh classes next term.
9/21/2009 12:26 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (March 2, 2007)
This week was a little stressful, I found out that I have a group deliberation on next Tuesday, and am a little
nervous knowing that my group is going to meet only once before we present. I don't even know if there is
enough of a topic to be argued, but I guess we'll find out. Other than that, classes are starting to draw to a
close, things aren't as hectic and we're beginning to prepare for finals.
I've been thinking about my living situation next year and can't decide what to do; hopefully I'll come to some
sort of realization as to what I want to do. For now I'll be worrying about classes, however, where I'll live next
year is not as important as passing my classes, things seem to be harder this term.
9/21/2009 12:26 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (March 9, 2007)
Well, the group deliberation went well, it was really encouraging to find out that all of the group members
really pulled their weight. I hadn't worked on a group project before and I really liked getting to know some
people in my class a little more. I am starting to mentally prepare myself for finals, I took a mid-term on
Friday of this week for my Wood Science class and found out that if I do well enough on it, I won’t have to
take the final, I was really excited about that. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend after a slightly
stressful week. The baseball team had its home opener on Thursday and we won, also won on Friday and I
can't wait to watch the game on Saturday.
9/21/2009 12:27 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (March 16, 2007)
I never thought I would be so happy to see all my classes be over this term. It
wasn't that I was necessarily challenged with most of my classes, just frustrated
with the teaching staff and them putting their political views into the class time. It
was nice seeing these classes go and I'm looking forward to next week and having
a real finals schedule.
Last term I only had one final during finals week and this term I have five, so it will be interesting to see how
I survive. I found out that since I took a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade in Art 101, I only have to get a 38
percent on the final to get a passing grade. I am really looking forward to next term, I registered on Sunday
and am so excited to get into a different set of classes!
9/21/2009 12:27 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (April 6, 2007)
So far it’s been an interesting start to a new term. I have changed my schedule
around a total of three times since registration at the end of last term and I think it
is fine where it is now. I am taking Animal Sciences 121, Writing 121, Sociology
360, Physics 106, and Badminton 1. With fifteen credits, this term should be
relatively easy, which is a good thing with all of this good weather coming our way.
Even the rain isn’t as cold as it was a month ago, not near as miserable. I’m looking forward to a lot of outside
activities with friends and people from the dorm. There have been a few people move out since the end of last
term and some shuffling of people from other floors in the hall coming to live next door, we should have a lot
of fun.
9/21/2009 12:28 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (April 13, 2007)
I started counting the days left in the term and realized how little time is left in
the year. It is amazing to me that I have almost made it through my first year of
college, and have survived pretty well. One of the worst parts of realizing how
much time is left in the year is how little time I have left with the people in my
hall. Over the year, we have all become really close, almost like a family and it’s going to be weird not living
with them after being with them for so long. I am enjoying my classes and class schedule, except for the fact
that three days out of the week I start class at eight in the morning, of course that’s my fault, so I shouldn’t
complain. The weather keeps getting nicer and I am looking forward to longer days and fun outside with
9/21/2009 12:28 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (April 20, 2007)
This week was an interesting one. I feel like I have been tired all week, not
getting enough sleep obviously for the eight o’clock classes that I have. There
hasn’t been much going on at Weatherford it seems like. It has been really quiet
all week. The people in our hall that are involved with Sing are always gone
practicing and it seems like everyone has different class schedules so I don’t see people a lot. My roommate,
two friends and I are entered in a Halo 2 tournament next weekend that’s being put on by one of our RA’s, so
we have been “practicing” our skills a lot lately. This weekend I’m going to Maupin, OR for a thing called
Crux. It’s a weekend of outdoor activities and team-building through the campus group Campus Crusade for
Christ, it should be a lot of fun. Hopefully I’m not too tired for mid-terms next week though!
9/21/2009 12:28 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (April 27, 2007)
This week was a little surprising. I had two mid-terms this week, one in Animal
Sciences 121, and one in Sociology 360. Both were a little shocking in the results
I received, definitely due to a lack of studying on my part. With so many
mid-terms going on right now, there aren’t many people hanging around in our
hall, everyone’s coming or going, studying here or there, or actually taking tests. With so much going on, it’s
hard to keep up with how everyone is doing and what is going on with everyone. I am looking forward to this
weekend though. I get to go crabbing with my family and have a weekend away from the chaos that this week
has presented. I have a couple of papers due next week and a mid-term in the middle of the week, but I
probably won’t get much homework done this weekend.
9/21/2009 12:29 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (May 4, 2007)
This week went surprisingly well, especially after my Physics mid-term was over.
In writing and in physics I had a lot of work to focus on this week. A couple of
papers were due in writing and a mid-term on Wednesday in physics, which went
alright. IFC Sing was on Friday and made for a good show, but the best part is
that we will regain a few friends in our hall because they have been gone so much in practicing and preparing
for their performance.
Everyone is starting to realize how much time we have left together, it’s been interesting seeing where
everyone’s going to live next year and also subconsciously evaluating who we think we’ll see next year.
Since the majority of people in our hall are first year students, we are all excited to say that we have a whole
year of college under our belts.
9/21/2009 12:29 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (May 11, 2007)
This term has gone way too fast. I'm realizing that we only have a few weeks left
and don't know if I'm ready to be done yet. I know that I'm ready to be done with
classes, but I don't think I'm ready to be done with friends and activities.
Everyone is waiting for warm weather, since it's May and we haven't really seen a
good long stretch of good weather. I'm looking forward to this weekend, celebrating Mother's Day and my
brother-in-law's birthday. There are a lot of birthdays this month, especially in our hall, I'm excited to
celebrate with everyone during this month.
9/21/2009 12:30 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (May 18, 2007)
This week held a few birthday parties and a lot of hanging out with friends. I went
hiking today in Peavy Arboretum with my cousin. I decided to live with my
cousin next year, hopefully in a house somewhere near campus. I've started
studying for my Animal Sciences mid-term and hopefully will pull off a better
grade than last time. I also have a Sociology mid-term and am not looking forward to that. The tests in that
class are so difficult for a topic that is very simple to understand. Our professor hasn't ever given tests in a
class before, so we are an experiment for him, all to the detriment of our grades. I went to Pure Choice this
week as well and really enjoyed the presentation of the information they had for us, it was really interesting.
All my mid-terms are done with now, all I have to look forward to is finals.
9/21/2009 12:30 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (May 25, 2007)
This week was pretty nice with a minimal amount of homework and the fact that
I started playing softball and realized how fun that is going to be this summer.
This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I am going with my family to Miller
Lake. We plan to camp and fish and will hopefully catch something. It would be
nice if the weather would be sunny and warm, but you never know when you get into Central Oregon what it
is going to be like. I'm looking forward to a weekend with my family and without my cell phone. A lot of
people are leaving the dorm this weekend, hopefully those who stay behind won't be too bored.
9/21/2009 12:31 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (June 1, 2007)
This week was nice because it was only 4 days long. After Memorial Day,
everyone in the dorm was happy to be back, and excited that we had such a short
week ahead of us. My roommate stayed here over the weekend and said that it
was the quietest it has ever been because no one was here.
The nice weather is making it hard to want to stay inside and do homework, so I spend a lot of time outside
being active with friends while we still have time together. We are all planning get-togethers next year and
over the summer. There are only two people re-contracting in our hall, so we all decided we’d come back and
visit them to have a pizza party next year. I am looking forward to this summer, even though I’m working and
taking classes.
9/21/2009 12:31 PM
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David's Blog
David from Albany, Oregon - (June 1, 2007)
This week was nice because it was only 4 days long. After Memorial Day, everyone in the dorm was happy to
be back, and excited that we had such a short week ahead of us. My roommate stayed here over the weekend
and said that it was the quietest it has ever been because no one was here.
The nice weather is making it hard to want to stay inside and do homework, so I spend a lot of time outside
being active with friends while we still have time together. We are all planning get-togethers next year and
over the summer. There are only two people re-contracting in our hall, so we all decided we’d come back and
visit them to have a pizza party next year. I am looking forward to this summer, even though I’m working and
taking classes.
Blog Archives
David - 05.25.07
David - 05.18.07
David - 05.11.07
David - 05.04.07
David - 04.27.07
David - 04.20.07
David - 04.13.07
David - 04.06.07
David - 03.16.07
David - 03.09.07
David - 03.02.07
David - 02.16.07
David - 02.09.07
David - 02.02.07
David - 01.26.07
David - 01.19.07
David - 01.12.07
David - 11.27.06
David - 11.17.06
David - 11.10.06
David - 11.03.06
David - 10.27.06
David - 10.20.06 - Part II
David - 10.20.06 - Part I
David - 10.13.06
David - 10.06.06
David - 09.22.06
9/21/2009 12:21 PM